Hwk-290 Deck Plan (2025)

1. HWK-290 | Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia - Fandom

  • A Non Modified HWK-290's Deck plan. Take note that standard HWK-290's only had one deck rather than an upper and lower deck. Garnet-HWK290.

  • The HWK-290 was manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation during the decades leading up to the Battle of Naboo. It measured twenty-nine meters in length, the HWK-290 resembled the head of a large raptor, and required a pilot and co-pilot to operate. The freighter could accommodate up to six passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo. The ships were produced without armament; they used speed and maneuverability to escape most situations. The most famous of the series was the Moldy Crow,

2. HWK-290 and Star liner deck plans? - FFG Forum Archive

  • More results from ffg-forum-archive.entropicdreams.com

  • By durek_7, 2015-09-03 04:32:40+00:00 in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

3. HWK-290 light freighter - Wookieepedia - Fandom

  • It had an angular, dagger-shaped fuselage with two wings mounted to the aft quarter of the hull. It was lightly armored but very fast, and highly customizable.

  • The HWK-290 light freighter was a model of light freighter manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation decades prior to the Invasion of Naboo. It saw moderate sales and continued to be in use into the Galactic Civil War. It was marketed toward wealthy executives and elite government officials. The HWK-290 light freighter was a small, unarmed light freighter that could be flown by a single pilot and co-pilot with room for up to two passengers. It had an angular, dagger-shaped fuselage w

4. View topic - Deck Plan Compendium & Archive - The Rancor Pit

5. HWK-290 Light Freighter (Light Freighters) - ::Star Wars Combine::

  • When the HWK-290 rolled off the production line, it was a lightly armed, extremely fast, agile ship that could outmaneuver and outrun most fighters and had the ...

  • A free online role-playing simulation game based on the Star Wars universe.

6. HWK-290 Freighter - Foil - Star Wars Unlimited - The Gamer's Wharf

  • Deck Boxes · Dice · BCW · Ultra Pro · Chessex · Metal Coins · Ultimate Guard · Dragon ... Plan B · Play Monster · Playroom Entertainment · Portal Games · Pretzel ...

  • Geek out and get the best value on Shadows of the Galaxy HWK-290 Freighter - Foil for only $0.00 at The Gamer's Wharf. Fast shipping and great deals. Shop now!

7. SW Ships Light Starships - Oakthorne.Net

  • Dec 29, 2020 · ... deck, engineering deck, and crew quarters on two spartan decks. The ... CEC HWK-290 Light Freighter. HWK290-freighter.jpg, 70,000 credits ...

  • From OakthorneWiki

8. HWK-290 Freighter (Hyperspace) (335) [Shadows of the Galaxy]

  • Schedule · Top Player Archive. Close submenu Programs. Lesson Plans · Feedback ... Submit deck list. Loader Card 1. Loader Card 2. Loader Card 3. Loader Card 4.

  • Set Name: Shadows of the Galaxy Release Date: 2024-07-12 Rarity: Common Card Name: HWK-290 Freighter Card Number: 335 Card Type: Unit Traits: Vehicle,Transport Cost: 3

9. OOC - [Fate Core] Raiders of the Rim: A Star Wars Story | Page 20

  • Feb 25, 2019 · Whip up your own deck plan if you like, so long as it's within the right specs. ... Kanan Jarrus, describing Gamut Key's HWK-290 The HWK-290 light ...

  • We sell the grav mats, and split 25% of the take as our service fee. 10% for you, 15% for Bav since he found the job and claims he's doing more work. That 10% is Rujats's to keep. The remaining 75% gets held in abeyance for the time being, until he can reveal this group job he has planned. If...

10. HWK-290 Freighter (Hyperspace) (335) [Shadows of the Galaxy]

  • Schedule Appointment. [Free USA Shipping on Orders Valuing $50+][All ... Submit deck list. Loader Card 1. Loader Card 2. Loader Card 3. Loader Card 4.

  • Set Name: Shadows of the Galaxy Release Date: 2024-07-12 Rarity: Common Card Name: HWK-290 Freighter Card Number: 335 Card Type: Unit Traits: Vehicle,Transport Cost: 3

11. HWK-290 Freighter Starwars Unlimited Card

  • 0.00$. 0.00%. Decks with HWK-290 Freighter. The Mandalorian, Sworn To The Creed Deck. 103. 13. 11. 28. $14.93. Rockee. Sep 12, 2024. Mandalorian Starter Deck - ...

  • HWK-290 Freighter | StarWarsUnlimited.gg

12. Our Southeast Asia Star-Ship layout - Deck Plans - Emerald Cruises

  • Learn more about our Emerald Asia Cruise ship layouts and find your ideal Cruise ship to take you on an adventure of a lifetime. Click here for our ship ...

  • Learn more about our Emerald Asia Cruise ship layouts and find your ideal Cruise ship to take you on an adventure of a lifetime. Click here for our ship layouts.

13. HWK-290 Freighter - Foil - The Portland Game Store

  • Geek out and get the best value on Shadows of the Galaxy HWK-290 Freighter - Foil for only $0.14 at The Portland Game Store ... Welcome Deck 2017 · Welcome Deck ...

  • Geek out and get the best value on Shadows of the Galaxy HWK-290 Freighter - Foil for only $0.14 at The Portland Game Store. Fast shipping and great deals. Shop now!

14. Galleries - Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance

  • Welcome to our deckplan and schematic galleries. They are organized first by vehicle type and then by the various manufacturers in alphabetical order.

  • A resource for use with the “STAR WARS® Roleplaying Game” by “WEST END GAMES®”. Contains space transport deckplans, starfighter schematics, and speeder schematics. Detailed descriptions are included to provide a reference for Gamemasters.

Hwk-290 Deck Plan (2025)


How big is the HWK 290? ›

Characteristics. Measuring twenty-nine meters in length, the HWK-290 resembled the head of a large raptor, and required a pilot and co-pilot to operate. The freighter could accommodate up to six passengers and 150 tons of cargo.

What type of ship is the Ebon Hawk? ›

The Ebon Hawk was a Dynamic-class freighter and a smuggler ship that rose to fame due to its use around the time of the Jedi Civil War.

How big is the world's largest excavator? ›

At the top of the list is the Liebherr R9800, the world's largest excavator. It is manufactured in Germany and is designed to perform large-scale mining work. Its measurements are: Length 23.9m - Width 10.5m - Height 11.7m.

How big is the Megaraptor? ›

Megaraptor was about 25–26 feet (7.5–8 meters) long. In 2010, Gregory S. Paul estimated its length at 8 metres (26 ft), its weight at 1 tonne (2,200 lb).

How big is the Gozanti class cruiser? ›

The Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser was a 64-meter-long starship that served as a light cruiser.

How big is the Coleman ct200u? ›

Key Specs
Included (qty.)1
Product TypeMinibike
Product Weight121.0000 lb
Dimensions L x W x H (in.)57.0 x 26.5 x 38.0 in

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.