Death Notices Funeral Announcements Death Notices 5 In Memoriams 20 Lost and Found STAR and NEWS Quick Action WANT ADS, Tuesday, March 17, 1970 Page 35 ADAMS Fred (Hank) Adans. 63 years, 1304 Oiney, husbard of Mrs. Ethel Adams, brother of Ralph of city, and Barney of Beech, Grove, passed Away Monday. Friends may call at THE JORDAN FUNERAL HOME. 2428 E.
10th after p.m... Tuesday. Funeral Thursday March 19th, 10:30 a.m. Friends Burial Washington Park East. ANDERSON Mr.
Hazel Taylor Court, Anderson, age 50, 5609 Canon father of Bill J. Anderson. Mis. Virginia Carol White, grandfather of Barry Wayne son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Anderson. brother of Lay, Herschell Anderson, Mrs. Juanita Blythe, Mrs. Oleane Jerads, Mrs. Anderson, Clyde Ballard, Mrs.
Velmi Mrs. Ruth Sewell, Mrs. Pearl Hall and Mrs. Flora Mrs. Pear Hall and Mrs.
Flora Spears. paised away Sunday. Calling CONKLE FUNERAL HOME SPEEDWAY CHAPEL, 4925 W. 16th from 2 to p.m. Tuesday only, Burial Burkesville.
Ky. ARBUCKLE Mrs. Julia B. Arbuckle, age 80 years. of 1037 N.
Leslie Ave. Widow of the late Claude (Buck) Arbuckie, mother of Margarette Harlan. Grandmother of Ernest and Winfred Rice, and great grandchildren. Services 9:30 a.m. Wednesdal, Shirley Brothers Irving Hill Chapel.
Requiem Mass 10 a.m. Little Fower Catholic Church. CallIng after 7 p.m. Monday. SHIRLEY BROTHERS IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E.
Wash St. Recitation of Rosary 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. AVELS Mr. Charles A.
Avels. age 79, 121 W. Arizona, beloved father of Mr. Charles E. Avels, Temple City, and Mrs.
Raymond Barkhau, City, brother of Albert Avels, Connersville, grandchildren. 1 great-grandchild, passed away Monday. Funeral LAUCK FUNERAL HOME, 1458 S. Meridian, Thursday 8:45 a.m. Sacred Heart Church 9 a.m.
Rosary 8:15 p.m. Wednesday. Calling after 7 p.m. Tuesday, BLOOMER Raymond M. Bloomer, age 72, passed away Sunday.
Husband of Mildred E. of Manilla, Indiana, and father of Rev. Charles L. Bloomer of ReadIng, Michigan, Robert F. Bloomer of Westminster, Callf.
Funeral service 2 p.m. Wednesday CARMONY FUNERAL HOME Shelbyville. Burial Bennett Cemetery Friends may call after 4 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. BRUCE Mrs.
Emma Opal (Burgett) Bruce, age 83, 5323 W. Morris (Formerly of Lebanon, mother of Charles R. and Fay Burgett, sister of Mrs. Mabel, Paris, and Mrs. Della Smyser, 7 grandchildren, 18 greatgrandchildren.
Passed away Monday. Services Wednesday 10 a.m. CONKLE FUNERAL HOME, LYNHURST CHAPEL, 1220 S. Lynhurst Dr. Friends Invited.
Friends mav call at the funeral home, after 2 p.m. Tuesdar. CLINE Mr. Arcie C. Cline, 63 years, 509 St.
Paul husband of the late Myrtle Cline. father of Hazel L. Altman, Viola Wainscott, Calvin Duane and Joan Cline, 6 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sister of Beva Calvert, Gladys Meador, Hobart and Earl Cline. passed away Monday, Funeral Fridey 11 a.m. Thomas Crowe Funeral Home, Scottsville, Kv.
Friends may call at the G. H. HERRMANN FUNERAL HOME, 5141 Madison Tuesday 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. COLLINS Daniel Wayne Collins, age 1.
Darling son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins, Danville, R. R. 2, brother of Charles Wendell and Robert Keith Collins, and Michael Keith McGuire.
Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Collins, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ropp, of Indianapolis, passed away Saturday a.m.
Services Tuesday, 2 p.m., BAKER FUNERAL HOME, Danville. Friends invited. DAVIS Mrs. Katherine M. Davis, 90 years, mother of Charles M.
(Moke) Davis, grandmother of Mrs. Diane Krukemeyer. Funeral Thursday, 10 a.m., SHIRLEY BROS. IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Wash.
St. Calling after p.m. Wednesday. FEELEY Miss Anna B. Feeley, formerly of 6012 Maren Dr.
sister of Mrs. Harry Limpus, Frances Patton, Mrs. Agnes Connard. Mrs. Pauline Pervine, Mr.
Andrew M. Feeley and Mr. Raymond J. Feeley, passed away Sunday. Funeral Tuesday morning 10:30 o'clock FLANNER AND BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY.
Friends may call after 5 p.m. Monday: Mrs. Pearl Foster, age 87, 351 W. Wiley, beloved mother of Martha Foster, passed away Sunday. Funeral Wednesday 2 p.m.
at the GREENWOOD CHAPEL C. WILSON FUNERAL HOME, U.S. 31 and Main Street. Friends invited. Friends may call.
Greenwood Eastern Star Memoria: service 7:30 p.m. Monday. GATES Mrs. Ruby Gates, age 74 years, of 1212 E. Washington aunt of Mr.
Alfred J. Powell, Mr. Elbert Powell, Mrs. Marcus L. O'Brien, Mr.
Joseph S. O'Brien, all of Mrs. Violet Miller, of Evansville; and Mr. Lawrence O'Brien, of Phoenix, Ariz. Services Thursday, 1 p.m..
Calling after 7 p.m. Tuesday. GERSTENBERGER Mrs. Katherine J. Gerstenberger age 83 8813 Madison Ave.
Beloved mother of William H. and Henry, L. Gerstenberger, Mrs. Barbara VanEvery also 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchilden passed away Satuday. Funeral Tuesday 2 p.m.
at the GREENWOOD CHAPEL J. C. WILSON FUNERAL HOME US 31 and Main St. Friends invited. Friends may call.
Dervices FEELEY, Miss Anna B. HERBLE, Mrs. Anne MYERS, Mr. Robert SCHLEGEL, Mr. Robert C.
WHIPPLE, Mrs. Majessa FLANNER Mortuaries Shirley Serious ARBUCKLE, Mrs. Julia B. CLOYD, Laura, Infant Emma McCOLL'UM, Mrs. Delores OSHURAK, Miss Kathy J.
TEPE, Mrs. Maureen A. Death Notices HAIGERTY David M. Haigerty, 19 years, 926 N. Dearborn son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph W. Haigerty, brother of Joseph W. Haigerty Jr. Mrs.
Janet Pancison. Mrs. Barbara Joan Coram, Mrs. Judy Moss, Mrs. Karen Auler, Thomas Haigerty, and Miss Jeanine Haigeny.
Passed away Monday. FUneral Thursday 9:30 a.m. FEENEYKIRBY MORTUARY, MERIDIAN AT 19TH 10 a.m. St. Philip Neri Catholic Church.
Entombment Miraculous Medel Cemetery. Friends may call after 7. p.m., Tuesday. Rosary 7 p.m.. Wednesday.
KINNEY Junetta E. Kinney Parmerlee), 61 years, 1523 Hoefgen Street, beloved wife of Perry H. Kinney, moths: of Ronald V. Parmerlee, 3 grand-children, stepmother of Perry Kinney, Sylvia Wise, and Patricia Williams. Sister of John Louis and Charles W.
Kemp, Irene Keller, Christina Wolf, Lena Burkert, Gladys Miers and Katherine Owens passed away Sunday. Funeral Wednesday 1 p.m. at the G. H. HERRMANN FUNERAL HOME, 1505 S.
East St. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Monday. KUNKEL George Kunkel, age 78, of 1662 Union beloved husband of Cecilia Kunkel, father of George C. Kunkel, Cincinnati, Ohio, Ervin Kunkel, Beech Grove, John Kunkel and Joyce Sanders, City and the late Mrs.
Catherine Reckel, Brownsburg, 14 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Passed away HOME, Monday. Funeral LAUCK FUNERAL 1458 S. Meridian, Thursday 9:45 a.m., Sacred Heart Church 10 a.m. Holy Name Rosary 8 p.m..
Wednesday. Calling after p.m., Tuesday. LINDSAY Mrs. Paula M. (Polly) Lindsay, age 58, of Plainfield, beloved wife of William G.
Lindsay, passed away Monday morning. Services Thursday 9 a.m. at the HALL-BAKER NERAL HOME, Plainfield. Recitation of the rosary 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Burial Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Tuesday. LOVE Mr. William Love, formerly of 714 Cleveland entered into rest Sundav.
Father of Mrs. Sandra K. Wilkerson, and Miss Karen Sue Love, brother of Mrs. Pauline Cates, Herbert and Roscoe Love. Services, p.m.
MOORE PEACE CHAPEL, HARRY 2050 E. Wednesday W. Michigan St. Calling after 10. a.m.
Tuesday. LOWE Mrs. Emma Marie, Lowe, 1102 N. Olney Street, survived by several nieces and nephews. Services Wednesday 1 p.m.
SHIRLEY BROS. DREXEL CHAPEL, 4565 E. 10th St. Calling after 7 p.m. Monday.
MARTIN Hazel E. Martin, formerly of Greenfield, entered into rest Sunday, age 81, mother of Betty Padgett, Emma Lou Wainscott, Neva Kelley, Lola Snodgrass, and Louise. Bohanan, sister of the late Dr. Russell Bartlow, also 14 grandchildren and 14 greatgrandchildren. Services Wednesday 11 a.m.
HENDRYX MORTUARIES GREENFIELD CHAPEL. Park Cemetery. Rev. Cyrus Herod officiating. Friends may calf after p.m.
Tuesday. (Miriam Chapter No. 64 O.E.S.) MYERS Mr. Robert J. Mvers, 5751 Rosslyn.
father of Mr. Robert J. Myers Jr. and Miss Rosemary Myers, brother of Mrs. John Price, 4 grandchildren.
passed away Monday. Private, Mass Wednesday morning 10 Immacplate Heart of call Mary Catholic until Church. Friends may from 7 10 p.m. Tuesday, FLANNER BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY. OSHURAK Miss Kathy Julia Oshurak, age 1509 S.
Leland, beloved daughter Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Oshurak, sister of Frank Jr. Linda and Pamela Oshurak, granddaughter of Mr.
Andrew Oshurak, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rusche. Services Wednesday 10 a.m. SHIRLEY BROS.
IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Wash. St. Calling after 7 p.m. Monday.
PHILLIPS Mr. Carl W. Phillips, age 60, 1412 Lexington husband of Grace Alice, father of Mrs. Carole McQuaid, Mrs. Sandra Kay Alford, Step-father of Mrs.
Betty Slone, brother of Mrs. Mabel French, Mrs. Virginia Lloyd, Mrs. Opal Savage, Mrs. Ida Bough, Noble (dec.) Chester, Earl, and Leslie Phillips, also survived by 6 grandchildren, passed away Sunday, Service Thursday, p.m., J.
C. CHIMES, WILSON CHAPEL OF THE 1234 Prospect friends invited. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Tuesday, QUICK-ACTION INDEX ANNOUNCEMENTS Swaps. Specialties -672 Publie Notices Death Notices -1 Card of Thanks- 3 In Memoriams-5 Funeral Directors-7 Ambulance Service -8 Lodges, Club Notices -9 Florists, Memorials-11 Mausoleums, Lets -14 Lost and Found-20 Personal Notices-24 Special Netices-26 Steam Bath, Massage -32 Transportation -38 Business Services -45 AUTOMOTIVE Aircraft, Equipment-801 Motorbikes, Scooters, Antique, Classic Cars -803 Sports, Foreign Cars -804 Used Cars For Sale -805 Trucks, Buses, Trailers -807 Mobile Homes-811 Ante Parts, Accessories, Repairing -815 Automotive, Lease or Rent-818 New Car Directory 820 Motorcycles, Equipment -831 Wanted Automobiles -835 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunities -255 EMPLOYMENT Positions Wanted Men 500 Positions Wanted -Women -501 Employment For Men-525 Salesmen-530 Manufacturer Representatives -533 Men and Wemen 540 Instruction, Schools-551 Employment Women -560 Salesladies-565 LOANS Real Estate Loans -398 Personal Loans -425 Financial -430 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Tools, Machinery Equipment, Rentals 612 Miscellaneous Items -605 Travel Trailers, mpers-617 Sports, Outdoor Equipment -619 Guns, Hunting Equipment-620 Bleycles-623 Boats, Fishing, Equipment-627 Clothing, Jewelry -631 Gifts, Stamps, Hobbies, Toys-635 Cameras, Supplies -639 Office Equipment, Supplies-643 Auction Sales 647 Household Goods --651 Planes, Musical Instruments-655 Television, Steree, Radio -670 TO OUR It is intended that every statement of a bona fide offer be no reference to race, color, you answer an ad that misstates policy, you are asked to News Classified Advertising Business Bureau.
PIEL Mr. Fred J. Piel. 3831 South Ewing. entered Into Sunday.
AGO brother of Mrs. Mary Malone, eral nieces and nephews. Services p.m. Tuesday. HARRY MOORE PEACE CHAPEL, 2050 E.
Michigan. Calling anytime. PRASINOPOULOS Steve Prasinopoulos, 74 years, 1618 E. 10th husband Mrs. Mary Prasinopoulos, father of Paul Stella and James Prasinopoulos, and Mrs.
Chaillaux. 6 grandchildren. greatgrandchild, passed away Saturday. Friends may call at the JORDAN FUNERAL HOME, 2428 10th St. Funeral Tuesday, March 17th, 2 p.m.
st Holy Trinity Orthodox Church. Friends Invited. Burial Crown Hill. ROBINSON Mr. Lem R.
Robinson, 75 years, 3992 Mooresville beloved' husband of Lissle Robinson, father of James and Clarence Robinson 8 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren. brother of Alta Lowe, and William Robinson, passed away Friday. FUHERRMANN Tuesday. FUNERAL p.m. HOME, 1505 S.
East St. Friends may call. SCHLEGEL Mr. Robert C. Schlegel, 3934 Parker Court, son of Mrs.
Anna C. Schlegel, father of William F. and Robert C. Schlegel, passed away Saturday, Funeral Wednesday 11:30 o'clock FLANNER BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY. Friends may call after 2 p.m.
Tuesday. SHINN Mrs. Irene Shinn of Bainbridge, mother of John of Marshall, Mrs. Virgil Asher, Fincastle, Mrs. Charles Eaton, of Mooresville and Paula Sue at home, sister of Mrs.
George Bernloehr, Wilbur, Mrs. Sam Dove, of Bainbridge and Mrs. Jake Phillips, of Indianapolis, Leslie and John Miller of Indianapolis, Services Wednesday, WALTON 1 p.m. from FUNERAL the HOME HOP. Bainbridge.
Friends call after noon Tuesday. SMITH Mr. Odas Smith, 338 N. 17th Beech Grove, husband of Anne Smith, father of Mrs. Gary L.
Starks, and Steve G. Smith, brother of Bertha Wilson, George, Clayton, Albert and Leroy Smith, 2 grandchildren. Services Thursday, 10 a.m., LITTLE SONS FUNERAL HOME, 1301 Main Beech Grove. Call ayntime after 7 p.m. Tuesday.
STUMPF Clare T. Stumpt 57 years 2305 St. Paul St. Beloved wife of Thomas R. Stumpf mother of Linda C.
Owens and Patricia Ann Goodwin. Sister of Roberta. Fox Martha Varner. Katherine Wolf and Thelma Jones passed away Sunday. Funeral Wednesday 9 a.m.
at the G. H. HERRMAN FUNERAL HOME 1505 S. East St. 9:30 a.m.
St. Catherine Church. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Mondav. TEPE Mrs.
Maureen A. Tepe age 46, 5009 Nowland. Wife of John B. Tepe, mother of Mrs. Carol Hall, John M.
and Mary Tepe. One grandson Daughter of John D. Sullivan. Sister of Mrs. Betty Vastine, Robert and Jerry Sullivan.
Funeral Wednesday March 18 10:30 a.m. BROTHERS DREXEL. CHAPEL 4565 E. 10th a.m. Little Flower Church.
Parish Prayer Service Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Calling Tuesday 2 10 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. WATERMAN Mrs. Ethel Waterman, age 72, Bellefontaine, Ohio, passed away Sunday evening, beloved wife of Edward F. Waterman, sister of Mrs.
Graveside Edith services Stanley of Acton, Wednesday between 2 and 3 p.m., Acton Cemetery. WHIPPLE Mrs. Majessa Graham Whipple, 6701 N. Whipple, College mother wife of of Willard Robert step Whipple, and Mrs. W.
M. Johnson. sister of Mrs. John Brewer, Miss Joanna Graham and Mrs. George E.
Bigge and Mr. Curtis Graham, 6 grandchildren. Passed away Monday. Funeral Wednesday morning 10:30 o'clock FLANNER BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY. Friends may call after 2 p.m.
Tuesday. Friends who prefer may make contributions to the Cancer Society, WILLIAMS Mr. Alvie Williams, age 42, 3116 S. Rural, husband of Mattie, father of Larry, Gerald and Christine Williams, son of Mrs. Lillie Williams, brother of Royce Williams, Goldie Foust, Lola Vinson and Pearl Edwards, passed away Saturday p.m.
Funeral Wednesday 10 a.m. C. WILSON CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES, 1234 Prospect St. Friends Invited. Friends may call after 1 p.m.
Monday. WILSON Danny L. Wilson, age 19, R.R. 1, Cloverdale, beloved son of Dorman and Ruby Wilson, brother of Rita, Jeff and Kelly Wilson, grandson of Wayne and Sophie Wilson, Walter and Pearle Beaman. Funeral services Wednesday, 2 p.m., WHITAKER FUNERAL HOME, Coverdale.
3 Card of Thanks FOLTZ-Our sincere thanks to kind friends, relatives, neighbors and Rev. Marshall, all for expressions of sympathy, lovely floral offerings and other courtesies extended at the passing of my mother, "MRS. INDIANA FOLTZ -Son and Family We wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the kindness, sympathy and many beautiful floral tributes extended by our relatives, friends and neighbors at the passing of our beloved husband and father, GROVER L. GARRIOTT We wish to thank Rev. Melvin Himes, singers, Ivana, Burner, No.
Veterans Father Schmidt, members of Ron Calli Hospital, the Legion Post 305, R.O.T.C. for salute and taps at graveside. and J. C. Wilson Funeral Home.
-Wife, Kate and son, Paul. PINNER- The family of CURTIS PINNER wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation the kindness, sympathy and beautives, friends and neighbors in our time of bereavement. We especially thank those who acted as pallbearers, the ministers and Summers Funeral Home for their kind services rendered and all who assisted in way. -Wife, Children and Family TRENT- We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, prayers, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our kind friends, and neighbors to pastor D. O.
Krueger, Shirley Bros. and all the many others who assisted in any way. -The Roy Trent Family WALTON -We wish to thank our kind neighbors, friends and relatives for expressions of sympathy, lovely floral offerings and other courtesies extended at the passing of our husband and dad, VAHL 0. WALTON Also we wish to thank Dr. Ephrian Lowe, and Conkle Funeral Home.
-Wife and Family 5 In Memoriams DeBOARD -In loving memory of our father, JAMES E. DeBOARD On his 58th -Daughters, Marilyn and Dolly JONES--in loving memory of MR. HERBERT LEE JONES Who passed away March 15, 1967, Remembered by, -Wife, Ella K. Jones KAKAVESCOS In loving memory of JAMES E. KAKAVECOS Who departed this life March 17, 1951, We have only your memory, dear, To remember our whole lives through, But the sweetness will linger forever, As we treasure the Image of you.
-Wife Dortohy and Children, Eileen, Ruth. James Connie, Georgiana and Catherine. For God only knows who much we miss him At the close of three sad years. -Missed so much by Mom. Sisters and Brothers.
LAW- -In loving memory of Sp-4 JAMES D. LAW Who passed away March 17, 1967 In Vietnam. Three years have passed since you went away. The loneliest vears of my life, But you are not alone now. Jimmy.
You are with our dear sweet father, And some day we will all be together again. -Sister Fay and Family. MARSHALL-in lovina memory of SHERRY MARSHALL passed away March 17, 1969. There is mother who misses you And finds the time long since you went; And I think of you daily and hourly, But try to be brave and content. But the tears that I shed in silence, And I breathe a sigh of regret, For you were mine, and remember.
Though all the world forget. -Mother SCHARBROUGH- loving memory SILLAR ANN SCHARBROUGH Who passed away and JOHN A. SCHARBROUGH Who passed away March 17, 1963. -Loved, missed and remembered by their children and grandchildren. UNDERWOOD--In loving memory of grandson.
JOHN LAWRENCE UNDERWOOD Who left us March 17, 1959. feel your breath in the morning air, need not search, It's thriving there. Your dear face in morning skies I alweys see when I arise. -Mom and Daddy LAW In loving memory of our 5 0 and brother JAMES DOUGLAS LAW Who passed away I Vietnam, March 17, 1967. The pearly gates were opened A gentle voice sald And with farewells unspoken Jimmy entered home.
Our hearts still ache with loneliness, Our eyes shed many tears SEVIER. PEC In loving memory SEVIER of Who passed away in Vietnam Mar. 17, 1968. Time speeds on, two years have passed Since death ifs gloom, its shadow cast Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, His vacant place there's none to fill.
Down here we mourn, but not in vain; For up in heaven we if meet again, -Mom. Dad, Brother, Sister and Grandmother 7 Funeral Directors ABDON O'RILEY MORTUARY 1509 PROSPECT 638-1474 APPLEGET LAWRENCE MORTUARY 7707 E. 42nd at Pnditn Pk. 897-1363 N. F.
CHANCE FUNERAL HOME 504 E. National Ave. 784 -3546 DORSEY FUNERAL HOME 3925 E. New York 357-1173 FARLEY FUNERAL HOME 2950 W. High School Rd.
291-1198 638-2388 Morris GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME 1601 E. New York 632-5374 G. H. HERRMANN 1501 S. EAST.
632-8488 5141 MADISON AVE. 787-7211 HISEY TITUS 951 N. DELAWARE 631-4540 JORDAN FUNERAL HOME 636-4305 2428 10th 636-4304 LITTLE SONS 1301 Main St. Beech Grove 786-1476 Moore Kirk BEN DAVIS W. WASH.
46TH MAIN OFFICE- LI 6-1564 HARRY W. MOORE Funeral Chapels Arlington Chapel, 5811 E. 38th St. Peace Chapel, 2050 E. Michigan St.
WASHINGTON 632-9352 J. C. WILSON Robert St. Pierre. Pres.
1234 Prospect St. 632-9431 11 Florists, Memorials "Say it with flowers" AVENUE Madison FLOWER SHOP 2457 MADISON 786-0431 SCHAEFER MONUMENT CO. 3405 Graceland Ave. 926-3232 20 Lost and Found $100 REWARD- NO QUESTIONS Lost: Rhodesian Ridgeback, female, short brown hair, w-ridge of hair growing opposite direction down back. Black muzzle, 85 Ibs.
873-4565. LOST: Complicated black silk unbrealla 12 to 14" long. Has aold-plated handle, tips and chain. In leatherized gold zipped case. $5 Rew if not dam.
926- 7485. LOST, 10" silver grey male poodle. Right eye removed 2 wks ago, needs medication, ran away vic of Mich and Rural. Reward. Call 631-4971.
Norwegian Elkhound with curly white tip tail, brown leas, white chest, 5 mos old. 251- 0766 or 634-2134. LOST: Lady's Diamond Dinner Ring. Vic Hooks pka lot, Fountain Sq. or General Hospital oka lot.
Generous reward, 787-4412. LOST card case, red. Medicare Blue Cross and other info. Only valuable to owner, reward, 357-7058. LOST Siberian Husky female, gray, black and silver, It blue Chinese eyes.
Reward. 244-8043. LOST. Male English Setter, white with black. Reward.
Last seen vic Southport and Franklin Rd, 862-6886. LOST: Lt tan long hair 8 mo old pup. Black spot on fail. Ans to Mike. $10.00 Reward.
635-9665. LOST: Nr. School 67, W. Side, male, black min poodle, answers to Reward. 638-3186.
REWARD, ST. BERNARD Lost. Pittsboro area. 4-892-3703. LOST: Miniature gray Poodle, male, 46th and Emerson, 546-8448.
LOST BLK MIN Poodle. Male. Vic. 53rd and Richardt. Rew.
545-4616. LOST: BIk greyhound pup, vic Banta and St. James; Reward; 784-1790. LOST FAWN-colored Boxer, reward. Call aft 5:30, 283-8181.
LOST white Peke strayed from 4251 Kingsley, reward, 253-9128. FOUND Min Schnauzer male in Broad Ripple area. 846-0263. LOST: Female long hair dog, 4 white paws. Ans to 638-2758.
YELLOW Peke. vic. Southport and Meridian, 881-2661. LOST: Sunday, male beagle vic of Patricia-Cossell, Eagledale. 293-2186.
LOST: Ger Shep pup, fem, Reward. 297-1788, 359-5865. 45 Business Services PLEASE: Will person or persons knowing whereabouts of statue taken from lawn at 3239 Winfield please contact me at 924-0205 before 7:30 am or after 10:30 pm. Liberal reward. No Questions LOST: $100, REWARD for return or Information leading 10 return of small white poodle named Childrens pet.
Lost vic of 73rd-Harcourt Rd Call 24 Personal Notices WILL NOT be responsible for any debis, contracted by anyone other than myself on or after March 17, 1970. Harley Floerke, 635 S. Norfolk. REWARD: For any information leading 10. the whereabouts Cheshire, of William Ind.
D. Skinner. 6124 545- 3303. WILL NOT be responsible for any contracted by anyone other than myself on or after Mar. 17, 1970, Anthony J.
Billus, 202 N. Colorado. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after Mar. 16, 1970. Ronald Eugene Rumple, 543 Hardin Blvd.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS may be reached at 414 Peoples Bank Indianapolis or 632-7864, RETIRED MAN wants male companion for travel U.S. and abroad. Write Robert Barlow, Box 3878 Star and News. WANT TO buy tickets for East-West All Star basket bail game Mar. 28.
251-8811 after 5 pm. SHALOM! Good news about how God fills the vacuum. Call 787-3506. DIAL 862-6200 FOR MEDITATION MOMENT 26 Special Notices S.R. 22's HD.
INSURANCE OF INDIANA 921 Delaware St. 636-3548 WE CARE! Professional, trustworthy ladles to care for elderly, convalescent and children, 24-hr service. WE SIT BETTER 925-6216 For The PERFECT WEDDING GOWN Bridesmaid's dresses, all accessories. Individual personal service. Call your 10- cal SALLY WALLACE Bridal Consultant in Greenfield, Indiana.
MARIAN WOODWARD, 326-2405. CLASS STARTING SOON HYPNOSIS Information, Brochure, 359-6133 BROOKS School of INSTRUCTION 1923 GLENRIDGE DRIVE SI 545-6431 or 898-6992 BILL: Got a grand new job at Blue Cross and Blue Shield doing clerical work. Fast-growing company maybe could use you, too. Betty Jane. REWARD: For any information leading 10 present whereabouts of Donald J.
Knight. Formerly of 307 S. 6th St. Noblesville Ind. Call 545-3309.
FOR THE FINEST in household and personal brush products, call FULLER BRUSH CO. 545-1256 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AT Your nearest HOOK'S BLE DRUG STORES. LOSE inches see Slim Gym as advertised on TV for free home tion. Call RICH THICK SHAKES BURGER CHEF NO. 2 FUEL OIL, 100 gal.
$15.90. Area Oil, Inc. 546-7497. TRY US WE'RE NEW! MINK STOLE CLEANING DAVIDSON'S of Glendale 255-3161 WANT A telephone in your car? Call Fred, 786-1668. INCH MASTER-786-7754 WEDDING INVITATIONS, access.
Best quality, lowest prices. 787-2133. SLIM GYM 831-4293 WAKE-UP SERVICE $3.50 Monthly. 244-1380. INCH-MASTER 356-1935 LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-aDiet tablets.
Only 98c. Hooks Drugs. MAGNETIC signs for cars or trucks. Custom made. 356-0475.
38 Transportation SHIP YOUR CAR ANYWHERE REASONABLE CO. DRIVEWAY 635 N. Penn. 639-1018 DRIVE A car to Georgia, New York, Kansas City, Texas, Arizona, Florida, Calif, Carolina, Minn, Penn, Maryland, Mass, Mich, Ala, Nebraska, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. 639-1018.
DRIVE my car as your own to Califor- nia. 547-5901. -Calif, Portland, Oregon 3323. DRIVE my pickup truck to Dallas, Texas, 547-5901. 100 Sleeping Rooms HOTELS ALL NEWLY DECORATED BROAD PARK HOTEL $10 Up.
Private bath, heat, parking. Community kitchen, maid service. 610 E. 12th St. ME 7-0755 HOTEL WILLIAMS, Downtown Modern, $17.50 wk.
635-6461. WALKING DISTANCE 401 N. -Students welcome. Maid service, refrig, $9.50 to $12.50. 631- 4012, 7 am to 7 pm.
430. MASS. Quiet atmosphere. Parking avail. Running water, Frig.
Maid service. $9, $10, $11 wk. 636-9482. 801 N. PENN LOCATION MAID SERVICE, $9.
$10, $11 week, a.m. to 7 p.m. 634-5263. 45 Business Services 100 Sleeping Rooms NORTH BROADWAY 4006 large front rm, heat, emp gentleman, 924-1739. 1217 N.
NEW JERSEY, Rms, men, showers, TV, maid serv. Clean, quiet. warm. $8, $10, $12 wk. 634-9729.
6465 PARK. Priv home. Or 2. genflemen. Call after 7 pm.
cl. 1-0030. 3627 N. PENN. Large room, hall ent, also housekeeping room.
340 W. 30th, modern mm, priv ent. $15 wk, 926-7900, 255-7858. MY HOME your home. Beaut rm, home privileges.
Color TV. Phone, laundry rm, empl man, 283-1163. PRIV ENT. front rm, refrig avail. Student or emp man.
926-9903. 34TH AND ILLINOIS. Ciean nicely turn room. 925-4959. 36th and PENN.
Employed woman, kitch. priv arid phone. 924-0848. 42ND, Nr. Arlington.
Am in priv nome Kit priv, gent pref. 545-0246. GLENDALE- Large front rm, priv bath Prives, emp lady. 251-0724. EAST 325 N.
COLORADO, nice room. La clos, nx bath, emp man. 359-0495. 2002 E. 10TH.
Nicely furn, $15 wk. 255. 5190, 255-3985, 251-3033. SENIOR CITIZEN, nice. room, like home privileges, Al reference.
Clean, no drinks. 634-2626. NAR ARL and Wash. E. side plants.
Ph. TV, perm, refs. 359-6663. 4100 EAST. Nice front rm for day employed young man.
356-4382. SOUTH ACROSS Garfield Park for young man college age, approved references required. 784-5368. EXCLUSIVE MASTER barm, compare with best hotels. phone.
kitchen, color TV privis, men. 786-0027. BIG CLEAN RM. Employ mid age sober man of Fin Sq. 636-7606.
SLEEPING rm. Put ent. Near, TwinAir. 631-9794. WEST KESSLER and 30th Large attract rm with bath for 1 or 2.
Kitch privi. 784-5529. 3367 W. MICHIGAN, 1 or 2 emp men, priv ent, showers. ME 7-8204.
6143 W. MINN. Day emp men. Priv ent. Nr Westside Indus, 241-7505.
53 PERSHING nice room priv home, emp gentleman, ME 8-2978. SLEEPING RMS. for men only with kitchen priv. 636-7019. 110 Rooms With Board 24 HR Nursing Home care for elderly person up and around, $10 per day, 241- 0205.
WILL CARE for Elderly Lady in ly Home. Mooresville Vic. Refs. 342- 8946. ELDERLY LADY to room and board 36 N.
Elizabeth, 359-6313. RM AND BOARD for lady, nr Ft Square, nr bus. 636-0272. LOVING CARE for elderly patient, senile or stroke, priv home. 632-1720.
ROOM and board for gent, nice home. Priv room, Ft Sq, 631-1702. 115 Child Care WINDING BROOK DAY CARE CENTER 816 WINDING BROOK (East Drive) (9100 W. 10th Open 7 am to 6. pm Mon thru Fri.
3-4 and 5 Year Olds 247-9206 243-8211 243-8211 PICK UP AND DELIVERY and L. Pre-School 632-1911 BABYSITTING, my home, 7 to 5 pm. Children over 2. Have much exper. Greenwood, Ind.
888-1317. CHILD care, my home, 5 days, vic Sch 43. Licensed home. 924-4604. BABYSITTING, my home 5 days, vic Schl 1, reas rates.
545-4825. WANTED, babysitting days. My home. Rel religious home. 632-2615.
CHILD Care my home day or night. Vic 27th and N. College. 925-5998. BABYSITTING.
My home. Vic 42nd and Mitthoeffer. Refs. 897-9836. WILL CARE one child 3 yrs or older, my home, 244-3730 Airport area.
VIC RALSTON 32d infants up, day or night. My home. 925-3635. 38TH-POST RD. Mother's exper Lie home.
Reas. Anytime. 898-4377. CHILD CARE, my home Greenwood, 888-1787. BABYSITTING, my home, 36th and Emerson area.
545-9457 EXCELLENT child care. Eastside. Lie home, 631-6972. BABYSITTING my home, 5 days, vie 21st-Arlington. 359-5801.
CHILD CARE my home, south day or night, any age, 784-5762. CHILD CARE My Home Vic 43rdMoller Rd. 293-7439. 38TH ARLINGTON. 1 Days, any age, my home.
545-7306. WEST--CHILD care any age. Day or night. My home. 639-9135.
MY HOME, days, nights, weekends, ref. N.W. Call Holly. 291-3003. BABYSITTING my home, 5 days wk.
Call aft 5, 4-773-5398. BABY SITTING, my home, prefer infant. 1 Or 2 children. 638-0485. 120 Light Housekeeping Rooms Sleeping rms and apts, $8 to $14.
45 Business Services WALKING DISTANCE, MADISON HOTEL, 470 Meridian, 1125 Trailers and Trailer Space for Rent WEST GLEN VILLAGE Cul-de-sac design. Carports, storage facilities, no hidden natural charges. Club all house city utilities plus gas. and pool planned. Rents for $45.00 per month.
West. 10th and County Line Road. 243-8211 Norm Groves, Mar. 244-4824 FOR RENT. Mobile home lots.
Beaut new mod park with all underground utiis. Close F1. Benjamin Harrison. Wheel Estates East, 9350 Pendleton Pike. 897-2076.
12x52 2-BDRM. 12x60 2-BDRM. All utils and lot rent Incl. 856-5226. LOTS N.
of Indpis. Base rent $32 mo. Water, sewer. 896-3348, 4-773- 0876, 897-0068. NR WEIR COOK -Large space.
Low rates, 243-8059. 2 10 5 pm 786-6595. 140 Equipment, Home Furnishing Rentals RENT FURNITURE FROM FRIEDMAN! OPTION TO BUY -Short or long term leases. YOUR CHOICE OF SMART FASHION FURNITURE Mediterranean, modern, etc. LOW RENTAL RATES -From $25 month.
3 ROOMS COMPLETE--For budget to luxury apartments or rent by piece. OFFICE -Desks, files, etc. Phone or Visit Our Display Rooms FRIEDMAN FURNITURE RENTAL COMPANY 1011 N. Pennsylvania Phone 636-4411 Store Hours- -Daily 9 to 6 Monday and Thursday till 9 p.m. 143 Apartments Unfurnished 1106 N.
BEVILLE, ht, utils pd. Rms, stove, ref. 784-9519, 4-462-9103. 4520 CARROLLTON, or bus line, rms up. $120 mo, ht, wtf.
stove, reft, $50 dep. 283-4915. 1532 CARROLLTON-3 Rm Apt. $65 Month 631-2931 6130 CARVEL. 2-Bdrm Townhouse apt.
Newly decorated. Garb disp, bsmt. $128. 255-4903. 1451 N.
Central, $77.50, nice 3-rm apt. All util pd. Stove, ref furn. See now, 637-1428. N.
COLLEGE, 4 large rooms, auto gas heat. 637-3534. 2630 COLD SPRING Road. Shade trees. AMPLE PARKING.
Lovely 1- bdrm. $120. WA 6-8926. Mrs. Stack.
2320 DAWSON ST, 2-bdrm apt. Ref and range furnished. $85 Mo. 1001 N. DELAWARE.
Effic, redec. $59.50 mo. Utils pd. Adult. See mar.
GUILFORD Nr good transp, modern apt. 926-5192. BROWDUES Apts, 3022 Guion K0. 2 Barms, color ampis, ceramic bath, ige closets, air cond. 720 Sq ft, ht wtt tn.
$125, $100 dp, yr lease 291-5247 1226 N. ILLINOIS, $70.00. nice effic apt. All util pd. Stove, ref furn.
See now, 637-1428. 1418 KELLY. 5 Rms, upstrs. Priv bath-ent, 787-6510 after 4 pm. 3360 N.
KENWOOD, 3. lg rm. apt, priv ent, all utils pd, 923-0955 or after 6 pm, 615 MADISON Ave. 3 Or rms. Heat and water paid.
$48. FIEBER REILLY 632-3366 1723 All N. util pa. MERIDIAN, Stove, ref $59.50, furn. nice Close effic apt.
to transportation, see today, 637-1428. N. MERIDIAN S. of 38th. Effic apt, well maintained bidg all utils, mature adults.
Box 3879 Star-News. 1500 BLK. E. Mich. Nr.
Tech. 5 mod. Will decor. Ht-wtr $65. Hartman's 631-6530.
W. MORRIS, 2 BR, nice, cin. Adults, $35 wk, $100 dep. 244-5579. 4123 MT.
VERNON COURT. 3-Bdrm townhouse, baths, carpet and drapes, disp. Rear encl patio and util shed. $165 Mo. 251-0238, 253-9820.
302 WEST New York, $62.50, nice 3-rm, bath, heat, wtr pd. Stove, ref furn. See now, 637-1428. 1401 North $60.00, nice effic apt. All -util pd.
Stove, ref. furn. See now, 637-1428. 1229 N. PENN, 2010 Meridian, effics, $67 up.
See custodian. 23 S. RURAL, rms, no drink, put ent, util pd; 1 sm child. 639-2853. 2259 SHELDON- Rms, 2 children 359-9466 525 SUTHERLAND, 6 rms, gas ht, water pd, 2 sml children, 923-8997.
1524 S. TALBOT. $85. Heat Very and nice water 1-bedroom apt, 2nd floor, furn. Mrs.
Rice, 631-8657. 1512. NORTH $70.00, nice effic apt. All util pd. Stove, ref furn.
See now, 637-1428. 1728 UNION, up. Utils pd. 2 Children. 784-9725.
4815 E. WASH. ST. Effic Stove and refrig. Heat and wtr pd.
$75. FIEBER REILLY 632-3366 WASH Blvd and 38th St. area, 2 bdrm, lae liv rm, din rm, tile bath, gar, $125 per mo. Box 3883 Star and News. 2030 E.
WASH ST. 5 Rooms, gas heat, water paid. $75 MO. 632-5351. 19 WOODLAND AVE.
3 KmS Dain, all utils. $85 Mo. 244-1962 aft 8 pm. 817. 9th, 4 rms, newly dec, stove, fria.
gas, ht water pd. $65. Adults. 302 EAST 19th $97.50, nice 2-bedrm apt. Heat, wtr pd.
Stove, ref furn. See now, 637-1428. 5330 E. 21st 357-1882 UP Newlyweds, mature adults, singles. 45 Business Services SERVICE REPAIR GUIDES LET EXPERIENCED HANDS DO YOUR SERVICE OR REPAIRING ACCOUNTING CONTRACTING HAULING PAPER HANGING FED, Mr.
and Mahar. State 7 25 Tax yrs Returns with prepared Internal sand, RICH gravel, TOP SOIL, cinders. fill 784-6822. dirt, or one POOR House, BOY needs yard trash and barn hauling. from top terina, PAPER int and HANGING, ext paintina steaming, and plas- regarage, Rev.
Serv. 787-3401 or 635-7418. DUMP TRUCK service for hire. to bottom. Old furniture, clothina.
Emp- deli lina. Complete line vinyl and Stone, top soil. 856-3135. ty, furnish new burn barrels. Call any- paper samples.
23 Yrs exp. Quick, deALUMINUM SIDING SAND, driveway stone. Call time, 898-7131. pend serv. Pree est.
Ref. 636-2730. SAVE NOW. Free est on Alcoa alum 547-6024. gravel, TRASH HAULING PAPER HANGING, streaming, int siding.
Expert work. 787-1293. DRIVEWAY rad din stone, gravel, Yard, Garage, Basem*nt, Clearina. Also and mates ext 547-8971. painting.
plastering, free estigarage wrecking and hauling. Free estlBAsem*nT sand dirt, excavating. 784-3954. mate. We work all over town.
Quick 24- PAPER Samples, painting, DRY WALLS hour, 7-day a week service. Ph. 253-2934. cleaning, reas rates. 787-1913.
BAsem*nT SHEETROCK-SPACKLING784-6955 784-6955 HAULING ANYTHING, CALL DAY SPEC winter reates. Paper hang, or night. attic cleaned. immed serv. 632-1983, 638-9660.
WATERPROOFING ELECTRICAL SERVICE Large 926-0613. and small truck. Barrels, $3. PAPER HANGING CLEANING. Free est.
Mr. Mrs. Grant, 631-9777 783-2009 Written guarantee. S.M. Free estimate HORSLEY RESIDENTIAL wiring, old-new city LIGHT HAULING AND MOVING MOORE DEC.
Exp in wall coverings WATER PROOFING CO. 783-2009 and dryer county-wide. Elect heat, ranges, Stove, Refrigerators, Basem*nts Cleaned Samples. Paint, Steam, 926-0039. A dry bsmt at a price you can afford.
and 100-amp outlets, fuse wall plugs, boxes. rewiring Use all 60 Free Attics, Estimates Call 638-8165 KLIPPNER Family Decorators charge cards. Lic, insured, bonded. 55-GAL $3.50. Delivered.
Emp- 638-8189 J. C. Electric. Free est 787-4485. tied when full, $1.75.
Small bidgs PAPER HANGING, 30 YRS. BRICK WORK bbis, Homes, BRICK, block, stone, masonry repair. BONDED electrical service. Specializ- wrecked and hauled away. 636-0338 or rentals.
Rea. Shepard, 631-6716. Free estimate, 786-3736. ing in rewiring-repairs. Comi or resi- 636-6024.
dential bldg. 27 Yrs exp. 631-2643. PAPER STEAMING BUILDING REMODELING HOFFMAN ELECTRIC 636-7061 LANDSCAPING PAPER STEAMING- -Insured ALUM SIDING, roofing, rooms added, Spec in house wiring. New, old or re- THOMPSON TREE SERVICE 15 Yrs exp.
Mr. Hendren, 636-3726. ceramic tile, acoustical ceilings, panel- pair. 24-Hr emergency service. Tree trimming, removing.
Lot clearing. ing. ceilings lowered, windows and doors HUBERT FRYMAN ELEC. SERV. Spraying, Thatching.
Free est. IN- PLASTERING installed, floors leveled, small jobs. 24-Hr serv. Old-New Quality Work. SURED.
Winter rates. 856-4238. ME Free 4-4349. estimates, Denny Son Call 291-7703 241-1814 cleared. TREES Spraying.
TRIMMED, 30 removed, Yrs exp, lots PATCH PLASTERING (Done Cheap) KITCHEN and baths remodeled Fur- EXTERMINATING 244-4696, 856-5979. 24 Smooth YEARS wrk. exp In serv. patch Smi-la. plastering.
283-4354. Free naces. Central air cond. Roofing. Panel- C-C TERMITE, PEST CONTROL TREE TOPPING, Trimming, Remov- est.
DONE CHEAP. 545-9282. ing. Floors. Free est.
852-4314. KILL ROACHES, WATER BUGS, Ina. Free Est, Ins. 359-9453. PROPERTY remodel, repair, roof, 784-8198.
in- Lic, bonded. All work done by certi- ALL KINDS of insured. tree work and lot PLUMBING terior, exterior. fied Pest Control Specialist. Written cleanina, fully 631-7014.
CARPENTRY quar, FHA-VA standards. Low, low TOP. soil and drive way stone, south- PLUMBING STOPPED UP? reasonable rates, 24-hour service. 926- side. 787-5066 or eves.
637-4012. Call Roto Rooter Free Est. 9689. 100 PCT top soil, $18 load. Driveway North 925-8988 East 359-5575 CARPENTRY- ROOFS CHIMNEY OSCAR'S Pest Control, any house $15, 7 stone.
Northeast, 546-3197. South 787-9486 West 241-2863 day serv. Guar serv. 631-3287. Charge Card Dig and Repair Don't Repairs.
cuss No job too 545-6431, sm. 20 yrs 631-5410. exp. MASONARY SMITHES Plumbing, Drainage, sewer CARPENTER FENCING BRICK, Block stone Masonry, 25 Yrs floor lines cleaned, $14.50. $34.
Sink, General tubs, plumbing, toilet, Immed WORK Ser- OF Expert ALL TYPES Workmanship FENCES built, all kindsno job, too exp. repair work. N.W.S.W. 359-8992. 631-3236.
drains, Free Est. 783-2009 Built large too Fence Co. small.sFree 244-4829 or estimate. 243-6011. Better MOVING CLOGGED SEWERS OPENED HOME REPAIR and remodeling.
Ce- RATES RESULTS SAME DAY ment work. No lob too large or small. FLOORS 24-Hr service. 547-8274, 357-9108 Free estimate 244-4313. 632-1911 PLUMBING REPAIR, sewers, cin.
REMODEL, repair. Large or small wood CARPET floors AND sanded tile and cleaning. refinished. Hard- MOVING DAY or night, no iob too Lic, Midwest bonded. Cha, Ins.
634-7447, Pumps inst, repair. Odds and ends. 291-5540. Free est. 784-8317.
large or small, reas Free esti- 862-2566. rates. lobs. mates. 638-4259.
PLUMBING N. S. CARPETS FURNACES BRUCE'S Westside Movers, 244-6294. E. W.
Days, weekends. 897-2916. Covered van, Insur, Free est. PLUMB Anything. Low on work.
Cut PRESEASON SPECIAL oil USED conversion STOKERS. burners. Recond Fast gas service. and W. L.
MOVING, large, small, day, rate. No waiting. 24-Hr serv. 637-1723. Professional rug shampoo, $8.95 aver- Nothing down.
634-4550. nights, low rates, quick serv. 631-6890. PLUMBING. New or remodeling.
age size room, call 631-4861. FAST, EFFICIENT 24-hr serv, any MOVERS. Covered van, Ins. Free estimates. 356-6697.
make, 634-4550. Free est anytime. 359-0358. PLUMBER Needs Work- Free Est. CEMENT WORK POWER furnace cleaning, JAY'S MOVERS, 633-7033.
Covered 24-Hr service. Any lob, 638-1083. a cu vans, free estimates, insured. CEMENT WORK $15.95. Good 'til Easter.
353-2161. MOVING service exp reasonable free RADIO Patios, stoops, porches, steps, floors, GUTTERING estimate or by hr. 924-1435. footings, DRIVEWAYS, curbs. Repair JONES MOVERS, 1-PC or full RADIOS.
2-way FM-bus. band system work. Patch lobs of any kind. No lob GUTTERING AND ROOFING house. 253-0004.
designed, Installed and serviced. 317- 100 small or too biq. Free estimate. Will 862-6309. PAUL L.
LESLIE SONS New and repair, free est. Insured, 15 MOVING and storage. 631-9987 Years exp, 637-8056. buy furn you don't need. 631-7974.
ROOFING Porches, DRIVES, floors, PATIOS walks, A steps, SPECIALTY retaining TRASH hauling. HAULING Free estimates, any- PAINTING- -No PAINTING lob too big or too A-1 ROOFING AND GUTTERING walls. B. B. Concrete, 359-7416.
If thing, an where, anytime. Also garage small. Immed service. Reas rates. 25 NEW AND REPAIR.
no answer, 356-9602. wrecking. 784-4798. Yrs exp. Free est.
632-1015. EXPERIENCE. FAST DRIVEWAYS TRASH HAULING, 545-9959 7 DAYS WEEK also EXP apt PAINTER, move outs call Int-exterior after 2:30 painting, pm, SERVICE. INSURANCE 637-8056 PAUL LESLIE SONS, CE- HAUL Anything. Empty trash barrels.
925-1861. LEAKS? GUTTERS DRIP? MENT CONTRACTOR, 637-5351. Clean basem*nt, garage. 637-4867. WILL PAINT the avg 5-rm house, in- Quick serv.
Terms. CONCRETE AND drives. Brick, MASONRY block. TRASH BARRELS emptied. New ferials terior, choice Included, of $245.
colors. 291-8953. labor and ma- 632-7722 MORTONS porches, barrels. Haul any trash. 638-8902.
Bonded ins. 20 yrs exp. 636-7650. LIGHT HAULING AND MOVING INTERIOR painting, steaming and patch plastering as "You want it. Fred ROOFS.
GUTTERS. New or repair. PATIOS CLEAN UP 353-0467 Bechold, 359-0007, Ing. House painting. Get our price.
PAUL LESLIE SONS LIGHT HAULING. Clean garages, PAINTING-Int-Ext. 17 Yrs exp. Neat. Free ests.
257-0793, 783-9696. CEMENT CONTRACTOR 637-5351 bsmts, attics. Free est. 353-0080. Reas.
Ins. We furnish everything. Lee's ROOFING and guttering, New and SIDEWALKS. patio, drives, FURNITURE emptied, moving. sold.
636-2769. Trash hauling. Dec. 241-9460. repair.
Free estimete. 637-6180. large or small, free est. 636-2640. Barrels REAS INSURED, for cash real ROOFING- new and repair.
22 yrs or CEMENT WORK. Steps, sidewalks, MOVING AND 787-4700 HAULING estate, 924-4000, 253-5468. EXPER. Free estimates, 359-2791. drives repaired.
(Cheap.) AT 3-4354. PAINTING, PANELING, susp cell- SLATE and tile repair, New shingle Driveways, LIGHT Call HAULING Pick up truck. ings, carp cling. 923-7176 or 926-4169 roofs, 635-4141. SPEC on porches.
3.57-9798. Reas, rates, 257-6165. Block work, Bonded, ins. PAINTING- -Exterior, interior. Free ROOF REPAIRS.
new roofs, gutters. LIGHT MOVING CLEANUPS est. or hourly. 293-3085. Howard's, Terms.
638-9390. CHIMNEY Prompt serv, 545-5427 WORK TRASH HAULING. Bsmts, garages $35 PAINTING EM $10 Decorators. per room-up, 924-3879. Papering STORM DOORS cleaned.
Barrels emptied. 897-5617. PAINTING, Inferior, Exterior. Free STORM DOORS and window CHIMNEY up repair. No Job Too Small HAULING AND MOVING 926-2485 784-1370 Est.
894-7900. 787-0436. Also new replacements. Oil and Gas Liners RUSCO Built, repaired, CHIMNEYS lined, cleaned, TRASH bidgs torn HAULING. down.
631-2722. Empty-sell barrels. PAPER CLEANING TREE SERVICE Lic contractor. HAULING, Trash bbis dump. PAPER woodwork.
Wash, CLEANING, paintina int. wails ext. and H. TREE trimming, racking, seeding, rollsm spected, Moving. CLEANING Id.
$3. Bsmt, gars. Anytime, 783-1983. Deem, Ref 783-0450. Ing laws.
631-6026. Basem*nt, garage cleaning. CLEANING and TRASH HAULING PAPER CLEANING, wall 734-6900. washing, Free TREES- estimates -TRIMMING, REMOVING 293-060 356-89 ATTIC, 926-4280 painting. Cox and Son, 40.
color coordinated nora fired drapes, grills individual gaspines wail and kitchen papered baths One-, two-, and 1221 East three-bedroom Townhouses and 91 st Street apartments open: 11-6 846-4161 Wed. and Fri. 11-5 1-6 Sun. 60 MINUTE SERVICE OR LESS ON ALL MAINTENANCE CALLS FOR OUR STUDIOS ONE-BEDROOM TWO-BEDROOM FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED RENT INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES EXCEPT YOUR ELECTRIC BILL GAS HEAT A gas has See Our Model At better way! 10108 EAST 38th ST. APT.
1 P.M. TO 6 P.M. DISHWASHER, FREEZER, RANGE OVEN, DISPOSAL BORNS MANAGEMENT CO. 241-1333 Private Club Swimming Pool SUBURBAN LIVING: Air Disposer Conditioned Oven Fully and Carpeted Range Frost- Free Ref. Public Transpi.
on County Line Road at U.S. Expressways 31 South Shop- near Parliament Place ping Churches and Schools. MODEL PHONE 881-8673 Knob in the Munda APARTMENTS 2121 WESTLANE RD. (W. 71st St.) Luxury 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom Apartments R0.100 Air conditioned, soundproofed, WESTLANE new counter shag dishwasher, carpeting, under ST GE aphouses.
2 olympic size swimpliances, 2 private club- gas ST. ports, 24-hour security con- better way! MERIDIAN ming pools, Individual car has trol. MODELS OPEN DAILY Call 293-4363 Furniture Buyers-675 Building Materials -700 Custom Building, Specialty Building -705 Machinery and Tools --710 Wanted to Buy Misc. -718 Flowers, Plants, Shrubs -720 Laws, Garden Equipment -723 Fruits and Garden Produce -728 Poultry, Rabbits -728 Dogs, Cats, Other Pets -730 Livestock, Feed, Equipment-735 Horses, Riding Equipment, Stables 737 Farm Implements, Equipment, Produce -738 Coal, Oil and Wood -750 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Central 302 North West -303 North City -304 North Central -305 Suburban North-306 North East 307 East -308 Suburban East-309 South -310 Suburban South East -311 Suburban South -312 South West -313 Suburban South West -314 West -315 Suburban West-316 Doubles, Duplexes -360 Income Property- 365 Business Property, Sale and Lease -370 Commercial, Industrial Business Sites 372 Lots for Sale -375 Exchange Real Estate- -380 Farms, Acreage -390 Out-Of-State Property- -392 Reserts, Cottages, Lots for Sale -394 Wanted Real Estate 397 ROOMS, RENTALS Sleeping Rooms -100 Unfurnished Kooms-105 Rooms With Board -110 Child Care -115 Light Housekeeping Rooms -120 Trailers and Trailer Space For Rent -125 Wanted Rooms -130 Moving, Storage, 4 Truck Rental 135 Equipment, Home Furnishing Rentals 140 Apartment Unfinished -143 Co-Op Apartments 152 Apartments Furnished 1-155 Houses Furnished -109 Suburban Ont-0f-City Reus-165 Wanted To Rent -170 Garages For Rent-180 Business Places For Rent-201 Business Places Wanted -200 Desk and Office Space -220 Farms For Rent-235 Resorts, Camps, Cottages For Rent -240 READERS Classified Ad shall present a clear made in good faith. There shall creed or national origin.
If the fact or contradicts this report this to The Star and The Department and The Better 6102 E. 21ST WINDSOR VILLAGE APTS. Rental 1-2-3 Bdrm Ranch Type $105 up incl ht, refr, stv. Some furnished, on bus line. Tel.
FULLY AIR CONDITIONED. Call 898-5705 for Information ARLINGTON APTS. 6046 E. 21st B-2 359-0180 1-2 BEDROOMS HEAT AND WATER INCLUDED $109.50 TO $141.50 MOORESVILLE 1-BR apt In 4-unit brick bidg, range, refrig. carport, heat, 085 pd.
$115 mo. Small pet welcome, 856-6310 aft 7 pm. LANNAN'S REALTORS 241-6326 IRVINGTON- SAXONY 2-Bdrm garden apts. Adults onlv. No pets.
Bus line and shopping. $112 29 S. AUDUBON, COR WASH. 359-0180 or 356-4913 DOWNTOWN APARTMENT 131 W. Market.
2 Rsm, kitchenette and bath, newly painted. Heat and water pd. Adults. $60, FIEBER REILLY 632-3366 TURTLE CREEK APARTMENTS south, of Bdrms.) 1-465. Ph.
U.S. 786-2237. 31 Scuth. IN GREENWOOD-611 N. Meridian.
New 1-bdrm, $125. 2-Bdrm, $139.50. 359-3935, 546-0020. EFFIC $80, 1 barm $107.50 stove frig utils. pd.
White collar aduils over 35. no pets, nr N.S. 632-3591. VILLAGE SQUARE APTS. 1-, 2- and 3-Bedroom Apartments.
293-5885 RIVERHOUSE APTS. 1152 N. White River. Pkwy. W.
Dr. 2, bdrm all utlis, $126.50 and $145. 637-1038. 2-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Northside! Spacious, 1300 sq ft with separate laundry room, carpet, patio. Club with pool, en cts, party kitchen.
Secluded, quiet. Free bus to shopping. $194.50. NORTHAMPTON VILLAGE Phone 293-3445 Open 7 Days 7700 Harcourt (1900) A West Winding Brook Ants. READY FOR OCCUPANCY $110 TO $135 9155 W.
10TH and 2-Bedrm units, bit-Ins, kit, carpeting, pool, clubhouse, $135 mo. 12 to also Child Day Care canter. CALL 241-4889 UAPARTMENTE 1.62nd 58 Models Open 12-6. Closed 4900 E. 62nd St.
253-4205 General Apts. HIGH RISE APT BLDGS Studio Alcove and Borms from $78 Heal -Elevator Fireproof Rental Office, 113 16th St. 634-2439 COUNTRYBROOK 2-Bedroom townhouse. Fireplaces. patios, pool, party house, saunas.
dishwashers, carport. 73rd St and Ditch Rd. Open daily 11-7. Noon to 6. PHONE 257-1316.
no GATEWAY WEST APTS. 1-, 2, 3- And 4-Bedroom Apts. 5816 W. 38TH 291-4134 THE NEW WEBSTER PARK APTS. Bik Arlington at 30th, 545-2855.
DIPLOMAT SOUTH Now Leasing New 1- and 3-Bdrm Apts. 786-7109 or 786-0604 OLD TOWNE VILLAGE 07th and Ditch Road. 946-0256.