KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm : KTVU : August 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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drunk driver. one of them was killed in the crash and the officer who survived was just released from the hospital. >> it's definitely in high spirits, she's very much happy to be home. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is the for several bart stations closed at this hour, causing major delays just as the afternoon commute gets underway. >> bart officials are telling commuters, in fact, to find alternate means of transportation. welcome, everyone to the four this afternoon. i'm heather holmes, and i'm alex savage. >> hundreds of passengers are being affected right now by what bart is describing as a network outage. it started just after 10:00 this morning, and ktvu jesse gary joining us now live this afternoon from the warm springs station there in

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fremont. >> jesse. >> heather and alex, good afternoon to you. bart is running bus bridges from this station, but that hasn't gone as planned. both vta and ac transit are having trouble cobbling together enough busses to answer the call for mutual aid. with those bus bridges. the result has left some riders stranded, others resigned and still others rethinking their use of public transit. >> right now, aren't they, like, really wanting us to take public transportation? they're shooting for that. and when we do, this is the things we get. >> our nets. cunningham was on his way home from a 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. shift when he became one of dozens, if not hundreds of passengers waiting for a way forward on their journey. bart officials say. around 10:00 this morning, a computer networking issue brought parts of its 131 mile system to a standstill. the affected system controls speed

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and distance between bart trains rely on that system to ensure a safe distance between our trains. >> so when the system is not operating properly, our fixed block train control system and it's not safe for us to run trains. so it really is stopping service out of an abundance of caution to ensure that the train control system is functioning properly. >> i don't want to wait anymore. i'm tired and i need to see my mom who is doesn't have much longer to go in life and every minute to me is precious. at this point. >> howard lyon in from town from san diego to visit his mother. he's going to turn to rideshare to make the trip. service from the station to warm springs was restored around noon, but there's still no service from warm springs, where i am up to hayward. we mentioned the bus bridges by ac transit and vta. vta officials say they're already using bus bridges for parts of their own system, due to the fact that they're doing work on their light rail tracks and ac transit officials say

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with school opening back up, a lot of busses are tied up with children. now, if you're traveling from warm springs north, you're going to have to try to get on a bus that is a specific route and do transfer. if there's if the shuttle bus doesn't come yet, the bus bridge and we haven't seen one yet. but i know that they're trying to get a bus bridge over here. but in the meantime, if you can use a specific route and do the transfer, the old style transfer route, take a bus to here, get off, get on another bus and try to cobble your way to your final destination. coming up at 5:00, we're going to talk to a transportation expert who goes more into why the system kind of comes to a halt when there's one problem with one computer and the entire system comes to a halt. we're going to talk more about that coming up at 5:00. for now, we're in south fremont. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news, we'll head back up to you in oakland. >> all right. jesse, are we getting any sort of timeline from bart officials about how long it may take to fully restore service?

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>> well, it's been six hours, alex, and service still isn't restored, so i wouldn't want to guess. i would say plan on a difficult commute home. if you are in the east and south bay, relying on bart, you want to, you know, call a friend or try an alternate. as you said, alternate way of getting around. >> okay. all right. jesse gary live for us this afternoon. jesse. thank you. in san jose this afternoon. the police department there continues to mourn the loss of that community service officer who was killed in the line of duty. >> supporters are rallying behind a second community service officer who was seriously injured by the same suspected drunk driver, ktvu joey huerta, joining us now live from san jose, where members of the law enforcement community are raising funds to help both of those officers, joey, alex and heather, one officer is being mourned here tonight. >> you can see the flags behind me after this fire truck goes by that are still lowered to half staff out here at the police headquarters. they are at the

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same time supporting this police officer who survived this tragic ordeal. and she has just beginning her situation as she begins that road to recovery. take a look. this is community service officer veronica bayer leaving the hospital in a wheelchair on wednesday, fighting back tears. police say that bayer and fellow community service officer long pham were both working a traffic accident on saturday night when they were hit by a suspected drunk driver. pham did not survive, devastating the law enforcement community here. the nonprofit san jose police foundation is raising money to support both of them. the union that represents community service officers says bayer's road to recovery will be long. >> it's definitely in high spirits, she's very much happy to be home, though very much so. still recovering. >> now, the. according to the mayor, bayer has a broken jaw, cracked ribs, and internal bleeding. she spent four days in intensive care. meanwhile,

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there's now a memorial near the crash site in memory of pham. while bayer focuses on healing, we are told by sources that the city will be paying for any funeral costs that are incurred by an officer who was killed in the line of duty, and anyone who's injured, like officer bayer, that should be covered by insurance. back to you. >> yeah, they're going to be the other expenses for those folks. so how is the fundraiser going so far, and how can people at home donate? >> all right, so heather, they've told me that they've already raised $8,000 in just two days of beginning this fundraiser. there's a website where you can go online to that. we've got it linked at our website ktvu dot com. all the money goes to those two families. it's up to the families to decide what they do with that, with whatever expenses. they need support to get through this incredibly tough time. heather. >> yeah, they will certainly need a lot of help. no doubt about that. >> ktvu is joey huerta reporting live in san jose for us? joey thank you. police have now wrapped up their search for the

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person who fired gunshots at uc berkeley today. with no arrests being made, several agencies spent about six hours searching for that suspect, described by authorities as a white man wearing a black shirt, black pants and a red backpack on. he's accused of firing that gun around 730 this morning near the clark kerr campus track that's not far away from the main uc berkeley campus. people were told to stay indoors at clark kerr and the hillside campus, where lawrence berkeley national lab and the uc botanical garden are located. authorities say it's still not known if the gunfire was directed at anyone. no injuries have been reported. >> new unemployment numbers are easing. fears about the u.s. labor market. according to the department of labor, americans filing for jobless benefits fell last week, but remains at slightly elevated levels. there were 233,000 initial jobless claims, down from 250,000 the prior week and below what

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economists had expected on wall street. the better than expected jobs report easing worries about the slowing economy. the dow added 683 points. the nasdaq was up 464 points and the s&p also jumping up and finishing the day up 119 points. >> vice president kamala harris and minnesota governor tim walz continue their sprint across key swing states. the democratic ticket held a campaign rally at the united auto workers union hall in wayne, michigan this afternoon. michigan, of course, expected to play a key role in the presidential election. it's a state that president biden narrowly won in 2020. last week, the uaw endorsed harris. now she has to try to win the support of the union's nearly 400,000 members. >> you know when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. yes, we know what we stand for, and we stand for the people. and we stand for the dignity of work. and we stand for freedom.

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>> the harris walz campaign heads to phoenix tonight and then las vegas this weekend. polls show the race is tightening in some states now that harris is the nominee. today, the cook political report moved the swing states of arizona, nevada and georgia from leans republican to toss up. >> well, meantime, donald trump held a news conference today and it was a rambling attack on vice president kamala harris. and included what critics describe as falsehoods about the economy and a third world war. >> i think that our country is right now in the most dangerous position it's ever been in from an economic standpoint, from a safety standpoint, both gangs on the street and frankly, gangs outside of our country in the form of other countries that ar, frankly, very powerful. they're very powerful countries, and we don't know what we're doing. we have leadership that has no clue. >> mr. trump also said he has agreed to three debates to be

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held next month. the harris campaign says it has only agreed to a september 10th debate on abc news, still ahead on the four this afternoon. >> today marks one year since the deadly wildfires on maui. coming up, we'll hear from the head of the hawaii community foundation about how island residents are putting their lives back together, also supporting new moms. >> it's breastfeeding awareness month, so we're talking with an expert about the benefits for both mothers and their newborns, and a barrier weather out there. >> a bit of some haze with the air quality advisory just issued from the bay area air quality management district, and also a bit of a cool down for today will stick around. we'll z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever.

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with the first ever comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security, all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited tim. ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five.

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there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪ maui. it was one of the deadliest wildfires in modern u.s. history. 102 people were killed and more than 2200

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buildings were destroyed. many of them homes. >> and today, president biden posted a message of support on social media saying, quote, nearly a year ago, jill and i stood with the people of maui after the wildfires reminded that kindness emerges in our darkest moments, first responders risking their lives, neighbors offering refuge, kids returning to school. the people of maui always remain in our prayers. a number of ceremonies are planned for today and this weekend to remember and to pay tribute to the lives lost. >> and thousands of people lost their homes and everything they owned in that disaster. and so far, the recovery has been slow for those trying to get back on their feet. >> ktvu andre senior spoke with micah kane, the ceo of the hawaii community foundation, about the recovery efforts one year later. >> i think from a cleanup standpoint, there has been tremendous progress. the federal, state and county and private sector has done a good job on the cleanup, nearly 100% of the residential units, or roughly about 1400 lots, have been fully cleaned and have

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been, given back to the to the owners, about 159, commercial sites have been cleaned, water, sewer and electrical utilities have been restored to both the residential and commercial lots. and but while there has been tremendous, cleanup, there's tremendous challenges that lie ahead, but we like the progress we've seen so far. >> let's talk a little bit about the economic impact here, because, you know, the downtown area was was so devastating, the impact here. what has the economic impact been for those hawaiians that had businesses down on the waterfront or in other parts of maui? >> well, all of front street was completely decimated. and so that has not obviously been restored. kaanapali kapalua. lahaina, you know, is the economic engine of maui, hospitality right now is down nearly 60%. wow and having,

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almost a 20 to 25% drag on the overarching hospitality, industry in hawaii. so it's been it's been significant, but but gratefully, you know, the, the hotels and hospitality owners and operators have, kept, full employment, which has been very, very helpful to, to the, to the area, you know, this is going to be a really long journey, you know, we anticipate we're going to be at this for 3 to 5, maybe even seven years. we know that federal and government monies are going to dry up. we've seen that in other major disasters around the country and so we're we're trying to be smart with our resources because it's already starting to slow down. so i do think that continued support, you know, to the maui strong fund and to other organizations like red cross and others that are still active in the region, is very important and we welcome that. but again, just so grateful for what we've

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seen so far, california has been a major supporter, a lot of people have expressed their support through contributions to the maui strong fund. >> i do want to ask you, micah, because i've had people ask me this. they wonder, is it time yet for visitors to go back? i know there's a respect portion of this. there is a recovery. the people that live there were severely affected by this. but are visitors urged to come back at this point to contribute to the economy of maui at this point? what is that situation like? what would you tell people? >> yeah, you know, i think it's you're seeing exactly what we hope happens. we hope people come back. we're actively marketing back. you know, globally and nationally to invite people back to maui. we hope they do it in a very respectful way, there's still a lot of trauma that people are feeling, there's a lot of curiosity. i think when people come, we ask that they respect their private areas, you know, especially in the residential communities. but we want people

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to come back, enjoy the hospitality of, of maui, of hawaii, it's still there. the people are warm, they welcome them. and, we just, you know, we would appreciate that. and we're actively marketing out there. >> and if you would like to support the maui strong fund, we've made it easy for you. just head on over to our website. that's ktvu.com, and click on the web link section to donate. >> we move now and talk about our weather here in the bay area, and we'll give you a beautiful live look out over the south bay. here you see clear skies and we are seeing some cooling temperatures across much of the bay area. let's bring in ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo with a look at what we can expect here as we move toward the weekend. >> mark. hi there. alex. yeah, no major heat in the bay area. bay area today. in fact, we cooled off a bit and as we head into the weekend, just a minor bump in the numbers as we do start off the weekend. now, what you have noticed over the past few hours is a change in the air quality. a bit more of the terms

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of some haze across portions of the region. so as a result, the bay area air quality management district has issued this an air quality advisory in place for today right on through friday, as we take a look at some of the air quality sensors, you can see a bunch of yellow showing up here. there's a chance maybe some of the sensors picking up some oranges as well. so if you're noticing some haze that is due to the wildfire smoke from across portions of the west, and especially here in california. in fact, here's the forecast model showing you that smoke most of it is drifting off into nevada. that's the projection into your friday, but still a lot of haze around here locally. as far as the satellite, you can see lots of low clouds and fog right near the immediate coastline and already pushing back into san francisco bay. so we'll hold on to some low cloud cover for the short term. in terms of the overcast skies and maybe some drizzle, as well as we coming closer right now, here are the clouds right around pacifica. closer to san francisco's ocean beach. coming in tighter here over san francisco. still some patchy fog to track this afternoon, so temperatures definitely cooler than yesterday, right now it is 89

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degrees in livermore. oakland 68 some 70s up in the north bay and palo alto checking in 70 degrees. here's the temperature departure compared to yesterday. lots of minus signs to show you here. so the cooler forecast verifying nicely as you can see the one exception out toward half moon bay, about two degrees of two degrees warmer compared to yesterday. here's a live camera looking out toward the fog above san francisco. so still some low clouds back in the picture for tonight. we'll wake up to some gray, maybe some drizzle near the coastline tomorrow morning with partly cloudy skies inland into the afternoon hours for your friday. not a big change in temperatures compared to today. still some patchy fog for the beaches. lower 60s, warmest locations inland on track to reach the low to mid 90s for tomorrow afternoon into saturday. no big changes. could be a little bit warmer and then a significant cool down is headed our way. we'll have more on that with your full update coming up in just a little bit. >> all right. thank you so much mark. well, thousands of people are expected to flood golden gate park this weekend for the

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outside lands music festival. that three day music festival starts tomorrow. and an estimated 75,000 people are expected to attend each day. city officials say they are ready for the crowds, and they are urging people to take public transit. >> well, this weekend is going to be epic fun throughout san francisco. we encourage everyone to come into the city, but if you do so, try to take bart or caltrain or golden gate transit. once you're here, particularly if you're going to outside lands, remember that your outside lands ticket is good for free rides on muni all day long on every line except for the cable cars, if you're driving into the city, an easy bet is actually to go of all places downtown and park in one of the public parking garages and hop on the n-judah train or the five fulton bus. but again, probably better to take bart or caltrain into the city. >> the musical lineup consists of artists from all genres. headliners include the killers,

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sabrina carpenter, sturgill simpson, and up and coming singers like chapelle, rhone and shaboozey. bay area artist van deluxe will also perform on saturday. >> still ahead here on the four this afternoon, your diet could raise the risk of developing dementia later in life. up next, we'll talk live with the director of the northern california alzheimer's association about the new research that focuses on one specific type of

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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever.

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with the first ever comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security, all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited tim.

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study by brigham and women's hospital in boston looked at 40 years worth of data, and it found consuming two servings of processed red meat each week appeared to raise the risk of cognitive decline by 14%, compared with those eating about three servings a month. these findings were presented at the alzheimer's association's international conference, and for more, we're joined now by claire day, interim executive director of the alzheimer's association of northern california, and nevada. claire, thank you for coming on. it's good to see you. so what do you. yeah, what does this research suggest to us about how strong a link there is between processed red meats and dementia? >> so i think what it's telling us is something that's probably not going to be rocket science to our viewers. right? is that what what we eat is important, and we're learning more and more about the quality of that food

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and how it might impact our risk. i think what was interesting about this study in particular, that in addition to understanding the link between a raised risk by eating the processed red meats, as you mentioned, two servings per week, there was also some benefit to swapping out some of those red meat servings or those processed red meat servings with things like nuts and beans and tofu that that might actually have lowered risk by 20%. so i think we're learning about the benefits of some of these foods that are are good for our heart, that could be good for our brain as well. and the impact that it's having on overall dementia risk. >> yeah, it's really sort of highlights how important nutrition is when it comes to brain health. what can we let's run down just in case folks are wondering what are we talking about when we're talking about processed red meat? and what about eating unprocessed meats? things like steak.

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>> yeah. so processed red meats are things like bacon, salami, kielbasa, baloney. all of those things that are not sort of like a, like a real piece of meat, like steak. and it was interesting, you know, there was not, the potential for the same, outcomes from just eating, say, a steak or a roast, right? that there didn't seem to be the same linkage. so it was certainly those those processed foods and the servings of bacon was two slices of bacon, one hot dog, those sausage are cabasa would have the same about two ounces, i think was what they looked at, now, with that said, we know, that there have been other studies that have shown limiting red meats like steak are are good. maybe not excluding them, but maybe limiting the amount of red meat and focusing more on those lean proteins, certainly have some benefit as well.

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>> yeah, everything in moderation, right. what what is it clear from the research what it is about processed red meat that raises the risk of dementia. >> so this was an observational study. so they looked at health records as you mentioned. so they looked at people over 40 years, which is really kind of exciting to see that we can gather that much data on people. but being that it's an observational data, it's all self-reported on, on sort of they completed health surveys. so i'm not sure that the research has yet to determine, sort of what it is exactly about those processed meats. but i think, you know, we would like we look at ultra processed foods. we're looking at what the overall nutritional value is of those foods and, and how it contributes to our overall health. so i would think that it leans more towards that area. yeah. >> this is obviously all all about potentially shifting your diet and even just small changes in someone's diet. it sounds

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like can make a huge difference. but you may have folks out there who are set in their ways. and boy, they, you know, they have bacon. you know, this many times a week. they like to enjoy hot dogs all the time. you know, if someone, you know, maybe if they're older is it is there is there ever a point where it's too late to sort of change your diet and make a difference when it comes to, to your cognitive health later in life? >> yeah, it's such a great question. i think we all cringed when we read bacon. we thought, no, not not our beloved bacon. but i think what we're learning from these studies is it's never too late to make these changes. and as you mentioned, even swapping out just a few servings, it doesn't have to be an all or nothing change to your diet. what we're learning about diet and dementia risk is making those incremental changes in our lifestyle. and that extends to exercise and cognitive stimulation as well, may have some protective benefits. and it's even later in life making those changes has had some potential positive outcomes. so

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i would say make those incremental changes, even if you swap out just a few servings and still enjoy those 4th of july hot dogs from time to time, is probably okay as well. >> all right. don't have to cut out the hot dogs altogether, but just in moderation is the best bet. we appreciate you coming on to help us understand this research. claire day, interim executive director at the alzheimer's association of northern california and nevada, good to see you. thank you, thank you. >> well, coming up next, right here on the four struggling to breastfeed. it is a common problem for a lot of new moms. stay with us. a pediatrician joins us live to talk about the challenges and the solutions. >> also ahead this afternoon, some students in the east bay are headed back to school today. the big change on campus for one district and its students introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich.

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experts say that breastfeeding is good for babies and moms, but can also come with some hurdles. so let's talk more about this. this afternoon i'm joined by doctor kendra mcneil at kaiser permanente. pediatrician. doctor, really nice to see you here. so let's start with the benefits of breastfeeding because there are many. >> absolutely. so there are many benefits for breastfeeding, both for the mother and for the baby. so a few of the benefits for mom include, first and foremost, being able to get back to that pre-baby weight, which of course we all want to do. the second benefit is just the bonding aspect because it's so intimate. it's so, you know, just really something that you cannot duplicate in just those moments

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between the mom and the baby are very special. benefits for the baby include health benefits that we see, including decreased risk of common respiratory illnesses such as colds and ear infections, and pneumonias. and even later in life, we found that children have a decreased risk of asthma, allergies, obesity and diabetes. >> okay, so those positive impacts, as you mentioned later in life, another another benefi. but can i just speak frankly? you know, as a mom myself, those first few months doctor, are so tough. i mean, the schedule is crazy. you know, you you can't sleep. your normal routine is turned upside down. and then there is this pressure of breastfeeding. how do you sort of encourage moms to manage all of that? >> absolutely. i mean, and you definitely hit the nail on the head because breastfeeding is not necessarily easy for everyone. and so we really try to make sure that we encourage moms that they need a whole village to help support in this endeavor. the american academy of pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, and in order to do that, you've got to

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have help from your partner. you've got to have help from your family to do household chores so that you can just really focus on breastfeeding the baby, getting rest when the baby is resting, and then also making sure that you stay hydrated and having a good diet so that you can produce that milk. >> there's also, and i love that we're talking about this because there is also a stigma associated with i whether you choose to do it. and let's say you do choose to do it in public, or whether you're unable to breastfeed, there is stigma associated with both things. it seems like. >> absolutely. and there's a no one size fits all. and that's one thing that i really try to encourage my moms, especially those who do struggle, is that it's not a one size fits all. we do have support available for moms who are having difficulties, so we have lactation consultants. we have certified lactation nurses in all of our hospital facilities, and there are other outside community organizations that can assist with this as well. and if they are not able to do it, then that's okay. you know, we tried and we gave it all that we could. >> yeah, talk a little bit too about certain demographics because i know there at kaiser you really focus on black infant

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health as well. tell us about that. >> absolutely. so we know that there are certain demographics who do have a lower risk of breastfeeding initiation, as well as a lower risk of continuation of breastfeeding. and so we try to make sure that we're focusing our support on those groups, in particular african american moms, latinx moms, mothers of color. and so at kaiser permanente east bay, what we've been able to do is partner with the contra costa department of public health black infant health program, where they actually have support groups for moms in the prenatal stage, as well as in the postnatal stage. and they have weekly meetings where we actually bring our pediatricians, our ob gyns, our pediatric residents, obgyn residents, so they can meet with those moms during those longer sessions and do q&a and really help to develop that support and that trust early on. >> that's really great. what do you hear, though, from the moms that that you that you talk with is their biggest challenge when it comes to breastfeeding? >> i would say that one of the biggest challenges, kind of, as you mentioned earlier, is that there's just so many other things that are going on. it's a very exhausting time. babies

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need to feed very frequently. moms are tired. they have a huge adjustment to their schedule, in particular if this is their first child or even if it's their second child, because now they have to learn how to juggle taking care of their older child in addition to the newborn. so that's where we really emphasize making sure that they have that support at home. and then how do you help to help a mom determine that? >> okay, you've done your best. you've given this your best shot. let's let's go ahead and put the child on a formula. >> so a number of factors i think come into play with that. so first and foremost the health of the baby. so it has the baby been gaining weight. are they urinating and stooling appropriately. do they look as though they're receiving the appropriate amount of nutrition. and if at any point in time, it seems as though those things are not occurring, then we can introduce a plan where there is supplementation with formula, and there is still a way to supplement with pump breast milk as well. >> okay. and your final message to moms out there who may be struggling. >> so my final message would be you know definitely just try to make sure that you're utilizing all of the support systems that are available, including your family members, your health care

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providers, the community support systems, because we want to make sure that we're able to empower moms to do what they need to do and lastly, also making sure that they have that support from their employer. once they do go back to work. >> yeah, that's that's really important, a proper place to be able to pump if necessary or whatever. that mom at that particular time needs. well, thanks so much for coming on the show and talking with us about it. hopefully we've been able to encourage some of the new moms out there. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you alex. >> really important information. >> thank you for the conversation. today was the first day of school at the mount diablo unified school district in the east bay, and there was something new happening this year phone free campuses. ktvu is ali rasmus has more now on the new policy. >> i already have it. my phone inside here. so what? how it works is like you just put it in and then just lock it. mount diablo high school senior dorian solis showed us the new equipment he and every other student here now must use every day. >> it's something called a yondr pouch. a bag to lock away his cell phone that can only be

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opened at the end of the school day using a special device. >> i'm not that crazy for my phone, so i'll be. i'll live. it is going to be definitely a hard adjustment, especially with the kids who are more like immature and like more wild. and they don't want to be here. >> new pouches mean no calls, no texts, no social media, or even music. students also have to lock away their earbuds for the entire school day on campus. >> probably the same because, like, i don't think anyone would be on their phone on the first day or like for the rest of the year. we think it's fine. >> i think it lets us focus mor. there are so many other problems that they can solve, but like they choose the to this. if anything, they're just as addicted to our phones as us. >> being a parent, i think it's great. like i said, it makes kids interact more. >> yonder's founder started the company in the bay area ten years ago, having social interactions that can be awkward. >> that's part of growing up. that's what builds character. >> they're now used in more than 2000 schools across the u.s. and in 27 different countries. >> when everyone is kind of

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fully there and they're not worried about what's happening other places and texting and taking pictures of each other, it completely changes the environment. >> some students worry about what they'll do in an emergency. >> some people really depend on it. >> i was young, we just went to the office. we still have phones in the office. people don't know about a landline, but we still have landlines. >> school administrators here told us every classroom has a device to unlock the pouches so a teacher can unlock the bags during an emergency. >> it might be a rough start, but i think it'll get. they'll they'll get used to it. >> the school board president at mount diablo unified says the district piloted a program with these yondr pouches during summer school last year. they were so happy with the results, they decided to expand it this year to mount diablo high school. and ignacio valley high school in concord. ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news. >> well, back to school is getting just a little bit easier for families in need in san francisco. today was the very first day of the saint anthony foundation's annual back to school drive. community members who are pre-registered for this program can choose clothing,

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shoes, backpacks, and school supplies at the foundation there on golden gate avenue, ceo larry quan told us about 400 backpacks alone will be given away during the drive to children from the tenderloin neighborhood and throughout san francisco. >> the whole goal is all our services are about giving these things with dignity and respect in a setting where they don't feel like it's just charity, but this is about us accompanying them in their journey. and this particular journey is about going back to school. >> new this year. the event includes a medical team that will offer information to families as well as a vaccine clinic. >> coming up here on the four this afternoon, a new wildfire in northern california explodes in size since it started yesterday. up next, we'll get you an update on a fire near placerville that's led to evacuations. >> and in meriwether, we have some fog out toward the coast and right around san francisco. the cool down started today, but the real cooling shows up in the

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five day forecast, and we'll ha the ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes. but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪

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el dorado county went from just under 600 acres last night to almost 1200 acres today. evacuation orders are in place for some areas near the fire. the fire started early yesterday morning northwest of slate

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mountain. and right now containment stands at about 5%. the park fire, northeast of chico, grew another 2000 acres overnight, and it's now 427,000 acres in size. this wildfire has been burning for three weeks now in butte. tehama shasta, and plumas counties. containment remains at 34%. firefighters have been working in extreme heat and rugged conditions. this fire is the largest in california so far. this year, and it's the fourth largest for our state overall. it's destroyed 640 homes and other buildings and damaged more than 50 others. >> okay, let's bring it back a little closer to home and take a look at our weather. and a really nice shot of the oakland estuary here. let's bring in our meteorologist, mark tamayo. notice it was a bit cooler today. mark. >> yeah, that's right. heather. in fact, the heat advisory is no longer in place. no more triple digits, still some 90s inland. but the cool down started here and temperatures really not moving around too much in your

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friday forecast. also, you may notice this especially in the inland east bay, a bit more of some haze developing. this was the view looking out toward mount diablo. and we actually have an air quality advisory that was issued this afternoon, lasting through friday. so we could still have a bit of some haze out there, especially in some of the inland valleys. and a lot of that haze being produced by some of the wildfires across the west. you heard about the park fire, and you can see the satellite detection of the fire here throughout the day. and you can see the current conditions out there, 83 to 90 degrees. it is very dry. that's a big challenge for the fire crews today. the relative humidity levels around 14 to 16%. and then also as you can see here, the crosier fire burning just outside of placerville, that's the signature. and look at the current conditions here. and still very dry. relative humidity 13 to 16%. also hot with current conditions. temperatures in the 90s. we have some low clouds and fog. would be great to push all this fog back into the fire zones, but right now the fog is out toward

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the coast and right around portions of the bay as well. as we come in closer, there's some of the coverage closer to pillar point, pacifica san francisco's ocean beach, and where we have the cloud cover. it's on the cool side. half moon bay is 59 degrees. oakland 68, some 80s inland, not as hot as yesterday, but still it's warm out toward concord. livermore in the mid to upper 80s. as far as the temperature change compared to this time yesterday compared to wednesday 4 p.m. and lots of minus signs in front of these numbers. so that forecast, that cooler pattern is verified nicely. and tomorrow temperatures should really not be moving around too much. as far as the winds they have been picking up. you can see right now fairfield a southwest breeze at about 23 miles an hour. sfo westerly at 25 miles an hour in san jose. winds at about ten miles an hour. so here's our live camera once again looking out toward mount diablo. those dry hillsides in the foreground, a constant reminder with the threat of fire season and still a bit of some haze in the bay area skies as well. so weather headlines tonight. partly cloudy

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skies, some coastal clouds. tomorrow. no big changes out there the weekend. we'll see a bump in the numbers on saturday. and then it looks like we'll cool things off as we do move into sunday. outside lands begins tomorrow. golden gate park and looks like we'll have some cloud cover, maybe some breaks in the clouds throughout the afternoon hours. you can see the day one lineup for tomorrow, so definitely want to bring the sweater or the jacket with temperatures only in the low to mid 60s for tomorrow at golden gate park. overnight temperatures tomorrow morning will be in the 50s and the 60s. the clouds coast side and right around the bay to start off your day. and that's what this forecast model is showing with temperatures in the 50s and the 60s into the afternoon hours, kind of like today, the clouds trying to clear back to near the coastline, and temperatures ranging from the lower 60s out there to the low to mid 90s by tomorrow afternoon. so there's your friday forecast cooler for the beaches, warm to hot. well inland, but no heat advisories in place. this guy wants to move in on saturday a little bit. and that means temperatures do warm up a few degrees and then a

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cooler sunday. and you'll notice that cool down by the second half of the weekend. for tomorrow, the hottest locations in concord, livermore and antioch in the low to mid 90s. tomorrow could be about the same or a little bit warmer than today. san jose 91, san jose 85. in santa rosa 91 degrees. here's a look ahead. your five day forecast. you'll see temperatures up a few degrees into your saturday. and then here's that cooldown expected for sunday to monday. you'll notice that change with temperatures in the 70s and the 80s so warm to hot, but then some cooling in our future, especially by sunday. >> yep, doesn't look too bad at all. all right. thanks, mark. the san diego zoo debuts california's newest pair of pandas. but first, a check of the afternoon commute. we told you about the troubles on bart. let's see if there are similar troubles out there on the roadways. giving you a live look now at interstate 80 and the emeryville berkeley area. and you can see that traffic is quite heavy in both directions at this hour. plus and you heard mark tamayo talking about it just a couple of minutes ago,

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outside lands getting ready to get underway. >> golden gate park in san francisco is a hive of act ity. i'm and

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rescuing a missing five year old boy with autism. this happened tuesday in volusia county. the deputy spots the boy there in a pond, rips off his bulletproof vest and runs into the water to

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rescue the child. authorities say the boy was medically cleared and then returned to his parents. the sheriff's office says all of its deputies received special autism trainin, so they were equipped to help in this particular situation. >> an incredible rescue there. great costco crackdown on membership sharing is on the horizon for more stores across california. the company says members will be required to scan their membership cards before entering the store. costco says the change is meant to improve the membership experience and prevent nonmembers from using customers cards. guests will still be allowed to enter the store if they are accompanied by a member. >> well, the consumer financial protection bureau is looking into how some major u.s. banks are handling customers funds on the payment app zelle. jp morgan bank of america and wells fargo are reportedly at the center of this investigation. now, this comes after rampant fraud and scams on the app, which is owned by seven banks, including the three that are under

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investigation today, is california panda day. >> governor newsom made that proclamation earlier today with the public debut of two giant pandas at the san diego zoo. they arrived earlier this summer from china, and they're the first giant pandas to enter the united states in 21 years. they're at the zoo's panda ridg, which opened to visitors today. the governor says the pandas symbolized pride, common humanity and understanding between the u.s. and china. >> this is about exchange. this is about understanding. this is about something much deeper, much richer than just the two beautiful pandas. we celebrate. it's about celebrating our common humanity. it's about celebrating the things that bind us together. >> stay humble. >> now, here in the bay area, san francisco is still working on its efforts to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. they may arrive as soon as next year if mayor breed's plans for funding, and to build a panda

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enclosure at the zoo, get full support. >> tropical storm debbie is back for more, and this time her wrath is expected to reach as far north as vermont. >> i'm chelsea torres in rale north

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pollutants are bigger problems in low income and working class communities located along traffic corridors. this includes parts of oakland, richmond, san leandro, pittsburg and vallejo. conversely, the study found the air was cleaner in greener, windswept locations like alameda, millbrae and the berkeley hills. >> tropical storm debby is heading up the east coast after making landfall for a second time, leaving in its wake a lot of heavy rain, dangerous flooding and also deadly tornadoes. >> search and rescue officials found the body, a body inside a home that was destroyed by a tornado in north carolina, and that raises the death toll from this storm up to seven. fox's chelsea torres has more now from raleigh, north carolina. >> north carolina residents waking up to tornado warnings thursday as tropical storm debby has made a second landfall in wilson county. a tornado touched down, destroying a two story home, forcing it to collapse on

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itself. more homes ripped apart in other parts of north carolina as tornadoes came through. winds whipping up waves on surfside beach in south carolina. as some people were out walking in the storm. debby is expected to keep moving inland, bringing with it heavy rain. flooding could be a problem across parts of south carolina and north carolina, residents say you have to be resilient. >> we have no control. we just take it and just enjoy it, the good and the bad. >> take a look at this car caught up in brown floodwater in north carolina from the sky. the road looks like a river. a dangerous situation is unfolding in georgia, where at least four dams were breached northwest of savannah in bulloch county. tropical storm debby dumped about a foot of rain in this area. >> all the bulloch county sheriff's deputies have said that they've never seen anything like this, and we haven't seen anything like this before. and i've lived here for 30, 33 years. >> as debby continues to move portions of virginia bracing for

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heavy rainfall as well, officials giving away free sandbags to help people protect their homes. >> i'm just trying to be cautious about getting some sand to prevent flooding in my cellar. >> forecasters say residents as far north as vermont could get several inches of rain this weekend in raleigh, north carolina. i'm chelsea torres, fox news. >> ktvu fox two news at five starts now. >> two big events bringing massive crowds to san francisco. vice president kamala harris coming back to the bay area for the first time as the democratic nominee for president. and outside lands, bringing some big names to golden gate park. action packed weekend ahead in the city by the bay. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm cristina rendon. >> we are going to start with outside lands at music festival. the countdown is on to friday ktvu christien kafton got a behind the scenes preview today and christian, a lot of big names set to play in this three day music event at golden gate park. >> yeah, you got that right. you guys said countdown is on. we

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are just hours away from outside lands getting underway, and city leaders and promoters for the concert series say this one is going to be a showstopper up and down san francisco's golden gate park, crews are putting the final touches on the stages and venues that comprise the outside lands festival. the lineup includes some of the biggest names in music right now. >> this year, our headliners are the killers, sabrina carpenter, post malone doing a country set which he hasn't done anywhere, and sturgill simpson. >> this is the 16th year the festival has come to san francisco. and it's not just the music that draws the crowds. organizers say there's going to be plenty of wine and food for festival goers to enjoy. >> we've got so many different types of cuisine. we've got malaysian food, we've got creole food, we've got scandinavian food. >> san francisco mayor london breed says with high profile incidents like the disrupted terror plot surrounding a taylor swift concert in europe, security will

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