Anisha Jain on LinkedIn: This shift in mindset will change your life forever. Here’s why ↓ Most… | 144 comments (2024)

Anisha Jain

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This shift in mindset will change your life forever.Here’s why ↓Most people get lost in thinking about what others think of them.You might spend hours worrying about strangers on the internet.But here’s the truth:they have no time to think about you. They are busy thinking about themselves.This creates a downward spiral.Instead, bring back that time and invest in yourself to be better.Start your LinkedIn posting journey.If you don’t have time, post once a week.If you have time, post more with more quality.Your ancestors survived centuries of disease, famine, war, and migration. They didn’t do all that so you could be afraid of what strangers think about you.Focus on your growth. Make every moment count.♻️ Repost this if you agree.PS: If you struggle with writing your first post on Linkedin, try EasyGen for free. 1. Scroll to the top.2. Click "Visit my website" to download EasyGen chrome extension.3. Follow Anisha Jain to never miss a post.

  • Anisha Jain on LinkedIn: This shift in mindset will change your life forever.Here’s why ↓Most… | 144 comments (2)



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Anisha Jain

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Side note: I have all the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.But I choose to work out of WeWork.That way, I can be in a work mode mindset.I meet people who work are driven.I play foosball and Table Tennis with them.It's easy to get caught up in negative comments.It's hard to be upbeat every day.Find what works for you and double down on it.Delhi weather is too nice these days.

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Anisha Jain

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📌 I wrote my first post, and all of the next ones using EasyGen.To try it for free, scroll at the top of this post and click on "visit my website".It's a chrome extension.

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Fawaz Adeyemi

Ghostwriting for founders and sharing all I learn along the way.


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Most times, we often think of what brings us demise.Nobody cares about you or what you do.Life is too short, and everyone's time is limited.Everyone has what to focus on, life to perfect.The only time people think about you is when you,Stop caring about what they think,Get up, & take the right actions,Actions that they benefit from.Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.Once again,Life is short, LinkedIn is cool,Start posting here today.

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Vidyalekshmi H

Social Media Strategist: Building Brands & Telling Stories.


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Everyone is way too focused on themselves to even care about you! They might notice, think about, or talk about it for a minute, but the next hot thing will soon take over. It all comes from a place of insecurity. Posting on LinkedIn, chasing that job way out of your qualification, starting that business, or whatever, do it. In 100 years, we'll all be dead! So let's do whatever we want and be dead! Anisha Jain

saad usman

Digital Marketing || SEO || PPC || Content Writing || Email Marketing || SMM || Business Consultant


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Anisha Jain These days everyone is busy, fighting their own war no one is even thinking about you.

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Luke Redhead

My personal brand changed my life. Now, let's change yours. | Personal branding + business coach


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This needs to be printed and put on a billboard. Immediately.

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Jyoti Motwani

Founder of JM Marketing Services | Driving 7+ Daily Sales & Brand Recognition with High-ROI Marketing Strategies | B2C Marketing Consultant and Strategist


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I believe the biggest obstacle to breaking free from this mindset is the fear of missing out (FOMO). It's the constant pull to compare ourselves to others, believing that their lives are somehow better or more fulfilling. Overcoming this requires cultivating self-compassion, mindfulness, and a deep-rooted belief in one's own potential.

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Fahim Mukhtar

Helping you unlock LinkedIn success


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My approach has always been that I don’t focus on who is speaking but rather on what is being said. If what they say is beneficial to me, I consider it. Otherwise, I let it go as if it had never been said. If we want to stay in this world, we need to have a filter that allows only the useful things to come through.

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Ruben Hassid

Master AI before it masters you.


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We suffer from negativity bias.Among the pool of supportive comments.That one negative comment takes a toll on us.Am I good enough?Am I expert enough?Am I sharing enough value?Self-reflection is important.Thinking on a negative line, is not.

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Angel Joy Caerlang

I analyze top creators' posts and make them my own | On a mission to help fellow digital writers improve by analyzing top creators' content and curating resources that can help them become better


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I bet those who says bad things about you, don't even come close to what you achieve. It comes from insecurity that they can't achieve what you achieved. That us why they try to bring you down.In fact they can say that to you face to face. They are hiding in their profiles. Anisha Jain

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    How to shape your future, starting today.Your actions today shape your tomorrow.1. Reflect on Your Past ActionsYour life right now is a result of what you did a year ago.So, reflect wisely:• Identify past decisions that led to your current situation.• Learn from mistakes to avoid repeating them.• Take note of past successes to replicate them.2. Act Proactively TodayYour life a year from now will be a result of what you do right now.Take immediate steps:• Set clear, achievable goals.• Prioritize tasks that align with your long-term vision.• Stay consistent with your efforts.3. Think Long-TermFuture-oriented thinking is crucial.Plan ahead:• Visualize where you want to be in a year.• Break down your goals into monthly and weekly tasks.• Monitor your progress and adjust as needed.4. Empower YourselfYou have control over your future.Empower yourself:• Believe in your ability to shape your destiny.• Take responsibility for your actions.• Celebrate small wins to stay motivated.5. Build ConsistencyConsistency pays off in the long run.Stay committed:• Post regularly on LinkedIn to build your presence.• Engage with your audience to grow your network.• Keep learning and improving your skills.There you have it - a roadmap to shape your future.Remember this insight:"Act Accordingly!"Your future depends on what you do today.Take action now to create the life you want.♻️ Repost this if you agree.PS: If you struggle with writing your first post on Linkedin, try EasyGen for free. 1. Scroll to the top.2. Click "Visit my website" to download EasyGen chrome extension.3. Follow Anisha Jain to never miss a post.

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  • Anisha Jain

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  • Anisha Jain

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    This is the greatest truth about success & you can’t change my mind.A commitment to action that transforms lives and careers.Here’s why it works ↓Most people think motivation is the key.They rely on feeling inspired to take action.At the time, this mindset leads to inconsistency and missed opportunities.But with the right approach, anyone can achieve their goals no matter how they feel.Here are a few principles that make discipline unbeatable:→ Do it when you feel like itWhen motivation strikes, use it to build momentum. Take advantage of the energy and excitement to push forward.→ Do it when you don't feel like itThis is where discipline shines. Even on days when you lack motivation, taking action keeps you on track and builds resilience.→ Keep the momentum going with disciplineMotivation is temporary. Discipline is what sustains progress. By committing to consistent action, you create lasting habits that lead to success.I've seen this truth play out in countless lives.The idea that you can achieve greatness by acting consistently, regardless of how you feel, is truly powerful.♻️ Repost this if you agree.PS: If you struggle with writing your first post on LinkedIn, try EasyGen for free. 1. Scroll to the top.2. Click "Visit my website" to download EasyGen chrome extension.3. Follow Anisha Jain to never miss a post.

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  • Anisha Jain

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    Save this Social Media Reality Check.5 truths you need to know:Social media isn't the problem.Your approach is.People make money on these platforms.Change your mindset, and you'll see:• Growth• Opportunity• Connection• Learning• SuccessThe Social Media Reality CheckSometimes the grass is greener because it's fake.If you hate LinkedIn, you're connected to the wrong people.No platform is toxic and destructive.You consume the wrong content from the wrong creators.Each platform can be beneficial.When used wisely,they can transform your life.... and open up new possibilities.Save this reality check.Change your approach.♻️ Repost this if you agree.PS: If you struggle with writing your first post on LinkedIn, try EasyGen for free. 1. Scroll to the top.2. Click "Visit my website" to download EasyGen chrome extension.3. Follow Anisha Jain to never miss a post.

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  • Anisha Jain

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    5 steps to overcome fear and thrive:(a guide on how to start & succeed on LinkedIn)1. Take the First Risky StepSuccess comes to those who dare. Start by:• Posting insights instead of just "congratulations"• Commenting with valuable thoughts, not just likes2. Forget About JudgementYour boss might notice. Colleagues might laugh. But:• Growth happens outside your comfort zone• Fear of failure holds you back more than failure itself3. Consistency is KeyOne post won't change much.Regular engagement will. Do this by:• Setting a schedule: Post weekly.• Engaging daily: Comment, like, more than you post.4. Share Authentic ContentPeople connect with real stories & genuine insights.Focus on:• Your experiences: Share lessons learned• Your expertise: Offer tips and advice in your field5. Embrace Feedback and ImproveNot all feedback will be positive, but it’s all valuable.Learn by:• Analyzing engagement: See what resonates• Adjusting your strategy: Iterate based on feedbackAnd keep going!♻️ Repost this if you agree.PS: If you struggle with writing your first post on LinkedIn, try EasyGen for free. 1. Scroll to the top.2. Click "Visit my website" to download EasyGen chrome extension.3. Follow Anisha Jain to never miss a post.

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Anisha Jain on LinkedIn: This shift in mindset will change your life forever.Here’s why ↓Most… | 144 comments (62)

Anisha Jain on LinkedIn: This shift in mindset will change your life forever.Here’s why ↓Most… | 144 comments (63)


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Anisha Jain on LinkedIn: This shift in mindset will change your life forever.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.