Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (2024)

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onyhow Too much adorableness from Land of the headpats Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Too much adorableness

#1: Aug 12th 2011 at 4:27:56 AM pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (2)

Got this from Touch Arcade hereNintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (3)...


edited 12th Aug '11 4:32:36 AM by onyhow

Give me cute or give me...something?

SpookyMask Since: Jan, 2011

#2: Aug 12th 2011 at 4:37:42 AM

I would say "I hate smartphones" but I don't actually know what smartphone is besides the fact they are getting popular.

Mammalsauce Since: Mar, 2010

#3: Aug 12th 2011 at 4:46:26 AM

Nintendo tried (and succeeded) to rake in the casuals form the bottom of the barrel, then the bottom fell out. I didn't think in 2006 it was possible to be more casual than the Wii (=stereotypical but not inaccurate Wii audience of little kids and old ladies) but five years later the lowest common denominator keeps getting lower and lower.

There's really no way they can compete with the likes of Apple and Facebook in the herding and exploitation of ubercasuals. I recall Sony discussing a PSP-themed smartphone, and given the quality of Nintendo's products, jumping on that bandwagon might not be an awful idea. Or it might ruin them, what the f*ck do I know.

I just hope this means they've learned their lesson. Aim higher. Hypercasuals are fickle. They were indistinguishable from regular video game enthusiasts in the 80s and 90s but now they've budded off into their own exclusive market with almost no overlap whatsoever. Nintendo cannot be a video game company by trying to cater to these people.

edited 12th Aug '11 4:47:45 AM by Mammalsauce

Shale Mighty pirate! from Int'l House of Mojo Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

Mighty pirate!

#4: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:27:23 AM

If there's almost no overlap, why can't Nintendo jump into that market? Iwata's position is simple - Nintendo doesn't develop for their competitors' platforms. But if smartphones are going after a completely different audience, then they're not competitors. Just an untapped market.

edited 12th Aug '11 5:27:38 AM by Shale

stevebat Since: Nov, 2009

#5: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:43:06 AM

Nintendo's biggest problem right now is a distinct lack of games. Really. The Wii is in the Next Generation Downslide and the 3DS just plain does not have very many games out right now. so why are people telling nintendo to develop games for OTHER PLATFORMS?

Apocalypse: Dirge Of Swans.

Mammalsauce Since: Mar, 2010

#6: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:50:19 AM

They can jump into that market, and I would like to think that if they did, they would sever the casual side of their development from video games completely so they could cater more to their Mariozeldametroid fans (me) and cater to the casual philistines and never the two shall meet. If they made it their sole business plan instead of an offshoot (Nintendo Casual Bullsh*t Gaiden Inc.) then they wouldn't be much of a developer any more in my eyes, as much as a megacorporate blob like Zynga.

It would be antithetical for Nintendo to make something for a piece of hardware that doesn't have their logo stamped on it. Yes, I know about the Philips Cd-i blah blah blah

(I know companies are made to make money, but there is a dividing line where all the credibility and integrity is on one side. Capcom, EA, and Activision are doing a tightrope act on this line. No, I am not trying to make a logical point, this is my opinion and no true scottish game developer makes games for facebook.)

nomuru2d Gamer-turning-maker from Port Saint Lucie, FL Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: Longing for Dulcinea


#7: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:53:12 AM

Can we just label this as Nintendo's investors Completely Missing The Point?

Long live Cinematech.FC:0259-0435-4987

Folt Warlock Necromancer from Hollow Bastion! >=D Since: Jun, 2010

Warlock Necromancer

#8: Aug 12th 2011 at 7:09:03 AM pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (11)

"I'm concerned about the falling stock price," the shareholder said to Iwata, according to anAndriasang translation. It's not a ludicrous thing to bring up; since being worth $38.29 in the U.S. on February 25, Nintendo's stock price has steadily dropped all the way down to $23.27 as of this writing. It's what comments came after this that are strange. "I own stock, but I don't own a single Nintendo product. I believe games are a waste of time. By the way, the reason I own Nintendo stock is because the name is nice, it's in Kyoto and it was listed in the year of my birth."

Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (12) I think it's safe to say that they are. At least some of them.

I tracked down the andriasang article too for your viewing pleasure: pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (13)

Fantastic Supreme Überkaiser Emperor Folt of The Infinity and Beyond" ... "The First"!

Thorn14 Gunpla is amazing! Since: Aug, 2010

Gunpla is amazing!

#9: Aug 12th 2011 at 7:10:25 AM

I swear to god if gaming shifts focus to sh*tty casual smart phone games I am done with gaming.

Tyyrlym Jerk from Normandy SR-2 Since: Mar, 2011


#10: Aug 12th 2011 at 7:46:06 AM

Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (16)It won't, but expect the divide between hard core and casual (ugh, hate those designations) to widen ever further. Nintendo is the gaming company most caught in the lurch. The Wii was a huge boon for them, but smartphones let you replicate so much of the Wii's gameplay that it's hard to convince people to buy the shovel-ware games that are their bread and butter for $20, $30 or even $50 when you can get the same game play on a smartphone for $0.99. Fruit Ninja is about as entertaining as 90% of what's available for the Wii.

Personally if I was Nintendo I'd seriously consider what I'm doing, maybe even spin off a smartphone oriented division.

"Tyyr's a necessary evil. " Spirit

Cider The Final ECW Champion from Not New York Since: May, 2009 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Final ECW Champion

#11: Aug 12th 2011 at 4:46:08 PM

If the smart phone kills the gaming industry the gaming industry deserved it. A $200+, American, phone with 99 cent games, and you're worried. I supposed the movie industry should be worried about $400, American, computers with users watching Youtube, Atomfilms and Newgrounds?

Nintendo's lack of games, they did that to themselves with hurting third parties, but third parties aren't helping themselves either. Shovel Ware is not a good thing. Shovelware isn't their bread and butter Just Dance, and Wii Sports Resort are. Good games that encourage consumers to get more, games like Just Dance are their best sellers and they are not Shovel Ware just because you or I don't care for them.

Modified Ura-nage, Torture Rack

Signed Always Right Since: Dec, 2009

Always Right

#12: Aug 12th 2011 at 4:52:29 PM

My opinion? The investors can go **** themselves.

Stick to making actual games with your time and resources. Casual games are already bad enough, no need to dig an even bigger hole.

edited 12th Aug '11 4:55:00 PM by Signed

"Every opinion that isn't mine is subjected to Your Mileage May Vary."

RocketDude Since: May, 2009

#13: Aug 12th 2011 at 4:56:43 PM

Problem is, you're speculating on what is essentially a break from tradition. Nintendo deciding to move to third-party smartphones would be like Porsche taking the 911 and heavily restyling it: it most likely wouldn't go over well.

edited 12th Aug '11 4:57:05 PM by RocketDude

Recon5 Avvie-free for life! from Southeast Asia Since: Jan, 2001

Avvie-free for life!

#14: Aug 12th 2011 at 4:58:11 PM

Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (21)Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (22)If they lose the investors they lose the resources, unless gamers themselves can keep Nintendo afloat without forcing them to compromise too much.

edited 12th Aug '11 4:58:22 PM by Recon5

RenaTheArchmage Actually, it's Euphinatrix. from the Factory Since: Oct, 2009

Actually, it's Euphinatrix.

#15: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:07:19 PM

Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (24) If that happens, Nintendo might have to actually produce like they did in the olden days.


This MUST be stopped.

Reason I hate Nintendo:

People ask for something new in the Chrono series. Nintendo's response: "That's not what the sales say, trololol~"


edited 12th Aug '11 5:08:09 PM by RenaTheArchmage

I am become Death, Destroyer of Miniputts.

Signed Always Right Since: Dec, 2009

Always Right

#16: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:08:46 PM

So they'll start listening to what the audience wants? ninja Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (26)

like Porsche taking the 911 and heavily restyling it:

I had something a lot more hilarious in mind when I first read this without thinking about what you're talking about

edited 12th Aug '11 5:09:32 PM by Signed

"Every opinion that isn't mine is subjected to Your Mileage May Vary."

MrPastry To Object or Not Object? from Japanifornia Since: Sep, 2010

To Object or Not Object?

#17: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:10:20 PM

But Nintendo doesn't make the Chrono series. That was Square.

It's more frustrating waiting for the asskicking than the asskicking itself.

RocketDude Since: May, 2009

#18: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:10:31 PM

^^Sigh.Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (29)

edited 12th Aug '11 5:10:38 PM by RocketDude

Signed Always Right Since: Dec, 2009

Always Right

#19: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:11:47 PM

That's what I meant when I said "when I first read what you said without thinking"

hehe...restyling the 9/11 events to somehow make it benefit Porsche...somehow. Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (31)

edited 12th Aug '11 5:12:17 PM by Signed

"Every opinion that isn't mine is subjected to Your Mileage May Vary."

Hydronix I'm an Irene! from TV Tropes Since: Apr, 2010

I'm an Irene!

#20: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:17:24 PM

Not seeing anything wrong with casual games. They're just games as much as "hardcore" games. As long as the game's controls don't suck or is hard to play, there's no problem.

And frankly, there's no need to do this whatsoever. Nintendo already has great systems, they just need more games as is. The 3DS is so low on them, it hurts. The Wii just needs more games with controls that aren't a pain to work with. Not a hard concept to make the controls work.

Frankly, the "untapped market" doesn't need to be tapped by them whatsoever. Now if only we could get the Seal Of Quality back.

Quest 64 thread

MrPastry To Object or Not Object? from Japanifornia Since: Sep, 2010

To Object or Not Object?

#21: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:18:03 PM

That actually meant something? I though it just meant it's an officially licensed game.

edited 12th Aug '11 5:18:37 PM by MrPastry

It's more frustrating waiting for the asskicking than the asskicking itself.

Kayube Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: RelationshipOutOfBoundsException: 1

#22: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:19:05 PM

I'd think that if Nintendo did make smartphone games it would just further the perception that the 3DS is failing. People would think they're giving up on it and finding another platform to fall back on. Which might lead more third parties to back off from the 3DS.

Beorc Ridley and Ridley from hither and yon Since: Sep, 2009 Relationship Status: I know

Ridley and Ridley

#23: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:26:47 PM

The Seal of Quality didn't mean anything. People act like it meant all the games were good for every Nintendo system before...

Welcome to th:|

Rebochan Since: Jan, 2001

#24: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:33:02 PM

The Seal of Quality was originally a marketing concept to deal with the glut of crappy shovelware that crashed the market in 1983. Nintendo used to practice a rather extreme policy of controlling how many games could release on the NES in a year, and the seal of quality was intended as a way to prove that the games were officially licensed - and theoretically, not crap.

Regarding the OP, why in God's name would Nintendo jump ship already? I think their investors are really getting taking in by the smartphone bubble. The 3DS' real problem is a lack of software - fix that and we'll talk.

Beorc Ridley and Ridley from hither and yon Since: Sep, 2009 Relationship Status: I know

Ridley and Ridley

#25: Aug 12th 2011 at 5:36:07 PM

Considering the price drop and all the games coming out this fall, I think the 3DS's sales will improve significantly before the year ends.

Welcome to th:|


Total posts: 113

Nintendo pressured to jump to i Phone by investors... (2024)
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