Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

Section Two ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 193! Page Five ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931 Section Two Page Six Pnte Four 1 Today in St-Petersburg- PLACES TO GO-THINGS TO DO -SHOPS TO HNQW LJ-f Hotels-Tours and Travel 4 mm ToF iMB.fiftTftlLV Of- TOUR.I5T IMrO K.MATI ON FELLOWSHIP OF Today's Radio Programs ANNOUNCEME! WHY LOSE SLEEP? DRINK-HOLLYWOOD CUP COFFEE SUBSTITUTE ONXY 35c POliND 4T HEALTH HOUSE Central Gift Shops (4) ii-Dcsinn HfflKKD RU BERRY FESTIVAL IN PLANT CITY At'TKFSS ASKING DIVORCE LOS ANGELES, Feb. 26. Ethel Kenyan, New York stage actress, filed suit for divorce today against A.

E. Sutherland, motion picture director, alleging the "ar- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 (Bv The Aociam Prrml Str.ndaid M. iinloa otherwise Indicated. 346 TOURIST CLUB CALENDAR Ma Sunshine's Letter A Gossipy Letter in Which Ma Sunshine Tells the Folks up North All About Happenings in St. Petersburg Program In Eastern OTHER RESORTS WILL TAKE PART IN CELEBRATION I never Haw one.

God In all this Diblo presents us only one case of that: kind, and it is not safe to risk it, lest our case should happen to be ihe one amidst ten thousand. "Death-bed confession Is like burning the candle at both ends and blowing lie smoke In the face of the Hon of flod. It is like drinking a cup with bitter dregs and throwing the dregs into the face of God. 1 think it is one of the most contemptible, miserable, good-for-nothing, low-down, unmanly and unwomanly things that yon can do, to keep your life in your own control until the last moment and then try to creeri into the kingdom on account of the long sufferings of Jesus Christ." 454.3 WEAF New York 660 NBC Chain) ti.tina MM nnt 1. am Xtiitt WJAIt WTAG WCSH WI.1T WRC band, was "almost unbearable." DAILY LENTEN DEVOTION PREPARED 6Y THE AEV CLAPENCEH.

MISOM DD FOP THE COMMSSOAt ON EVANGELISM OF THE FEDERAL COUNCIL OF THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN AMERICA FISHING "Pear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." Luke 5:10. (Read Luke winter visitors were registered the Chamber of Commerce Thur-day, bringing the total for the season to Four hundred and forty registered on this day last year. Discriminating Men seek quality and correctness. We invite you to visit us. BLANCHARD'S MEN'S SHOP 1st Ave.

No. Soreno Hotel Bldg. Strawberry Queen Will Be Crowned During Four-Day Program "Mack" Denounces Repentance Delay Speaking on the subject "A Personal Devil," at the Second street auditorium Thursday evening, Baxter V. McLendon, known us "Cyclone Mack," In another of his series of evangelistic sermon, said: "I 'don't go much on this dent filled repentance business. Man ordinarily dips as he has lived, if you live a drunkard's life, you ill die a drunkard; the defrstuder dies a de-frauder; the idler dips an idler; the Masphemer dies a blasphemer; the slanderer dies a slanderer; the de-hauche dies a delmwhe.

As you live, you will die, tn all probability. Do not, therefore, make your soul believe that you can on in I course of sjn and then in the last moment repent. There is such a thing as a death-bed repentance, but 111 InJ St North 4C method. Frlntlnt, I KXI KK INSTrSUCTC 'LESSONS free ORDER INSTRUCTION In Glor piloting snd tit* rrre Ptwr crft; cud for catjen; lh "ftpeelalto" el Hamilton Kiln Shop, 5H I THE did west lives I in "Tfe Fainted Desert," the 1. Pl theater.

si unt of The Times If Iic.mis in the columns. 1 fr T. Welev. 1400 Bench PUCKUTT ART Sli It Second St. No.

Tr instruction In clay pHTt'lnf on fl, piaster pla shades and ras. WIS LEAD, OTHERS and a half day week schedule July 1, reducing the 48 hours weekly to 41 hours. The Junior College Glee club made The Sunshine City, Feb. 26, 1931, Dear Folks: There are so many activities these davs that I am wondering if the THE NEW Tampa, Sarasota and Miami FLEETWOOD 6:04 The World in Music Also vcrfJl WIG CKOW 5:20 Dinner Muic Also WCAE TAU CKGW Uncle Abe and David Alao VYKEI W.1AU WCSH WFI WBC VVi'AE WTA1 WGY WTAM WWj VWAI WSM WHO HAS tVBB.v 7:00 Literature and Drama WEAF 7:15 Little Thiiw in Life Also WJaH WG8U WSHN WWJ WSAI VVIIAS WSM 7 30 Quartet Also JAR WCSH WUC WTIC WBtSN WGY WUT Orchestra and Cavalier Also WEE! WTIC WLIT WRC WCAK WJAH WCSH KYW WTAG CKGW WSAI WTAM tt BEN WWJ 9:00 Etkinos Also WTIC WCAK WSAI WWJ WGY WBEN 9:30 Song Bird Also WEKI W.tAR WTAG WCSH WJ.1T WRC WGX WCAi; WSAI WWJ WBEN WTAM 9:45 Two Trouper Also WEEI WJAR WTAG WCSH WRC WLIT sWGV WBEN WSAI WTAM WWJ 10:00 Crime Prevention Also WJAR WCSH WCAE WWJ WSAI WRC WHEN of Air Also WEEI WJAR WTAG WUT WGY WWJ WSAI WRVA W.TAX WSEi WCSH WTAM WKl.A WHEN WRC WTIC 11:00 Vincent Lcpei Also CKGW WRC WWJ WTAM WCAE WLIT 12:00 Hump'i Oreh. Also WRC WTAM WGY 2 MORE CLUBS ENTER FLOATS IN BIG PARADE Connecticut and Wisconsin Societies Will Take Part in Festival The Connecticut society, at its meeting Thursday afternoon at the Tourist Center, voted to enter a float in the Festival of States parade in conjunction with the other New England EtatM.

It waa also voted to have a banquet followed by cards at the Vermont Maple Sugar house on March 5 at 7:30 o'clock, The society was entertained by the Bethlehem quartet and with readings by Mary L. Burgess and L. E. Price. Committee appointed to arrange the next meeting's entertainment included Miss Randall, Mrs.

Sckavior, Miss Peterson, Miss Suisman and Mrs. Cameron. FRIDAY Three Quarter Century club, Tour-it Center, 2 p. m. Dramatic club, Tourist Center, 10 a.

m. New Jersey society, Tourist Center, 7:30 p. m. Tennessee society. Tourist Center, 7 SO p.

m. SATURDAY Bttubenvllle. residents picnic at rass-a-Grillr, 12 noon. Vermont society, Tourist Center, 7 30 p. m.

Hotel Men to Have Float in Festival The Hotel Men's association will have a "oat in fhe Festival of Stales parade Friday, March 27, according to plans made Thursday noon when members met at the Shrine club, Don Grady and H. M. Gross were appointed to look after arrangements. Harry Barlow, secretary of the State Hotel Men's association, and Formerly convention secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce, waa tlie guest speaker. Mr.

Barlow has just completed a canvas of the state and said that the state is full of automobiles with foreign license plates. He was the opinion that Florida is reaping a large tourist crop this season. The booklet, "Our Visitor Guide Book of St. Petersburg," published by Freeman F. Gross, of the Wigwam hotel, and just off the press Wednesday, was shown to the members, who decided to have it published In" large quantities.

Sunshine City pendulum ever will swing back to normalcy again. Everytune I think that steal away for a few minutes rest comes some PLANT CITY; Feb. 26. Final preparations are being made this week for the formal opening of the second annual Florida Strawbcrn Festival here next Tuesday, March 3. The annual exposition will con HOTEL MIAMI BEACH, FLA.

FATIO IMM1AM, Munagrr Meani Heal in Fiery Room Sending Floats for Big Parade Tampa, Sarasota and east coast cities will participate in the Festival of States activities durinn the week Among those registering Thursday were: ALABAMA -Mrs. .1. C. Jordan, Mobile; Miss Myrtln Tliorson, Mobile; MatUe Sweet, Bessemer. CANADA Mrs.

Arthur Cope, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jlrnest Rochon, Montreal, Mrs. Mollo its first pubjic appearance Wednesday night, And now I must close, for it 'Is about time to take my dally walk to one of the miniature golf links. I may saunter over to the shuffle-board courts for a game there, and 1 know If i do I'll meet some more people 1 know.

funny how you Tourist Center HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC UNITS TO BROADCAST Dutch Masters Open Biweekly Program of Old-Time Popular Songs Three outstanding: high school musical units have accepted an NBC invitation lo demonstrate to fellow students throughout the United States the development of musical talent and interest in music in the public schools of today. These organizations will be heard today during the period usually devoted to the Music Appreciation Hour hich Has been presented over the combined NBC networks for the past three seasons by Walter Darn-rosch, music counsel for NBC At this time Damrosch will be in Florida on. a brief vacation. The first 20 minutes of the hour beginning at 11:00 a. will present the orchestra of the New Utrecht High School of Brooklyn.

Philip Ehrllch will direct this orchestra's broadcast from the NBC Times Square studio. From 11:20 to 11:40, Nobel Cain will direct the Nicholas Senn High Hchool Chorus from the thing else to interest me, with the re sult that, I literally urn busy morn Has Open House Famous Tropical River Trip Explore Real Florida Jungle In Comfort and Safety $1.00 to $1.50 Ash St Ferguson Sightseeing Boats Phone Tarpon Spring 376 Personals American Plan CI) VlruK (6) 348.6 WABC New York 860 (CBS Chain) "ilngle Double ,11 per Day UI per PS can bilmp into your old friends if at March 23-28, according to announcement1 made Thursday afternoon at. the Chamber of Commerce when'committee chairmen met with General Chairman William Kenmuir. Both Miami and Miami Beach tinue throughout the remainder of the week, with each day presenting new features of interest to the huge crowds who are expected to visit this winter strawberry capital on this occasion. Tuesday the festival will be inaugurated with what Is expected to be the moat, colorful parade in the McCarthy, Westmount, Mrs.

.1. McCalium, Montreal, lames U. Sullivan. Toronto, Km. W.

Martin, Toronto. Miss A. Sullivan, Toronto, Mrs. Jnck Kettles, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.

John Brown, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baton, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs.

B. ScHwenger. Cope Sehwenger, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.

K. Klhier. "Westmount. r. O.

Box "Ask our Patron" you but wander around the many places where tourists congregate. Which reminds mc.the open house programs at the Tourist Center are opening today and, until March 18, An enthusiastic attendance of winter visitors representing many states greeted the first of a series of "open house" days at the Tourist Tenter Thursday. Vermont and Rhode Island were the official hosts, officers of these tourist societies as well as other merritieis joining in the reception No Extra Charge Htop in Turn I'll HOTEL KNOX 'Witt Lata; rite nt Daily-- Room ami Bath from $1.18 Weekly Room and Bats from $itM Quirt Home-like Clone In Steam heat free Parkin Fireproof Dance Dine there will be an all-day reception and Modified American Plan Meals Define ll.Sfl per da.i earh person Uuropean I'lan slngle ffi to per Dim Double S10 to HIS per Da) ing, noon and night. Tomorrow approximately 200 Canadians, residents of Hamilton, Ontario, and vicinity will be. in St.

Petersburg for the day, coming here on a special Seaboard train and leaving at 11 o'clock at night for the north. The tour has been conducted by the president of the Hamilton chamber of commerce, and color has been added by the attendance to the group of a 20-plece bagpipe band. Officials will meet the party Friday morning, and, forming a parade, will inarch on Central avenue from Ninth street to the Yacht club. In the afternoon the Canadians will be guests of honor at the afternoon band con 8:30 Old Time Music Also W1BL WGR WEAN WDRC WNAC WCAU WJAS WMAL WCAO WADC WKRC 9:00 Story Hour Also WFBL WKBW WEAN WDRC WNAC WCAU WJAS WMAL WCAO WADC WHK WW 10:00 Gypsy Trail Also WFBL WKBW WEAN WDRC WNAC WORC WJAS WLBW WMAL WCAO WTAR WDBJ WADC WHK WBT WBCM 10:30 The Nit Wits Also WKBW WEAN WDRC WNAC WORC WPG WCAU W.TAS WLBW WMAL WCAO WTAR WDBJ WADC WHK WKBX WBT WXYZ WBCM WSPD WLAC 11:00 Sissle's Orch. Also WKBW WEAN WDRC WNAC WORC WCAU WLBW WCAO WTAR WDBJ WHK WKBX WBT WXYZ WBCM WSPD 11:30 Romanelti Orchestra Also WKBW WDRC WORC WFAN WLBW WMAL WCAO WTAR WDBJ WADC Meditation What a promotion From one of the humblest of callings to that which is the greatest! And yet Peter's undoubted talent had been well schooled in the art to which he was to give the remainder of his life.

The patience required, the hazards encountered, the persistence called for, these had all been excllent training for the work before him. Peter was still to be a fisher but a fisher of men. He had just shown a readiness to try again after repeated failure. How often, he would need that heroic quality in the years ahead! We also are to be fishers of men. Do we know the art? Or do we thresh the waters to frighten the fish away? "Being crafty, I caught you with guile," said Paul.

After failure will we try again? For Peter fishing was not a pastime; it was business. We are much too casual in our practice line and greeting the visitors. Those 8:45 Crime Club Also WKBW WNAC WC'AU WXYZ WBBM 7:00 Morton Downey Also WFBL WKBW WDRC WNAC WoRC WCAU HB wi.bw wmal wcao WTAR WDBJ WHK WXYZ WBCM 7:15 "The House Beside the Read" Also WEB'. WKBW WEAN WCAO 7:30 Hotel Orchestra Also WKBW WEAN WDRC WNAC WORC WCAU WHF WLBW WCAO WTAR WDBJ WHK WAIT: WET WXYZ WBCM 7:45 World's Business Also WKBW W1.IHC VYOHC WFAN Will' WLBW WMAI, WCAO WTAR WIJBJ WAIU WBT WXYZ W3CM WLAC Charles, Soprano Also CAN WDRC W.N AC WORC WFAN 00 Tonics Brief Only WEBE v.an wadc wgst whk -1S Rhythm Chorister Also WKBW WDRC WORC WHP W.IAS VVf.n'.V WMAI, WTAR WDBJ WADC W.VH.' WXYZ WBCM WREC WLAC entertainment every day except on Sundays. Today the Vermont and Rhode Island people are in charge, and tomorrow, Ohio and Akron.

You are invited every day. MA SUNSHINE. Mrs. O. Sorby, Miss G.

Sorby. Guelpli, Mr. and Mrs. E. Vorbtlle, Mon-ireal.

Que. COLORADO Mr. and Mrs. h'rnnk MeClintock, Canon Cityj Mr. ami Mrs.

D. F. Garrison, Denver; W. Fetter, City. CONNECTICUT Mr.

utit Mrs. H. G. Teele, Stamford; Mr, and VS. Wyllys C.

Badd, Bristol; Mr. and Mrs. The China and Glass Store WaUams Art Store 346 Central Avenue Editor of Rudder Entertained Here i attending were shown through the i building and told of the many ad-' vantages of the Tourist Ak-1 ton and Ohio will be the hosts today and on Saturday Connecticut will be in charge. Visiting hours be-! gin at 10 o'clock In the morning, con-j tinning until late at night. WSPD WKBN WBT WXYZ WBCM WEAN 12:03 Bert Lown Orch.

Also ST. PETERSBURG HOTELS Members St. Petersburg Hotel Men's Association Depart9 at La fki today, with WILLIAM BO and 3M.5WJZ New York 760 (NBC Chain) NBC Chicago studios. mil wi r.A Sales Service ANNOUNCEMENT Establishing temporary Passenger and Ticket Office. Pullman Reservations H.

L. RASKR. Representative 500 Central Ave. Tel No. 03-368 Louisville Nashville K.

It. f. St, L. Ry. pHILQa When yon are In Tampa tee i'bor City and eat a real Spanish meal at Las Novedades For Table Reservations Phone 1381 1416 7th Ave.

Tampa history of this city, following which the festival will be formally opened by T. Williams, chairman of the board of county commissioners, Wednesday, the second day of the festival, will be featured by the crowning of the strawberry queen, Miss Irvln Wilder. This event will be featured by pomp and ceremony, with Mayor-Commissioner G. H. Bates master of ceremonies for the occasion.

The coronation exercises will be at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the festival grounds. Thursday will be Tourists' day at the festival with special attention devoted to welcoming visitors in the state to the festival and the great strawberry industry it represents, Friday will be strawberry day, and Saturday Farmers' day. On Saturday the packing contest, the preliminaries of which will have been held during the week, will be consummated. Much interest is expected to center around this event for the championship of this strawberry area. Every Evening Best 50c Dinner Vour MONEY can 111 Your HOICK of Soups, Meals, Vegetables, Itreada, Salads, Desserts and Drinks Also REGULAR CAFETERIA SERVICE We, Serve HOME-MADE PIES Grade Al Kansas City Meals PRESH VEGETABLES Hear AMOS snd ANDV Knjuy Music and Dancing While yuu Kat.

SNELL ARCADE CAFETERIA Basem*nt of Snell 4th and Central ioo mm 100 Rooms HOTEL DeVILLE William F. Crosby, editor of the Rudder, a boating magazine, was entertained by Chamber of Commerce officials at the St. Petersburg Yacht club at a luncheon at noon Thursday. In the party were President William A. Kenmuir, Secretary lit.

M. Deaderick, Ed Demurest, Lou Me-Mastera, George "Gidge" Gaudy, John Lodiviek, all of this city, and William Relby of Sarasota. JOHN DANISON of the great art. Only wet nets catch fish. 'Tkmks cert in Williams park.

Pick King Candidates The ball is rolling towards the. Festival of States, with new plans divulged daily. The group of boys, from which a King of the Festival is to bo chosen, lias been selected. There is to be an International Queen's Ball at the Coliseum as the first attraction in Festival of States week, with queens from many countries. The Cuban Queen, brought here from Havana, will make her Keeond Arenne Mould, betnren Fifth anil Mith Street Spacious Perches anil Hun Deck with Southern Luposnre EUROPEAN PLAN A MODERN AND COMFORTABLE HOME KsMO Depart meat 1M St.

Be. Plume r.sei Matt. A It. Department CM 2nd Ave. So.

nsSM 5'MI 8:45 Dancing Class Also WHAM KDKA W.IAX WIOD WBZ WFLA WRVA WGAT1 WCKY 9:00 Jones Hare Also WHAM KDKA WBZ W.IAX W.IU WHAS, WCKY WSM WRVA WSB WGAlt 9-30 Irving Cobb, Singers. Orch. M'O WBZ W.IK WRVA WSB WHAS KDKA WJAX WIOD WHAM WSM WLW WOAR 18:00 The Quakers Also WBZ WHAM WJR WHAS WSM WSB 10:30 Clara, Lu and Em Also WBZ WHAM KDKA W.H! WCAR WON 10:45 Cub and Scoop Also WHAM KDKA WGAK Hour Also WP.C WJR WISCONSIN CLL'B PLANS FLOAT The Wisconsin society voted to enter a float in the Festival of Slates parade at its meeting Thursday afternoon, and a float committee was appointed to include Mrs. t. White, Mrs.

A. Uber. Mr. M. J.

Stanton and Joseph Jiraehcck. Committee named to assist in the distribution of Tourist Center stock included Peter Jacobson, Dwlght Wilson, HeViry Weisse, chairman, and W. Unstable. The society will hold a picnic Tuesday at Pass-a-Grille, meeting at the Tourist Center at 10 o'clock to motor to the beach together. ENTERTAIN TOURISTS Members of the Northwestern, Sunset states, Wisconsin and Scandinavian societies will be entertained by J.

W. Wilhetm this evening at 7:30 o'clock at Ws auditorium, 145 Eighth street north. Raising WJZ 0:15 Smi Orch. Also WBAL WCAU Bonnie LacJs W.iZ Topics in Brief Also WBAL WHAM KDKA WBZ WRVA Wi'TK W.1AX- WIOD Wl-'LA WLW 7.00 Amos 'n' Andy Also WBZ HAM WRC WRVA KDKA CKGW WPTE W.1AX WIOD WCKY WFLA W.1U WLW WC.AR 71S Alda and La Forge Also CKGW WLW 7:30 Phil Cook Also WBZ WLW KDKA WOAIt W.TAX WIOD WF'LA WSM Wi; CKGW CECE 7:45 Foctlites Also WBZ WRVA WPTE W.IAX WIOD Wl-'LA WHAS WSM KDKA WSM WLW WOAH S'CO Chocolateers Aluo WBZ WHAM W.IH WLW KDKA WCAR 8:30 Johnny Marvin, Songs Only JOHN J. Ml RFIIV.

Ownership Direction Fireproot HAND MADE HATS ENGLISH SMOCKING The remaining portion of the pro-i gram will be presented by the High School Brigade Band of the District of Columbia, broadcasting direct from the V. 8. Marine Barracks in i Washington. This unit will be eon-I ducted by Paul Garrett, Ludwig Manoly and Br. N.

C. Barnes, director of Music in the schools of the I District of Columbia. Dr, Victor L. F. Bedmann, direct- or of music of Westchester County and chairman of orchestras, Committee on Instrumental Affairs of fhe 1 Music Supervisors' National Conference, will be in charge of the broadcast.

The program, which will lie broad James Pickles, Ansonia; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brucker, Bridgeport; Walter M.

Gilbert, Past. Hartford; Mr, and Mrs. Gemne Mallory, Milford; All', and Mrs. Hoy K. Powers, Bast Hartford.

DKBAWAKK Mr. and Mrs. It. Perry, Wilmington; Mr. and s.

B. K. Smedley, Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 3.

Day, Wilmington. DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Lord, Washington; Miss Edna A.

MeDevitt. Miss Jela E. MeDeVitt, Washington. FLORIDA Sylvia I'. Baleom, Tampa, ILLINOIS F.

C. Carter, Bei-wynj C. W. Rose, Monmouth; Arthur L. Hardin, Chicago; Mrs.

Leah Hike, Leroy; Charles Naffaiger, SprtngSeld; W. R. Shirk, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. William Oshurn, Morris; S.

B. Montgomery, Quiney; Mr. and Mrs. E. W.

Carson, E. W. Carson, Chicago; Mrs. F. E.

Tyson, Danville; Mrs. A. D. Walker, Hock Island; Miss Battle 1,. Esc.h, Frank R.

Each, Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alvord, Chicago; Mrs.

John Eseh, May wood: Mrs. William Fessler, West Chicago; Carl Felt, Oak Park; Dr. and Mrs. IX V. Cameron, Chicago: E.

Larson. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. W. Kimmamon, An ro rapH INDIANA Mr.

and Mm. A. P. Brown, East Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur W. Thompson, Miss Elizabeth DR. ANCIL R. WRIGHT, D. C.

Health Specialist Phone 87-555 2635 Central Ave. For Neuro-Radionics Examinations Others Get Well So Can You HOTEL PRINCE GEORGE aw. Hot anil Cold RnnniiiK Miller Convenient CW-an, Comfortable, Heat In Rooms Attractive Bate for Rent of Season anil Special Rates for Year Around tilUKt Come in, Am Tliem. have expressed a desire to enter floats in the parade, and letters of acknowledgement have been forwarded them. John Kingling, Sarasota, will have a float, while from Tampa will be the Smith Brothers Insurance Agency, Majestic Distributing corporation, Tampa Chamber of Commerce, City of Tampa, Hillsborough County Commissioners, Maas Brothers, the Tampa Teachers club and others.

Local floats entered include the Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Southland and New England tourist societies; Twelve Months club, Rotary, Kiwanls afid Optimist clubs, Hotel Men's association, All Railway Men's club, Women of the Ku Klux Klan, St. Petersburg Auto Dealers association. St. Petersburg Ad club, fltin-shall the Florist," Cass Riding Academy, Suwannee Milk company, St. Petersburg Coca Cola Bottling company, Sun Oil company, Cleanosol Manufacturing company, Cosmos club, Florida Power corporation, Snell Isle Polo association, Pass-a-Grille Elementary school and Kelley-MacGregor Baking company.

Others plan to enter floats this week. Captain George M. Lynch, chairman of the school committee, met with Mr. Kenmuir and the other committee chairmen Thursday afternoon and said that he looked with favor upon the school children of the city decorating floats and entering the Festival of States parade, but that he would not give his final decision until he had talked the matter over with the principals of the schools. This meeting will be held Monday afternoon.

"1 am inclined to want the school Children in parade because I vant the schools identified with any civic enterprise that will mean the popularizing of St. Petersburg," -Captain Lynch said. KIDDIES' TOGGERY East 10S First Ave. N. Phone 83-S03 DRESS DESIGNING Limb Lu Dresses Mrs.

La Lenz first public appearance at that time, while Miss America, selected under the auspices of the American legion, also will be featured. These international queens will ride aloft on to 11:00 Amos-Andy (Repeat) Only General Electric Full Range Radio Pinrfla lrr Kfrtgrrffttittt Co. A 1 1 i 1 1 Eltwlari Central Ave. Phone 67-: BUTLER Moderate Rates Large Snnnj Porch Steam Heat PrtfOte Baths VA 3 Bi-cUs from Amusem*nt Park and All Attraction ARMS 3rd Ave. near St.

Kuropean Kirluslre Clientele Southern Ktposnre A Modern Hotel Home of quirt dignltt fur peopl of discrimination L. C. GAMBATE. Prop. WHAS WSM WSB 12:00 Dance Hou' WJ3! EASTERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS rmiy Row 11:15 Same a special float during the Festival of States parade.

'Motorinsf" Home Fraternity 272.0-WPG-1110 BLTi.r.n It, Pianist: Studio Free acts, special features, the flower show and Bernardi Exposition shows will add to the color-fulness of the second annual strawberry' festival. vou may see this show as a GUEST OF THE TIME if yours is one fifteen names among the elas ads today. LOOK AND the WISE WAY Florida '8 New Shop Specializing in 25c to $1.00 PRACTICAL GIFTS ORIENTAL ARTS CO. 6th and Central Ave. SELECTED Oranges Grapefruit Tangerines from tlie (innn tirove near l.ar;o.

Packed and Shipped Anywhere. C. T. Gunn's Specialty Shop 219 CENTRAL Entertainments Places To Go and Things To Do. Your Horoscope The HUNTINGTON "A RESORT HOTKL OF MKRIT" Fourth at Second St.

North Moderate Rate European end American I'lan J. LEE BARNES. Proprietor PALL B. BARN Em, Manager Orchestra 260.7 WHAM 1150 Same as W.TZ 7:15 Salartfers 7: "it Minstrels 8:00 Same an W.IZ Dramatli Skit WJZ hrs.) 379.5 WGY 790 (1:45 Same as WEAF 7:00 Features 7:30 Same as WEAF on Concert Music WEAF (1 lirs.) Musical as WEAF 302.8 WBZ 990 0:30 Sehoolhouse 6:45 Same as W.IZ 7:15 Musical Hits 7:311 Same JZ 10:45 Piano! Fports 8:30 Orchestras 9:30 Milistre's la Ix5s Ch.irros 10:13 0rtan ilr-rital Globe Trotter 11 :0 Orriif stra 11:30 The Moonbeams 256.3-WCAU-1170 Feature Hours 7:00 Same as WABC 7:45 Entertainers yilk Cl'4 hrs.) II Orchestra S09.5 KDKA-980 8:30 Melodists 8:45 Same as WJZ 7 "The Tellers 7:30 Same as WJZ 8:30 Sponsored Prog. 8:45 Same as W.IZ 11:00 Sports Pros.

8:1:, same us wabv :3 Song Harmonies The Broiliers Dual Trin 'i So piano. S'nt'to 10:51 Same tin WABC lliDeOrcan Concert 2ZZ 8 WB At. 1050 (On Entertainers 6: 1 5 W.IZ (45m.) 282.8 WTIC-'060 7:00 Dance Orch. Y.S'p Same a WEAP Glea Club Contest 11:00 News; Orch. 422.3-WOR 710 Sport; Orch.

.7:15 The Bays 7:30 To Be Announced CANDY SPECIAL Some More of Those Delicious Nut-Butter Chips ONLY 49y POUND GOLDENROD CANDY SHOP 259 Central Avenue An Exclusive Candy Store For Sixteen Seasons STRRND CAMERA Iteffa under thl heading may oo a minimum of five line or a maiimum of 10 line. SHOP Joe Mitchell Chappie arrived in St. Petersburg last night, having been unable to resist the lure of the Florida sunshine. He and Mrs. Chappie are at the Vinoy Park hotel and will' lie there several days.

8. H. "King" Cole, called King of the Newsboys, was in the city this week, injecting enthusiasm into The Times' newsboys by relating some of the experiences and adventures encountered by him 'during the time he has sold newspapers in every city in the world. He has the business of selling newspapers at his fingertip, and showed the little newsboys how they could best sell their wares. The Ctvic Music association presented Its last concert of the season Tuesday night, and next year will bring another group of celebrated artists to the city.

Holders of tickets 3-DAY TOUR $12.50 Cover All Expense Transportat ion Free William A. Kenmuir Central Are. and Snell Arcade quwuiTY KODSK 9-282 ST. N. NEW The Annual Orange Blosson Ball, sponsored by the St, Petersburg Shrine club, will be given at the Vinoy Park hotel, March 12th.

For box reservations Phone 46-838, Tick TIS I If Feb. 27 Is your birthday, the best hours for you on this date are from 10 a. to noon, from 8 p. in. to 4:15 p.

m. and from 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.

The danger periods are from 1 p. no. to IS p. m. and from 6 p.

m. to 7 p. m. Feb. 27 promises to be a day of moods.

At one moment, your hopes will be at blood heat, the next they will be at zero. Only usual work should be pursued, and no decision, involving any issue ot importance, should be taken. Correct mental perspective will be conspicuous by SUWANNEE HOTEL 205 Rooms 305 Rathe Rates on Application Your Comfort is Our Business Serving You Is Our Success JOHN N. BKOYYN, Owner Proprietor mm 7:45 The Skylarki-rs CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS 9:0 WJZ (2 hrs.) ets from Shrine Club members or Phono 7985, REDUCED RATE Sk AUTOS DIRECT NEW YORK The Tampa Teachers' club is expected to enter its float in the pa cast from 11:60 a. m.

to 12:00 noon, will be heard over WKIA. The Dutch Masters, singers and musicians of national reputation, will present the first of their weekly half-hour programs of old-time popular songs at 8:30 o'clock tonight over WABC and the Columbia network. Lillian Taiz. musical comedy star, who fills the role of "Freda Vtorn," will sing four soprano solos. They are the choruses of "Cubanola aroma Varna "How You Gonna Keep 'Km Down on the Farm" and "Oh, Mr.

Dream Man." "Kmil," her sweetheart, will sing sis baritone solos "Under the Bamboo Tree," "1 Want a Girl," "When the Morning. Glories Twine Around the Door," 'The Man That4 Broke the Banks at Monte Carlo," "Play That Barber Shop and "When My Baby Smiles at Me," Accompanied by The Dutch Masters, an orchestra of IS pieces under the direction of Eugene Ormandy, "Freda" and "Kmil" will sing as duets "My Buddy," "On a Sunday Afternoon," "White Wings" and "Ta Ha Ka Pa Boom De Ay." The Dutch Musters will play six selections. A feature of the opening program will be the humorous conversation between "Peter Zorn" and his friends during their half-hour meeting in the little living room back of "Peter's" tobacco shop. The part of "Peter" will be taken by Jack Smart. Michigan Society Dancing Club HOME MOVIES Eastman Bell Howell Films, Cameras, Supplies Editing and Splicing Robison's Camera Shop 418 Central Ave.

Thompson. Plymouth; -Mis. Jesse at. Cole, Laforte; Mks Nellie Glass, Lal'orte. IOWA- W.

H. Jameson, Ames; W. H. Jameson, Ames; Mr. and Mrs.

E. H. Clear, Lake. KENTUCKY Mr. and Mrs.

Edgar Tingle, Covington, MAINE Mrs. William N. Stone, Portland; Mrs. Charles II. Nelson, Miss Jane Nelson.

Portland. MARYLAND Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor Smith, Cumberland; Laura Spencer, Havre de Grace; Dorothy Spencer, Havre de Grace; Mr.

and Mrs. F. Evans, Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS Mrs. Ruby L.

Hammond, North Grafton; Miss Nellie Oowles. Boston: Miss Madeline Foster, Newton Highlands; Mr, and Mrs. Joe M. Chappie, Boston; Mrs. James Lang, Brighton; Mrs.

W. D. Clement, Waitham; Mrs. S. R.

Oarsley, Palmer; Mrs. Harry Hall, Miss A. Elizabeth Hall, Helmont; N. Reich-ardt, Reading; Mr. and Mrs.

Earl N. Revere; ftven Saltherg, Nahant; Waller Brown, Milton; Joseph Doyle, Chestnut Htllr C. K. Rniney, Da I ton, H. M.

Haynea, Pittsfleld, MICHIGAN Gordon Connell, Alpena; Harold Hough, Allnont Kenneth N'augiiaii, Oscoda; Mr. and Mrs. Anon Shupe, Homer; Mr. and Mrs. W.

Nairn, Detroit; Mrs, H. F. Harbeck, Grand Haven; Mrs. Ralph VanToll, Grand Haven; Mr. and Mrs.

William J. Irwin, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scbmitz, Allegan; Henry Seay, Royal Oak; K.

Hen wood. Detroit I will meet at 8:30 p. every Friday rvv in the association will have the opportunity of hearing two more at Telephone Bids. Both and modern dunces. Public cordially invited.

Season ticket $1.00. PRINCESS MARTHA HOTEL First Ave. North and Fourth St. OI'EN ALL THE YEAR ROOMS. 250 BATHS Princess Martha Coffee Shop Moderate Bales SHERMAN DENNIS, Manager Fenders Bent? We straighten and refinish them like new at a fraction of the cost of new parts.

HAL FORD Auto Sheet Metal Works 809 Third St. South Phone rade and have written for full information relative to same, P. V. Gahan announced Thursday that Alice Hare Connell will bo In Room 205, city hall, every day from 10 until 12 ojislock in the morning and from 1 until 3 o'clock In the afternoon to confer "with the tourist societies regarding to selection of their uueens, "Queen Esther." the love storv of 7:43 Feature Feature Pros. Studio Pros.

8:45 Musical 9:00 WJZ (l'i hrs 10:30 Same as WEAK 11:00 Same as WJZ 11:30 NBC ProRram 12:00 Hawaiian 277.6 WBT 1080 8:00 Labor Union 6:15 Orchestra 6:43 News; Stocks Same as WABC 7:13 Jack Joe 7:30 Same as WABC 8:00 Sutar Bowl 8:30 WABC hrs.) 365.6 WHAS 820 7:00 Jack Turner 7:30 Joe Cant. 7:45 Same as W.IZ MlOTwo Profs. Orchestra 428.3 WLW 700 7:00 Same as WJZ 8 3fl Hoosier Editor Variety; Heat 9:30 Same as WJZ 1 a :00 Sonneteer Maine as WJZ id: 45 Bob Kewhal) 11:00 Variety (SVi hrs.) 298.8 WJR-750 8:43 Cecil Sally 7:00 Same as WJZ 7:15 Melodists Vt'lveteer un Same as WJZ 8:30 Ivanhoe Courier (Hi hrs.) 10:45 Rila Lem 1:00 Variety (2 hrs.) 405.2-WSB-740 7:00 Studio: WEAF 1:30 Same as WJZ 11:00 Same as WJZ 11:15 Jacto Turner 11:30 Orchestras 461.3 WSM 650 6:00 Variety Progs. 7:00 News; Organ 8:00 Television 8:45 Record Prog. 9:00 WJZ (114 hrs.) 10:30 Sponsored Prog, 11:00 Same as WJZ 11:15 The Jester 270 WRVA 1110 6:4.3 Same, as W.IZ 7:15 Timely Tips 7:30 Same as W.IZ 8:00 Song and Story 8:15 Chronicles 8:45 Same as WJZ 111.00 Mirth Makers 10:30 Same as WEAF 11:00 Orchestra splendid concerts in Tampa.

Barre-Hill was Tuesday night's feature, presenting an enjoyable program at the First Christian church. It is anticipated that the membership in the local association, now numbering A Directory Popular Places to DINE! the Bible, fold in beautiful music, 75 In cast, splendid costumes. Congre gational church. nicht. Reserved seats 50c, general 25c.

11 fvm were as careful about the mechanic who works on your $3000 auto a jou are oat watch, how much better sendee jou would get. J. D. McINTYRE AI TO REPAIRS At Spooner Tire Co. Phone 40-507 829 4th St.

N. Neicest, Largest and Most Magnificent eams be een the South and North its absence. Children born on this Feb. 27 will be starwart and vigorous, have sunny natures, full of mischief and bubbling over with "pep." As they mature, their restless energy stand them in good stead, and will carry them forward to the glory of achievement. Your horoscope, if you were born on Feb.

27, does not indicate any dazzling victories or great disasters. It prognosticates an ordinary life of an ordinary person on a path of comparative ease and relative comfort. You are not marked out for any of Life's great prizes, nor ate you singled out for any of Life's A caijd party will be held by the American Legion Auxiliary, 2:80 today, at the American Legion Home. THE SORENO HOTEL Modern, Fireproof, 275 rooms, each with hath. A Cuisine and Service tested and approved from past seasons, and again awaiting you.

At the Yacht Basin on Reach Drive. Lund Son, Owners. Soreno Lund, Mgr. "DRIVE" Home in a comfortable deck chair and avoid the fatigue of a hard motor trip. Take your car with you aboard a big, fast Ciyde-Mallory Liner and travel in modern luxury all the way to New York.

The only line direct without chanae. The route that entertains while getting you there. Orchestras, dancing, deck sports etc. Just roll the car aboard on sailing day. Special accommodations are provided for The healthful, leisurely sea trail Northward cuts hour from motoring time.

Jrom JACKSONVILLE three tailings each week AIjo tieice a week from Miami CLYDE 600, will be increased greatly during the next season. Rober Bubson is to be here Friday, addressing Rotarians at the Trinity Lutheran church. He was here last year -when he was heard, by more than 600 Rotarians and guests. The Anti-Saloon League will meet, here this coming week, with talks by outsanding prohibitionists scheduled. "puss*foot" Johnson and Gif-ford Gordon are among the well-known speakers.

St. Petersburg had Its special election, to fill the place on the city Canadians Hold Banquet in City More than 50 Canadians, residents of Brantford, Ontario, which is 1,600 miles distant from St. Petersburg, had a get-together banquet and meeting Wednesday evening at the FLORIDA RADIO PROGRAMS Selama Caldron card party, benefit of convention fund, Richelieu hotel, Seventh avenue and Third street south. Public welcome. Many prizes and refreshments.

Price 25c. CARETAKEK FOR TOUR Ht vou away, let look ham, lawn, flower, 1 onal car: ea furnlrt la .1. A. Rankin. 741 1 BtCFFLWBOARD PL A Plymouth, New Hampshire te play thl summer on lis tlon t.

Pete course, wlthoi gAi RSFli'K. Freshman MHO i Remlmrton typewriter, 132.60; 17-Jewel man's Hai watch, rl 65. for 122.50: plirtol, "olt .25 aut.n $10: Parker .12 valine shut Ford coupe, runs perfect, 15 Ninth St. Hon! FREE LESSONS IN POI.TC1 KNITTING AND RUG STAMPED GQOD VAN ANN SHOP 111 SI (OppoltJWiniamJi TWIN OAKS NURS Children cared for by Healthful location, motherly MRS. E.

M. V1RG 4101 Lakevlew Ave. 1 FOR TRANSPORTA SEE CLASSIFICATION DR, GEORGIANA Nl Podlatrlet Chlropo FOOT CORRECTIO: tStepheneon Byte Magnnlla Arcade TRUSSES, Abdominal uppo holry and houlder bi eomplet lin in th atate. expert tru fitter. Rellanr 360 Central.

Ph. 690 FISH FRESH EVERT 1 Mullet, lh. Trout, ROLLINS SEA FOOD 545 Ninth St. DIAMONDS! DIAM' It will pay you to look i markable values In 1 that have bern lft 1 a their owner to be The dltmond are Iwln a (reat (acrifice and Men COLE JEWELRY 411 CENTRAL A "VALLY'S" Our former lor i ion wa No. Moved to 417 Centri Arcad Bldg.

Real atone ttinlng, remodeling, nnliqa Eipert Bracelet Watch ALL WORK GUARJ M. P. BOGGI A. C. L.

Railroad Watc CENTRAL AVE. AND Charles W. Spicer, Detroit; K. A. Kapham, Royal Oak; Mrs.

H. H. Lane, Detroit. MINNESOTA D. C.

Gray, Brainard; Mrs. H. Norris, George Norrle, Mary Jane Norris, St. Paul; Mrs. H.

E. Hart, St, Paul; Mrs, M. Long, St. Paul; Dr. Mary R.

Strickler, Sleepy Eye. MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. Eckel-camp, St. Louis; Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Price. St.

Louis. THE GYPSY INN First Ave. N. at Sixth St. THE GYPSY CAVALCADE TONIGHT Melicious Food Pleasing Service No Cover Charge 75c and $1.00 per Plate 'Known for Beauty Famous for Food" Spa Municipal Pool and Beach Open daily 8 a.

m. to 7 p. m. Salt water pool heated Expert Swimming Instruction Fdward EL McCrahnn, Mgr. tragedies.

Your character is simple; your mind is not a curious one, and you are willing to accept the teachings HOTEL ROLYAT PASADENA ON THE GULF huailrua Golf Course right at the door. New swimming pooL liulf hem lies and flnhing nearb) American l'hin. Rate I Single, S9 to SIS; donnle, S1H tn SU per din. V. 15.

and W. L. DELS, Owners I'MIEU' SHERIDAN, Mgr. The King- Male Quartet and Bell Ringers tonight at the First Congregational church, 8 o'clock. ''Instrumental novelties bell ringing superb and splendid vocal harmony, Door admissions fifty cents.

Tourist Center, The affair was planned by Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hose, and, following the delicious dinner, land impromptu program was pre 8, Morning entree; 8:30, Musical Ramble; 9:15, Classics; 9:30.

Gift shop; 11, Safetygram; lirao, Weather theater news; 12 noon, Time, luncheon program; 12:30. Theater Hits and Bits; 2. Hotel Florldan trio; 2:30, Request program: 3, Moment musi-cale; 6, Theater news, announcements; 6:30. Hotel Floridan trio; 7:30, Florida state chamber of commerce; 8:30, Shopping to Music; 9, The Birthday Murder Mystery; 9:30, Friday evening musicale; 10, Night club entertainers. Be mice Claire, musical comeds and talkie star, will be the honor-guest on a broadcast over an NBC-VP 37.

network at 8:00 o'clock. In addition to Miss Claire's solos, the orchestra under Nat Brusiloffs direction will present a program. sented bfr'various guests. Talks were given by A. Taylor, manager of the Bank, of Montreal at Brantford and Professor A.

W. Crawford, professor of English at Manitoba uni 130 Oaths commission left vacant by the recall of A. P. Avery. Orrln M.

Bowen was elected by a large majority over D. E. Billman, and the election cost the city $1,060. Commissioners are starting charter hearings todajf, by the way. St.

Petersburg post office employes will start working on the five of the past. You possess much faith, and little inquisltlveness, There is a religious streak in you, and you try' your utmost to live according to the beliefs in which you were reared. Your temper is always under control and you possess the gift of "poise." It id almost impossible to get you "og your guard." Yohr manners are the result of early NEW HAMPSHIRE Dr. and Mrs. A.

T. Downing. Littleton. NEW JERSEY Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Brick, Gertrude Brick, Elizabeth Brick, Margaret Brick, Kenneth Brick. Crosswfcka; Mrs. E. Peterson, Rahway; Miss E. M.

Wilkes, Mrs, Wilkes, Plalnflejd: Edward Unglaub, Newark; Mrs. C. V. Hill, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs.

J. Fitzglbbons, Point Pleasant Uieh; Mrs. L. B. English, ML Holly; Mrs.

Sarah J. Worlia, ML Holly; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Quinn, THE WEATHER Y.

M. C. A. CAFETERIA Corner Fifth St. and Second Ave.

South A LA CARTE -SERVICE AT POPULAR PRICES P. O. Steamship Company Special Round Trip Rates to HAVANA $35.00 10 Day Limit $5400 90-Day Limit Meals and Berth Included while at sea. Take your car tour Cuba. Sailings from Port Tampa-Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

For Information and Reserra- tions see H. V. Mitchell Traveling Passenger Agent or Atlantic Coast Line Ticket Agent 18 Fifth Street North Phone 7741 Dance tonight at the Gulfport casino, 8:30. Modern and old time dances. Ed.

P. Brown caller. Merrymakers orchestra. Admission 25c. Street car service direct to casino.

IliO Rooms Open Year Round Combination Tab and Shower Tallest Building on the Flnella Peninsula PHEIL HOTEL 483 M. WFLA, Clearwater 620 Kc. VM a. Music: 7.15, Rise and Shine (NBC); ft. Early Birds (NBC); Morning devotions (NBC); Cheerio (NBC); 8, Melodies; 9:30, Incidental; 0:45, Food program (NBC); 10 Ray Perk'ui (NBC); 10:15.

Florida Merchants' hour; 10: 15, Josephine B. Gibson (NBC); 11, Music Appreciation hour for schools (NBC); 12. Sponsored program; 12:15, Luncheon music; National Farm and Home hour (NBC); I 3U. Music; 1:15, Old Folks at Howe; 2, Incidental; 2:15. World liook Man; Edna "Wallace Hopper (NBC); 3:15, Incidental; Chicago serenade (NBC); 4, Broadway Collegians, 5, Bulletins; Triangle (NUC); Music; 6, News Items of Interest; 6:05, Market report; 6:15, Variety; 6:45, Lowell Thomas (NBC); 7, Amos 'it' Andy (NBC); 7:15, 7:30, Phil Cook (NBC); 7:15, Footlinhis (NUC); Organ recital; 8:15.

William Tell, editor of the air; 8:30, Johnny Marxln (NUC): 8:45, Dancing class (NBC); 9, Florida speakers; 9:15, Know Florida Belter week; 9:30, The Popular hour; 10:30, Theater of the Air (NBC); 11. Red Guy and His Brown Jug Fiddlers; 11:30 Jack Beck's orchestra. I Central Arenas at rmirth Street It. T. Theme, Lewe-Managrr THE NUTSHOP 259 CENTRAL AVE- MAIL A SAO Of PtCANS MOM ft PACK, MAIi, AND.

INSWM TH1H MODERN FIREPROOF EtTKOPEA 'In the Heart tit Everything" Red Bank; Mrs. A. Adams, Newark; tt. A. Curry, Elmer; Miss Jeaunette LOCAL TEMPERATURES Report? for tit* period from 6.

p. m. Wednesday la 6 p. tn. Thursday as observed in St.

I'etresburs hy the I nilid States weather bureau o-op-erative station: Maximum 6S Mitiimun 52 J'recipltetion O.OU It I Jotriw0jr Ifitatflk. "Ti environment, and are immutable, You have no outstanding person- ality, and you are one of a crowd to any social gathering. You are not a student, but can do several versity, and musical selections presented by Fred Qayton, soloist, and Miss Grace ChaveS pianist. A motion of thanks to Mr. and Mrs.

Rose for having planned the party was made by F. C. Harp, seconded by A. E. Taylor.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Einseott, Mr.

and Mrs. Q. T. Ham, Mr. and Mrs.

H. B. Beckett, Miss Meta Murpluy, JameB A. Ogil-vie, Mias Helen Ogilvle, Mr. and Mrs.

YV. H. Broughton, Mr. and Mrs. F.

C. "ALWAYS THE BEST" HOME COOKED FOOD With Quality ami Service A l.a I artr All Dv WeimraUl Se-T UKKK lAVS: S5c-75c nrrai.fat MMii TtM-WllI A. l.nnelieun, 11 V. M. Pinner, Hiiars Kffntiu- FIKKV PAY atrring tn l.ailirs anil Ix-nlle Htm Tonight's Gypsy Cavalcade al the Gypsy inn from 6:00 to 8:00 p.

m. will present Eraser Steele, tenor soloist Moses' band, accompanied by Martha Jahn; Merwln Hoiik, N. B. artist; "Bill" Williams, sketch artist; Edna Sasse and the "Four Gypsy Girls" in costume dances, An entertaining' program usual prices NO EXTRA CtlAIIGK. HOTEL CONCORD rniisunl Appointment and Surrounding Patio Kestnurnnt Opining on the First St.

and Second Ave. North Phone Ownership Management 245.8 WDAE, Tampa 1,220 Kc. 7:30 a. Morning cheer; 8:30, Breakfast melodies; 9:15, Novelties; 10. Household Chats; 10:20, Music of the Day; 11:15, Winifred Carter cooking travelogues (CBS); 11:30, Common-sense for Mothers (CBSJs; 12, Time signal; 12:01, Diamond hour; 12:30, Sunshine Edition features; 12:45, Theater of the Air; 1:15, Luncheon concert; 1:30, Lopez Terrace trio; 2:30, Kd Sterling; 3, Tasjppa Symphony orchestra; 4:45, Community Boosters; 5:15, Dinner music: (j, SpoUnl and Picnic; 6:15, Twilight trio; 6:45, Melodies; 7, Town Crier; 7:30, News synopsis; 7:45, The Old Philosopher; 8, First Church of Christ Scientist; 9, John Rawls Fiddlin' band; 9:30, Rod Arkel; 9:46, Hawaiian Shadows; 10, Blue Ribbon orchestra; 11, Florida Citrus Growers' orchestra.

ALICZER HAYANA DAILY SERVICE CHOICE OF ROUTES ALL EXPENSE TOURS OR INDEPENDENT TRAVEL REDUCED RATES With the KMe hlgh-r aervtce wa have maintained fur the pint ten jeari. MR. A. P. OILL, Havana MgT.

MRS. GILL, Hostess Bus Steamship Aeroplane Tickets THOMAS COOK SON RAYMOND WHITCOMB UNITED FRUIT UO. All Transatlantic and Coastwise Steamship Lines UNITED TOURS, Inc. Y. W.


m. and gets at t'tt p. nt. Hlnth tide 9:29 in. and 1 4 p.

m. Low tide 3:20 a. m. and 2:15 p. m.

Tides at Paae-ii Grille approximately 1'2 hour earlier. KHS First Airline Nn, t'mler N'eiv Vlaimgi-ineiit ROYAL PALM European Eicellent Cafeteria Monthly and Season Rate B. M. KIPLINGER, Manager BfM-Neasna Sale Now On. Fine Watch lb-pairing 531 CeDtral Ave.

HI Filth Street South Darliy, Ocean City; Mr. and MM. James Milton Lawson, Miss Joyce N. Lawson, Trenton; Mrs, .1. D.

Llppln-cott, Newark; Mrs. Charles V. Thomson, Newark: Mr. and Mrs. P.

Lawson, Trenton: David Kukerberg, Newark; Mr. ami Mrs. Louis C. Ohoio-say, Union City; Mr. J.

D. Llppln-cott, Sielton YORK John J. Kinsella, Mid-dletown; Mr. and Mrs. James S.

Brown, Port Washington; Miss Anne Brooklyn; Mrs. C. M. Howard, Auburn; T. Conkling, Earlvilte; Mr.

and Mrs. William J. Foster, Schenectady; Mr. and, Mrs. French Tsziird, Elmlra; Mr.

and Mrs. Alexander Riley, Frankfort; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Llndsey, Robert Llndsey, Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs.

Richard W. Keller, llion; Mr. and Mrs. A. E.

Bydo Park on Hudson; Mrs. Florence E. Harrington, Chautauqua; James Armstrong, Rose; Mrs. W. S.

Sehoharie; Mr. and Mrs. William Tee, Woman's club weekly card party this afternoon at 2:30, at clubhouse on Snell Isle. Cards and tea, tickets 50 cents. Everyone welcome.

things fairly well. Your social accomplishments, are more in evidence than the ability to startle the world. Punctuality and punctiliousness are virtues that you possess. In your home life, you will be amenable, affectionate and loyal. Your attachments, like your manners, never change.

People Horn Feb. 2T Henry W. Longfel low poet. Alexander Olsson editor and publisher "Vest Kusten." FORECAST Florida Partly cloudy Friday and Saturday; not. much change in HOLLANDER HOTEL AND ANNEX Fourlh Avenue nnd Fourth Street North NEW AND MODERN EUROPEAN PLAN Mary Cnrr's Cadet Hams Management More Cnrr nospltallty 361.2 Gainesville 830 Kc.

9 a. Sign on; 9:03, Music appreciation; 9:40, Aunt Sammy's Chal to Hornemakera; 10, Morning melodies; 10:20, Health talk; 10:80, Popular program; 10:45, Morning news review: 11, State marketing bureau reports; 11:15, Organ program; 11:59. Time signals: 12, Agricultural program; 12:45, State marketing bureau reports; 1:15, Variety Pa rude; 1:45, Florida ROYAL PALM CAFETERIA Full Course 50c Dinner 110 5th Street South O. ttceOer, Mgr. SPECIALIZING AM, FBB8B VEGETABLES Short Orders; Hot Cakes with Bacon or Sausage and Ooffe, Thar.

St Sun. CHICKEN DIN NEB MRS. J. J. GARRETT Own Hump Phone 401 Ae.

No, Harp, Miss Georgia Leslie, Miss Jessie KdmorttJ.son, Mr. and J. Ilugey, Miss Dorothy Hagey, Mr. and Mrs. A.

E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.

S. N. Culver, Mr. and Mrs, A. B.

Kose, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ingleby, Miss Delia Ingleby, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Asher, Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Hawthorne, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas L. Mr. and Mrs. Norman M.

Clump, Mr. and OHIO CLUB MEETS TODAY ST. I'KTEItHBl ltd An all -day meeting of the Ohio PASS-A-GRILLE BEACH DIRECT COMMUNITY I We Have Everythir Bakerj' Lint A big variety frfcali day come, for you Central Av HOTEL DENNIS VII MM OFFICE 31s K. I Inglrr Street ttilumil Building Miami, I in. Phone Si-53IT American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a benefit bridge and 608 card party, Friday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, at the Legion Home.

Public Invited. Admission 25c. MOTOK CIX'B HeacH Drive North Phono ftWtil society will be held today at the Tourist Center building1, when all Ohio people are invited" to be pres. Facts: 2, Educational hour: 2:55, World (Book Man; 3, Hour With the Masters; 14, Oeela schools program; 5, Time Modem Fireproof New Nick Dennis, Mgr. AND PARK CAFETERIA AND GRILL Across from Williams Park HIS SCHEDULE i nt and inspect tlie new building and equipment.

Trolley ST. PETERSBURG HOTELS ALLISON HOTEL WINDS llallerns to Florida Straits Gentle variable winds: fair Friday. ICasl Gulf Gentle, variable winds; weather partly overcast Friday. West Gulf Gentle to moderate south and southeast winds; weather partly overcast Friday. Western Caribbean Sen and 'Windward Passage Gentle to moderate noilheast.

winds; weather partly overcast l'Yiday. North ot San4y Hook Moderate to fresh northwest winds; weather partly overcast Friday. Sandy Hook to Hat teres Moderate northwest Wind; weather fair Friduy. TEMPERATURES ELSEWHERE Applicants for Queen of Ohio in HOME From the Florida Weit Coast, in through sleep-ing can to Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, European and American Monthly nnd season rates. Lnrated In unlet tone In heart of city.

Oyster stew supper, 35c, Saturday night, 5:30 to 7:80 at I. 0. 0. F. Hall, 105 Fourth street, south.

Benefit Golden Bod Itcbckah Lodge No. 7. PARK CAFETERIA "A Pleasing Variety of Qua), ily Foods Tastily Prepared" Opposite Williams Park NICK DENNIS. Mgr. Hotel Dennis Grille Variety of A la Carte Plate Dinner PLATE LUNCHES 40-60c Sitndiiy Special Dinners HOTEL DENNIS l.archmont; Gordon Mohr, Hamburg; Seth B.

Abbott, Hamburg; Miss Harriett L. Abbott, East Aurpra; Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Mooney, New York city; Mr. and Mrs. A.

Wledenbach, New Rochelle; Miss Shirley s. Shaw, Hamden: Mrs. James A. Crawford. Miss Alice Crawford, Walton; Mrs.

J. 'IL Ansteth, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. J. pal col signals; 5:01, American Legion Auxiliary hour; 5:30, Organ promam; 5:45, John W.

DeRrnyn, tenor: 6, American Chemical society program; 0:15, The Two Morrows; The Troubadors; 6:45, Jim Putsch, the Singing Announcer; 7, "Know Florida Belter 7:15, Weather forecast; 7:35, Sign off. the Festival of states will be received today. AH applicants must E. Allison. Mgr.

SM Second Ave. N. Mrs. R. H.

Benson, Kenneth Benson, Nora Benson, Professor and Mrs. A. W. Crawford, Mrs. S.

Q. Head, Fred Clayton, Miss Grace J. Chave, Miss Delia F. Ingleby, Orloff Hager, William Kilgour, Mr. and Mrs.

R. C. Chave, Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. MeCrln-non, Dr. and Mrs. F. G.

K. Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. R. Turnbull.

IS Al i not very la ilghty wiili imr Great 4 of pure ptlk kuiiiv tern, 40 in. in rd wnxh eilk. ii fine ullk. bone, all i II pair. I'huir-a warli re.

Men hps, rt, t'moti rait I k. 22- pair, Olrt pair, Well made. 8h Vm fof the whole fair CHEN'S 350 Ntn 26 Mile Scenic Ride for 50c 9 Miles Along the Gulf of Mexico and Beautiful Boca Ciega Bay be over 16 and under 26 years of HOTEL DEERMONT 57 WHERE FRIENDLINESS AND COIRTR8T ABE BLENDED INTO AN Al MOSPIIERK OF AHSUI.I i I COMFORT SECOND AVENUE NORTH E. W. HOCKENBVjR Erie; Mr.

and Mrs. R. E. Austin, I'ltUtburghj Rev. and Mrs, F.

T. East-ment, Fhtiipsburg; Prank Feyler, Ho-choster: Mr. and Mrs. H. O.

Bender, fhllsdoiphia; Dr. and Mr Albert H. TrumbaUer, "Cooperstown; Mr. and Mr. John H.

Boyer, Bethlehem; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ri Crothers, Phiia-mrahfa; W. Kopcke, North East; Miss Cora B. Fairman, I'ittKlmrgh; Mrs.

Harry A. Hchaffer, Johnstown; Mr. and Mrs. King Cole, York; Mr, and Mrs. H.

Mtahl, Altoona; Miss Lydia E. Baker, Pittsburgh; Mm, O. Frleseil, Pittsburgh; Ethel Lackner, Philadelphia; Miss Margaret RlSS, age. The building will be open between Uetroit, on ON WATERFRONT OVERLOOKING TAMPA BAY Moderats Rate WML F. MEE.

Owner and Manager PONCE-DE-LEON Central Ave. Beach Drive Colored choir will give concert, spirituals, readings, at First Unity church, 616 Fifth avenue south, this evening, 8 o'clock. Silver offering. Public invited. 218.8 M.

WMBR, Tampa 1,370 Kc. 6:46 a. Setting-up exercises; 7, Good-will program and morning fea 10 a. ni. and 1 p.

and refreshments will be served during the day. Transfer Sta. Beach 7:30 a.m. 8 :110 a.m. 8:50 8:50 9:10 9:40 10:30 10:30 11:20 Lti20 12: 10 p.m.

12: 10 p.m. 1:00 1:00 1:50 1:50 2:40 2:40 3:30 3:30 4:20 4:20 5:10 5:10 6:00 6:00 Thursday Thursday II p. Saturday Saturday 11:011 p.m. :.10 p.m. AUTOMOBILE SHIPMENT W.

Sargent, Miss Louise Sargent, East Aurora: Mr. and Mrs, peter F. Schmidt, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gruff, Hollls; Mrs.

A. Vogr, New York city, NORTH CAROLINA E. T. Boyd, Ashevllle; Mr. and Mrs.

John P. Anderson, Jack Anderson, Ashevllle. OHIO Mr. and Mrs. R.

L. Marriott, N'i wark; Alice Arthur, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cummins, Ashtabula: Mr. and Mrs.

C. S. Stoner, Akron; TROPIC HOTEL Corner Fifth Street and First Ave. Bo. Modern, everything new throughout.

European plan, A tep (loser to theater and all downtown activities! a step lower ia price. Phoaa 44SS4. NELLE IJLKICH, Mgr. THE DARLINGS "A Darling l'lnee tn Dine" Strictly Home Cooked Food The Best 50c Dinner in Town Sunday Chicken Dinner Oftc and IKIe "A Resluiirant nf Distinetlnn" 11)08 Fourth Sheet North It Vafl Still Demand the Best. Dine at Alida Coffee Shop Floronton Dining Room Dinner 75c and $1.00 Luncheons 50c Main Entrance 23 Second St.

No. RATES BY STEAMER CUT Five Hundred Pleasure club have card party on pier every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Lovely prizes. Public Invited. 25 cents.


PHONE 48-187 -Baa- SUNSET HOTEL ZTsCZ, Central Avenue at Seventy-Fourth Street Telephone 7845 JUNE TO OCTOBER. THE SHOHEHAM, SPRING LAKE BEACH, NEW JER8LK F. N. VAN BHt NT, Prop. Free Moses Band Concerts EVERETT ALLYN MOSES, Director; At The Band Shell in Williams Park The SOUTHLAND VIA PERRY CUT-OFF SCHEDULE NOW EFFECTIVE Lv.

St. Petersburg (A.C.L.) 5.15 I'M Ar. Thomsvlll. (A.C.L.).. 1.10 AM Ar.

Albsny (A.C.L.) 2.B0 IS Ar. Macon (C.ofGa.) 4-40 Ar. Atlanta (C.ofGa.) 7.25 AM Ar. Cinclnn.tl (L.N.) 10.00 PS Ar. Cleveland 8.30 AM Ar.

D.troit (Wab.) S.35 AM Ar. Chicago (P.R.R.).. 7.38 AM HOTEL ALBEMARLE PlrtlnrtWe Hotel of Oualltr and Genuine H.wpllHtr Halt? American Plan Phone fl-33 145 Third Ave. N. "Spirituals," songs, recitations, by Reduced rates on shipment of automobiles accompanied by one or more passengers between Huvannuh and upper Atlantic seaboard cities was announced Thursday by the Colored Kindergarten and HwB Fish off the docks and seawaH at Pass-a-Grille Beach.

Guide and can be hired to take you fishing on the Gulf of Mexico or Boca Ciega Bay. Miss Ada Keehn, Wooster; Mrs. L. Worcester: Miss Maxlne I'urson. Dover; Mrs.

Sadie Benedict, Palnes-Vlile; Mrs. It. E. Benson. Akron; Mr.

and Mrs. H. 8, Black, Bnvennn: Mr. and Mrs. E.

M. Cox. Millershurg: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pecklnpaimh, gftfl Bus Iriiirs 4th St.

nnd ll Wllliruosport; Mr, and Mrs. Victor V. Vartason, Towanda; Mrs. Charles 8. Leavltt, Philadelphia; Mrs.

E. A. Dun bar, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. W.

Lewis, Dubois; Mr. and Mrs, H. iXfifnann, Mtltord; Mr, and Mrs, It, Hsffelllnger, Hon-srtale; Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Cook, (tynwyd Mrs. 3, W. Herbert, Philadelphia; Mrs, Mary A. Harbor, Philadelphia; George C.

C. ritout, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy, Paul Kennedy, John Kennedy, Mary Kennedy, Upper Derby; E.

B. Btoner, Ephrath. nODK ISLAND Mrs, Mary Nlrhols, Westerly; Raymond C. Vara, Westerly. school choruses, (his evening, 7 45 Till AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK PtHtteal Program.

"HEALTH" eaa bs reitored to many Iff without clothing, new 4th So. Solarium, QUALITY LINEN" Why buy Mpcnmu Hi can rant irom at a mo Mrvlce, call 5125. LAUNPRV. 82nd an LET C8 plan and for your next pal Ing cat'' trouhic your neat Hat, Th Pari of ina 141 Ut aeaJ' 'F! ihaia lvll ot the hi I'lnrlda are eervlng ALLAH 1 off. title mut a popatar cuffe; It If I by the I VKK at fe'to a 'KM OUR NKW afitii 'lui'ie and M1.0' 1.

Ii 111 up. Nice If. gport hat. Nw 1 Kidder" Shop. I First Avenue M.

K. church, followed Oarage Elevator Ocean Steamship Savanim'li. The MARI-JEAN HOTEL European Fireproof Ave. Mortli 7 minutes before nbove schedule. Take This Bus for Hon Ce-Sar Hotel HOTEL BEVERLY FIRST AVENt-F.

AND SECOND STREET NORTH Extreme Transient Rates Heat. L. HARVEY Phone 80.19 .08 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,10 .00 .02 by play, "Thunksgivin' Ann." Silver offering. LOG CABIN TEA ROOM PINELLAS POINT "By the Sea" H'gHiiininn Tea. Sat.

tn 0 including Instruction, SI Hour to 8 dally Drive nut Fourth Street Smith The Greenbrier Restaurant Centraf Ave. al IHih SI. Vou OWE It to Y'Ot'RSKLF tn try our food once and we believe you Mill come again if you do. LUNCHEON 50e 8M and 75e "A BEAUTIFUL HOME-LIKE HOTEL" new rates will become effective March 1, The company ha a branch office here at 3 Fifth street south. Station Max.

Mill Alpemt 36 26 Ashevllle 6 30 Atlanta 62 ,18 Atlantic City 66 28 Birmingham 62 84 Chicago 40 32 Denver 66 28 Detroit 46 34 El Paso 68 44 Galveston 60 62 Jacksonville 6i) 42 Key West 66 60 Little Pock 60 44 Los AngHtc 52 Memphis 68 40 Meridian 64 38 Miami 68 60 Mobile 60 42 New Orleffns 62 50 New York 62 20, Snn Antonio 82 44 Han Francisco 5,6 48 Viekslmrg 1,,, 66 42 Wilmington 02 34 Boston 46 3(1 Buffalo 36 24 Cincinnati 48 30 Pawl port 40 30 Kansas City 62 34 Pittsburgh 44 28 St. Louis 34 Toledo Washington 56 ft MiilHUMi KAjr.a avtcvitn AT 4TH STREET CRM. ALLISON, Mgr. JUNGLE HOTEL and COURSE THIS EVENING AT 7:110 O'CLOCK March, "Our riflcd Kmblem" Overture, "French Comedy" "Largo," from "New World Symphony" Solo for trombone, "Love Thought" Garret Dekay, "March of the Dwarfs" Solo for piccolo, "Sweet lliniiO" Josef Fritter. AVALON HOTEL 413 Fourlh Aienue North On Blerk from Mirror Lake Park EC HO PEA PLAN MODKRATK.


W. L. Frlerson. Chattanooga, VERMONT Hr. and Mrs.

F. Blanobard, Newport; Mrs, William L. Ookay, Bennington; Mrs. E. M.

Uard- JOHN F. HVNES, MOIL AMERICAN PLAN For rcjcrvationi or Information about jirtcc and connectioni, ttt HOD ABBOTT, D. P. A A. C.

IV Phono 7741 Taylor Ari ade, St. ratrrstmrg, FIb. W. P. STOV ALL, Pais.

Sort. AgL Central of Georgia Railway atotiraham Phone n-zm Clnvetaud; Mrs. H. C. Crlttenifen, Pninesvllle; John Whltcntnb, Ch've-land; Mrs.

1 1 O. Miller, Dwlght II. Miller. Greenfldd: Dr, and Mrs. It.

Jackson. Elyiia; Mr, and Mrs. iker, Blyriii; Mrs, Mary .1. Wlddows, Cleveland; Mlss.ltoac E. Brown, Ashtabula; Mr.

and Mrs, Robert F. Wlrth-wine, Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Parsons, Miss Luctle Parsons. Dover; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ileck, Tiffin; Miss Lorelts.

Leonard, Cincinnati: Mr. and Mr. Myron F. Mnhr, John Thomas Mohr, BIlefonlsine; Mr. and Mrs, W.

H. Maddrell. Wsynegburf E. L. Ken-ney, Orrville, OKLAHOMA Mr.

and Mrs. C. Dunlven, Oklahoma City; Mr. and Mr? W. u.

A vry. Tulsa; Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Eskrldge, Tulsa. You can get a lunch or a good meal at restaurants in Pass-a-Grille Beach. Houses and apartments to rent. Large and small hotels. Church, school, Women's club, shuffle-board courts.

Come over and stay or better, come over and live with us and take home a good Pass-a-Grille Beach tan with you the finest beach in the United State, Fine white sand no undertow. Bathing at Pass a Grille Casino. Beach Drive and Third Avenue Sale all day, Hotel Deermont, of handicrafts hooked rugs, hand woven articles, carved ivory, toys made by fisher folk of Labrador, under direction of the Grenfill Medical Mission. Bethel M. E.

church choir will present a program of Negro Spirituals at First M. E. church Friday evening, 8 o'clock. Silver offering. (Paid Advertisem*nts) WEST COAST INN DON CE SAR HOTEL For Space In This Directory Phone 5101 PICKET FENCE INN Phone 48-738 PHI tni Aire.

So. Luncheon $0ci Hours 12-8 P. M. Tallies for Bridge and Back (Jam-mon. Teacup Heading Free.

Offers Better Hotel Values! Convenient. Homelike. Inexpensive! Amerl-ran Plan. Superior Cuisine, Dally Concerts. Phone 8617.

Chas. A. Weir vol) going to the i lav your a imall nm. Th A Kiurrt 166 1 ii'TtClina wt 'piTeboard EO'f'il At -lirilJe On the Finest Beach in the WorldFourth Season. Iwmst 4, Itowe, Owner H.

i. Churchill, Mgr. Members ot Sunshine chapter, Hotel Greet rs of America, nnd.their auxiliary were in Tampa Thursday nlfht attending a dinner dance gjlyen for them and for members of the Tampa unit at the Temple Terrace hotel. They were.fuesta of Scenes from musical play, "Velvet Lady" "First Waltz" Soprano solo, "Homing" Malts Lift Chaeoon. "Stnr Spangled Banner' inier, Bennington.

IROLVIA Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Browo, Richmond, WEST VIRGINIA Mr.

and Mrs. Traoy Phillips, Buchanan; Or. and Mrs. 3. K.

fkyles, Charleston. WISCONSIN Agnes FWWM Madison; Mr. and Mrs, O. Caities, Wau-ii; Mr snd Mrs. Chsrleg C.

Brown, Riego Key WILLIAMS APARTMENT HOTEL Atlantic Coast Line Central of Georgia Ry. BOCA CIEGA INN Phone 85 DT1 3026 54th Street South, Gulfport Home like. Comfortable, Convenient Marion II. Uerow, Manager factureti rata beat fiirt fiofth A (outh ana. walk.

Catalog from Ge. Bo liaea, A PBlimont, Ml sKcoMt avfNi BOI'TH PENNSYLVANIA Mfrs Besele Mor mingle. Running Wnlrr, DmiMr George A Hichards, manager ot the toi, gighty Miss Nora Myers, i M'aukosha; Mr- and Charles Four Phtfc, Sliifte, ft.SS up dovMe, I fleam Heat, fiarage In Cnanectloa. Scenery Hill; Mr. and Mrs.

H. V. llols, I Ll htnthal, West Ellis. mmm pjgejgjMajasailMaMp.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)
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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.