Ace’s Triumphant return (2024)








MagnusX Zero/GamefreakForeverX

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[Ace’s Triumphant return!]

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Thedoors open into a dim space that looks a lot smaller on the outside. The placelooked like a squat shack from outside, yet inside it was a lush if somewhatoppressive environment. The floor was gray tile with splotches of black hereand there that looked like something had been spilled. The smell of food andliquor filled the air emanating from the short order grills and bar area to theleft.

To the right was the sound of static (and distant laughing?) from a brokenlooking TV. On the far end of the place that shouldn't be there is an arenacomplete with torches and racks of weapons to the side.

On the right side if the place is a door with a caution sign, as well asnumerous bio-hazard sigils. The sound of snarling and chains could be heardbelow in the cellar. And the least said about the bathroom the better.

What was it about a bar in the wastelands filled with fiends, monsters, andlawyers that made people so afraid?

Then it seemingly appears. A picture on the wall behind the bar. On the rightis a white individual with purple splotches on his reptile looking skin. To theleft of him is a short looking man with a blue body suit and spiky black hair.Beside him is a serious looking young man with pale violet hair and a blackjacket. Standing at his shoulder height were two other creatures. A red onewith dreadlocks and a martial artist gi with green fierce looking eyes. To hisright is a brown furred spiked creature smiling with dull eyes, apparentlydrunk. Others are spread all around the pic, from humans on down to water basedmonsters. Each one with a beer can or an achoholic drink in their hands. Belowthe picture is a plaque reading:

The Saiyan Protection Agency
In the Saiya-jin's Club Bar & Grill
Opening Day

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Suddenlythe doors fly open. A swishing sound is heard and the TV instantly comesonline. The intruder turns around to see the red one from the picture fillingup a glass of beer from the tap and admiring it. The intruder slowly backsaway, completely afraid of what he might do if startled.

Ace looks at the nervous individual and smirks. "Wassup? What'll ya have,MAN!!!?"

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Thatwas so beautiful.

(A invisible hand presses the 'Karnevil 9' button on the jukebox. Frieza burststhrough the front door.)

Welcome back my friends to the bar that never ends
We're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside.

Step inside! Have a cigar! We've a most amazing bar
It’s the best around by far
Step inside! Step inside!

We've got drafts and ales, people hanging up on nails
Better watch your little tails
Come inside! Come inside!
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the bar!

Over by the door, stacks of bodies crowd the floor
Please our bill do not ignore
Don’t ignore, don’t ignore.

And if you follow me then you will not have to flee
Trunks, who’s on a shooting spree
Jubilee, jubilee!
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the bar!

Next upon the bill in our room of vaudeville
We've a stripper in a till
What a thrill! What a thrill!

Not content by far, with a seven-string guitar
Ace will blow up Myanmar
What a star! What a star!

There behind the glass is a saiya-jin, lower class.
Please abuse him as you pass
More along, move along.

Come inside and have a frosty one
Guaranteed to blow you to the sun

Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
The greatest bar in Heaven, Hell, or Earth!

You've got to see the bar, drinks from lands afar
You've got to see the bar, steal Vegeta’s car, oh

Right before your eyes see the liquor from the skies
And he drinks until he flies, then he dies, then he dies

Come inside and pour yourself a glass
Guaranteed to stone you off your ass
You've got to see the bar, drinks from lands afar
You've got to see the bar, steal Vegeta’s car, oh

Soon behind the screen Sub the master of obscene
Will perform a guillotine, what a scene, what a scene
Next your eyes engage our young Nemo on the stage
Try to dodge our drunken rage, in a cage, in a cage.

Roll up, roll up, roll up
See the bar

Performing on a stool Solar forms a molten pool
As he guzzles rocket fuel, keep it cool, keep it cool

We would like it to be known all the drinks that have been shown
Are exclusively our own, all our own, all our own

Come and see the bar, come and see the bar
Come and see the bar

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(Kicksa chair to spin it around, and has a seat.)

Nemo: Yep, well, I'm bored.

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(MagnusX Zero) YOU STOLE MY 500th POST, YOU WHORES!!!


With that, I vow to get the 500th post on this bar, and I'd like a beer.

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Nemo:Ahem! (Points to self) Whore. Not Whores.

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What'sdone is done, Magnus. So I say good day...

Magnus: But Ace--

I said Good DAY, MAN!!!

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(MagnusX Zero) Where's my beer?


Magnus: GIVE ME MY ****ING BEER!! *throttles Ace*

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Ace:(rasping) Alright...(gagging) Alright... chill. Here!

(Hands Magnus the beer)

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I'vebeen messing around on lately and been thinking about starting anSPA there as a guild. I live for the fight anyway, so here is where we canfocus on the beer and there I can focus on the money. I mean jeez, their karmais their money. I walked around in my undies for two hours before I figured outhow to buy stuff.

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Aninteresting looking place, but I don't think I'll get involved. I don't havetime to keep up with something like that. As for starting a guild, I doubt anyof our members are gonna join in (maybe Nemo), but if you wanna use our name, Iguess that's alright. Just try to make sure your members uphold our highstardard of character. The name SPA carries great dignity.

(Vegeta stumbles by with no pants and a smoldering cigar sticking out of hishair.)


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(UltamiteX) *looks at the picture on the wall and then looks at the two fighting figuresunder a table*
...So this is what mom meant when she said not to go down the alleys.
*watches as a man in his underwear walks past* a mug of grog please.

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(Hands X his grog)

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*shedsa tear*

Nothing makes me happier than seeing this place live on.sorry iv been goneafter barly returning the last. just my luck that my parents would decide tocancel my internet service right after i get the p.c. fixed.

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(MagnusX Zero) Finally, beer. *chugs*

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(UltamiteX) *sips grog*
hmm.. interesting place. When was the first bar?

*tosses a dollar on the bar table*
tip for the service

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::walksinto the bar, ordering the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster and sitting at his oldtable as if he never left::

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(MagnusX Zero) The first bar huh? Hmm...

I'm guessing 1-2 years ago. Leaning more to one.

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no,it was 2 years....I remember I missed last years santa-hostage situation andwas in the one before that.... and the tradition came from the Bar &Grill....

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TheS.P.A. was formed in July of 2001, and the bar came just a month or two beforethat. Not a day has gone by since that the SASB has lacked a Saiya-jin's Club.

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(MagnusX Zero) Aye, and it will be so for as long as we exist.


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thatsright.I still remember the night I made the 1st one. it reached 500 in only afew hours and we ended opening a second the same night. At the time I didn'tthink it would be a big hit,but then we ended up crushing the other bars. Andnow were the only ones left.

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Peoplestarted legions or armies back then, claiming boards and such. I remember thewhole Amy Empire thing. Now look, we're the last clan that stayed active on theboard.

SPA will never die!

(Just don't say we're better than Jesus or something or we'll end up like theBeatles.)

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It'sso good to see us all here for the holidays. It's been such a quite few monthswith Ace and Trunks having computer problems and Sub off an extended leave.

Yes, I remember the early days. Shortly after the bar, Trunks formed theSaiya-jin Empire. After a few adventures of hunting, blowing up the WB, androbbing a mall, we evolved into the S.P.A.

And here we shall stay until GameFAQs goes bankrupt or discards this board.

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IndeedFrieza ::chugs his drink::

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(MagnusX Zero) Yup it sure is good to see everyone here again.

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(UltamiteX) *holds up empty mug*
what is wrong with this picture?

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(PoursAce Drink and MKA formula into X's mug.)

Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Good Valentines Day. And last but not least a,Happy Easter. Cause that's how long you'll be visiting Happydale Heights whenya swig this.

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(UltamiteX) *takes a sip*
WHOA...The Colors...
*smoke starts emanating from ears*
*sets off a fire alarm*

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(MagnusX Zero) Damn, we got another victim here. *gives Ultamite a vial*

Drink up son, this stuff will cool you down. Wait till you get to the strongerstuff of Ace's. :)

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::walksup to the bar:: Ace, you've got any hot wings back there? Maybe some sulfuricacid, some guatemalan insanity peppers, and a bit of motor oil?

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(UltamiteX) *Grabs the vile and forces Magnus to drink the contents*

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Frieza:Sub always keeps some acid around, there's insanity peppers in the Ace Drink,and I've siphened some oil from Epyon. Here you go.

(Hands Solar his stuff)

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::takeshis hotwings, dousing them in sulfuric acid and motor oil. After that, he lays thepeppers inbetween the wings. He grins, lighting his contraption on fire::

Behold.... the mighty Ragin' Cajin' Solar Wings ::smirks:: Guaranteed to melt ahole right through your stomach... literally ::eats one::

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(MagnusX Zero) *drinks contents of vial* That's good stuff. You should have takensome. Oh well.

Pizza, beer, and hot wings like Solar's. Good to see you again too Solar.

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(OrdersGT-Trunks to serve Magus)

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::continueseating his wings, and drops one. The wing eats through the floor, then makes ahole in the basement floor::


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watchingGT-trunks explode brings back good memories.
*drinks a beer*

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(UltamiteX) *continues drinking while watching the hot wing burn its way to china*

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(MagnusX Zero) Excellent, all the regulars are here. I'm going to see The Lord ofthe Rings: The Return of the King tommorow. It's gonna be wicked.

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Nice....I never got into the whole Lord of the Rings series ::shrug::

....anyone want a hot wing? ::grin::

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Inever got it either.BTW, I just got a PS2 network adaptor and was wondering ifany of you guys play online games? I'm currently waiting for FF XI to come out.i just wish CC Corp. would make an online .hack// game.

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Isn'tFFXI out already? Or is that just for PC?

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Isaw the first two movies and read RotK. It looked good from the extra wordyenglish writing style Tolkien uses. Kinda like reading an olde Bible on somelevel. The movies are good. The book was lacking for an action freak like mewho likes suspense, but not the extra helping of symbolism. But eh, What do Iknow? (an appeal for LotR dudes to leave my opinion be.)

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Istill don't have a PS2.

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(MagnusX Zero) I was going to buy the Network Adapter but meh. I've been an LOTR fan forthe longest time. Then I'm also a Star Wars geek too. *shrugs*

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Mybrother and I are buying a PS2 after Christmas. Our mom has this weird rule ofnot letting us get new consoles for the holiday, but we're allowed to purchaseone afterward. Meh.

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Hey,on some level Star Wars is better than Star Trek. More realistic in my opinion.Aliens do NOT always look or act human.

And as for the PS2, guys. It's cool and just a bit overated. But it'sbetterthan the kid oriendted Gamecube and the small library of games that Xboxhas. Halo's cool, but I like a system with more variety. Give me a GBA anydayover any of those two systems.

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Ireally wouldn't say the GC is a Kid-oriented console, but I would say it's morelike a party system.... a lot of the games are hella fun with other people(FF:CC, Mario Party 4 & 5, Mario Kart: DD!, bound to be others) but lackgood single player games. The opposite would be said for the PS2 imo... it hasmore single player games than group/party games

....but that's just me

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Zelda:The Windwaker... Mario Sunshine... Metroid Prime... There's enough content inthose 1P games to keep you busy for months on end. Each.

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Yeh...Eternal Darkness was pretty good too... but they are just kinda pushed aside bysuch games like Smash Bros. Melee and Mario Kart. ::shrugs, eats another wing::

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True,true. But I'm an RPG man. I like my FF and Star Ocean stuff, so that's why Imade my preference. Smash Bros. and battle race games like Kart are a favoriteof mine. I'm just holding out on Nintendo until they actually make a GC'Zelda:OoT' class version of Pokemon.

I know I sound kinda sad, but I stick by my principles. I like the game and themanga, but hate the anime. However, don't waste your money on the GBA games,old timers who like the old batch of monsters will be disappointed.

Better to play Monster Rancher than that thing, trust me.

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(MagnusX Zero) Pokemon has pretty good stuff.

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Thenew ones would be cool... if I could have imported my Enforcer Team from Red& Silver Versions.

(Note: All of Crimson's pokemon from my Cross stories are embellished versionsof members of my Enforcer Team.)

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(MagnusX Zero) I didn't get Ruby/Sapphire, because I'm waiting for the remakes to comeout. :)

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Ithink my favorite class of games is most likely RPG's.
Like. Currently im waiting for the final vol of .hack,Star Ocean III, And FFIXBut I also really enjoy Mecha games like Zone of the Enders(2nd runner is myfavorite game of all time,hence this SN) and the armored core series.

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Ifanyone's ever played Megaman Battle Network, they'll know about virus busting.And they'll probably ask how people's computers became so screwed up to have somany roving viruses and rogue programs. I just figured out trying to find somemp3s. I just learned why the net is a savage place. Some site almost forced meinto downloading two dozen robot ad programs that hid themselves all over mybrand new computer. So I decided to hunt them down and destroy them one by onewith Search and every one of my anti virus programs. It took me the better partof an hour to do it!

I finally got rid of the mother of them all, a friggin adult screensaverprogram that tried to reroute my browser to it's homesite. Jeez, I'm this (--)close to wiping the whole drive out and starting over after all of that crap.

I'll never mock Battle Network again after that episode.

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(MagnusX Zero) Yes the Internet is scary...

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Threedays till Christmas eve...

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and3 days until my Christmas Break -.- ::continues studying for Finals::

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(MagnusX Zero) Few more days till I leave for a church retreat.

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I'mmakin' all you guys presents for Christmas! Well, at least those of you withsprites (hm...), and I'm happy to say I'm very pleased with the way Frieza's isturning out to look. I have Trunks's done, workin on Frieza's, I'll have tocome up with an idea for Ace and Sub...

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(MagnusX Zero) I used to have a sprite of me... But I lost them, and the guy who madethem has been gone for quite a while.

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Iused to have sprites.... they're somewhere... too lazy to get them though

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Solar!Completely forgot about you. o.o; I'll see if they're anywhere on the SPA site,and I'll conjour somethin' up.

Hey Ace, gots me a question for ya's. Is it Ace that uses the Redstreak sword,or Spades? If it is Ace, do you have a sprite of it?

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Itbelongs to Spades, but Ace one used it against me, saying he stole it fromSpades. There is no sprite. All of Solar's sprites (and, infact, all of theS.P.A. members' sprites) are on the site.

Look forward to seeing them.

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(MagnusX Zero) *sigh* I want my sprites again... The only reason I stopped making mycomics actually...

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Thanksfor the info Friez, found Solar's sprites, and I guess I'll have to usesomething else as Ace's weapon. How's a light saber sound, Ace? If you don't wantme to use that, gimme somethin' else.

-Christmas gift checklist-
Frieza: X
Solar: X
Trunks: X

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(MagnusX Zero) Beer please.

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BEAEAERPLZ!1!: the super-n00b way of asking for it

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(MagnusX Zero) I WANTS MY BEER!!

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Wellguys, I'm probably leaving sometime tommorow. Just like to say Merry Christmasand have a Happy New Year. Take it easy guys.

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MerryChristmas all.

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merrychristmas to all...even though im two days late.

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Frieza:(shrugs) Better late than never.

(Kills Goten)

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(Walksin hammered)

Merry... fourth of July!

(Passes out)

I woulda posted these on the big day, but I got a new computer. And have beenbusy with that. Even though I COULD have potentially done it... I just didn'tfeel like it. Call of Duty and all...

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Toobad they don't look as good as the original .PSP files...Eh, what can ya do?

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Save'em as jpg. That's what I do whenever I use effects that don't come out well ingifs.

Really nice, BTW. You've gotten great with those effects.

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::pointsto what Frieza said:: Ditto. Very nice job there

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(MagnusX Zero) Well I'm back. The retreat was fantastic. If I don't get on later,Happy New Years.

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Yeah.Problem is they're still on my Mom's computer at the other end of the house andI'm feeling too lazy to go down there now.

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(Marth2007) *The rusty old dooropens and duist flies in and standing in the doorway is a silouette of afamiliar yet changed friend.*

Hose the old blood off the walls Subby's back!

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(Walksdrunkenly with a beer, trips, and spills it all over Sub)

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Excellent!Looks like the gang's all here. Well, except for Trunks. He's not around toomuch. But anyway, it's great to see all of us around for new years, the mostimportant holiday for us as drunks. Now drink Marth boy.

(Throws Champagine bottle at Sub's head)

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*chugsit then breaks bottle over Nemo's drunken, swolen, and already bleeding fromevery oraface, head.*

I would've been Roy2007 but few would know who.

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(MagnusX Zero) Well, now the holidays are over, I only have one more thing to lookto...


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schoolwhere the smart are punished and the stupid are popular. Bless stupidity.

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(Throwsthings at stuff in a place)

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IndeedSub ::downs his drink::

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(MagnusX Zero) And the glut of posts has slowed down...

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i'mstill around,I'm just playing chrono chross and xenosaga takes up alot of time.

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(MagnusX Zero) *yawn*

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(Espio2012) ......ya know, these types of places used to be alot funner, what withthe explosions and killing and stuff.

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(Gunshots and meat slashing sounds are heard as a Mask-esque tornado fliesacross the bar, smiting everyone in it's wake. It slows down and finally slumpsdown on the bar, grumbling angrily.)

Frieza: (gets up off the flooor woozily) Hey, Ace. 'Ugh' Bad week.

Ace: Squared, man.

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SorryI'll post more when I beat this blasted game how I want it to be beaten....Blast you Fire Emblem! Quit being addictive!

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Uhoh. My bro got addicted to Fire Emblem. After spending almost a month on it, heended up writing his own translation of the game (still is). We had tointerviene, and were eventually forced to commit him. Break free Sub! Run whileyou still can!


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howis fire embleme? I've been meaning to try that.

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Ifyou're into strategy, it's the best there is. Problem is that they're all inJapanese and some of them don't have translations yet.

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(TheHardcore Kid) *lays dow
some money* Guiness and Ribs. Pronto.

*walks up to Jukebox and plays "The Boys are Back in Town"*

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(MagnusX Zero) School tommorow. Dammit, give me beer. Lot of beer.

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(HandsHardcore a Guiness and throws some ribs on the grill)

(Presses button under counter. Magnus drops into a pool of beer)

Frieza: That enough for ya? We'll charge you based on how much more you weighwhen you come out.

Trunks: Hey! When did we install a beer pool?

Frieza: We didn't. All the beer we spill just leaks through the floor andcollects in the basement. We should really install some drains down there. Orat least some kind of filter that seperates the beer from the blood an urine.

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::boughtthe US Fire Emblem for GBA::'s very... strategic... plot ain't that great ::shrug:: I like it though

::chugs drink::

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(MagnusX Zero) *drains pool* Here's your payment. *drops 10 bags of gold*

*hiccup* I'm going to bed.

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(TheHardcore Kid) *installs the Bar TV and switches on Mitsurugi v Nightmare onSC2's Battle theatre*

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(MagnusX Zero) *wakes up* I HATE SCHOOL GAHHHH!! *runs around bar and smasheseverything*

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(Espio2012) Who wants my sprite?

*everyone boos*

Ah, thats it....I hate you!

*runs out of bar laughing*

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(MagnusX Zero) Well school started, and now I must face it. It won't be so bad...

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School'sgone rather smoothly. Give me a beer.

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(firerocket1)A cute blonde waitress walks towards Mangus, with a kind of dull look in hersilver eyes. She hands Mangus his beer and says "If ya want another,holler...." Her words, duitiful and politely said, still lacked fullemotion and motivation. Max was yet to be a happy camper.

With that she turned around, to go back to the drink mixing area.

Okay, I know this aint TRUE RP scene, but I like RPing, whenever I feel assuch. Sorry it took forever >_>.

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(MagnusX Zero) I'm not Mangus. Damn you firerocket! BTW, where've you been?

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YoNemo I've drawn the Redstreak sword a hundred million times in comics I'vemade, but never scanned it. So I decided to make one as a prop. If you want itI can e-mail it to you or put it up on my site later.


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Putit up on your site, I still have to get my email running on the new computer.

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Trunks:I miss the good old days*opens up a beer and punches goku*

Vegeta: Well who doesn't enjoy giving kakarot a good beating.

Goku: I don't.

Vegeta: quiet you*hits goku*

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Frieza:Ah, Goku. The one that just won't die.

Goku: But I do die. People just keep bringing me-

(Smashes bottle on Goku's head)

Frieza: Nobody cares.

Goku: My life hurts...

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(MagnusX Zero) What happened to Trunks cleaning the ever dirty bathrooms?

*hears weeping from restrooms*

Ah, there he is.

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(firerocket1)Well, I BEEN lazy. Sorry bout that. =D. Anyway, whaddya want me to call ya?

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(MagnusX Zero) Who are you talking to?

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Frieza:Hey guys, Bulma's coming!

Vegeta: Aw man.

(Vegeta hides. Frieza steals the beer he was drinking)

Frieza: Heh heh. Sucker.

Vegeta: (peaks up) Grr. That wasn't funny.

Trunks: (at door) Wait guys, she really it coming!

(Vegeta hides. Trunks steals his wallet and runs)

Vegeta: (standing up) Damnit, knock it off!

Frieza: Well if you weren't so afraid of your wife, we would.

Vegeta: I am not afraid! The prince of all Saiya-jins fears nothing!

Bulma: Vegeta!

(Vegeta screams so loud that space folds and he is transported to a randomlocation)

Frieza: ...well...didn't see that one coming.

Goku: My ears are bleeding.

(Explodes Goku)

Frieza: There. Now they match the rest of you.

Goku: I bleed more than I eat.

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Imade the same mistake at first:

It's Magnus. Not Mangus.

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You can get it at

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(MagnusX Zero) Blah.

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Whyhello there emptiness, how are you today?

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Emptiness:Feeling a little, you know, empty.

Bored? Read my new comic!

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(MagnusX Zero) You people need to post more.

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Iwould post more but my parents are getting more strict now whene it comes towhen i can be online.

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Awman. What's with that?

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...jeez.True. They should be drug out into the street and shot.

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(MagnusX Zero) Blah blah.

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Frieza:We need to be here. I mean, someone has to keep GT Trunks from escaping.

(Notices GT Trunks crawling to door. GT Trunks falls into Sub's torture room)

Vegeta: Boy, you get out of that pit right now and finish scrubbing thosetoilets!

GT Trunks: I did! I've been finished for months!

Vegeta: I'll be the judge of that.

(Looks in bathroom. Toilets have been scrubbed so much that they've been sandedaway to nothing)

Vegeta: Those toilets are coming out of your allowance! Now get up here and mopthe floor while I go buy new ones.

GT Trunks: Can't...feel...legs...AH! Now I can! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

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Iguess it's because of my grades.but lucky for me they don't know about the DC.

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Man,so long as you're not starin' at adult stuff every time and clogging up thephone line (if you've only got one like myself) I'd think its cool. But, that'smy opinion. Just safeguard the secret of your DC very closely.

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(MagnusX Zero) You guys are dead. Honestly.

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Oh,you say that every bar.

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Wow.I was looking back and it turns out Nemo is actually the one who coined thename 'Ace Drink'. In fact, the drink might never have been revived if itweren't for him.

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(MagnusX Zero) Well you are. Now give me beer.

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Frieza:You know, I'm running out of comical ways to serve you.


Frieza: Oh, very well.

(Gives Magnus a Duff in a completly uninteresting fashion)

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(MagnusX Zero) Alright! *chug*

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Yup.I remember that. 'Cept Ace was in all caps originally.

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(UltamiteX) *Summons uncountable numbers of beer cans* Ahem...FREE BEER!

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(MagnusX Zero) Free beer does not exist... does it?

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Frieza:Not for you it doesn't!

(Implodes free beer)

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It'sfinished!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! My computer is repaired and My comic is done! Acevs Caleb round 1, MAN!!!

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(MagnusX Zero) *sigh* I should get back to working on my site...

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No. 151, MEW!!!

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Frieza:And the award for random insanity goes to...

(Award explodes)

Frieza: The mysterious force inhabiting the basement. Congratulations.

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(MagnusX Zero) Congrats mysterious force! Here's to you! *chug*

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I'mon my way to finally writing the end of Hazard ya'll, marking the first timeI've ever FINISHED a fanfic. I suppose I shouldn't write such epics, huh? Imean, the story is at 81 pages already.

I summarized the rest of the freakin' series one at a time (since Hazard's thethird part...SA3? maybe.) and each one was two pages in length with eachchapter summarized into a flippin' paragraph with size 10 font. If I finishedHazard by next week (God willing AGAIN!), who knows, I could have the rest doneby 2010. Seriously, it took me two or so years to finish this. And that wasafter I was done with SA2.

BTW this message was written two weeks ago.

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(MagnusX Zero) ^Laziness at its finest.

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Wayto go Ace! I look forward to it. And I hear ya about that finishing thing. I'vebeen working on a fic since November and I haven't even finished the firstchapter yet (up to 16 pages though).

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(MagnusX Zero) I wish I had the free time like that. *sigh*

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Actually,I have no days off.

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I'mgonna make some one shot stuff before I get started on the first Cross story(which is being mini sized to five or so chapters, which is long enough withthe way I do things). It'll be nice to do some Starcraft for once.

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youguys are lucky,I can't even right a simple essay for class.

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Ican write explicit parody songs and sing them in my spare time. I can writedown an entire history of occurances that have happened here like they wereparts in The Odessey, yet I can't read a book and write an essay and not cramto do it. Lazyness personified, here. You're not alone, man.

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"Iwill take my revenge... On a road that never ends... til' I catch youunprepared for my attack..."

"When I take my revenge, the one thing you can depend upon is I will bethe b*** who pays you back!"

"Do you remember the day you lost me? Burned a bridge on a Sunday drive.Shoulda looked both ways but ya crossed me."

"Somebody's getting even. Somebody made it back alive, to say... I willtake my revenge! On a road that never ends... til' I catch you unprepared formy attack... When I take my revenge, the one thing you can depend upon is Iwill be the b**** who pays you back!"

"I remember the day I lost you. Took a turn on a hairpin curve. Never knewwhat the pain would cost you."

We get the fate that we deserve..."

"And it's a cold, cold dish to serve... AND I'M ALREADY FROZEN!"

"I will take my revenge! On a road that never ends... til' I catch youunprepared for my attack... "

"When I take my revenge, the one thing you can depend upon is I will bethe b****... I will be the b****... I will be the b**** who pays youback!"

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PS- Real song by Philly band, Ike.

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(MagnusX Zero) Beeeeer...

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Thefloorboards under Magnus explode in a pillar of beer. When it disappears, he'sleft soaking wet and smeeling of rank Duff.

"Enough?" Ace asks.

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*walksinto the bar smelling the duff*

Trunks: To alchohol, the cause of and solution to all of lifes problems.

Vegeta: such as marrige.

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(MagnusX Zero) ...The beer's all gone. I'm washing up. *leaves for showers*

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Frieza:Here, here! (toasts and drinks own weight booze)

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(Walksup to Vegeta, sitting at table)

Frieza: Vegeta, man stopped by to inform us that he's suing the bar. Somethingabout the fumes from Sub's torture room causing brain damage.

Vegeta: So?

Frieza: We made him into a drink. Would you care for some?

Vegeta: Nah, I've had enough.

(Bar gasps)

Frieza: Did you just turn down something with alcohol in it?

Vegeta: Maybe I'm just not thirsty right now!

Frieza: It's your wife again isn't it?

Vegeta: ...yeah. (hangs head)

Frieza: (sits) What is it this time?

Vegeta: She said that I have to come home with a blood alcohol level of under92% once a month or she'll cut our funding.

Frieza: (swear in another language)! What's her problem with us anyway? We'regood people!

(Looks at drink)

Frieza: we're not...well, we haven't done anything to HER. What doesshe have against us?

Vegeta: Well, we kinda killed her cat.

Frieza: That's all?

Vegeta: Pretty much. If you replace the word 'kinda' with 'repeatedly' and theword 'cat' with 'son'.

Frieza: Oh right, the kid. Couldn't you just send him home or something?

Vegeta: And lose my toilet scrubber? Hell no!

(Tosses empty bottle at bathroom door)

Vegeta: Why don't I hear scrubbing?!

(Scrubbing and groaning come sounds from bathroom)

Vegeta: Ah. Hearing little Trunks suffer makes it all worth it.

Frieza: Amen.

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Ifthere's anything I've learned from videogames, it's that World War II was aHELL of a lot of fun.

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(MagnusX Zero) ^That's a pretty messed up comment.

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It's meant to be funny people. A joke. I'm not actually serious. Jeez. That'sthe problem with people today. Can't take a joke. If I were serious, yes, thatwould be a pretty messed up comment.

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EvenI know that's a joke. Like this philosohpy from Tommy Vercetti:

Murdering and using people in the name of profit is all good... so long as youget away from the cops.

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(MagnusX Zero) I know it's a joke. I just don't think its funny.

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Peoplelooked at me like I was crazy at the library today, but I don't really careanymore. I was already happy that they'd actually upgrades all of theircomputers, but then I went and checked out Friez's newset comics...Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! MAN!!!

That was the sound of the echo that almost got me thrown out. Seriously. Therewere cops there, man. I showed them what my reason for laughing so hard and waspromptly left alone.

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Heh.Thanks for the vote of confidence. I was beginning to think I'd lost my touch.I'll have to do some more soon.

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(MagnusX Zero) I'm tired now...

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BeforeI post the next part of the comic, I need to ask ya'll a question.

When you enter a dungeon in a video game with lots of treasure and powerfulweapons all over the place, what do you think of first? Now take into account thatthere are bones and junk around too, so what piques your interest first? Theweps, the money, or the bodies?

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Dependson what kind of game. If it's something like final fantasy, then it doesn'tmatter cause the whole dungeon is practically a one way path. But if I couldconsiously make a choice, I'd probably be most focused on the bodies. Theirlocations could point to traps and monster lairs that I might not be able tohandle (like the entrance to Skullkeep. You step on the skeleton, you fry).Then I'd go for the weapons (to make the rest of the dungeon easier, ofcourse).

But why ask us? Shouldn't Ace react the way you would?

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(MagnusX Zero) Depends. Sometimes I'll go for the weapons, sometimes the bodies.Treasure doesn't ever pique my interest.

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Mopstdefinately. I'm a man of action, therefore, the weps are my first choice so Idon't become one of the bodies. But you'll see my first reaction from atreasure chamber in Star Ocean 2 years ago when I got my a** killed a coupletimes for taking the money first. And you saw what that got me in the comic Isketched, right.

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Ifyou consider a ring like that to be treasure.

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"Heaven,you're a cheap beer" - What I thought were Aerosmith lyrics until I lookedit up.

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(MagnusX Zero) Gah, came down with the flu yesterday... Fortunately, I heal prettyfast

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Whoa,where the hell did those Epyon comics come from? And why was I not notified?Funny stuff by the way.

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Esmuy coolies, MAN!!!

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(UltamiteX) *Slams 500 gil down* Beer me!

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(MagnusX Zero) *runs like crazy man*

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(BeersUltamite X)

I'm pretty sure I made a topic announcing those. It didn't get much response,so I guess you missed it.

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(Slamsdown a Duff after snatching X's gil)

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Aweird sound is heard in the bar. A strange reverb that just bugs at you the firsttime you hear it.

Not again... the drunk fool was gonna sing.

Who's gonna save us?
Who's gonna save us?

It's all around me and
I just can't understand
How it got out of place now
And it's getting late
But you know what they say

Who's gonna save us?
Who's gonna save us?

So where's the writing on the wall?
Who's gonna save us?
Who's gonna provide us?
Who gonna divide us?
Who's gonna save us?
Who's gonna save us?

He then whines the guitar into one long note and begins fretting on it whilekeeping up that one note.

I wanna live, I wanna leave
I wanna open up and breathe
I wanna go, I wanna be
I wanna feel it constantly

Gotta show, gotta say
I got a feeling that won't go away

I gotta know if they got away
My oppurtunities...

Just one
Chance is all I ever wanted

Just one
Time I'd like to win the game

From now on
I'll take the chance if I can have it

Just One
Just One

The beat picked up incredibly and a ver embarrassed look crossed his face. Tosing about the very thing causing his aggrevation.

What goes up, must come down, yet my feet don't touch the ground.
See the world spinning upside down.
A mighty crash without a sound.

I can feel your every rage, step aside I'll turn the page.
Breaking Through your crazy maze.
Like a laser beam my eyes on you.

Watch me blow the night away.
Watch me save the day.
Feels like a storm's getting close.
Headed your way.

Sonic Heroes.
Sonic Heroes.

The beat then changed, with the same kind of pace, but with different notes.

Perhaps the time has come
Somedays waking

It's your to so loet's go

Got weary of waiting for

Let's drive at full speed

Get it up loud

Gonna cross the line

So hold on tight

Straight to the top

Rev it up
Burn it up

I'm wild at heart, don't push me over the edge!

(As much as I can understand in that song, like any other Crush 40 song)

With that last screaming exultation(Quote: "Feel free to choke afterYEEEEEEAAAAAH!!!" From a SA2 L&L lyric faq), Ace fell out onto the barfloor.

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Friezapicks up Ace's guitar and uses it to sweep him under fridge. As he prepares totoss it on the pile in the back containing all the other drunks' effects, hetook a moment to admire the craftsmanship. He caught himself analyzing theinstrument in the way he'd been taught but years ago. Years could be likelifetimes, he thought.

Running his fingers reminiscently along the sweaty strings, he figured 'whatthe hell' and leapt on stage. With a sudden burst of vitality, he unleashes aninsane guitar solo infused with a spiritual light show (creating a drum beat bytelepathically compressing and unleashing pulses of air), blasting everythingto the other side of the bar.

Feeling a little more alive, Frieza steps down, grabs a bent stool from pile ofrubble, fills Ace's guitar with a random mix of liquor, and begins drinkingfrom it.

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*Shootsany and all speakers in the bar*

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(MagnusX Zero) *asks for beer*

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Amuffled sound is heard and beer shoots out of the fridge.

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(MagnusX Zero) *catches beer and drinks*

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I'mabout 20% done with the Shiro sprite sheet. All I have to do now is the Spadesand Caleb sheets and I'll be done. I'll just mod an RPG sheet forShardshatter(he's dead anyway).

BTW, in about 2 or so months(if I work at it) I'll be ready with Ace's first strollthrough the SASB world in Metro. Who wants to Guest star?

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Usewhoever you think will fit best with the story or will be the funniest to use(depending on what you're going for).

And Shard's still dead? Isn't somebody going to revive him? Or was he an entityyou didn't want?

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I'llexplain it in the comic later on in more detail, but Shard's not really oneperson. He's a whole lotta persons sucked up in one ethereal body that neededsomeone on the outside to set 'em loose from the ring(the gems *hint, hint*).

You'd be surprised with how much complication I'm puttin' on this one item. Itgets really messed up when we lay the b**** smack down on Caleb.

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(MagnusX Zero) I would like to guest star, except the guy who was making my sprites(Tapamn?) stopped or something.

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I'verealized for some time now that you've had these characters figured out for along time. I can't wait to see it all. BTW, have you had a chance to messaround with photoshop? It can be pretty confusing.

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Photshopis cool if you can understand a whole lotta the tricks to use with it. Once Ihave the ability to get good lineart and stuff together, I'll try and utilizeit to it's fullest. But right now I mind as well be an ant in a super computer:lost, somewhat confused, and prone to making fatal mistakes by touching it toomuch.

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Myrecommendation for photoshop: Although they're not hard to figure out, don'tuse the filters to make things look pretty, at least until you get fluentenough with them. Put whatever you want to look nice on its own layer, and thenuse the blending options (right click on the layer > blending options). Ifyou play around with the bevel and emboss stuff (especially the gloss contoursetting), you can come out with some pretty neat looking effects.

And if you take the time and make an entire comic or something using ONLYPHOTOSHOP, it will boost your confidence with the program a whole lot.

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I'lltry it out while I'm messing with the sprites.

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Here'sa basic sheet of Spiro's sprites.

Comments please.

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Eh,pretty good, sure is a lot better than I can do. They look pretty nice.

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Notat all what I pictured, but good.

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Idraw the little freak a whole lot better by hand.

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*walksin all annoyed*

I hate viruses! I also hate my idiot brother who keeps downloading crap thathas viruses in it. Man I need a beer...*

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(Pullsout a mega-duff [the size of 120 regular duffs])

Frieza: Here we are. This should help you forget it ever happened.

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(MagnusX Zero) Rawr!

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

I'mabout ready with the second basic chart of the Spades sheet. I just need tosketch the actions I want him to perform on paper and then commit it to pixelformat.

And yes, they will have drunk poses. All of them. I'll even take the time outto make one for Ace.

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beers always good for the soul. and on the plus side might be getting mybrothers old computer since that bums getting a new one. the old sucks but ican still use it for going to gamefaqs. Hopefully i'll be able to return to theboards more permanently the way it was 3 years ago. No more typing with a DCfor me.

(which is what im useing now, this one post took me like 15 minutes)

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(MagnusX Zero) Trunks! How you been?

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Nowonder. Thankfully I got my own comp.

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(MagnusX Zero) Beeer.

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wellmagnus (still me, Trunks) I've been pretty good. Iv been playing alot of gameslately,(FF X-2,sonic heroes and saturday I went to a casino since in californiathe legal age is 18+. I turned 20 bucks into 280 by the end of the night at theblack jack tables.

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Righton! Black Jack's the way to go.

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(MagnusX Zero) Good good. I believe it is time for payment. *dumps bag of gold ontable*

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Dumpsdown twntyt thousand in gold on the bar and hops up with a megaphone. A largeamount of excitement is in his eyes.

"Hazrd is finally complete! The day draws near when I can write the ficwhere I, Ace the echidna, come into that weird universe. And for this momentousoccaison Drinks are all on me, MAN!!!"

Swigs back an Ace drink with MKA enhancer and begins to convulse shudder,laughing like a nut.

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Frieza:Now this is what I like to see. A man paying his tab without being told, andanother man covering the counter in gold and twitching on the floor. It warmsthe heart.

(Toasts the blithering Ace's success with a Frosty Frieza)

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(Doesbelly flop into Ace's money)

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Beersfree for the next hour!

I'm now an uncle as of yesterday! (brothers kid)

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(MagnusX Zero) Congratulations! I'm a uncle too. Drink up mates!

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Ihave an uncle.

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(MagnusX Zero) DDR is fun.

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HeyMagnus, what'd your sprites look like? Maybe one of us could make them for youone day.

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*sigh*Spring break's almost over...

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Minehas just begun.

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Mine'sbeen and gone.

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(MagnusX Zero) Spring break is finally here.

My spray used to be a green breed of hedgehog/echidna. I think I would havechanged it now to a recolored/altered Zero sprite.

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Bangahead against the wall hard enough to shatter the plaster.

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(MagnusX Zero) Okay.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

SaintPatrick's Day is coming soon, MAN!!! Begin production of the green beer!

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(MagnusX Zero) GREEN BEER?!

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

CANWE HAVE PINK FLAMINGOES? Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!

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(MagnusX Zero) I need to start on a project soon, hmm.....

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(Hangsshamrock on front door)

(Puts up signs reading 'Half off all Irish brews' and 'Ask about our specialhaggis')

(Hangs caged leprechaun over the bar)

(Jams pink lawn flamingo into the base of Nemo's spine)

Ace: What's that about special haggis?

Frieza: Oh, it's just like regular haggis, except instead of sheep parts it'sGoku...and maybe some Nemo, depending on how the day goes.

Ace: Ah (swigs green Ace Drink).

Nemo: BEHOLD! I have become the ultimate being, NEMINGO, king of the jungle!!!

(Begins howling like a monkey and rolls into Sub's torture room)

Frieza: St. Patrick's day at the Saiya-jin's Club Bar and Grill...the deathtoll could reach the thousands.

Ace(half consious): Eitr dat or we jet so 'asted we can' talk right.

Frieza: (shrugs) Either way.

(Sprinkles leprechaun magic into Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster and soars theenchanged cosmos)

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Hehheh heh...

Three dozen mugs of green brew.

Heh heh heh...

Thirty six cups of liquid brain death.

Heh heh heh...

Thirty six insanity peppers mixed with mint and irish beer instead of Duff.

Heh heh heh...

And he didn't puke once.

HURK!!! *splat*

...never mind.

Happy St. Patrick's day.

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damn,i can't believe i wasnt at the bar on st. patricks day

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WhatI'm made of, huh?



This song rocks, MAN!!!

If I gotta suffer through Sonic Heroes for it, then so be it! I will have itone way or another while I'll kicking Sonic Team's newest pathetic end boss.

Live and Learn can take a backseat to this jawn, man. How is it that the musicgets better and better each game and the gameplay goes down the crapper?

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Itwas so hard to hear the song...I hardly even remember it. Maybe I'll check outthe sound test later.

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(MagnusX Zero) Rawr I'm hungry.

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Checkout my newest pencil drawings on the new art page, ya'll. I'm only gonna inktwo of 'em tho, since I'm a spaztic moron when I've got a pen in my hand.

This is the place.

Tell me what ya think.

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(MagnusX Zero) I like it Ace. The only thing is I think you should add some moredetails. Great overall though.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Whathe said.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

yeah,pretty cool

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I almost forgot this. Funny thing, man. My cousin caught a look at the envelopeI keep a couple of the CDs ya sent me in and he made a strange point. Yourprinted handwriting looks like mine! I knew there was something weird about itwhen I first picked it up out of the door. If I didn't look too closely, I'dhave sworn it was me sending it.

My cousin says that he can't believe there's someone out there with chickenscratch as bad as mine. Hahaha!

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That'spretty cool. For some reason, I felt compelled to write it all myself to showyou my handwriting(instead of having my brother do it while I was out). But Iwas trying to write as neatly as possible then. My natural print in much lessreadable, even to me.

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(MagnusX Zero) My note writing is terrible. When I'm writing letters though, it'srather good.

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Igot some stuff inked here at crap central (or my little tv tray/desk), and nowI've just got a touch up job or five to do before I can submit it anywhere.

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Ilike tuna.

And my handwriting sucks.

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Jumpsup from a piled heap on the ground as if just drank 50 strait black coffees.

"Get this guys... one, my sister can be evil... she has the only comp herethat works and refuses to let people on...luckily she forgot to turn itoff(password blocked...) anywho...thats not the bad thing I log onto good olSub account it's been banned! sumone hackeded it..."

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(MagnusX Zero) Arr, I'm a pirate! Avast me mateys!

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Iswear Disgaea deserves it's own anime. Star Ocean got one, why not it?

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I'mabout to start the Ace the Echidna Concert Series from tonight ending on thefinale song on my site on April Fools day. This concert series however isspellsinging concert series, meaning that anything could happen.

With what happens, you guys will want to kick my ass. Trust me. This'll be onefor the record books.

I'll post the first song at around 6:00 EST tonight. First song is"Jimmy" by The Living End

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Alittle early, but I was inspired...

Ace jumped up on the bar with a malicious look on his face and his Redstreak Axslung over his shoulder. He closed his eyes, tapping his foot for a second.Then he hit the first note and began the song.


"What's your vote?"

"You don't have to repay them after all."

"Oh crud," Nemo said.

People who'd been paying for their somewhat deadly drinks actually begansnatching their money back and stealing the achohol, not caring even if Nemowas pointing a shotgun at them.

"Jimmy taught of those who'd been cheated, but were never defeated, justmorally wrong!"

Nemo looked directly at Ace and took aim at the singing echidna. He squeezedthe trigger and tried to blow a hole in his ignorant head, only to have himshift to the right to avoid the metal spray.

"Jimmy taught of those who were jaded, their colors had faded, like theydidn't belong..."

Nemo shot three more times and Ace just twisted into awkward positions with hisguitar while the bullets screamed by. He only danced to his music and payed theattack no mind.

"And they lied..."

Nemo yelled out and threw a ball of energy at the echidna, who jumped ten feetin the air over it before landing on a table farther away.

"A new life they were seeking..."

Nemo exploded in a shower of curses as he peppered the table Ace was dancing onwith energy blasts and shotgun shots. The echidna only swayed with the steadybeat of the music and continued singing.

"Yes they lied..."

A creaking sound was heard behind the porcupine. He turned a massive barrel ofAce Drink exploded in his face. He screamed in agony from the pain of damn nearconcentrated brain death showered in his eyes.

"Now their plans are leaking!"

"Jimmy...What's your vote? You don't have to repay them after all!"

Ace hopped from table to table. Knocking over dirnks, stepping in food,stomping on hands, and jumping on people's heads. Unfortunately, Vegeta was oneof those last heads.

"Arrgh, what's the idea," the somewhat sloshed Saiyan yelled.

Ace just continued jumping up and down while strumming on his ax and didn'tanswer. Pissed at being disrespected like that, Vegeta rushed in and tried totackle the echidna. He was right in from of him--

"Jimmy told of those who had made it--"

He slid under the speeding Saiyan and bumped into him with the force of aformula one racer, sending him flying into a tuna salad on the next table.

"And others who paid it, but the price was wrong..."

He jumped again from table to table until he landed in the center of the battlearena. Problem was, his song 1was now echoing through the bar better thanbefore.

"Everybody's too busy fighting, to bother deciding what has to bedoooone..."

Soon enough almost all of the weapons in the bar began to break down anddisintegrate into dust. Everyone who had a weapon in the bar turned to thearena and began to rush into the ring to kick the musician's ass.

"Jimmy...What's your vote? You don't have to repay them after all!"

All of them piled in and started trying to attack Ace Royal Rumble style. Theechidna however mind as well have been in another world with the way he wasmoving though the crowd of infuriated bargoers. He slid under punches, jumpedover kicks, and hopped around rushes. It seemed to be no more than a game.

"...No, you don't have to repay them after all!"

He suddenly hit one bass note and slammed into a brawler with his outstretchedfoot. The man flew into two others and through the ropes to the floor. Otherfighters began to press their attack on the lightning fast rocker, but only tobe knocked away with one fancy gesture or another. Finally Ace strummed hisguitar another last time and spun upward, slamming his loose hand ( a fist)right up into a man's jaw. He flew out of the arena to land in a garbage can.

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The only one left in the arena was a very pissed off Trunks with a corrodedsword.


Ace continued his solo, striking various poses while Trunks' sword screamed byhis head.


He hit one last note and stomped the arena floor. The ground beneath themexploded in a massive shockwave, sending them both flying. That, and shatteringevery glass object in the bar. One of those objects being a very old andextremely expensive glass of wine that Frieza had been trying to get fordecades.

"This has gone on long enough," the alien said emotionlessly.

"Jimmy..." Ace sang, grasping onto one of the stripper poles while heflew across the bar. The beat slowed down while Ace used one had to stophimself with the pole. "It seems as though it can be sold as-"

"Ace, stop," Frieza said, appearing next to him.

He swung down the pole and held on with his legs while he continued playing theax. "- easy as a story can be told."

"I said, Stop!" The ivory fighter said, his aura flaring.


Frieza put his finger to Ace's forehead and focused a Death Beam on the end ofit. He tilted his head to the left, letting the beam shoot into the floorbeyond. The beat began to increase again steadily.

"You don't have to repay them..."

"Oh Lord," Frieza said as he began to swipe at him with lightningfast attacks that weren't connecting.

The beat began to rise again. "No, you don't have to repay them..."

Frieza shot the echidna up with ki blasts lefts and right, only to have themrebounded when Ace swung himself off of the pole and sailed thought the air,spinning away.

"No, you don't have to repay them. After all!"

The beat resumed it's normal speed and Ace landed on the bar again. He beganstomping with the beat while he increased the bass in the music, making moreshockwaves in Frieza's general direction. Each shockwave hit the alien and thelast one sent him shooting across the bar, implanting him in the opposite wall.

Ace began running across the bar, knocking down things the whole way."Jimmy had a dream he would make it, and he wouldn't fake it--"

He ran up on the wall when he began to round the bar again. "-Like theothers had done."

"He believed in those who were jaded-"

He jumped off of the wall and back onto another table. Nemo ran in his generaldirection, still blinded from the Ace Drink in his eyes. The echidna only puthis foot on his face, like restraining a child with your hand, while theporcupine feebly reached for his throat.

"Whose colors had faded-"

He jumped up and inadvertantly kicked Nemo right in the face while he flung outhis left foot while kneeling with his right on the landing. "Like theydidn't belooong..."

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Hejumped straight up in the air just shy of the ceiling before ten differentenergy attacks decimated the table he was sitting on. "Jimmy..."

He landed on a chair, spinning on it, smacking Vegeta in the jaw with the endof his guitar. "What's your vote?"

"Kill him," Frieza yelled.

"Jimmy! What's Your vote?" Ace backflipped over a charging Frieza,and kicked him in the back to send him into yet another wall.

Ace was up and moving again as the song began to speed up towards the end."You don't have to repay them after all!"

The money from all over the bar began to vanish into thin air. From in wallets,in tip jars, in pockets and worst of all: the register! "Now we're allfaded... Now we're all faded... Now we're all faded... Now we're allfaded..."

More attacks were coming from all sides as more and more people joined theassault. Ace only responded in kind, hopping around to their vulnerable sideand knocking them away.

"Well Jimmy told of those who'd been cheated, never defeated, just morallywrong."

The customers were in shambles laying under the tables.

"Yeah! Jimmy told of those who'd been jaded! Their colors had faded likethey didn't belong!"

The staff was broken and beaten down by one of their own, who had never openedhis eyes once.

Ace strummed on his guitar eight more times and then hopped back up to wherehe'd began the song on the bar.


He finally opened his eyes and looked around at the devastation."...oops."

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(MagnusX Zero) *observes the chaos* Well, that was interesting. Anybody up for a beer?

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I'llget you next time, Magnus.

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Friezapried himself from the indent he'd formed in the half-collapsed wall andtrudged over to the musical menace. He stepped up onto a pile of squirmingbodies, putting himself at eye level with Ace on the counter. He stared at Acewithout a word, red eyes twitching with a frightening rage. Ace just lookedback at him, grinning somewhat sheepishly.

Ace: Yo Friez...whassup?

Frieza snatched the Redstreak from Ace's hands with blinding speed and swung itlike a homerun bat, smashing Ace into the display of already broken bottlesbehind the counter.

Frieza: I'm not quite sure how you did that...but if you ever do it again, I'mgoing to pull out MY guitar and we'll start cutting heads, you multiplanarmaniac! Then I'll show you how to REALLY tear a place apart throughsong!...damnit, I've been looking for that wine for ages! I should've knownbetter than to bring it here with you people...

Frieza quelled his seething temper before it melted the floor beneath him.Closing by tossing Ace's guitar into his chest like a javalin, the emperordeparted for a walk to cool off while the bar magically rebuilt itself like heassumed it would.

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Anysuggestions for tomorrow's song? If not, this could happen again... with a RobZombie song.

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Frieza(back to his usual easy-going un-murderous-rage self): How about Shinedown's"Fly from the Inside"? Though I think a new location might be inorder. The bar's foundation might not survive another song.

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(MagnusX Zero) I'll be watching Ace. *eyes warily*

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Justdon't eye me too close. Especially after this bit of weirdness.

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(MagnusX Zero) Finding good wallpapers is hard.

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(TheHardcore Kid) *wrestles on stage*

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Decidednot to do that concert, Ace? Or does that 'Static overflow at line 0' messageon your site mean something?

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(MagnusX Zero) Things have been quiet as of late...

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I'llhave it up sometime tomorrow morning along wit' the other two songs I neverposted. End of the months Essays suck!

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(MagnusX Zero) What happened to the days of old? Where fights erupted at every hour,and wine flowed like a river?

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highereducation set in.

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Iblame the government.

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(MagnusX Zero) Damn government.

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(Im Not NEG)Don't forget Bush.

Damn Bush.

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Aftertonight I'll prolly be off for a week. Damn internet bill is due and my new jobhasn't paid me yet, so I'll only be on for the next week or so at around ten AMeach day.

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(MagnusX Zero) I hate school, as it teaches me little.

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SinceI'll be out of direct contactafter the sixth, just check here every no andthen.

It'll give you a glimpse of the suckiness that's going on around me. Plus, itactsas my own personal board. So leave messages if ya wanna.

I'm not going away, I'll just be a little further away during spring vacationuntil things get back on track with the monetary sitch. Then I'll be back andbetter than I was before.

The comic will be updated in the next few weeks while I monkey around inphotoshop with it. If worse comes to worse, I'll just use NetZero or an AOL CD.

Oh well. I'm out for the night and possibly for the next few eeeks. I'll catchya'll when I'm at the library.

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(MagnusX Zero) NetZero is my back up if my broadband fails. It's better than AOL inany case.

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(Grabsrandom bottles of liquor, mixes with MKA formula, and sets on fire)

Frieza: A little incense. The urine and monster goo was beginning to bother me.

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Mymom found this ironic: I went to see Hellboy on Good Friday.

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Blessedbe he who invented the cherry cola.

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(MagnusX Zero) Rawr.

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(Ultamite X)*Snatches Freiza's concoction and leaves him a gold beer can*
I always though that the cherry flavoring tasted funny
*Downs the stuff and falls over just to get back up again*
Needs more kick to it.

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Samething for In N Out burger.

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(Im Not NEG)What would happen if I mixed Dr Pepper with Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke?

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Youget ****ed up cola. The taste wouldn't be concrete, it'd just be black cremesoda.

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(Forcesgolden beer can into broken cash register)

My computer died and rose from the dead on Easter sunday. It died because Ikilled it. It was a mercy killing; the spyware and other problems I'd picked upover the years were getting so bad that basic fuctions were starting to beaffected. So I reformatted and it runs smoother than I even remember.Unfortunatly I forget to back up my bookmarks and address book. But oh well.

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Thesecond I get paid, I will send away for the disk to reformat my own machine. Iinstalled the latest Activex stuff and now anything associated with it ain'tworkin' right. SCREW MICROSOFT, MAN!!! My computer problems are getting on mylast nerve. If anyone knows how to uninstall activex then step up to the plate,please. I can't even use media player. This sucks, man!

God I'm pissed!!

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Dr.Pepper + Cherry & Vanilla Coke = Brain explosion.

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(MagnusX Zero) I'm trying to get a laptop, another hard drive, more RAM, a DVD burner,a sound card, and a cooling system. Yeah.

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okay.Everything is back now. I had to find out that microsoft's little strategy of"screw the guy who can't afford to buy the latest crap" philosophyhas made itself a little undercurrent that I had to tap into to get rid oftheir newest version of directX. Damn that sucked. A very scary period forsomeone who can barely get online.

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Justone more week til I get paid and I can put all of this behind me.

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Asound was pushing itself through the city. It bounced from building to buildingand through every alley along the way. It was a whine of something likeinterference on a microphone, but it sounded as if it were being made bysomething else. Lightning flashed violet in the skies and thunder rocked theearth. The nagated snapshots of the city, of the life and the bustling that waswas seen usually weren't there, but what was seen was flat plains and raggedearth under a black and orange sky. The lightning flashed again and again untilthe strikes reached earth and turned into pillars of black-light electricity.

Only when the pillars stood jerking and letting off sparks near the edges ofthe city, did he begin to play. A great crash of bass filled the air steadily.The sound is traced to the very center of the city in front of a fountain whereone individual wails on his guitar to produce the sound. Just as suddenly asthe beat is heard it settles down as the red musician frets at his ax andcalmly plays again, yet the first whining sound is still present behind hisplaying.

"When this began," he says, as though to himself.

"I had nothing to say," another voice picks up from farther away."And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me."

His forlorn expression is shaken away when he notices the answer. "I wasconfused."

"And I let it all out to find, that I’m not the only person with thesethings in mind." The echoing voice can be heard coming from above theguitar player. Another violet lightning strike reveals his silouette on top ofa tall skyscraper in the partial darkness caused by the black clouds above.

"Inside of me..."

Another flash blinds the world for an instant, but comes back with the skyfilled with green motes of light like stars before fading back to the normalovercast.

"But all the vacancy the words revealed is the only real thing that I’vegot left to feel."

A smile creeps onto the face of the guitar player as strings come out of thewater in the fountain and the people who have stopped to look at the bizarreevent. "Nothing to lose."

One blazing string comes from the bolts of lightning in the sky and strike theground all over the city. The individual on the skyscraper looks blankly uponthe city as a styring from his own body flails away into nothingness."Just stuck; hollow and alone. And the fault is my own, and the fault ismy own..."

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Thebass increases again as the one on the ground picks up the beat again,accompanied by drums heard from somewhere else.

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel, what I thought was never real," he sangpainfully. "I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long..."

The strings erupted on the ground from wherever and whomever they had beenpulled from into large clusters of glowing blue crystal that was lit fromwithin.

"Erase all the pain 'til it's gone," the other answered

The people scatter all around, screaming in terror at the unknown eventoccurring in front of them. The red guitarist plays harder again, making theground and the crystal around him vibrate.

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real. I wanna findsomething I’ve wanted all along..."

More crystals are appearing all over the city with each one of the lightningstrikes that occur. More and more of the clusters appear in and aroundbuildings as if they had merged with the scenery naturally. People were evenbeing encased in the giode-like structures with the look of shock on theirfaces. The flashes came more and more as the storm and the music went on untilfinally one massive spire of crystal was raised in the middle of the city. Infront of this spire is where Ace finally calmed his playing again and stoodlooking into the polished prism-like obelisk.

"Somewhere I belong..."

The spire lit up like all of the other crystals until it was blazing white hotlight that could be seen for miles. When it resumed pulsing normally the citywas completely different. Some people were screaming in fright while otherslooked into the sky with wonder. It had transformed into a great field ofpulsating strands of light and energy that went on forever across the horizon.But certain strings were actually passing through the spire. Some from oppositevectors and others from the same places.

"And I’ve got nothing to say. I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down onmy face."

"I was confused..."

One person walked through the streets determined not to stop until he reachedhis destination. There were different insignias on his blue bodysuit, includingone above his heart that looked like a P and an M merged.

"Looking everywhere, only to find that it’s not the way I had imagined itall in my mind."

Entire parts of the cement on the ground began to lift up as if being pulled bya vaccuum all around him. He hopped from chunk to chunk on his way down thestreet toward the spire.

"So what am I," the young man asked, sprinting like mad.

Spades answered him with another question of his own. "What? Do I have butnegativity? ’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me."

Ace smirked as he flagged the youth toward the spire. "Nothing tolose..."

"Nothing to gain," he counterted, standing at the very edge of thetower with a string of his own tangled with others from the sky. "Hollowand alone. And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own..." He touchedthe crystal obelisk and was swept away by his own string along with one other.

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real. I wanna let goof the pain I’ve held so long..."

Shadows were appearing all over the city now, consuming the buildings and mostof the people.

"Erase all the pain 'til it’s gone!"

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real. I wanna findsomething I’ve wanted all along..."

A coughing sound is heard as the one playing the strange crystal hybrid drumsetappears behind Ace.

"Somewhere I belong!"

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Theflat plain that the city has now become is filled with nothing but pillars ofviolet electricity and clusters of Khaydarin. The spire has gained dozens ofcolors that flash periodically within it until and image forms inside. One of agrossly muscled man with red and green armor and an arm mounted cannon facingdown a flaming blonde girl less than half his size.

"I will never know myself until I do this on my own!"

A glimpse of the young man that had vanished not a moment ago in a white gridthat seemed to be pulling black strings from his body. his mouth is wide openin a scream of incredible agony.

"And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed!"

Spades strolls across the field with a malicious smile on his face, a toothyfanged smile like a demon. other projected images are seen on the largercrystals around him. Images of monsters and other creatures with that same lookin their eyes.

"I will never be anything till I break away from me!"

"I will break away," Ace sang, almost calmly. "I'll find myselftoday..."

As the echo breaks across the field, many of the strings from the sky drop downand pass through the spire.

"I wanna heal... I wanna feel what I thought was never real. I wanna letgo of the pain I’ve held so long!"

"Erase all the pain 'til it's gone."

The images in the spire fell into chaos as they flashed from one face toanother with each pulse of the dozens strings that passed through it.

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real. I wanna findsomething I’ve wanted all along... Somewhere I belong!"

The liught of the spire whited out everything on the field once again untilnothing but whitness and the images in the spire were seen. When it all cameback, there was no sign of Ace and his companions, even though their voicesstill rang out.

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong..."

Something however was still there walking along the rows of crystal with onestring flowing behind him.

"I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong..."

With each hit of bass in the song his string crossed with another one that wasswinging wildly on the field. and each time that happened the string's ownerwould be displayed in the air as if they were walking beside him.

"Somewhere I belong!"

Ace fretted his guitar, making that person's string vibrate and wave along withthe odd sound. They stopped and looked back at the spire and their own stringtwisting in upon itself somewhat, like it was caught in a gale.

As the string twisted, his aspect changed. From that of himself; a young man ina blue suit with six white and green orbs around his waist, to a tall black andviolet winged creature that had no mouth and runes etched into his armor, to agreat flame wrapped samurai with a long golden katana in his right hand, andback to himself.

The song wound down to nothing, making the lights dim and the storm end. Whenthe last beat was felt and his form enveloped in darkness, a single tear creptfrom the corner of his eye and set a aflame on his cheek.

And that last spark of light was all there was to be seen and then nothing whenit faded away...

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Number2 in a series of 4.

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Mindblowing. If you had the time to make a flash movie of something like that,you'd be web-famous.

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Mymouth is numb again, man. I had to go and get another date with the drill forsome fillings. It wouldn't have been so bad if the novacaine didn't last forhours afterward. And get this: the doc didn't inject enough the first time, soI felt the flippin' drill digging into my tooth! Very friggin' painful, if onlyfor an instant. And it happened again when he shot me up with more Mushmouth.So he injects it maybe right up next to the tooth for the third time (I didn'tknow, that side mind as well have been dead at the time) and waits for fiveminutes of my ass drooling blood and pieces of tooth dust outta my mouth beforewe end the fiasco. I'm trying my best not to eat anything before this crapwears off at the moment. Dammit, even my nose is partially numb!

BTW Friez

I listened to Hearts. And I must say, it is different, man. A nice soundthough.

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(MagnusX Zero) I think you missed me again Ace. Heh.

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Ittook you this long to listen to Hearts?...well, in case you don't remember, Idecided to use the song because the main idea was so close to that of my final attackthat I couldn't resist. The comparisons rivers and hearts entwining stuff.

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(MagnusX Zero) If only for one day, the SASB could actually get a lot of activity.

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Doyou guys play guitar?

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Idon't, really. I like to listen to all kinds of music and write a couple ofsongs, but I can't play. My cousin is the one with the real ear for music, notme. He plays the trumpet and some piano I think.

Do you play an instrument, Nemo?

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AndI'll get you in the last song, Magnus. Heres a tip: Wear a lead vest... heh hehheh. Like that's gonna do you any good.

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Mydad plays guitar. I played drums for about 6 years, but I dropped out of it.I've taken some music theory, so I know a little bit about that, but withoutexperience with a serious instrument it's not that useful. That's my musicalresume.

(Begins meditating in preparation for Ace's grand finale)

Frieza: I must understand my power. I must be focused, yet fluid. Must knowthe current, while mindful of stream itself. Must be clear like the water's-

(A beer can bounces off Frieza's head)

Frieza: Must resist urge to kill Nemo. Must resist urge to kill Nemo...

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(MagnusX Zero) Lies, I will use my violin powers to counter you! (I do play violin.)

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Thisis something new, again...

An original story by me, not a fanfic. I'll bring the next part of the concertseries to bear on here and then the link for the last part on my site later.There is way too much swearing in it to put on here.

And BTW Magnus. What on earth do ya look like? Since you've complained aboutbein' left out, I'll see if I can really include you in this along with theothers.

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Thatand this:

It's not as much a teaser as it is an experiment in not making the next part ofthe comic SUCK!

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The sun is starting it's trip over the horizon in a littlewhile, meaning I'll have to stay the night out here in the forest.

Do I detect a hint of symbolism here? A reference to a future theme? Or is itjust a coincidence?

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(MagnusX Zero) I dunno... A Ranger type guy I guess. Something like Aragorn in themovies. Brown spiked hair, green cloak, sword and spear...

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Iplay guitar, though I just started about a month ago. First lesson is tomorrow.:)

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Irresponsibility,Friez. We've all had time move a little fast on us when we don't expect it,right?

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Horizonis also the name of the story, so I thought you were trying to point tosomething.

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Horizonis the name of the chapter in the story. It's long, man. Real long. The horizonthing however is something I thought about when I was writing it, rememberingmy cub scout days camping out in the woods. There wasn't really any horizon ifyou were stuck with that many trees around you and couldn't see the sky verywell.

I kinda ripped the idea off of Terrantino and the Bernie Mac show a lil' bit.

(At least that was the interpretation of a nine year old at Camp Hart.)

Anyway, that'll be something I point to at the end of the story since Laden'slived in that environment his whole life.

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Hewas on the corner again. By the bar instead of inside with that damn guitarthanks to the last time he'd had himself a little jam session. That littleglance of watching that crossover form was weird. There had even been a littlebit of temporal shifting going on. And when time itself was a little messed upthere was something big on the way. Something real bad looming around him thathe knew he couldn't see. Not yet anyway. This phantom presence would makeitself known sooner or later in one world or another that was still connectedto his own UEF.

All he had to do was wait it out. Wait to die like he saw while he and theothers had seen while playing that spellsong downtown.

If he knew that there was something coming that could consume him andeverything else like this, why couldn't he fix it. It was impossible to figureout how the duel had affected the Dream Field as well as the rest of thecontinuum it was tied to without replaying it. And that was way too risky whileplaying with both his own untapped power and Frieza's.

But there had to be some way to get himself off the hook. A little selfserving. Yes. But it would save more people a lot of agony later on.

He strummed the ax in deep thought, trying his best to manipulate the eventscoming forth like the strings on the instrument. No use...

This would require a higher plain of thought.


One Ace Drink later, the echidna was properly stoned and ready to begin theconjuration. Hopefully it would work and keep his ass nice and frosty out ofthe fire.

The first sounds that perverted the air around him were clumsy at best. But ashis hands started to numb, the sound became more melodious, a steady sound likean echo that just kept reverberating in the ears and mind of others all around.He knew he'd screw someone else further down the line, but that was then and hewas high now.

The echo kept going until Ace leaned up straight against the side of the barand looked vacantly out into space. His eyes saw the strings and waves thatcomposed reality and all forms of mass and energy. People lived and died by thedesign of this ever reaching field of light and sound and feeling that went onforever. Souls were born and extinguished here in a pattern that was way toolarge (monstrously ginormous, really) for him to understand.

He began in a way that was simple. In the form of a question...

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"Who'sgonna save us?"

"Who's gonna save us?"

The view of the field increased to him as he fretted the guitar, looking at allthe crossed strings that shouldn't have been so. It enveloped him, yet lookedas far away as the stars were from the earth. It confused him, so he sung on.Trying his best to get a grip.

"It's all around me and, I just don't understand," he sang tohimself, tapping his foot to the beat. "Seems all out of place,now..."

His view was brought to a gleaming red string set along by four others thatkept up the same vibration in the stream of other waves all around. One stringwas dull red tinged gold with silver flecks of light while the other made asound like a screech, letting off runes of familiar design. The other one was afaint one that was lined up directly with the red as though it were following.But the one behind them all had no definite size of look to it than utter blackthat carried nothing but silence and the feeling of cold. Ace shuddered andlooked onto where this string went on to.

"We're under attack, now-"

He discovered the string went everywhere when you looked further than it'snormal appearance. It was here creeping primarily, but then again it waseverywhere else at once too. He saw it wrapped around the pasts of Frieza andVegeta. Around the alternate future of Trunks. It was inside of his own strandand those of his friends. It was in his family. It was in the plane above andbelow and all around. It was weak in some places and very strong andomnipresent in others. ace felt a chill go down his spine when he saw this, butcontinued to bravely keep looking on.

"-our work is all cut out. Whatever happened to your rights?"

He looked back at the event that occurred almost a year ago with him and Friezaduring their duel.

"And I know it's late."

That part of the string had no darkness at all. It had almost not malevolentthought at all. It wasn't him or Frieza at all. It was just there on it's own.A UEF that stood alone...

"But you know what they say now..."

A UEF that had been completely formed and crossed from creatures of two differentpersonalities from two different worlds...

"Who's gonna save us? What they say now... Who's gonna save us?"

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Heknew what had to be done. And the poor sap he'd pin this one wouldn't be alone.Not by a longshot. And this provided the thrill Ace needed to pull off his nextfeat. He launched passionately into the chorus and began the spell needed tosave them all later on down the line.

"So where's the writing on the wall? Who's gonna save us? Who's gonnaprovide us? Who's gonna divide us? Who's gonna save us?"

The world around him suddenly blacked out into nothing but space. It was likethis until something winked into existance from far away and then shot intoview. It was a ship. Four of them followed behind in an exodus, each the sizeof a small moon. It was a very beautiful sight to behold, especially when youwere closing in invisibly and passed right through the rapidly moving craft.

This is exactly what Spades did until his was overwhelmed with a sense ofnausea. This feeling of sickness and then falling was gone when he emergedsomewhere else. A planet from the look of things. Underground. The placesuggested the look of a maze within the body of some sickly insect riddled withmachines.

He looked into the next room and was tempted to run inside to help. There weresix of them. People of all ages in combat uniforms and robes all fighting fortheir lives with glowing swords and energy weapons. They were hopelesslyoutnumbered by forces of walking blade creatures and centaur-like warriors thatglowed. Another type of monstrosity that held the aesthetic beauty of asculpture and the attitude of a obsessive-compulsive was looking on from thesidelines. Their retreat was cut off. They would die.

Spades transformed and held his hand out, calling a ball of energy. It hummedas he held it for a few moments and then crushed it. It fleshed out to become along silver and red guitar or his own design. Fitted with blades and jaggedspikes on one end like a weapon. He couldn't save the people to help them withthat many numbers and his source of strength so far away, but he could save thebio-mech life forms that were helping them.

Spades gave the guitar one hit and produced a sound like a whine mixed in withinterference for a second before settling into a fast beat of his own. Hestrummed the instrument heartily for a while before cranking up the base andbeginning the spellsong for his mission.

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"Iwanna live, I wanna leave, I wanna open up and breathe," he sang.

Motes of light began to flow from the floating objects. Each one was on it'sown, pretty simple in it's thought processes was actually becoming somethingmore. They were becoming smarter, more self aware.

"I wanna go, I wanna be, I wanna feel it constantly!"

Each of their owners felt this as well. Their spells became stronger and theirshield were absorbing more impacts than before.

"Gotta show, gotta say, I gotta feeling that won't go away!"

That was before the four centaurs and the two swordweilders got into the mix.And as soon as one faded into existence, he jumped over as a neon and violetblur to strike one of them down instantly.

"I gotta know if they got away; My opportunities..."

The air became dense with the sounds of screams as they were hopelesslyslaughtered. One after the other fell, from froce blasts to being trampled ondown to having their heads removed. It was a bloodbath.

"Just One... chance is all I've ever wanted. Just one... time I'd like towin the game! From now on... I'll take the chance if I can have it! Just one. Justone!"

He jammed on through the fear and sickness he felt, trying his beast to expressthe anguish in his heart through the song. The biomechanical creatures werenearing the end phase of this part of their existence, ready to be born intoanother one he was choosing for them. Each of their new forms was indefinite,but it would suit their new personalities.

"And if I knew," the argonian almost cried," when the door wasopen I'd go though! I would go on through." He increased the bass again inhis voice and confidently resumed playing the song, knowing that this was goingto prevent more deaths like the ones he'd just seen."And I can say, when Ido I will never be the same, never be the same..."

"Just One... I'll take the chance if I can have it! Just one! I'll takethe chance if I can have it!!"

Spades looked on as each one of the MAGs began to vanish into nothingness abovetheir dead masters, tears streaming from his face while he sang on.

"Yes, I'll take the chance if I can have it... Just one!! JUSTONE!!!"

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Whenhe finally finished and left the world around him nothing but echoes and mist,he felt it closing in on his new charges. Those new creature catapulted intothe stream were just out of that... thing's grasp. But not for long. Somethingneeded to be done to help them. He couldn't have any more blood on his hands.

'Do something, fish-breath,' he thought.

That something was the sound of an organ from behind him. Shiro played a trulymacabre sound that shook the presence that had settled around them. Hisattention was diverted, but not fully there. There had to be a way to get himto look away from them for a few minutes...

"Keep up," Spades said to the Tonberry, trying his best to push hisown energy level as high as possible to blot out the MAG's from sight for a fewminutes. "Or we all die."

He began to lightly strum the guitar and then hit it up for a few seconds, likea heartbeat. It would be calm strumming and then the beat would kick up andreturn to nothing. Shiro kept up with the beat and continued to play as hisargonian friend increased the rhythm.

"Enemy inside of me! Enemy inside of me! Enemy inside of me! Enemy insideof me..."

Flashes of lightning struck all about the realm they were situated in, fryingthe evil creatures that lived there, giving him jolts of pain from what wastied directly into him. The thunderous vibration's from Spades' ax were goingpast the normal constraints of the UEF he produced and went into the very mindof their stalker. It threatened to bore right through him, unless he took thetime out to fight it off and let go of his pursuit.

"I'm caught! I cannot kick them out. Their claws are wrapped around mythroat and they are squeezing tighter..."

If he'd had a corporeal body, the presence would have felt each of the actionsas though someone were strangling him. Cutting into his flesh with sharp clawswhile the breath was choked from his murderous lungs.

"Insanity is coming over me. Their every wish is my command... No wayout!"

The creature's omnipotent presence was thrown into chaos along with Spades andShiro as they went on with their dirge of possession. His eyes were firmlyfixed upon them and his attention on countering their sick display ofarrogance.

"Enemy inside of me! Enemy inside of me! Enemy inside of me! Enemy insideof me..."

The both of them intended to end the song there, but something grabbed a holdof their limbs and made them continue playing. As if it were something from...inside their own bodies.

A voice from deep within the ruins echoed forth," Come on!"

A wailing voice from the gloom beyond sang,"When they come for you... Theysee right through your flesh and bones for soon you'll be their home. They knowyou deep inside, the things you can't try to hide..."

Spades saw the sick actions of his massacre in the canyons of Heran years ago.He was covered in the blood of hundreds of alien soldiers who had tried toinvade his home. That blood was still there now, eating into him like acid.While Shiro was subjected to his own Tonberry spell, the spell of Karma. Cursedto relive the pain of all of his dying victims while his body made him play on.

"NO HOPE! ...after the first bite!"

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Whilethey struggled, the dark one did his best not to catch each of thebiomechanical creatures, but to just touch them with his influence. To push alittle of his own self into them. It was all he could do, but that was enough.He turned his attention back to Spades and Shiro, still in the throes ofmadness.

"Look out 'cause they are onto you. They'll cut you open, crawl inside andyou'll be lost forever. Don't try to run 'cause you're the chosen one. Yourworld is gone, no turning back. No way out!"

Spades broke free of the possession in his body and commenced to ending theconfrontation himself.

"Enemy inside of me! Enemy inside of me! Enemy inside of me! Enemy insideof me! Enemy inside of me! Enemy inside of me... ENEMY!!"
Spades fell to his knees in the central part of the ring with Shiro behind himalready unconscious. He just hoped that Ace and Caleb were having better luckthan him.

Ace looked out into the vastness of space and tried his best to feel around forwhat had posed him such a threat. He felt it had been diminished, thankfully.He could at least now go about his task in peace. Though there would be nopeace for the people he chose... children really.

"Let's go, man," he motioned toward his Guardian Force, Caleb, in theguise of a tired looking asian man swathed in robes with a shaved head and acowl to cover his mouth. He held Ace's guitar readily, knowing exactly what toplay for his master to sing.

They walked along the never-ending road in the Emerald Ring and came to a haltin the center, right on a line. The song began and the world faded away yetagain like sand on the wind.

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"Iwanna hurt you and don't know why, though I know it's not like me. I cannothelp it though I try to keep you away."

Visibility came back in what looked like a shrine. It was the normal Shintosetup with praying people all around. However, there were whispers in the air.above some of the priests and younger children there. One little girl inparticular was playing pattycake with an embarrassed looking soldier from WorldWar II, only he was pale and transparent. A ghost.

Ace strolled over, completely invisible, and touched her on the shoulder. Withthat, her UEF was marked. Marked for even greater thing than were to come forher in life.

"And all this time I thought I knew who you were. But this time all yourwords were lies for demise and your thoughts were found unpure."

The trees above swallowed up the scene as the echidna and his guitar playing GFwalked on to the next subject. The forest that materialized around them wasdark and cold, lit only by the moonlight above. Only one person was standing inthe woods with a look of pure terror on his face. The air in front of himblurred and a nine year old boy dressed in black and bandaged materialized nextto him with blood on the end of the kunai knife in his right hand. The man gavea croak and fell to the ground, dead.

As the boy pulled out a small leather black book, Ace put his hand on hisshoulder and reluctantly marked him as well.

"So when push comes to shove about reasons..."

They next were teleported to a wide open field with only two people standing init. Two monsters fought strategically between them. One was wreathed in flameswhile the other was a tall armored gray-violet beast with a large shining horn.The one directing the larger creature wasn't of any importance, it was thepressence of the shorter boy with the wild brown hair and the huge blue shirtwith a PM logo on it that was shouting different commands to the smallerflaming monster who was of interest.

"'Til I work it out and relate. And get off on the fear that I get whenyou're near and the problems that I create..."

His smaller monster jumped back from a wide tail swipe by the larger creatureand blew a huge pillar of flame into his armored back. It was over in seconds.When the larger one retreated back into a small green ball, the other boyconceded and victory was won. Ace marked him as he picked up his slightlysteaming monster to congratulate him.

"This time, I think you'll finally see."

The road came back easily and they continued to walk while Ace sang.

"This time, I will not break. This time I'm smart enough to know there isonly so much I'll take."

They finally came to the end of their journey and settled back outside the bar,where they had left the dark presence's probing eyes to damn the three withwhat we know of as a destiny.

"This time, I'm gonna make a change. This time! You're in my way! Thistime, I will not play the same head trip on me game that you play."

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Theplace was finally free of that weird feeling, but he was still there. Stillstaring at them. And that couldn't be allowed to go on.

With a flash of light Spades and Shiro emerged decked out in weaponry for thefour of them to use. They tossed Ace his Spread Needle and smiled evilly,knowing what kind of ownage was about to come about.

Both Spades and Shiro began to chant while Ace bellowed out some strange songthat echoed throughout Metro. It was almost pleasant, like the song of awhale.(Halo's Gregorian chant, I like it) Between the three of them somethingon the ground was taking form. It was a person, albeit one covered in neonglowing runes who had chitin armor all over. He looked around, shocked to be ona material plane again.

"Oh no," was his only response.

"Oh yes," the four of them said in unison.

Ace looked back and yelled," Play it, Caleb!" He then turned back tothe man they'd summoned and loaded his wep with new needles. "We about tokick yo ass, MAN!!!"

"I will take my revenge," Spades began singing, hefting his jaggedcrimson sword.

"On a road that never ends," Shiro continued, swiping twin butcherknives on one another.

"'Til I catch you unprepared for my attack," Ace ended ominously.

Spades kicked him viciously in the back and sent him sailing overhead to beknocked back into the fray by Caleb with the guitar. Ace caught him on the endof his gun and pumped him into the sky with a barrage of needles so that theTonberry could slam him with a Thundaga spell in midair.

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"WhenI take my revenge, the one thing you can depend upon," Ace sang.

"Is I will be the ***** who pays you back!" The rest of them yelled.(We all know what revenge can be, right?)

The melody went on as Spades rushed into the dark being, digging his sword intohis chest. He came away with chunks of pungent gore on his sword. The beat spedup with an excruciating scream from the summoned one.

Ace kicked him back to his feet and commenced pummeling with his fists, singingone word with every blow. "Do you remember the day you lost me?" Heback hands him into one of Shiro's butcher knives, which sinks nice and deepinto his gut. He pushes the blade in with each drumbeat in the verse."Burned a bridge on a Sunday drive." One Firaga and he flying in theair again to land in Spades' grasp. "Shoulda looked both ways, but yacrossed me."

He slams him into the side of the bar headfirst and into a booth occupied byGoku and GT Trunks. He is pulled out and thrown into the gutter and rained uponwith numerous blasts of electricity. "Somebody's getting even... Somebodymade it back alive. To say--"
He was snatched up by Ace again and tossed into the air to be air comboedCaptain Commando style. Each of them continued to sing the song as they crossedby him, breaking bones and tearing apart limbs in the process of their passes.

"I will take my revenge on a road that never ends. 'Til I catch youunprepared for my attack. When I take my revenge, the one thing you can dependupon..."

Caleb maliciously hit the wrong note and sent a shockwave into the air, blowingthe sick little stalker back to the cement face first. "I will be the***** who pays you back."

Ace rolled in and took his ax back to play the solo himself, making the groundquake around the armored freak. It rose up in broad walls to crush down on himfrom three stories above. Quickly however, he was pushed up just as quickly ona pillar of cement and stone from below.

"I remember the day I lost you, "Spades sang, gathering energy fromall around inot a semi solid casing that was still changing on the inside.

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Calebjumped up to the top of the tower of stone and shed his human form. It revealedthe massive muscled beast he really was beneath it. A creature that had aparticular love for causing suffering.

"Took a turn on a hairpin curve..." The air within the casing wasmetamorphosizing into plasma from the effect of his Ixian's Light.

Caleb quickly grasped onto each of his limbs and with one wrenching pull,ripped them from his torso. He was gone from the remains before Shiro began torain shards of ice onto the stalker.

"Never knew what the pain would cost you. We get the fate that wedeserve." It was almost ready.

He was pinned to the top of the structure with nails of ice through his formand no way to get away. Ace could only smirk as he played on and sang alongwith the others.

"And it's a cold, cold dish to serve," they all sang together."And I'm already FROZEN!"

As soon as he threw the Hurricane Bomb, Spades and everyone but Ace wasdispelled back into the ring. The mighty explosion went one like a chain offireworks in the sky that turned day into night. It was oddly beautiful.Blinding. But beautiful.

"I will take my revenge on a road that never ends. 'Til I catch youunprepared for my attack... When I take my revenge, the one thing you candepend upon is I will be the *****.... I would be the *****.... I will be the**** who pays you back, MAN!!!"

As he ended the song, chunks of cement fell from the sky around him. When hedispelled his ax, a flaming sack of black meat fell in front of him as well.

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3minutes later in the bar

"And this thing is the Dark Force," Frieza asked.

"Yep," the echidna answered.

"I thought he'd be taller," Magnus said.

"They ripped off his legs," Vegeta stated. "Of course he'staller."

A hacking sound was heard from the charred corpse as it tried to say something.

"Here we go," Nemo quipped.

"I will kill-" Whud! One foot to the face from Ace.

"Shut up!"

"You have no idea what you are-" Whack! Another kick in the jaw fromFrieza.

"He told you to shut your mouth!"

"I will have my-" Ka-Dack! One boot in the face from Magnus.

"Doesn't he know how to die?"

"You 'ugh' will-" Blam! One bullet in the neck from Nemo with theshotgun!

"Jeez! This guy will not shut his hole."


"Shut the hell up and die!" A literal storm of stomping from Vegetawho wants it over with and to get drunk off his ass again.

Soon enough the head is no more than pulp and the body a snack for themysterious force in the basement. Case closed... for right now.

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Number3 in a series of 4.

the Last one comes tomorrow at my site. The link will be here soon.

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(MagnusX Zero) Awesome, except my face hurts.

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Itwas a lively Saturday night in central Metro City. The social hotspots shonelike stars in the already bright metropolis. Wild, vibrant lights of cosmic nuanceserved as beacons for thrill seekers and hunters of all manners ofentertainment that prowled the streets like hungry beasts in the twilight. Theradiance of light and life went on into the horizon, farther than anyone withinthe city could see.

The more lights erected on the scene, the more patronage it seemed to get. Likemoths to a flame? The reptilian creature floating above found the analogyamusing, though only loosely accurate. He looked down on the setting with mixedemotions. It was the first time he’d ever really looked at it since he’darrived that fateful night at the Saiya-jins Club. The animal indulgence of thepeople parading through the night spurred memories of his first life. He foundhimself displaced in time. Embodied in this moment was everything he’d beenthrough. He felt the tantalizing caress of the luminous pleasures below beckonhim and the burning dawn in his heart pulling him back. Both were beautiful andcompelling…but one of these lights was false. He knew that the colorfulspectacle of the Earth was being generated by ravenous businesses feeding onthose who would be fed. It could be extinguished with a wave of the hand, andwould fade away with the darkness. But the glow that he carried in his heartwould not be so easily smothered and would never disappear.

Yes, it was all here…and it demanded he answer it. He renewed his choice byreaching into his pseudo-space pocket and pulling out a mass of glassy plates,convex to various degrees, floating together in the ancient Lambdoma harmonicconfiguration. Soft waves of energy ran silently through its weightlessinterior as it acquainted itself with the surrounding world and the spirit ofthe hands that held it. The translucent phantom of a rod that the platesfollowed lit up with a hologram of controls and settings. The former tyranttranquilly ran his fingers and his mind along them, fine-tuning the mechanicalelements. It was unfamiliar to him at first, not having held it in severalyears and having only trained with it for less than a year to begin with, butthe motions quickly came back to him.

Frieza looked down from his perch high in the moonlit sky. He was an invisiblespeck in the dark, isolated from the reckless revelry below. He grinned andaddressed the city’s people, fully aware that nobody could hear him.

“Your attention please. There will be a brief intermission in the Ace theEchidna concert series while Ace restrings his guitar. In the meantime, allowme to entertain you with my own little brand of spell-singing.”

The city failed to reply, but this didn’t discourage the alien at all. He slungthe stringless spirit guitar into position and placed his hand over the centerof the plate. There was a second of unnatural silence. The blaring music risingfrom all the clubs and bars instantly stopped, seemingly without reason. Themany voices below were suddenly called to be still. Only the sudden rush ofwind that ran violently through the streets broke the silence.

This wind carried a stagnant and distasteful odor. It was like the air in thedoldrums of a bog. It was unsurprising, for this wind had been sucked from thelungs of everyone populating the city’s nightlife. People stumbled and carsswerved, all ‘miraculously’ escaping disaster. They gasped for breath, findingnone. In the franticness of their instinct for air, no one noticed that theyweren’t suffocating.

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Thewind rose, rushing across Frieza’s focused face. The sound of oscillatingstrumming, infused with a voice like a heavenly choir, began to rise fromnowhere at all. The clock at city hall struck midnight, but didn’t make it pastthe fourth chime before it too was silenced. The song had begun.

The oscillating progressed into the more distinguished sound of guitar as theconniving musician began to move his hand in flowing, sometimes sprightlygestures. Once the melody was established he began to sing, a very rareoccurrence. His natural voice was unfit for the song, so he altered it to bestsuit the harmony.

“Endless time is arriving in this lost and found,” his voice was silky, yetpotent. But not a soul could hear it. The silence in the streets was absolute.“What is now was always but never seemed to be.”

The chaos below was only beginning. As people began to forget about theirbreathing problem, they began to recognize the song: a song of absolutesilence. The city was void of noise of any kind. Not even the trample of feetor the frenzied smashing of various objects from people struggling to return tonormal produced an audible sensation. Yet above the deafness was the song. Itrose from the recesses of what they were able to conceive, from the vague spotthat connects body and soul.

“In the breath of a heartbeat, the walls tumble down,” the old tyrant cried inagony and outrage. The tremor of his pain ran through the street. The walls ofthe nightclubs blasted themselves to dust from their cores, leaving theboulevards filled with neon-lit skeleton structures.

“An elusive light and sound enraptured me.” Frieza reverently swayed his headback toward the sky as a golden hue blushed across him and his instrument.Likewise, the inhabitants of the ground were filled with in implacable awe. Itwas comforting; it loved and forgave, but its source was obscured by thestreetlights. Many fell to their knees and held up their arms. But soon thesensation faded, and each of them found themselves alone. “But I remain in mybody. Words fail to describe what we feel when we die inside. God only knows,”

The chaos had gone from material to mental. They were on their knees now notbecause they were amazed, but because they couldn’t find the strength to stand.They couldn’t find anything. They knew that the source of the awe was stillbefore them, but they could no longer grasp it. There was nothing left for thembut the empty neon lights and their empty thoughts.

“what we're feeling when the lights grow dim.” The city’s flashy light displayfaded out, revealing the darkness that was always there but had never seemed tobe. “Is there really a voice inside?

In the silent within?”

Now unable to escape their thoughts, as most of the thrill-seekers had comehere to do, Frieza’s audience was beginning to go insane. Some smackedthemselves, trying to awaken. Some ran into pitch-black bars to drink thisnightmare into oblivion only to find the liquor flavorless and withoutstimulation. Even the texture of the mug was slipping away while the voice fromwithin grew ever louder and the emperor continued to pour his heart out.

“Torn apart by a twister of greed lust and pride.
When I bleed it's a need to be one with you.
Why is anger so hungry and love so blind?!
Why do we hurt when we cry?

God only knows what we're dreaming
in our ultimate sin
Do we really hide anything
in the silent within?”

The purple chest plate next to Frieza’s heart flared gold again, but in anguishthis time.
”Silent within,” his voice dubbed over itself for just a moment and he repeatedthe phrase in a sorrowful tone. “Within.”

The performing prince released most of his control on the guitar, allowing itto explore the aura of the moment freely. The silent wind that was stillroaming the space above the Metro was drawn into its vacuumous center andcompressed into a ball of glowing green light. He formed it into a voice andlet it join him in a duo.

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“Ohhhide in your darkness” it taunted him. He was confronted again with theunbridled pleasures of his past and the evils therein. He closed his eyes andlooked away.

“And I'm dreaming today,” he sang with a smile, ignoring the voice andmodulating the images into those of his new life. Trunks, Ace, Nemo, Sub…andthe light from which he could no longer hide. The new singer quickly responded,painting a black veil over the bar and its people.

“Only for a moment would you hear
Oh slow me down
Run away.”

Its message rang clear to the spirit conductor, and his pain reverberatedthrough the instrument and to the despairing community below. He knew the truthbeing spoken. He’d realized it during the listless days of substance abuse inthe bar and again in his battle with Ace. From this, however, he couldn’t turnaway, nor could he offer a lucid justification for it. He wailed again intorment, echoed by the voice.

“God only knows and He ain't talkin'.
In the sound and the light and the life!”

Frieza passionately ripped his hand across the open face of the crystalassembly, dashing the orb containing the voice into pieces and released as thegust of wind once more. A drumbeat dinned as the song’s intensity mounted.

“There's no end to the bottom when we start to fall,
There's no top to the high when we want to climb.”

The sky flickered wildly with silent energy. Frieza’s power ascended at adangerous rate. He poured it all into the music, releasing all the frustration,confusion, and anger he’d gathered over the years.

“And this heart is a prison bound by chains of gold!”

Red and yellow lightning flashed alternately across the horizon. The light fromthe stars and moon seemed to fade further away with each forked strike. BothFrieza and the populous were being pushed deeper and deeper into darkness.

“Wherein lies the keys?

God only knows how we're falling
While reaching for Him.
In this vacuum of time and space
in the silent within.

God only knows!

The mighty wanderer threw his head back and let go entirely. He let all of hisemotions out and blindly unleashed every ounce of power he could grasp as heblazed into the song’s climax. The music propelled him, and he perpetuated themusic. The shockwaves from his aura alone ripped the roads from the Earth andrazed the weakened buildings all around. In this passion Frieza may well havedestroyed the entire city, had someone not intervened.

In the middle of his solo, a sudden burst of light caught him by surprise. Heturned around and saw, at 12 AM, the rising sun. The guitar echoed his shock inthe form of a dramatic cadence, reviving the choir’s song to accentuate theglory of the dawn. He let the crystal mass hang at his side for a moment as hewoke up. He looked down at the destruction he’d caused and how much more he’dalmost caused. Again.

Ashamed, he released the spell on the metropolis. The wind returned to thepeople and the outside world reinverted with the silent within. He hoisted thespirit guitar, which had been repeating the last progression by itself, backinto his arms. With a trembling voice he finished the song, now heard in thephysical world and not just in the mind.

“It's a drop from the ocean
A star from the sky
A grain of sand from the earth
A tear from an eye

When the light is before us
And shines in our life
In the silent within
God only knows.”

After using a little telekinesis to spot repair the buildings and roads, thespellsinger left and flew into the midnight sun, which disappeared shortlyafter. The music returned. The lights came back on. But the people had seen thedarkness beneath them, and those lights wouldn’t be the same again for a longtime.

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Whoa...extra deep, man. Very cool.

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Thanks.I stayed up all night writing it (literally. I got 2 hours of sleep beforeschool). It feels good, though. Gotta keep my skills sharp.

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Yowza,lotsa writing.

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Sorry,guys. My internet service cut off last night. I'm not embittered by it in theleast, though. I'll continue to write the finale and post it to my site as soonas I can, but right now I'm at work so keep it on the DL. Everything else isfalling into place (Place Mr. Burns type evil laugh here).

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(MagnusX Zero) Dude, GameFaqs is changing. Weird.

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Wow.Yes it is.

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woah...woah... wait.. I'm here...w00t!

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Frieza:Ah, Sub! So good to see you. I believe this calls for a round of drinks and aritual sacrifice.

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(MagnusX Zero) How about just the drinks?

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Imiss Trunks.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

(MagnusX Zero) Where is he?

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Vegeta:Today is Cinco de Mayo, one of the few days we have a legitimate excuse to getdrunk.

Frieza: So what should we do?

Vegeta: Get drunker.

(Bottles of Mash tequilla rain from the ceiling)

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Shiro: (Hands them up dozens of cut lemons) Lemons.

Ace: Taquila!

Spades: (Pours a barrel full in) Taquila.

Ace: Duff!

Spades and Shiro: -_-' Duff?

Ace: The essential ingredient, ya dimbulbs!

Spades: Okay... (hands him the six pack)

Shiro: So what's this for?

Ace: This, MAN!!! (sits back on the bar and tips a giant mug over to swig fromit. The effects aren't as violent as some of the other drinks in the bar, butit produces the appropriate effect.) Es muy coolies, HOMBRE!!!

Spades: -_-' Aw, jack... He's gonna be doing this all day.

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(Pullssombrero over eyes)

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(MagnusX Zero) Going to Denver tommorow morning guys. See you in 5 days or so!

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(ImNot NEG) ::NEG, somewhere in NEGville, standing in town centre zapping randomfolk in the rain::

NEG:I'm kiiiillllllin' in the rain.....Juuussst kiilllllllin' in theraiiinnnn....what a glorious feeling...and I'm haaaaapppy again...

Cameraman:This is sure to make number one in the charts. ::tap dances::

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IfI was a yellow lad. Yellow would be my color. I'd sing and make the peopleglad. That Nemo isn't their mother. If I was yellow lad then people would danceround me. If I was yellow lad then people would surley crown me.(sung inminstrel voice)

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(TheHardcore Kid) *kicks NEG with a legit Italian Boot*

*orders NEG's cameraman to go buy him some Orange Sherbert*

*delivers about 8 sacks of some Humanely dead meat* Er... The Chicken died overovereating and The Lamb passed away out of lonliness...

$200 please.

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Torro!*Gets run over by bull*

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(MagnusX Zero) I"m back.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Frieza:But I'm afraid you're too late to claim jackpot. Sorry, Magnus.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

I'mgonna see about returnin' next week. This place is too calm without me.

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Frieza:You're telling me. When you guys leave, I get so bored that I play poker withthe rats. Actually, that blue one is pretty good.

Sonic: Hey, I'm not a rat pal.

Frieza: Silence, rodent.

(Lights Sonic)

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Andthat's not a (Light's Sonic) either that's a (Enflames Sonic in a fiery)

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(TheHardcore Kid) *wants payment for humanely dead meat delivery*

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Frieza:We didn't order any humanely dead meat. We kill all our own animals...and othersuch entities.

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(MagnusX Zero) Nice showing at E3 this year. Yup.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

(TheHardcore Kid) *sells his meat, which died of Neglect, Boredom and Lonliness andother non-butchered ways, out the back*

*scowls and orders an Ice cold Guinness*

*wants Chicken wings and Nachos w/ that*

*puts Thin Lizzzy's "Whiskey in the jar" on Jukebox on blast*

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(ServesHardcore his Guinness, wings, and nachos)

Frieza: Here, this one's on the house. For your troubles.

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*Vomitson nachos*

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

(MagnusX Zero) Ookay, that was weird.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

(TheHardcore Kid) *robs Nemo to replace the tainted nachos*

*buys a drink for the next 3 posters*

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*Taintsnew nachos*

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(TheHardcore Kid) *forcefeeds Nemo nachos till he pops* You like? You No like? TOOBAD!

Whoa... Freiza'll kill me if I mess up the bar...

*takes the bloated nemo otuside*

*runs back inside for cover*


*spits on remains*

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I'vefinished the last part of the concert series, but it doesn't feel half asclimactic as I thought it should be. The first chapter of my FA story isprogressing at a steady clip again. And I'm practicing a better way to draw thenext part of the comic by hand. It's still a once a month thing, so I guess Ipost a filler comic like the professional web comic artists do before the monthis out.

I'll try my best to actually get something together by the time June comesaround. That something probably being no more than a few more chapter updatesand the bringing down of my old links area, but it might mean more. (Experiencehas taught us it is the former more than the latter)

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(MagnusX Zero) School is almost over! Finally!

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

(TheHardcore Kid) For me, School's been out nearly three years!

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(Makesself a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster)

My last final was thursday. But I've still got work.

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(MagnusX Zero) Bah so tired...

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Whee,last day of school on Monday!

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Idon't get the whole ending school on a Monday thing. Who's the retard who couldn'tfit the extra day in somewhere else during the year?

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(MagnusX Zero) Well, it's not really the last day, it's just that I'm exempt from allmy finals.

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There. The first chapter is done and edited (for once). I took the time out ofmy life to re-read it all and fix a lot of grammar and spelling errors. That,and a buttload of continuity that was screwed.

Read it. Review it. Be brutal. And let me know what you think.

And yes, Friez, there was a little bit of symbolism in the title. It comes atthe end though, but I don't think I described the setting and the feeling wellenough.

Oh well, onto something else. After my recent cable fix I have to ask... Whodigs giant robots?

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Like,the giant kind?

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Idoubt that I'll ever be able to match your creativity, but that's not sayingmuch. I notice that your style is getting more refined without losing whatmakes it unique. I can tell that this story's gonna take you to places youhaven't been before (or at least haven't written on paper before). I know I'llhave to read this more than once. Great work so far.

As for giant robots, I'm not especially into the concept. I prefer human combatscenes, but I've got nothing against them as long as they're used in tandemwith a good story. Gundam Wing is the best example I can think of. Some of thekids' on WB are the worst.

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Ona side note, I love the themes you're going with. There's some of your usualstuff with a bit of a new twist(or just a deeper look at it), but some that Ihaven't seen you tackle yet. Some of them I have strong personal feelings withand look forward to their further development.

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Eh?I was just messin' around quoting Mega XLR's theme song. (Yes, it is just achant.)

"Livin' here in Jersey, fighting villains from afar. You've got to findfirst gear in your giant robot car."

heh heh.

A very nice show.

And as far as F,A on paper. I'm about five composition books in. I've typed itbefore only to have it lost in the ether. And besides, the way I did it beforereally sucked as far as I was concerned. It was way too sketchy.

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Weneed a skit...and I'm too tired to come up with one.

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Asam I.

I'll see something ridiculous in real life sooner or later and then do it here.


I did it. Just in case Gamefaqs ever does come down on us like a sack ofhammers, I've taken it upon myself to make sure that at least some of us canstill communicate. I give you this:

I'll prolly forget it later on, but who knows? Maybe this'll bear fruit.

Oh, and one more thing that's been nagging at me. Is Magnus one of us?

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(MagnusX Zero) I don't think I'm SPA exactly. Just like a honorary member. Meaning I'mnot official, but I'm in there.

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Ifyou ever want to join, just say it. Though last time I said that you said you'drather stay unofficial, which is cool. Having a regular customer that doesn'tdrink for free adds some character to the place...that and it keeps us inbusiness.

Good idea with the Yahoo group. My contingency plan, should GFAQs ever bedestroyed, was to put up a message on the SPA page, email/AIM everyone I could,and come up with another board to go to. We probably will forget about it, butat least it's there just in case.

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(GamefreakForeverX) Hey guys,it's me Magnus, with my old name, again. lol. The joys of wireless networking.

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(Magnus X Zero) Yeah, I alwayswanted to be that kind of person in the bar. So, if there were ever a SPAsprite picture, I would be off to the side, ya know?

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Sooooooo, business is slow eh?

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Frieza: Business?! Where?!Where's th- oh, you were talking about us.

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(Magnus X Zero) Cowboy Bebop iscool.

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I just got done eating a lunch ofSubway food and sushi. Strangely enough, a filling combination when washed downwith a Sobe. However it get to be a weird experience when you add Wasabi to themix. I've often tried to describe how the Ace Drink feels, but I've gottenclosest to it's effects only twice in my life before now: (1) Getting high offof bleach fumes while cleaning the bathroom (2) Getting drunk off my ass andspinning around at my cousin's wedding reception. (Thank God for the open bar)And now we add another to the list. A mouthful of wasabi transported me from myseat in the kitchen at work to the top of the Empire State building and flungme off of it to smack through the ground below to get run over by a train. Ihad to stop and swig my drink before I could eat anymore and then stop thespinning in my head. Woo! A very educational experience.

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Drunk off your ass at work.Truely you are an SPA hero!

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Yeah, so, I just got back from California after a week and a half. Seems likethis topic is all but devoid of humor now, but no worries, I had a little"skit-like" thing I wanted to do anyway regarding my time atSeaworld.

Later. I'll do that later, I have to go to a friend's now.

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(Magnus X Zero) Hm, Reagan isdead today. Farewell to him...

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Yeah, I've been too lazy tothink up something.

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So much for last night. Anyway,I'm tired now, just woke up, I'll do it later (we'll see if that reallyhappens).

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(Ultamite X) Yea wasabi will do that to you. And for noreason at all: Big O

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(Im Not NEG) Today was also D-Day.

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Hey Ace, when are you gonna postthe last part of the concert series? Are you waiting to fix it up (I rememberyou said it didn't feel good enough)?

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Give me 'til thursday and then I'llpost the new one. I've got a lot of stuff I'm working on right now.

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I know I said Thursday, but instead ofwriting the concert I've been emersed in my work. Friggin' summer semester!

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Take your time, I was justcurious.

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I know, man. I just hate leavin'**** undone when it could be.

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Fun fun. And like whenever I sayI'll write something, that Seaworld bit will probably never get done, so howabout this:

You guys name animals from Seaworld and I'll do a "what they're reallythinking" kind of thing.

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(Magnus X Zero) ...

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I'll go with penguins...causethey're stored in the other 90% of our brains.

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Penguin: So...cold...

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How 'bout a starfish?

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Penguin: At this rate my ballswill never drop.

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Starfish: Do I have a head or justfive arms... or are they legs... I wonder if there are bored people out therein the world typing about my thoughts right now.... no... that's not possiblewithout arms...or do they need feet?

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(snickers) need to stop.

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Stop Sign: If one more car rollspast me without coming to a complete stop I'm gonna rip my self out of theground and chase them... wait a second.... Do I have Grafitti on my back!?!?!?!If I do I'm gonna go ape on that innocent pedestrian who's abusing his right ofway...

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Innocent pedestrian: Is thatstop sign looking at me again? I swear, the next inanimate object that gives mea look is gonna end up sleeping with the fishes...through the fish marketwindow...that blasted fish market. You'll get yours too someday...

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(worldradiohead) this proves anything can happen
what? this

don't get it? Bah

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Walks to the top of a bell tower inthe center of town with a black case, whistling. Gets to the top of the towerand continues to whistle the same song while pulling out something from thecase. A small red dot wanders around on the ground below until it finds itselfnestled in someone's ear.

"Hmm hm hm..."


A fountain of red and white shoots of the person's head as their body falls tothe ground. A woman turns to the scene and starts to scream... before her ownhead is blown off at the neck.

"Hmm hmm hm..."

Then he looks up, quaking in his boots. A warm feeling spreads through the seatof his boxers as a red light shines through his eye.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

The head is pulped in to a shower of falling red gore and chunks of bone as thesniper hangs his braided head in pity.

"What is so hard to understand?"

He looks at the wrapped up burger in his black case.

"I told him I didn't want any mustard."

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(worldradiohead) give em' hell
to you!

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(Magnus X Zero) *orders wine andpizza* Did you see that video of the hostage taker in Spain? All I can say is pain.

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(Tabcef) Steal MY mustard, eh? I'll show you!
Prepare to eat finely prepared meals!

*Backflips off a balcony*

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Hm... I dunno if they hadstarfishes anywhere... I can't really think of one for that, but Sub's waspretty good.

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(Ultamite X) You might have already herd but while everyoneis to be concerned with the election, Congress is to handle the matter of thedraft.

with that aside give me the most expensive drink you got and soke ramen in it.

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Frieza: Our most expensive drinkis called the 'we kill you and loot your corpse', but I believe you wantedsomething more along these lines.

(Gives Ultamite an Ace drink with Ramen in it)

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(Ultamite X) *consumes the creation and is set on fire by aMolotov cocktail. soon starts to give off enough light and heat to dwarf thesun*

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Hey everyone watch this!!! are youwatchin!!! *stumbles around drunkenly and then pulls a glock from hisseeminingly invisible pant and shoots Nemo then picks up the screaming body andthrows him into a room with a very dusty door and immediately slams it. Morescreams follow*

Did anyone else forget we have a basement! I mean seriously you like walk downthere and die! It's awesome!....I got this great idea. We could make this showwhere we drag random celebrities from their homes loot them and then throw themin the basement...we could then comense to shout "You've just beenbasementeded" and we could call it "basementeded"....

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Frieza: (containing Ultamite'sexplosion) Well Sub, I would say that sounds like fun, but the last time wetelevised something in the bar we had to blow it up and move to a new zipcode...which we do every few months anyway just for good measure, but it's areal bother. Besides, celebrities don't go in the basement. They go under thefloorboards until someone pays the ransom.

Vegeta: That's right. In fact, they've been holding a telethon to raise moneyfor the release of Rosie O'Donnell for the last month.

(Muffled noise under the floor)

Vegeta: Quite down there!

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Yah your probally right... *firesglock into the floor to hear...*

Ashton ...uhhh his last name...: Owww!!!! Awesome!!!

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I've been wondering why the floorwas bleeding lately.

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(Ultamite X) By the way. what do you haAAAAAAAAAAA-*Felldown in to the basement. blood-curdling screams follow for about 5 minutes.**comes back out horribly mangled* never mind *limps to a corner, pulls a bottleof brandy out of nowhere and drinks.

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*wakes up to an empty bar with an empty bottle in hand*hello? <echo> hello....Hello!...hello?...kanichua!(sp?) </echo>
.... Weird acoustics...*finds a goblet half full of Frosty Frieza and downsit**Falls asleep again*

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(Magnus X Zero) Where's my pizzaand beer?

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(Pours pizza into a mug and putsbeer into oven)

Beer'll be out in a few minutes.

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(Magnus X Zero) I want some realfood.

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A monkey on speed.

A monkey on speed!

A monkey on speed, MAN!!!

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(Points to sig)
" 'I hope everyone is wide-eyed and bushy-tailed!' Wide-eyed andbushy-tailed? That's a Squirel on crack!"

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The Psycho is coming...

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(Magnus X Zero) Er, whichpsycho...

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Frieza: We'll be ready for them(chugs duff).

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

(Throws chainsaw across room)

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(Catches chainsaw and jugglesroom)

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(Throws paint)

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Ok, let's not get stuck doingthis for another 3 pages.

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Oh, let's.

(Throws ironing board, not the iron, just the board.)

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Oh, and I'm going out of townfor a little over two weeks on Tuesday (the 29th), but fear not! I shall returnon the 15th (of July), with souvenirs for all of you!

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(Ultamite X) *catches ironing board an uses it to whack amonkey on speed in the general direction of Mars*

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*Eats his own head*

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(Drinks ironing board)

(Lights yellow)

Frieza: It's just that last time we did this the SGSB bar died.

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We're about forty some-odd postsfrom ending this one.

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(Magnus X Zero) This time, I WILLget the last post.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

(Ultamite X) Yea, you just keep thinking that Spanky.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

stupid double post.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Marth:You know when your burningup in heats of over 74 degrees then look to the windmills to cool you off...


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I thought you got the post inthe last bar.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

Marth:he may have he mayn't not'nthav'nt...


<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

I will steal that last post.

*Breaks bottle of beer over the bar and holds it menacingly*

You want some of this, MAN!!!?


Precious alcohol... soaking into the floor... ARGH!

*Jumps down to start scooping the beer into the jagged bottle*

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*eyes start twitching manically*


*twitches harder and faster and then becomes a gargantuan beast of enourmouspower*

BEHOLD!!!! I am Surth!!!!

*kicks Ace in the head*

Post mine!

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(Magnus X Zero) I still haven'tgotten my order.

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*Grabs Magnus and grabs his upper lip and stretches it all the way back to hisbuttocks and tucks it in pulling the rest of the skin with it. Then takes theonly muscles and bones and organs magnus with skin but and detaches bones andforms a ball from muscles and organs. Tosses ball in air and then pulls out apowergamer 500 sword and procedes to slice and dice the remains of Magnus intopieces then poors into tequila. Puts in friezer, waits over night. Preheatsoven to 450 degrees. Takes out frozen magnus tequilla slices and throws them inoven melting them. Waits 16 minutes then takes them out. Poors into watereddown lemonade.*

New Drink! Magnoskinbutttequilla!

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(Ultamite X) *throws fresh rice balls dipped in the spilledbeer at Sub*

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Frieza: You all these years,I've still never gotten the last post.

(Lunges at Surth with flaming pool que and jams it into theMagnoskinbutttequilla, blowing it and Surth's hand up)

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Ace: You just made my day, son.

(Picks himself off the floor and wipes the blood away from his mouth.)

Ace: Your ass is so dead!

(Picks up a bar stool and charges the giant beast.)


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(Cracks him over the head andcontinues doing so while the stool is mangled)

Ace: That post is mine, MAN!!!

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Frieza: The hell it is!

(Telekenetically uproots chunks of the floor and sends them at Ace)

Frieza: I out rank you, you overgrown rodent. The post is mine!

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(Magnus X Zero) *revives self anduppercuts Marth, then kicks him down to the ground*

Ahem... Anyway, I still want my pizza and beer.

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(Up on the roof)

Frieza: Ok guys, we promised each other we wouldn't go overboard with this.

Vegeta: Look who's talking.

Frieza: Look, just keep it below 5000 and it'll be fine.

Goku: Are you guys sure this is legal?

Vegeta: Sure. As long as Frieza doesn't go overboard again.


Vegeta: I'm just saying...

Trunks: Come on guys, let's get started already.

(Ace and Sub come up)

Ace: Hey, what's going on?

Frieza: Independence day celebration.

Sub: But aren't we in Japan?

Frieza: I have no idea.

Ace: Maybe they'll consider adding it as a holiday after what Frieza did lastyear.

Frieza: So I don't know my own strength. Big deal.

Vegeta: It was definatly a big deal last year.

Frieza: Shut up and get ready. Aim for that commercial jet.

Goku: Frieza!

Frieza: Oh fine! We'll aim for that cloud.

(Vegeta blasts Goku)

Goku: Ah! Hey!

Vegeta: Oops. I thought he said aim for the clown.

Frieza: Hey, that's not such a bad idea.

Sub: Will you guys just start the ****ing show already?!

Frieza: Alright then, here goes!

(Fires huge deathball into sky)

Goku: Ka-Me-Ha-Me-HA!!!

Vegeta: BIG BANG!!!


(Attacks collide on deathball. Atmosphere dispels. City vaporizes. Apocalypse.)

Vegeta: (sigh) Get the dragonballs.

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(Magnus X Zero) *fires blue flamefrom hands*

Happy 4th of July all.

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...Guys we need a voulenteer... astupid one... and 5 foot long row of fire crackers... And our fool needs to eatquick...

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I ate enough meat this weekend to makea small animal.

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What a coincidence I'm making arabbit out of meat right now. Sadly he's fuzzy... That ain't good eatin.

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(Magnus X Zero) My 4th of Julywent rather uneventfully.

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That's a lie and you know it! Your4th of July was so eventful you fogot it's events were that eventful!

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I remember everything. I didn't getdrunk this year.

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That's a lie too. You got so drunkyou were sober.

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Your story makes sense and I wouldlike to subscribe to your newsletter, but no. I was plain stinking sober.

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It's only a trial version at the moment, but it is done. The Second chapter ofF,A is done.

There. Read it in it's first incarnation before it gets the directors cut.

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Wait... we're fourteen posts fromthe end aren't we?

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For the first time, a topic Istarted will reach 500.

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(Magnus X Zero) Looks like it.Congratulations Ace.

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Wow, you're right. The last baryou started was the SGSB one.

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(Magnus X Zero) Blargh. I thinkI'm getting really sick... I haven't had a good nights sleep and I keep gettingnose bleeds from nowhere.

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You should try keeping your fingerout

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Then again you might not

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(Finally gives Magnus his orderof pizza and beer)

Nemo's still the only one who hasn't done a bar yet. Let's give him a day or soto start it this time. After that, I'll be more powerful than you canimagine...I mean, we can stop caring who starts them. Damn random Friezaquotes...

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So were almost there. Once againcongratulations Ace

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(chriscaffee) I

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Ace’s Triumphant return (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 5814

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.