00. 0 00. 00. 00. 00.
0. A A A 1 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1903 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR PRACTICAL MEN WITH SMALL CAPITAL FOR SALE WITH GOOD WILL A LONG-ESTABLISHED Silver-Plating Plant THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED WITH MACHINERY and all appliances for the plating, repairing, or manufacturing of all kinds of Silverware. Has a large trade; has been a leading establishquent in its line in Philadelphia for many years. Severe illness of the owner the only reason for selling. Price asked is very moderate, and OL convenient terms.
Address "SILVER Evening Telegraph Office, 701 Chestnut St. WANTED. by an incorporated company. in well-established money making business. an active, energetic business man, of good character and habit.
to manage a new department; must understand handling agents and placing new artieles 011 the market and invest $3000 to $5000 1p the business: which will be used chiefly in his departmept. Thorough investigation invited. A 23, Inquirer office. WELL-KNOWN firm wishes to engage branch managers to exhibit in their parlors artistic goods for home decoration; 110 canvassing; any lady or man can make big money in spare hours: no capital required: only good. reliable persons answer.
MANAGER. 1240 Columbia road, Washington, D. C. $850 BUYS OLD- ESTABLISHED cut-price cash meat market downtown, doing from $1600 to $2000 monthly, all cash, clearing $40 to $50 weekly. Traffic street.
Low rent. Finely fitted up. Owner retiring, poor health. Experience not required, as manager will stay. Rare opportunity.
32. Inquirer office. MEAT MARKETS. grocery. cigar, confectionery and butter and egg stores, milk depots and routes, barber shops, restaurants.
oyster houses. bakeries. breweries, saloons. hotels and livery stables. Roberts 1342 W.
Somerset street. RARE CHANCE! NO barber shop and newsstand; population of town 800; cause for selling, going in other business. Address P. O. Box 121, Auburn, Schuylkill county, Pa.
FOR SALE CHEAP. a one-halt interest in a medicine company doing a business of from three to five thousand dollars a year: cash. five hundred dollars. Address at once. Box 39, Schuylkill Haven.
Pa. $10.000 WANTED by experienced automobile experts to manufacture automobiles' from new French designs; can guarantee excellent returns for the investment; principals only. 79. Inquirer office. AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS of 20 years' needs additional capital for business extension; careful investigation invited.
Call or address Geo. W. Sharer, 599 Mutual Life Tenth and Chestnut streets. OPPORTUNITY- Partner wanted in restaurant business, silent or active. with $3000 to $5000; will pay out first year: big opportunity if interested: let me call 00 Foul.
67, Inquirer office. DRUG STORE -Camden: established 30 years: owner leaving city on account of health: low price for cash to quick buyer; sub. P. 0. attached.
Apply to S. B. Sber. 431 Arch Philadelphia. FIRST-CLASS 12-ROOMED.
centrally-located boarding house. good will a Erd fixtures for sale: full of boarders new: owner desires to leave city. 78. Inquirer office. CREAMERY.
FINELY EQUIPPED. NEAR BOYERTOWN: doing thriving trade; bargain. $1200. OGDEN AND COMPANY. 831 NORTH 25TH.
POR SALE CHEAP -Well established general rootps. beater and range in good location: stuck. tools. horse, wagon; on account of partner retiring. 8.
Inquirer office. 12 ROOM HOUSE. furnished. ore square from Reading Terminal; rooms bringing $35 week: good place for boarding house; price $450. Apply 144 North Twelfth.
FURNISHED FOURTEEN ROOM HOUSE. near Seventeenth and Vine: elegant opening. $500. AND COMPANY. 831 NORTH 25TH.
FOR SALE-500 iron cots. with springs, suitable for club bouses. camping or institutions; $1.00 each, F. 0. Hampton.
Charles H. Schoefield. Hampton, Va OYSTER. equipped, AND doing CHOP good HOUSE. business, THOROUGH- prominent corner: established 15 vears; open for an offer; other business cause selling.
06. Inq. off. FOR SALE Cheap, good grocery stores, good milk route and bottling business; also cigar and candy stores. and other business places.
Silberman, 1443 N. 7th st. STOCK AND FIXTURES of produce and grocery store, good stand, cheap reut, good reason for selling. A 281. Inquirer branch office.
Stu and Fairmount. WANTED--A person to invest $3000 with a manufacturing firm, with orders and bright prospects, but need more capital. Address 93, Inquirer office. FOR SALE -GROCERIES, MEAT AND PROvisions store, sold at once; last year's sales over $26,000. 29.
Inquirer off. SALOON on Girard avenue, northeast section. doing good business, elegant price low. A 94, Inquirer office. MEAT MARKET for sale cheap.
corner store, low rent. central part city. owner retiring. Inquire Bouden. N.
E. corner 7th and Miffin. SALOON for sale in Camden. old established business; reason for selling, retiring from business. 6, Inquirer office.
FOR SALE -Boarding house. 20 rooms: seven Fears established: profitable; come, examine. Engeart House. 803 Spruce Philadelphia. POOL PARLORS and cigar store: business street: licensed.
paid till November. 1342 Somerset st. CASH PAID for stores or factory accumulations: city or country. Address Mitchell 925 Chestnut Room 511. HIGHEST PRICES for stocks dry goods, clothing, shoes, gents' furnishing; city, country.
Barsh, 9 South Third. DRY GOODS. clothing and shoes bought for cash. city or country. Straussman.
410 Buttonwood street. FOR SALE- Cigar store: excellent locality; good reason. other business. S. corner Fourth and Master sts.
$7150 CLEAR for nice store and dwelling. Arch, above Second; little or all cash. 95, Inquirer office. DRY GOODS. clothing, shoes and furnishing stores bought.
for cash. A. Haver, 424 Market street. CONFECTIONERY STORE FOR SALE. near Rending Depot, on Columbia on account of sickness.
Apply 736 West Huntingdon. $4000-DRUG STORE. in southwestern part of city; old established rushing business. 1342 W. Somerset street.
FOR SALE, CHEAP Fine fixtures of a coufectionery. Apply at Sullivan's, 2906 Richmond street. OWING TO SICKNESS am compelled to sell my china, glass and general store. Apply in person, 4421 Germantown avenue. PAYING PROPOSITION to foremen.
SO, Inquirer office. FOR SALE Good will, fixtures grocery store. 122 Cuthbert st. $1000 TO INVEST in good paying business. 76, Inquirer office.
BAKREY and confectionery. suburban, large summer trade. Inquirer office. PATENTED and unpatented inventions bought and sold. Lucas St.
Louis, Mo. STLOON for sale: good opportunity for a 10A0 with cash. 5. Inquirer office. FOR SALE -Butter and egg route: good reason for selling.
Call 924 N. 28th st. GOOD CIGAR STORE for sale. 185 N. 6th st.
Business Opportunities Wanted WANTED To rent part of store and window. between Tenth and. Broad, and Walnut and Arch streets. 0 42. Inquirer office.
WANTED Will buy for cash gents' furnishing or trimming store in South Philadelphia. 62, Inquirer office. YOUNG MAN has five hundred dollars to invest with services, in good business; no agents. 0 31. Inquirer office.
WANTED FURNITURE WANTED -We have a few large contracts to furnish hotels and cottages in Atlantic City and other resorts. Iberefore we can pay you the best cash price for your furniture, carpets. bedding, pianos, antiques. No bluff offers. Cash with every offer.
Don't be bothered with triflers. -Goods removed day or night. Consult us. Write or 'phone 5-33-65 Atlantic City Furniture Company. 639 Oxford st.
WE ARE IN A POSITION to pay bighest cash prices for second-band furniture, carpets, bedding. antiques aud household goods of every description: send postal or call. 649 North Broad st. Phone 2-29-48 D. FURNITURE, carpets, pianos, antiques, office and restaurants; entire bouses bought: highest spot cash to any amount.
Philippi, 829 Race street. 49-43 A. Main. Keystone. ENTIRE HOUSES.
furniture, carpets, antiques bought. PHILIP SPERGEL, 857 North 3d street. 'Phone Market 5-86 A. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for furniture and carpets: entire houses preferred. Globe Furniture 1924 North Eighth st.
NICKEL PLATING outfit wanted, in good condition, for nickel plating. F. Dokenwadel, Norristown, Pa. WANTED-Old feather beds, best prices paid; send postal. 611 N.
Hanco*ck. FURNITURE. carpets, antiques, entire bouses bought. Thomas Bass 1107 Walnut st. TWO complete: must POWER be cheap.
A second-hand 52. Inq. boiler, off. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, and historical china wanted. Susquehanna avenue.
BOOKS BOUGHT: all kinds; send address: will call. Dickens. 16 N. 11tb st. CARRIAGES FOR SALE A BROUGHAM IN THOROUGH repair; rubber tires.
Can be seen by applying at 406 North Twenty-first street. BOATS, ETC. FOR 16 foot batteaus for $35. Apply 580 Wildey st. FOR SALE S.
BALDWIN'S ALL-STEEL COUCH BEDS N. -PLEASE NOTE: Every good thing has its cheap imitations. Pirates often try to sell Couch-Beds. made of refuse scrap iron, which ire positively dangerous. These cheap and nasty beds are often represented as being my beds or just as good-but such is not the case.
Being of soft iron, they soon break or fall to pieces. The rivet beads pull out and the bed will collapse and may break your back. Don't be bumbugged, bluffed or coaxed into buying such trash. MY BEDS ARE MADE ENTIRELI OF HIGH-GRADE BESSEMER STEEL AND WILL LAST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. There are seven different styles.
They are especially suitable for apartments. boarding houses. hotels, clubs, etc. The prices range from $7.75 to $27. 1931 MARKET PHILADELPHIA TYPEWRITERS Sold Weekly.
$1.00 VISIBLE WRITERS A SPECIALTY. Pay $1 down. $1 weekly, and own machine; new machines, $50 cash: all makes second-band; Remingtons, $20 up; rentals, 50c. up. A-ONE TYPEWRITER, EXCHANGE, 022 WALNUT STREET.
RESTAURANT CHAIRS AND TABLES- -1500 wood seat chairs; all kinds. $3.75 dozen up; 1000 br nt wood chairs for restaurants, $14.50 extension tables, $3.50 up; lot of opera chairs, folding seats, slightly used, $1 each. cost $3: best style go-carts and baby carriages Philadelphia at wholesale prices. Oakwood Furniture Mfg 1005 Race. FOR SALE--Planing mill machinery, consisting of lathes, jig and circular saws.
planers. pin and bracket machines; lot of walnut and other seasoned hardwood: also wood splitter and con plete carpet cleaner. L. J. Bard H.
Venie Boyd, executrix B. F. Bard, Coatesville, Pa. FOR SALE. sideboard for $75.
worth $150: suitable for club room or large house. 1144. Inquirer branch office, Twenty-second and Whartot, FIRST- LASS STOCK and fixtures of drug store. including $750 soda fountain, for $1000; must be sold at once to close an estate. A 100, Inquirer office.
FIVE CANARY HENS. The. each: nine males. $2.50 each; young, good singers. What is offered? Exchange for something useful.
Ringressy. 800 Dickinson. A CARPET CLEANING MACHINE must be sold at once. Apply Wissahickon Carpet Cleaning Works. Cresson street.
Wissabickon. near the station. STORE FIXTURES for sale. cheap. 3504 Haver ford avenue, open from 9 to 12 o'clock to-day.
CASH (ROCERY and meat market. situated in Burlington, New Jersey. Address Graham Lucas, West and Berkley Camden. FIREPEOOF SAFES. cheap: easy terms.
72 North 4th street. KEYSTONE SAFE AND LOCK COMPANY. STOCK and fixtures of an old established grocerv. neat and provision store. A.
L. Miller. N. E. coc.
Ann and E. Thompson sts. FOR SALE- Electrical and gas fixtures. glass door. wall case.
also store fixtures. 818 Arch street. LARGE TRAVELING TRUNK. with 6 trays, suitable for salesman. Room 36, 1305 Arch.
FOR SALE-A bootblack stand, at 2903 North Front. OAK BEDROOM suit and reclining go cart for sale, cheap, at 2042 N. Camac FOR SALE--Two new panel wagons. Apply 834 South Third st. CONTENTS of several dwellings, furniture, carpets, pianos, stoves.
1220 Ridge ave. FIRST-(LASS BOOTBLACK parlor for sale. Apply 206 Walnut st. A FINE LARGE REFRIGERATOR for sale cheap. 3014 Ridge ave.
FINE WHEELER WILSON. repairing, 25c. 331 N. 9th. OYSTER.
RESTAURANT. milk house signs and show wards. 202 Race. TYPEWRITER- A second-hand Remington typewriter, has bad good care. 57, Inquirer off.
FOR S.ILE- Fine Turkish leatber chair. cost $100, will sell cheap. 5709 Germantown ave. ONE GERMAN-AMERICAN charity ball ticket. Apply 1916 East Cumberland st.
STOCK. FIXTURES, cases, bat store for sale. 2011 Fidge are. $10-WHEELER WILSON sewing machine, good as new, all attachments. 728 Arch st.
FOX TERRIER PUPS. cheap. 2418 'Monterey and Spring Garden. POOL, BILLIARDS, shuffleboards, bowling supplies; second-band tables cheap. 222 S.
8th. GOOD FEATHER BED for sale. 331 N. 5th st. HORSES, ETC.
$50-BIG BARGAIN--LEAD WORKS FIRM will sell bears draught horses. 6 and years oll. weighing 2500 perfectly sound in every way: they will suit all kinds of farm work. an I bought them rizht off of a farm: will sell separate for $25 apiece; will allow ten days' trial: also fast trotting mare, 6 years old; perfectly sound and reliable: can trot in 2.40: falling-top buggy and harness; will sell complete ou fit for $55. P.
S. To anyone having convenience in the country I will pay $18 a month to have my daughter's saddle pony boarded for seven months until ber return from Colorado. Call at works in person: no attention paid to letter. 1535 Ridge avenue. 150 HORSES AND MULES AT PRIVATE sale--On Friday and Saturday.
January 30 and 31, I will bave 150 fresh horses and mules at private sale. at my stable in York, consisting of fifty fine driving and general purpose horses; one car load of extra good big broke mules; one car load of green mules, the beat that landed in York this season; one car load small broke mules; on car load yearling mules, and one car load second-band horses and mules: come to see this stock and get first choice; remember, I 'always bave from one to two hundred head of horses and mules on hand, so you can't miss finding what FOu waut at my stable ir York, Pa. Joe Kindig. $125 WILL BUY ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST turnou 's in the city, consisting of stylish Hambletonian road and family horse, long tail and mane. hands high.
aged 6 years, weight 1125 lbs a prompt. pleasant roadster of 11 miles ar hour. and can beat 2.25: very stylish and attractive: nositively safe and reliable under all circ*mstances for the most timid person to dive and large enough for any use; fullv guaranteed and satisfactory trial given: fine falling-top buggy and harness. nearly new: will separate if desired. See owner.
at residence. 915 North Fifteenth street. Also stylish rubber tire cutunder and harness at a bargain. A GENTLEMAN WILL SACRIFICE REGARDless 01 cost to anyone who will give a good home. handsome Kentucky-bred fast-trotting and road mare, aged 6.
sound. kind and reliable for ladies 0 most inexperienced "person to drive; can beat 2.30: large enough for any use. Also, at any balf reasonable offer. rubber-tired runabout. falling-top buggy.
cutunder and harness. nearly new. Apply stable in back of 1505 Girard avenue. $35-BUTCHER MUST SELL SOUND. CHUNKY built 6 year-old horse; warranted true to work in single and double harness; suitable for any business, family or farming: also pair of heavy draught horses; have been used for heavy bauling; cheap; trial allowed.
Call butcher store, 203 North 12th st. UNITED STATES TRANSFER CO. WILL SELL forty lead horses at your own price, among them a pair of road horses: can trot in 2.40 gether: sound and kind. Company's branch stables, 1131 Cherry street. TWO G00D HORSES AN DHARNESS.
SUIT grocer, laundry or any delivery or driving purposes: also good pair quick mules and shelring wagon: here is a bargain for some one. 1426 Vine street. GRAY WORK A MARE. 8 GOOD SIZE. SUIT farmer, price low.
Store. 730 South Broad st. GOOD HORSE FOR SALE, $10. 4223 MAIN Manayunk. CHEAP- GOOD.
YOUNG. SOUND HORSE; suit any business. 990 Marshall. GOOD HORSE AND HARNESS FOR SALE: suit al business. 2450 Sepviva street.
WAGONS WANTED -EXPRESS WAGON WITH SHAFTS top, to carry ton and a half: must be reliable make and best order; state particulars. 732 S. Broad st. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUSINESS WAGons. Randolph and Willow, between Fifth and Sixth.
FIRST No LASS Fifth COUPE street. FOR CHEAP. CARPET CLEANING 2c yrd cleaned Bell 2-23-28 Haul Free all and laic 4c. 1 Keystone 55-51 A parts promptly Atlas Carpet Cleaning Co. 656-58-60 N.
Broad: 25 years' experience. The Knickerbocker Ninth st. below Girard All work teed. Hauling free. 'Phone or send postal.
10. YARD -FRANKLIN 647 Franklin st. All wok cleaned by latest improved machinery, and guaranteed. 20. CENTRAL 22d Berks.
A cleaner carpet than you ever saw. Hauling free. Cleaned and laid. 4c. FROM 30.
Fairmount 22d and Race. Hauling free; cleaned and laid, 4c. 'Phone. END 3806 Lancaster ave. Moth remove work bauling free.
'Phone. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRESSCUTTING, fitting and making taught; latest spring shirtwaist or skirt patterns cut to fit. only 50c. Verbal instruction free. MeDowell School, 1103 Chestnut st.
DRESSMAKING -Instruction thorough and practical. Margaret E. Potter, graduate of Drexel Institute. S. E.
corner Tenth and Chestnut sta. TRUSSES TRUSSES ELASTIC STOCKINGS, $3.00. Lady, attendant. Fitting at residence. FLAVELL'S.
1005 Spring Garden. PERSONAL NES. CONNELLY'S GRAY HAIR REDEMPTION. Best, quickest, safest and cheapest on earth, 26 and 50 cents a box. Will last six months.
One application will surprise you. No stain. DO poison. Apply with the hands once a week; you can't afford to look old if you are looking for employment: also red hair restored to brown. Try the brown.
The Redemption restores gray, faded or blonded hair at once to its original color. For gentlemen's mustaches it is wonderful and safe. 2tic. box. Will last one year.
Try it. Carry it in your pocket. See for yourself. Quick make-up for hair and eyebrows. By mail on receipt of money.
Sold at Gimbels'. Lits'. Snellenburg's, Evans'. 1106 Chestnut street. Eighth and Arch and all druggists.
Wholesale Drug. French 431 Arch st. LOOK OUT FOR BURGLARS. You are about making your summer plans. Why worry about your house during your absence? Reliability.
respectable and trustworthiness. THE AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH temporary or permanent burglar alarms can be installed at moderate cost. In successful operation for over 30 years. For further information apply Executive Office, 1326 Chestnut street. HOME CURE FOR NERVOUSNESS.
WEAK stomach and liver troubles, without the use of internal medicines. No massage or eleetricity. Our home references, over 10,000 weak and nervous men, women and children cured in Philadelphia alone. Chronic sufferers investigate. Advice.
circular and testimonials free. Price within reach of all and 10 pay if no cure. Oftice open 9 A. M. to 9 P.
M. Call or write. German Herb Cure, 117 N. 15th st. MRS.
GLOVER, 132 N. 12th Above Twenty-first year in Phila. This successful record stands as a monument to her sincere devotion to the weifare of her patrons. If you have tried the rest, then try the best, on matters of love, marriage. business, speculation, $10,000 to any one equaling her reuniting separated.
Guar'd nos. 'Phone 53-35 Walnnt D- TAILORED TO ORDER OR READY MADE CLOTHING On Credit Terms. To sult four convenience. PENN FURNITURE CO. 2d Floor.
1023 Market street. IF YOU HAVE ENDOWMENT INSURANCE re can show 10 INCREASE the amount payable at your death and at the same time DECREASE the cost of your insurance per $1000. For particulars apply to ISAAC 0. BRUNER. Special Agent.
-Aetna Life Insurance 626 Drexel Bldg. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF WOMEN'S coats. suits. skirts. waists and wrappers, to below cost: a special let of ladies' $7 kersey coats at ladies' fancy cloth walkin skirt.
red. from $4 to 82.50. S. Round, 460 North Second street. SIRLOIN STEAK Potatoes.
coffee. tread and butter. 25 cents. Hind's Oyster and Chop House. 814 Vine st.
Mme. WENTWORTH Leading Medium. equal reuniting separated: adjusting family troubles: all affairs. names; $1.00 readings this week, sure numbers. 707 N.
Eleventh street. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE CREDIT AT the leading department stores of Philadelphia? You can open an account through me and pay weekly; goods, clothing, furniture, etc. R. WEAVER. 1103 Chestnut 2d floor.
PILES CURED No cutting; permanent: guaranteed. Dr. Sibbald, 1524 Chestnut st. Weightman 601). I HAVE A SIMPLE OLD-FASHIONED RE- ceipt, used a month.
will prevent hair turning gray. one dollar. Address Parker, 915 Market st. DIAMONDS and WATCHES DELIVERED $1.00 WEEK. S.
R. WEAVER, 1103 CHESTNUT ST. MANDOLINS. VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS. including one year's lessons; easy weekly payments.
Hemisphere Conservatories, 518 Walnut. 3831 Lancaster. 1325 Columbia ave. Op. ev's.
RUPTURE CURED BY TREATMENT IN A few weeks; no cutting; charges very reasonable; free booklet; open daily. Sundays, 2 to 3 P. M. Hernia Institute, 1232 Arch. LEVY JOSEPHS, OPTICIANS, 733 SANSOM -Eyeglasses, gold-plated, 14-karat gold-Alled spectacles.
$1.50. Eves examined free. Artificial eyes inserted. $4. Prescriptions filled.
ALL DISEASES SCIENTIFICALLY TREATED; X-ray used for examination: diagnosis and treatment; advice free; oftice or mail: estab. 20 years. Dr. La Franco, Specialist. 145 N.
8th. HAVE YOUR MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY the Manborgne method: we do it at your own residence. Phila. Branch, 255 North Fifth st. 'Phone 62-52 D.
publicity: easy terms; all 1e LAWYER obtained without gal business. 1218 Filbert, room 224-25. LADIES LEARN MANICURING. facial scalp. massage.
chiropody; day, evening. 1112 Chest nut, Room 43. AN INVESTMENT of $25 has always averaged $33 per week; particulars on request. C. M.
Bragaw New Orleans, P. I. 968. STANDARD DETECTIVE BUREAU--Male and female detectives; business strictly confideutial; open all night. Main office, 44 N.
16th. DIVORCES OBTAINED without publicity; easy terms; legal advice free; open evening. Law Standard Bureau. 44 N. 16th Phila.
MASSAGE ELECTRO- TREATment: new: 9 to 10. Clanche Piere. 620 N. Sixth st. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT.
vapor baths. Miss Russell, 524 N. 15th st. Late 1026 Brown. MRS.
E. V. NEWMAN. 1222 SPRING GARden will give electric massage treatment at her parlors. Medical references given.
$12.00 SUITS OR OVERCOATS TO ORDER. small weekly payments. Paris, 2841 Germantown avenue. MP.S. HOFFMAN.
BUSINESS CLAIRVOYANT. tells names of her risitors and names in full of the one you marry. 505 Franklin st. Credit on FRED G. Department SUTOR.
Stores, 1120 pay Chestnut weekly. at. DR. EMMET. 328 N.
8TH successfully treats all diseases; advice (free; call or write. HIGH CLASS DENTAL WORK. WEEKLY payments; particulars. Address 218, Inq. off.
Mme. DUPONT Reads N. 5th your life, 50c. st. Ladies only.
LATEST STYLE full dress suits to hire. Neubauer, the tallor, corner 9th and Cherry. OLD GOLD -WE GIVE THE MOST FOR OLD gold in any form. Room 1. 1103 Chestnut.
TEETH. repairing 30 minutes; gas, 50c. Dr. Staughton. 600 North Tenth.
CASH MONEY PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND old gold. Room 1, 1103 Chestnut. SUPERIOR SUSPENSORY BANDAGES. DURable, perfect fitting. 1105 Garden st.
WANTED--Two tickets for German-American ball; must be cheap. 1025 Arch, Room 28. MASSAGE Facial and scalp treatment; new refined patronage. 104 N. 15th.
SUPERIOR SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, DURable, perfect fitting. 1005 Spring Garden st. MEDICAL Dr. Davis' Office, 8th derest positively assure profoundest you the skill, tensafest and quickest relief or no charge; private and best accommodations before and during confinement. Lady specialist and LADIES, Reliable Physician Gives relief in few hours; guaranteed or less.
money refunded. No case hopeless; safe, paintions. DR. Remedy, MRS. strictly private accommodaHESTON, 665 N.
12TH ST. DR. RICHMOND'S REMEDY has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. Never had a failure; longest cases relieved in 2 to 5 days. No pain, danger or interference with work.
Mail or office, $2. All letters truthfully answered. Lady attendant. RICHMOND REMEDY 41 N. 11th st.
LADIES Having obtaining tried all sources without the desired relief may confidentially confer with the eminent Mrs. Dr. Allen, 215 N. 13th. Painless.
harmless. relief guaranteed: advice free: Turkish remedy, no exorbitant charges in advance; immediate relief. DR. ALLAN BELL Office, 143 N. Eleventh St.
LADIES COME Advice TO free. ME Letters for all answered. troubles. MRS. DR.
CONDE OFFICE Specialist in female complaints; most reliable; 27 years' failure unknown. 256 S. 12th. DR. ROBERTS The Office, 660 ladies' N.
12th. physicians; consult us for all troubles; advice and examination free; lady attendant. MIDWIFE BUTZ, 739 N. 7TH: CONfi'ts; adoption; fem. phys.
in attend. STORAGE HAULING FREE. HAULING FREE. Clean. separate rooms, cash advances: packing.
shipping and moving: estimates free. The Exchange Storage N. Eighth st. Established 1886. Bell 'phone 5-89-51 A.
DIAMOND STORAGE WAREHOUSES. Storage. Money to loan. Goods insured. Wagons to hire.
Estimates given. 1012 Diamond. GLENWOOD STORAGE, 2614 Ridge avenue. 2-24-19. Separate rooms.
Moving by vans or wagons. Carpet cleaning. Hauling free. NORTH BROAD STORAGE Broad, above Lehigh avenue, storage, packing; padded vans; telephone 6-23-55. CENTRAL STORAGE.
321-23-25 N. EighthPadded vans, packing, shipping, money loaned; goods insured. 'Phone 49-32 A. WEST PHILA. (Monarch Storage shipping.
3870 Lancaster avenue. COAL AND WOOD ton wagon load; lasts twice as long as gas house co*ke; cheapest and most excellent fuel for beating and cooking: order from me and be suoplied with the genuine article: immediate delivery. Joseph McConnell, 2518 Washington avenue. Telephope 1-27-05. RAILROAD LINES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TRAINS LEAVE BROAD STREET STATION.
days. FOR LONG BRANCH SEASIDE PARK, ISLAND HEIGHTS 8.20 a. m. and 4.00 p. m.
daily, Pittsburg, Chicago, Ciuein10.25 nati, Louisville and St. Louis (Dining Car). (No A. M. daily for Pittsburg and Chicago.
coaches.) Limited to two parlor cars and Dining Car to Pittsburg. 11.40 A. M. daily, Pittsburg and Cieveland. 12.20 Limited.
Pittsburg. Chicago, Cleveland. Toledo, Detroit. Cincinnati. Louis-.
ville and -St. Louis. (Dining Car.) 3.44 P. M. (from Germantown Junction).
The Pennsylvania Special 18-HOUR TRAIN TO CHICAGO. Pullman Observation, Drawing Room Sleeping Dining and Buffet Smoking Car. 4.80 P. M. daily, Pittsburg.
Toledo, Chicago. Louisville (via Cincinnati, Indianapolis aud St. Louis). Dining Car. 8.25 P.
M. daily, Pittsburg, Columbus. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville and St. Louis. For Welch.
W. Va. (via Valley Route). 8.50 P. M.
daily. Pittsburg and Chicago; for Toledo, except Saturday. 11.05 P. M. daily, Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Cleveland.
11.20 P. M. daily, Pittsburg and Chicago, daily for Knoxville. via Shenandoah Valley Route, 4.25 for Cleveland. except Saturday.
8.30 A. A. M. daily, Lock Haven Express. A.
M. week Kane Express. 4.30 11.40 Elmira and Renovo Exp. 5.30 8.50 P. M.
week-days. P. M. Sundays, Williamsport Express. 11.20 P.
P. M. M. daily, dally, Erie, Erie Express. Williamsport Express.
Cumberland Valley R. Express. 4.25. 8.40. 11.40 A.
Sundays. 8.25 and 11.20 P. M. week-days. 5.30.
8.25 and 11.20 P. M. FOR BUFFALO Vis Emporium Junction, 8.30 a. In. and 8.25 m.
daily. Via Canandaigua, p. except Saturday, and 11.20 p. m. daily.
8.30 a. m. week-days, 8.50 ION For Phoenixville. Pottstown and Reading. 5.40.
4.10, 5.33. 12.52 (Saturdays only), 1.30, 0.10, 10.28 a. 9 8.10 and 11.50 p. m. Sundays.
6.50, 9.23 d. 12.32. 5.58. 8.30 P. 10.
and only. 7.29 a. 2.52, 4.48, 5.52 Phoenixville For 7.07 Pottsville. m. week-days.
5.40. 9.10. 10.28 a. 1.30, 9.23 4.10. 8.10 p.
10. week-days. Sundays, 6.50, For 5.58 p. In. a.
buled (Through VestiHazleton, Coaches). Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars and Trains. 4.10 D. m. week-days.
for 9.10 a. 10. connecting Seranton, and FOR NEW YORK Express, 6.53. .33. week-days, 8.20, 9.03.
3.20, 9.50. 4.20. 4.40. 5.00. 5.18, 10.21.
11.00 a. 3.00, 3.50. noon, 12.35. 1.40. 2.30, $12.00 6.00.
Sundays. 3.20. 10.00 12.02 night. 7.02, 4.00 (Limited. 4.20.
4.40. 5.00. 5.18, 8.25, $2.30, 9.50. 4.00 10.21. a.
12.30. 7.02. $8.05. 10.00 (Limited :4.11), 12.02 5.20. $5.56, 6.35.
For Boston, p. 10., night. days. and 8.05 p. m.
change. daily. 10.50 In. weekwithout a. For Sea Girt, Long Branch, 8.20.
Park, 11.02 Ocean Grove and Asbury 4.00 p. week-days. d. Sundays 3.30 and m. (stops at Interlaken for Asbury Park), 8.31 a.
10. For 9.06 Lambertville, Easton and Scranton, 6.53, ville ard Easton 12.00 noon, 3.52. 5.00 (Lambertonly). and 7.02 p. m.
weekdays. Sundays, 8.25 a. and 7.02 p. m. Buffalo, 9.06 a.
m. and Sundays. 8.25 a. m. and 7.02 7.02 p.
m. m. week-days. For WAS Baltimore AND THE SOUTH p. 10.20, and 11.33 Washington, 3.45, 7.20, 8.32, 4.46.
5.25. $6.05, 6.20, a. 3.13. p. and 12.10 night, week-days.
Sundays. 3.45. 7.20. 9.12. 5.25.
$11.30. 11.33 8. For and 12.10 3.18. night. Baltimore, accommodation.
9.12 a. 2.16 and 4.01 p. m. week-days, 5.07 and 11.28 p. 10.
dally, Coast Line. Express, 11.30 a. m. and Atlantic 12.10 weekdays. night daily, "Florida Special," 4.43 p.m.
Southern Railway Express, 6.05 and 6.55 m. daily. Southern Palm Limited," 3.16 p. Seaboard Ill. week-days.
Air Line Railway. Express, 4.46 p. m. week-days. Mail, 7.20 a.
m. daily, "'Seaboard Norfolk Florida and 3.29 p. m. week-days. and New Orleans, 6.05 p.
m. daily. Western Railway. For Memphis Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Express.
10.20 a. m. week-days. 3.13 and 7.31 For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, p. 10.16 m.
m. daily. a. week-days. 11.21 p.
m. daily. FOR ATLANTIC CITY Leave Broad Street Station, via Delaware River Bridge. Express. 9.40 a.
4.14 and 7.14 p. m. Sundays. 9.20 a. m.
and 7.14 p. m. Leave 9.00 MARKET STREET a. 2.00, 4.00 (60 minutes), and 5.16 p. m.
week-days. Sundays. 9.00 and 10.00 a.m. Leave MARKET WHARF as follows: For New York. Express, 9.00, 9.48 A.
4.28 p. m. week-days. For Tuckerton, 8.20 a. m.
and 4.00 p. mn. week- WILDWOOD and HOLLY 8.52 a. m. and 4.00 p.
m. week-days. Sundays, 9.00 a. m. FOR SOMERS' 3.00 a.
2.00. 4.00. 5.16 p. m. week-days.
Sundays, 9.00 and 10.00 a. m. The Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from botels and residences. W. W.
ATTERBURY. J. R. WOOD. General Manager.
General Passenger Agent. PHILA. READING RY. Engines Burn Hard Coal--No Smoke TRAINS FOR NEW YORK From From 17.00 A. M.
18.00 A. M. $8.32 A. M. 19.00 A.
M. $9.30 A. M. 110.00 A. M.
$10.20 M. 711.00 A. M. 112.00 Noon TRAINS $8.30 A. M.
Bethlehem. Buff. Niag. Fls. Ex.
$8.34 A. Bethlehem, Easton Buffalo Lel. 111.02 A. M. Bethlehem Local.
112.30 P. Black Dia'd Ex. Wilkes-Barre. 12.02 Beth'm. Easton Meh.
Chunk Lel. $4.00 Bethlehem Allentown Local. M. Bethe'10, Easton Scranton Exp. 16.00 M.
Bethe'm, Easton Scrantou Exp. $6.30 P. M. Bethe'm, Buffalo Nag. Fls.
Ex. $8.40 P. M. Bethl'm. Buffalo Niag.
Fls. Ex. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY 16.04 A. M. Perkiomen Valley Local.
$7.06 A. bg. Potts'le Perk. Val. Lel.
17.21 A. M. Byers. Barto 18.36 A. M.
Harrisburg. Gettysburg, Pottsville and Williamsport. 18.51 A. M. Perkiomen Valley Local.
$9.06 A. M. Pottsville W'msport Express. A. M.
le, Har'bg. Ships'g. W'pt Ex. $10.38 A. M.
Pottstown Barto Local. 111.08 A. M. Pottstown and Barto Local. M.
Market Train. 11.36 M. Shamokin, Perk. Val. Lel.
$1.51 P. and Reading Local. $4.06 P. Pottsville, Har'bg W'msp't Ex. 14.35 P.
M. Pottsville. Harrisburg. Gettysburg and Williamsport Express. 14.36 P.
M. Reading, Byers Down'town Lel. 15.30 P. M. Barto Local.
M. Reading Accommodation. 86.21 P. M. Val.
Barto Lel. 16.56 P. M. Harrisb'g, Potts'le Sh'm'kn Ex. 17.21 P.
M. Reading and Harrisburg Local. 88.36 P. M. Reading and Harrisburg Local.
$11.36 P. M. Pottsville Williamsport Ex. ATLANTIC CITY R. R.
From Chestnut St. and South St. Ferries. Atlantic City Cape May Ocean City 17.30 A. Lel A.M.
$8.00 A. Lel. 14.15 P.M. 18.45 A.M. A.
Ex. 15.15 P.M. 14.15 $10.00 A. Ex. 15.15 P.M.
110.45 A. Lakewood 12.00 P. P. Ex. 17.30 A.M.
Sea Isle 14.00 Ex. 15.00 P. Ex. 18.45 A.M. 18.45 A.M.
$5.00 Lel. $2.00 P.M. 14.15 P.M. P. Ex.
114.15 P.M. Daily. Sundays. Week-days. via Subway.
Through Train and Parlor Car. Detailed time tables at ticket offices. 13th and Chestnut 834 Chestnut 1005 Chestat but stations. 609 South 3d 3962 Market st. and Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from botels and residences.
Reading Terminal Chestnut 11.00 P. M. M. $1.30 P. M.
M. 12.00 P. M. 111.31 13.00 P. M.
$12.16 P. M. $4.00 P. M. $12.57 M.
$5.00 M. P. 16.00 P. M. P.
17.00 P. M. P. M. Night $11.58 P.
M. READING TERMINAL BETHLEHEM BRANCH Bethlehem, Easton Lel. Bethlehem, Easton Scranton Lel. Local. W.
Gen'i Pass'r Agt. 16.00 A. M. $6.15 A. M.
A. M. BALTIMORE TRAINS OHIO WESTWARD R. R. Leave Philadelphia 24th and Chetsnut Streets Sunday.
only. Chicago, a. $3.08 p. m. Sleepers.
Cincinnati. St. Louis, $7.30 a. $12.50 p. m.
and p. m. Sleepers. Cleveland. a.
p. m. Pittsburg. a. $5.48 p.
m. and p. m. First-class fare from Philadelphia on this train. only 88.00.
Pullman drawing room sleeping car. Dining car serves breakfast. ROYAL BLUE LINE For Baltimore and Washington, $7.30, 110.56 a. m. and $12.50 $1.37 $3.08 14.10.
D. $7.26 D. and p.m. "Royal finest daylight train in the world. Exclusively Pullman Equipment, Buffet Smoker, Parlor and Observation Cars.
Unexcelled Dining and Cafe Service. No extra fare other than Pullman charges. Dining Car. For time through table trains to Ticket Chester and Wilmington secure from Agents. Offices.
834 Chestnut 13th and Chestnut 1005 Chestnut 3962 Market 609 S. Third 1209 N. Second st. and Station, 24th and Chestnut streets. SEWING MACHINES Every Machine CARRIED OVER FROM LAST YEAR'S STOCK MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST.
Latest Wheeler Wilson, Singer, Standard, New Home or White $25.00 Brand new. all attachments and guaranteed. PENN S. M. 728 Arch Street Open evenings at branch store, 934 Girard ave.
728 ARCH ST. 50c $8-HOUSEHOLD sewing machine, perfect; all attachments. 728 Arch st. $3. SINGER: $5.
Domestic; good order; rare bargains. 907 Arch. $5. SINGER: $7. New Home: fine condition; bargains.
907 Arch. $3.00 FOR SECOND-HAND SINGER sewing machines. 17 North Tenth st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS FOR SALE--Iron turning lathe, 6 foot bed. 12 inch swing, double gear, with cone pulley, suitable for steam or foot power.
Call after 6 P. 2044 French st. RESORTS Resorts 15 cents a line Daily and Sunday. NEW JERSEY Atlantic City, N. J.
BRANCH OFFICE: Corner of Atlantic and Pennsylvanla avenues. HOTEL TRAYMORE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Remains open throughout the year. Every known comfort and convenience for winter guests.
Golf privileges. Running water in bed rooms. Traymore Hotel Co. D. S.
WHITE, President. MARLBOROUGH HOUSE Stone, and slate iron construction. Atlantic City's newest and most modern hotel. Built equipped especially for winter trade. Hot and cold sea water in all bathe.
Telephones in rooms. Special suites with private valet and ladies' hairdresser service. privileges: Weekly booklet. high-grade JOSIAH musicales: golt WHITE SONS. THE DUNLOP On Ocean Front and adjoining the famous Boardwalk.
Built of brick and iron. European plan. Sea-water baths attacbed to suites, also public. Excellent cafe. Booklet.
ROBERT T. DUNLOP. THE CHALFONTE On the Beach at North Carolina Atlantic City, N. J. LEEDS HAINES CO.
HOTEL SCARBOROUGH BEACH FRONT AND MARYLAND AVENUE. Open all the year. Steam heat. Sun Parior. ocean directly.
Special winter rates. IllustratElevator. Private a baths. All rooms- facing ed booklet. ALFRED WYMAN.
HOTEL AGNEW ATLANTIC, CITY, With separate sanatorium annex. Whole block beach front. Entirely new. 300 ocean rooms. 100 baths.
Hydrotherapy, equipment. Sea water plunges. tomobile. Winter, Booklet. daily! $15 up weekly.
Virginia avenue and the Beach. Atlantic City, American Open plan, all the $2.50 to year. $3 Special winter rates. week per day. $12.50 Write and up.
Hot sea water baths. Orchestra. for booklet. CHARLES E. COPE.
THE PENNHURST boardwalk. Michigan A second bouse homelike from Beach, and high-elass. hotel with refined pointment, surroundings including and patronage. Every apelevator, steam beat, baths, etc. Open all year.
Booklet. WM. R. HOOD. THE ALBEMARLE Virginia near beach and piers.
Now unments. dergoing Will extensive reopen alterations and improveFebruary 12. Write for the booklet. reception J. P.
COPE. guests HOTEL RUDOLF OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. European and American plans. Special winter rates. C.
R. MYERS. Proprietor. THE WILTSHIRE Beach. Virginia Open avenue all year.
and High-class in all the term entails. Every convenience and luxury. $12.50 weekly Booklet. S. S.
CHESTER INN New York near Beach. Open all year. Steam heat. Baths, etc. D.
KANAUER. THE WALDORF NEW YORK Steam AVE. heat. NEAR Sun parlor. Special winter rates.
H. E. Wright. 23 S. Ohio ave.
Steam heat; exLellent table: centrally and desirably located; $6 to $7 weekly. Mrs. I.H. Miller. FLORIDA Sanford.
dry climate, sulphur baths. excellent shooting and fishing. golf links, tennis boating and driving. Rates reasonable. Write for booklet or call at Travelers' Information 1711 Chestnut Phila.
INGLEHART ACKERMAN, Props. TOURS and tickets everywhere. RAYMOND WHITCOMB'S. 1005 Chestnut street. PIANOS AND ORGANS PIANO BARGAINS AT HEPPES' The instruments advertised in this column by J.
Heppe Son are guaranteed to be free from mechanical defects, at prices that are the lowe t-one. price--money back, or exchangeable wi hin 6 months BROWN SIMPSON UPRIGHT PIANO. FULL size. Good order. Cost new $300.
Now $150. PIANOLA AND 6 ROLLS OF MUSIC FOR $175: in excellent order: like new: cost $250 new: can paid monthly at small advance in price. HEPPE. cor. Sixth and Thompson Sts.
A STEINHAUER UPRIGHT PIANO. PLAIN mahogany case. like new; worth fully $285; reduced to $180. C. J.
HEPPE SON. 1115-17 Chestnut St. A VOSE SQUARE PIANO, SMALL SIZE. beautiful tone: carved legs: 7 1-8 octaves: $80 C. J.
HEPPE SON. 1115.17 Chestnut St. $25-ROSEWOOD PIANO, $25; SMALL suitable SIZE: FAIR tone; will be sold for for beginner: payable $5 monthly. C. J.
HEPPE SON. cor. Sixth and Thompson Sts. A CHICKERING SQUARE PIANO, HANDSOME rosewood case: rebuilt: good order, $90. C.
J. HEPPE SON. 1115-17 Chestnut St. buy outright. A RARE BARGAIN A Fine Mahogany Upright Piano Very little used; warranted for ten years; will last a lifetime: wonderful tone.
WALKER'S PIANO PARLORS 838 N. 6TH STREET The Heppe Rental-purchase plan (applying rent payment to purchase) is for those who hesitate to $550-BEHR BROS. upright, $275 cash; other uprights, $110, $135, $155; squares, $25, $45, $65: organs, $15, $25, $35; all bargains; new uprights, cash or time; pianos rented, tuned, repaired and taken as part payment. Hugnes 532 N. Tenth st.
FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE PIANO MADE; for a well-made piano; for any and all makes of pianos and organs, for cash or time. Call at the warerooms of the Cunningham Piano Company, 1105 Chestnut st. $125 CASH -Slightly used piano: $200 pianos on easy terms; suit the buyer. Scherzer's, 539 North 8th st. MUST SELL-Elegant mahogany upright piano, prominent make; all improvements.
1217 N. Twenty-seventh. HANDSOME $350 mahogany upright, $75 cash; $85, $1 weekly. 1729 Columbia ave. IF YOU HAVE a piano, organ or phonograph for sale address A 267, Inquirer office.
$1.00 PER WEEK -PIANOS DELIVERED IMmediately. 267, Inquirer office. $30-ELEGANT Chickering piano; owner leaving city. 1548 North 13th st. SHOEMAKER, st.
PIANO, (16th $17 and IF SOLD Diamond). AT ONCE. COL. DAN'L F. BEATTY, Washington, N.
J. Beatty's Pianos, $175 up; want agts; cat.free. INSTRUCTION A POSITION guaranteed paying $7 per week or money refunded: Gregg shorthand; easy to learn; modern bookkeeping interestingly taught in our day or evening sessions; free week's trial Base ball teams. Philadelphia Business College, 1112 Chestnut street. SHORTHAND and bookkeeping courses.
February 2 until June 12, $30; instructions from 9 until 3. 5 days a week. The Temple College School of Business. Broad and Berks sts. LADIES taught the N.
T. E. System in facial massage and electrie scalp treatment, shampooing. also ladies treated. Call or address.
Mrs. E. Hayeroft. 2034 North Camac st. SPANISH.
English and elocution, lady teacher. 1219 Poplar. North Fifth street. THOMAS M. TURVEY.
voice culture, violin. Fuller S. 18th st. Send for circular. MUSIC J.
SHAEFFER. violin instructor. Studio, 966 100 WEDDING INVITATIONS. $2.50 or announcements, script lettering, including two sets envelopes. W.
Ott, Engraving 915 Market. Keep away disease germs, and you have health Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge will bring it. Stubborn Eruptions can be cured with Jayne's Alterative. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Baumgardner, John. and Marie A Croke, Binder.
Nicholts, and Mary Marcy. Brooks, John H. and Edith Sanderson. Brown, William E. and Mary.
A Bassford. Burd, Abraham and Amelia Germansky, Fellmann. Anthony. and Bertha Callmann. Fox.
Harry, and Sopbia Ashkanazy. Goldberg. Jacob. and Sophie Kovsky. Gomez, Julias M.
and Beckie Belasco. Hayden, Thomas and Lillie Lawson. Henley, Thomas A. and Lizzie Watkins. Holodynski, George, and Eva Zywan.
Jusunas. Mikolas, Fortinata Morkancuta. Kolb. Charles V. and Helen Ill.
Kelly, George Margaret Nealon, MacMorris, Henry C. Florence Stokes. MeNeill, Laughlin F. and Ida Lee Hart. Mastrocola, Oesterman, Pietro, and Maddalena Aquilanda.
Harry, and Jennie A Seidel. Reed. Jacob E. and Wilhelmine Schorle. Schafer.
George K. and Sadie McCollum. Schneiderman. Morris, and Rebecca Wagner. Walter.
and Florence Blakely. Swiderski, Jan, and Julia Olkowska. Tusco. Dorasia, and Marua Tarantino. Wittstadt, George, and Hannah Bozman.
MARRIED 28, 1903, at parsonage, 2574 Memphis st, by Rev Noble Frame, Mr Alexander Gale. of Olney, Philadelphia, aud Miss Margaret McCreary, of Cheltenham, Pa. Church. Somerby, 28. Brooklyn.
1903. at 11 o'elock, Kathryn St Jude's Episcopal and Edward T. Perrins, Philadelphia, by the Reverend Charles Logan, PORTER-HALL. -Jan 28, 1903. by Rev Mueller, pastor of the Independent Lutheran St Paul's Church.
Mr William Porter to Miss Ida Hall, both of Philadelphia. 28, 1903. by Rev Mueller. Mr Harry Stumpf to Mrs Bertha Maurer, both of Philadelphia. Jan 28, evening, 1903, at No 918 4th st.
William Wakemen. of Woodbury, and Miss Florence May rector of Old St C. Cooper. of Philadelpbia, by Rev Oscar Michael, AKINS. Jan 26, 1903.
James C. beloved busband of Eleanor Akins, aged 32 years. Rela- of tives Bell and friends of family, also the invited employes Telephone Company, are attend funeral. Saturday afternoon, 2 o'clock. from his late residence.
3540 Watts. Interwent Ivy Hill Cemetery. -After a brief illness, Jan 30, 1903, A Antelo, 1705 Walnut. Due notice of funeral. BARKER--Jan 28.
1903. George Barker, son of David and Laura Barker, aged 6 months. Relatives and friends of family are respectfully invited to attend funeral, Saturday, 31st 3927 inst. 2 o'clock, from his parents' residence, st, Tacony. Interment private.
Jan- 26, 1903. Annie, daughter of Louis the late Christianna Bauerle (Dee Glaser). aged 26 years. Relatives and friends of family, also Young America Council. of L.
No 69. and employes of Mr. Owen Osborn, are invited to attend funeral services, Saturdas afternoon. 2 o'clock, from her father's residence. 820 West Venango.
Interment private North Cedar Hill Cemetery. January 29. 1903. 'Robert Preston, only child of Charles and Martha A Beard. aged 9 months.
The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, February 1, at 1 o'clock, at the residence of his parents. 1638 South Rosewood street. Interment private at Fernwood. Our darling little angel is gone. BECKER.
-Jan 29. 1903, Mary Rebecca, wife of Henry Becker, aged 69 years. Relatives friends of family are invited to attend funeral. Sunday afternoon, 1 o'clock precisely, from late residence. 922 Edgley (Tenth and To proceed to Mount Peace Cemetery, BEISEL.
-Jan 28, 1903, Frank A Beisel, son of Emiele and the late Beisel, aged 26 years. Relatives and friends, also Delaware Council, No 563. Jr 0 A and Spring Garden Council. No 70, of L. invited to attend funeral, Saturday afternoon, 2 o'clock.
from his mother's residence. 1716 Sydenbam st. Interment German Lutheran Cemetery. 30, 1903. Emma Ewing, wife of the late Nathan Dow Benedict, in her 83d year.
Funeral services at her late residence. 4035 Locust street. Monday. 11.30 A. M.
Interment. New Brunswick. New Jersey. -Jan 26, 1903, Rosa, beloved daughter of Luigi and Domenica Biggi, aged 23 years. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral, Saturday morning, 8 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 811 South Hutchinson.
Solemn high mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. 28, 1903, Daniel Bonner. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral, Monday morning, 8.30 o'clock, from his late residence, 1620 Latimer, below Locust. Solemn mass at St Patrick's Church.
Interment Cathedral Cemetery. -Jan 29, 1903. Louisa Jane, wife of Frederick Bowler. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral services, Monday afternoon. 2 o'clock, at her late residence, 5088 Merion ave.
Interment private. BOYD. 28, 1903. John Boyd, aged 59 years. Relatives and friends of family, also mand.
AN Biddle Bible Class of the Beacon Lodge, No 284, 10.0 0 Schotield ComP Hospital Mission, are invited to attend funeral services. Sunday afternoon. 2 o'clock precisely, at his late residence, 2727 2d. To proceed to Norris Square Vault. Interment private.
-Jan 1903. Bridget, wife of late Thomas Bradley. Funeral will take place Monday morning. 9.30 o'clock, from her late residence. 1823 Mascher st.
Solemn requiem mass at St Ann's Church, at 11 o'clock. Interment at St Ann's Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. 28, 1903, Mary. wife of Patrick Brennan.
Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral, Saturday morning, Jan 31, 8.30 o'clock. from her late residence, Burmont, Delaware county, Pa. Mass at St Charles' Church, Kellyville, 10 o'clock. Interment St Charles' Cemetery. 27, 1903, Regina, wife of Gottlieb Brenner.
nee Springmann. aged 65 years. Relatives and friends of family are respectfully invited to attend funeral services, Sunday. 1 o'clock, at her late residence, 2314 Reese st. Interment German Lutheran Cemetery.
BUCK -At Wrightstown, J. Jan 28, 1908, Florence Marie, daughter of Harry and Sarah Buck, and granddaughter of Joseph and Harriet Collins, aged 4 years and 7 months and 21 days. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral from residence of ber grandparents. Wrightstown. J.
on Sunday morning. 11 o'clock. Interment at Mount Holly Cemetery, Tuesday, 2 o'clock. Jan Bordentown, 27, 1908, Charles Burkhardt. 58 rears.
Relatires and friends of family are invited to attend funeral, from bis late residence, Farnsworth ave. Saturday afternoon, 2 o'clock. Interment. Bordentown Cemetery. 29, 1903.
youngest daughter of Thomas and Katherine Byrne. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral. Tuesday morning, 8.30 o'clock. from residence of her brother, John Byrne, 2510 Somerset. Solemn requiem mass at St Ann's Church 10 o'clock.
Interment Cathedral Cemetery. BYRN Jan 29, 1903, Patrick J. beloved busband of Catharine Byrne, in the 38th year of bis age. Relatives and friends of family. also Quaker City Lodge.
149. of and employes of Co, are invited to attend funeral services, Sunday evening. 8 o'clock, at his late residence. 3312 Brandywine st. Interment at Williamstown, Daupbin county.
Pa, Tuesday morning. Train leaves Broad St Station 11.40 A M. Monday. February 2. CARRELL.
-Hatboro, Bucks county, Pa, Jan 29. 1903, Hugh Jamison Carrell, in bis 82d year. Relatives and friends invited to attend funeral. from his late residence. Monday, February 2, 11 o'clock, without further notice.
Friends take 9.36 train from Reading Terminal. COATES. Jan 28, 1903. John Coates, aged 86 years. Relatives and friends of family.
also members of Lee Post. No 5, GA J. invited to attend funeral services. Saturday afternoon. January 31.
2 o'clock. from residence of his daughter, 700 street. Camden. J. Interment private at Harleigh Cemetery in family vault.
Easton papers please copy. COATES. -Jan 28, 1903. John Coates, aged 52 years. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral, Saturday, Jan 31, 10.30 o'clock, from his late residence, Dufryn Mawr Hotel, Green Tree Station, R.
Interment Newtown Square Babtist Cemetery. 29, 1903, Samuel Comly, aged 88 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services. at residence of his sonin-law. near Iron Hill, Md.
on Sunday afternoon. Feb 1: 2.30 o'clock. Interment at Riverview. Wilmington, Del. on arrival of 11.32 A M' train.
R. Monday, Feb 2. CONNOR. -Jan 30, 1903, Mary, wife of late John Connor. Due notice of funeral will be given from late residence.
1944 Harlan, pear Twentieth and Master. her residence, 2403 Montgomery ave. Jan 30. 1903. Mary wife of late William Cooke.
in the 80th year of her age. Due notice of funeral will be given. Jan 28, 1003, Sarah, beloved wife of Daniel Corcoran, and daughter of William and Mary Melvin. Relatives and friends invited to attend funeral, Monday morning, 8 o'clock, from ber late residence, 1310 South Leithgow street. High mass of requiem at the Sacred Heart Church.
Interment, New Cathedral Cemetery. CONGROVE. Jan 30. 1903, Charles son of James A and Maggie Cosgrove and grandson of late George and Elizabeth Mink, aged 13 years. Due notice of funeral from 1732 Dorrance.
CONOVER. 30, 1903, notice Alfred of funeral husband of Maria Conover. Due will be given. Residence, 2505 Tulip street. 30.
1903, James beloved husband of Maggie Countryman (nee Redgate). and son of Jane and late Joseph Countryman, in his 32d sear. Relatives and friends of family, also Sioux Tribe. No 25. Imp 0 Camden Mutual Association, Eighth Ward Democratic Club.
Elks Social and employes of Castle Kidd Company, are invited to attend funeral. Sunday afternoon, Feb 1. 8 o'clock. from his mother's residence, 1738 Broadway. Camden, J.
Interment Evergreen Cemetery. Jan 29. 1903, Mary, widow of John Cullinan. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral, Monday morning, 7.30 o'clock. from her son's residence, Mr Michael Cullinan, 861 7th st.
High mass at Church of the Assumption. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. 29, 1903. Thomas, son of Catberine and the late William Crawford. in his 28th year.
Relatives and friends invited to attend funeral services. Tuesday afternoon. 2 o'clock. from the residence of his mother, 2644 Tilton street. Interment private, at Franklin I Cemetery.
30, 1903, William Creagmile. aged 75 years. Relatives and friends, also Welcome Lodge No. 453, F. and A.
Welcome Lodge No. 229. I. 0. 0.
Palestine Encampment No. 51. I. 0. 0.
'Radiant Star Council No. 45, 0. U. A. and the managers of the Odd Fellows' Home, invited to attend funeral.
Monday afternoon, February 2, et 2 o'clock, from the Odd Fellows' Home. Seventeenth and Tioga streets. Interment, Odd Fellows' Cemetery. 27, 1903, Thomas Cunliffe, Jr, beloved husband of Annie Cunliffe and SOD of Thomas and Annie Cunliffe. aged 31 years.
Relatives and friends of family and members of James Blaine Council, No 766, Jr A are invited to attend funeral, Sunday afternoon, 1.30 o'clock. from bis late residence, 2071 East. Auburn st. To proceed to Franklin Cemeters Vault. Interment at Green Mount Cemetery.
29, 1903, George Dade, aged 56 years. Relatives and friends invited to attend funeral, Monday. 12 o'clock noop, from his late residence, 4227 Fairmount are. Services Monumental Baptist Church, 41st and Ludlow 10 o'clock. Interment Mt.
Zion Cemetery, Darby. 30, 1903. James F. husband of Susan Dalton. Relatives and friends of family are invited to attend funeral.
Monday morning. 7.30 o'clock, from his late residence. 2322 Pine. High mass of requiem at St Patrick's Church, Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DIED band Carrie 28, 1903, John Lee.
bus- o'elock. from 1021 Brandywine st. Interment son and Agnes son Boston papers please copy. of Daugherty and of Atkin- Northwood. family.
also Daugherty. Relatives and friends 28. 1903. Thomas. SOD of are invited to attend funeral, Martin's Sun- 31st Sarab A of and his the age.
late Thomas Kennedy, in employes of James dye works. day afternoon, 2 o'clock. from residence of of family, yeur also the members Relatives end friends father-in-law. Mr Edward Tustin. No 2532 Union are invited to attend of funeral.
the Bill Posters' East Clearfield. To proceed to Franklin Vault. ternoon, o'clock, Sunday afInterment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 2133 at 12.30 To from mother's residence At Plainfield. J.
Jan 29. 1903. St Church Vault. Interment proceed to Cumberland Huntingdon. James F.
husband of Mollie Davis. Relatives wood Cemetery. private Northand friends of family, also Dir No 71. Brother- Jan 28. 1903.
hood of Locomotive Engineers, Court Oakdale. ber Sarah A Kimble, in 149; of and the emplores of the Philadel- fly Invited year. to attend Relatives and friends of fam90th phia and Reading Railway are invited to at- residence of her funeral Charles services, from tend fpneral, Monday morning. 8.30 o'clock, 617 Pine Camden. daughter.
Mrs J. Sunday evening. Archer, late. desidence, 1555 Seltzer. Requiem February 1, street.
o'clock. from Our Services also mass at Lady of Mercy Church, 10 o'clock. lington, Monday at BurInterment Holy Cross Cemetery. Interment private. February 2.
afternoon, Jan 30. 1903. John DeVelin. Jan. 26.
1903, Thomas Kirker, The Residence. 727 26th. Due notice of the relatives and friends of the family. the funeral will be given. employes of John T.
Lewis Lead Works are beloved wife of the respectfully afternoon. invited to attend the funeral, late William Devonshire, in her 77th year. Saturday at 1 o'clock. from his late Relatives and friends of family are invited to residence. 2445 East Dauphin street.
To proattend funeral services, Sunday evening, Feb ceed to Norris Square M. E. Church Vault. In1, 9 o'clock, at her son-in-law's residence. terment private at North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Smith, 1823 5th st. Interment at Marcus At length relief from many woes, Hook, Chester Co. Train will leave Broad St How sweetly doth thou sleep: Station. Monday, 10.30 M. Chester papers How While calm and peaceful thy repose.
please copy. Christ thy soul doth keep. 27, 1903, Annie, wife of Jan 27. 1903. Clara R.
Emanuel Dorwart, in her 63d year. Relatives wife of William Krown. in her 55th sear. and friends of family are invited to attend fu- Relatives and friends of family are invited to at. neral services, Saturday, 2.30 o'clock, from her tend funeral.
Sunday. Feb 1. 1 o'clock. from late residence, 2835 Huntingdon. Interment her late residence.
2635 Sepriva street. PhilaMt Peace Cemetery. Lancaster papers please delphia. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery. copy.
(Camden, J). Pottstown and HuDRAUDE. -Jan 27. 1903. Katherina, widow ven LAIGAIE.
papers please copy. of late Joseph Draude, and daughter of late -Jan 30, 1903, William Laigaie. Melcher and Margaret Huff in her 70tb busband of Eliza Laigate and son of late Peter year. Relatives and friends of family In- and Mary A Laigaie, in his 60th sear. Kelavited to attend funeral services, Sundar.
at tives and friends of family are invited to ato'clock. from her son-in-law. Jacob Kellar's tend funeral, Tuesday afternoon. 1 o'clock. residence.
1717 North 29th street. Interment from his late residence. 352 Snyder avenue. Inprivate at Northwood Cemetery. terment Fernwood Cemetery.
the DUTTON. -Jan 28, 1903, Louisa C. widow of of Wiliam LANG--Jan 29, 1903. Catherine, beloved wife Alexander Dutton, in ber 34th year. Lang.
Relatives and friends, also bem Relatives Reformed and friends, also anembers of Bethle- funeral Cooper Union No. 9 and 108. and Emplores services, Church, 1.30 invited to from attend her parents' funeral, Philadelphia Brewing Company invited to attend Sunday. o'clock, Tuesday morning, 9 o'clock. from her residence, Mr and Mrs Geo' Catherey, 1948 late residence, 316 McKean street.
High mass Interment private, Greenmount Cemetery. of requiem at Sacred Heart Church. at 10.30 EARECKSON. -Jan 30. 1903.
Eleanor, wife of o'clock precisely. Intermeut, Holy Cross CemeCharles Eareckson. Relatives friends are tery. invited o'clock precisely. attend funeral services.
Monday, 2404 2. LEVERING -Entered into rest Jan 29, to 1903. Columbia ave. tives and friends Levering, aged 56 Fears. Relaat ber late residence, Margaret Irwin EHMAN.
29, 1903. Gabriel Ebman, bus- tend funeral services, of family Sunday are invited afternoon. to at at-: 2 band of Agnes Ebman. aged 66 Rela- o'clock, at her late residence. 433 Holly st, tives and friends of family, also employes of the West Phila.
Interment Mt Moriab Cemetery. Frankford Arsenal are Invited to attend funeral. LOGAN. Mount 8.30 o'clock, from late fest- 28. 1903.
Jerusha G. wife of N. James on Logan. in Holly, January Monday morning. dence, 4527 Edgmont, Bridesburg.
High wass at ber 76th year. Relatives and friends are inAll Saints' Church. Interment Most Holy Re- vited to attend the funeral. Saturday deemer Cemetery. 31st inst.
at 11 o'clock. from her husband's morning. 28, 1903, Anna McFee. wife of residence. 37 Pine street.
Holly. J. late Charles Ellis, in her 82d year. Rela- Interment Mount Holly Cemetery. tives and friends of family are invited to at- 30.
1903. William Long, youngtend funeral services. Saturday morning, 10 est son of late James and Elizabeth Long. o'clock precisely, at her late residence, 4235 aged 42 years. Due Dotice of funeral will be Walnut.
Interment private. given from his late residence, 1817 East CamFAUNCE. Jan 27, 1903, Rosanna, wife bria. William Faunce. Relatives and friends of 30, 1903.
Frances Margaret. widow family are fovited to attend funeral, Satur- of George H. Lott, and daughter of the late day residence, afternoon, 635 Girard ave. from Services late of Joseph her Elizabeth Smith. in the 77th year 12.30 o'clock.
her and at age. Relatives and friends Invited to atSt Michael's Church, 2 o'clock precisely. tend funeral, Tuesday atfernoon. 2 o'clock, front At Atlantic City. Jan 29, residence of her nephew.
Mr. Henry 1903, Annie wife of Frederick A Feaster and 1026 Marlborough street. To proceed to Paliner daughter of late William and Mary Brennan. Vault. Relatives and friends of family invited to at- 30.
1903: Walter, sou of tend funeral, from late residence. Baltimore Thomas and Edith MacAdams and grandson and Ohio aves. Solemn Atlantic City, Nicholas' Monday of 15 Caroline and the late Charles Paynter. aged morning. requiem mass at St months.
Relatives and friends invited to, Church. 8 o'clock. Proceed by Pennsylvania attend funeral services. Sunday afternoon. 1.30 Railroad, 10 o'clock train, to Frankford June- o'clock, at his parents' residence.
1122 Miffin. tion. at 11.05 A. M. Interment St.
Interment private. Ann's Cemetery, Philadelphia. Jan 29. 1903. Charles N.
son -Jan 26, 1903. Charles Fenton, of William and Elizabeth McDonnell. Relahusband of Theresa Fenton and son of Sarah tives and friends invited to attend funeral, Silverthorp and late Charles Fenton, aged 34 ents' Tuesday residence. morning. 3019 8.30 o'clock.
from his of par rears. Relatives and friends of family, also street. High mass reSouthwark Lodge. No 146, I 0 0 F. and Court at quiem Cathedral at Church Cemetery.
of the Ascension. Interment Energetic, No 107. of are invited to attend funeral, Sunday afternoon, 1 o'clock, from MacDONOUGH. 28. 1903, Herbert T.
bis late residence, 109 Tasker. Interment Fern- MacDonough, SOD of Sarah E. and the late wood Cemetery. Thomas MacDonough, aged 24 years. Relatives 29.
1903. William Fisher, and friends invited to attend funeral. Saturday husband of Jane Fisher, aged 60 years. Rela- morning, 8.30 o'clock, from the residence of his tives and friends of family. also employes of mother.
1812 West Susquehanna are. Services Decatur Smith Iron Works, are invited to attend at St Elizabeth's Chureb, at 10 A M. Infuneral, Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, from his terment, Cathedral Cemetery. late residence. 1908 Lehigh ave.
Interment 29, 1903. Susan McCosker. at Northwood Cemetery. aged 80 years. Relatives aud friends invited -Jan 27.
1903. Joseph son to attend funeral. Monday morning. 8.30 o'clock. of Rose and late Daniel Fitzpatrick.
Relatives from the residence of her sister. Mrs. Mary Donand friends of family are invited to attend fu. nelly, 1705 Ingersoll street. Solemn high mass neral, Saturday.
8.30 o'clock. from his mother's of requiem at the Church of the Gesu, at 10 residence, 1112 Diamond street. Requiem mass o'clock. Interment, Cathedral Cemetery. at the Church of Our Lady of Mercy.
Interment 28, 1903, Sarab, wife of Cathedral Cemetery. John McGuigan. Relatives and friends invited FORT. Jan 28, 1903, at Pemberton, 8 Anna to o'clock, attend from the funeral, residence Saturday of morning. 8.30 824 M.
daughter of Stirling Sarah Fort, ber busband, aged 34 years, and granddaughter of late PX- Tasker street. Solemn requiem mass at the Governor George Fort. Relatives and friends Church of the Annunciation. To proceed to Holy are invited to attend funeral. from Baptist Cross Cemetery.
Church, in Pemberton. on Saturday afternoon, 28. 1903. Isabella W. wife Jan 31, 2.30 o'clock, without further notice.
late William Masson, Relatives and friends of 1903. Horace Coleman. of Mary and the Saturday afternoon, 1 o'clock. at her late resi-Suddenly, in Denver, Col. Jan 25, family are invited to attend funeral services, ate Columbus Gabell.
in his 31st year. Rela- dence, 2510 12th. Interment private son at Westtives and friends of family invited to attend minster Cemetery. funeral services, Saturday afternoon. Jan 81, 27, 1903, Ida, daughter of 1.30 o'clock, at residence of his mother, 1408 Lizzie and the late John Mengert, aged 17 years North Twenty-first street.
Interment private. and 7 months. Funeral on Sunday afternoon, 2 GERMANN. Jan 29. 1903.
Charles. Jr. be- o'clock, from her mother's residence. 6011 Stenloved busband of Matilda Germann. nee Davey.
ton avenue. Germantown. Interment private. and son of Charles and Julia Germann. Rela- 29, 1903.
Mary Merriek. tives and friends of family invited to attend widow of late Charles Keller. Relatives and funeral services. Sunday afternoon. 1 o'clock, friends of family are invited to attend funeral.
from his parents' residence, 1107 Passyunk ave. Sunday afternoon. 3 o'clock, from her late Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. residence, 1919 South Fourth. Interment 29.
1903, Louis Getz. Relatives ton Street Vault. and friends of family are invited to attend fu- Quakertown Friday, Jan 30, neral. Monday. 2 oclock.
from residence of bis Francis Miller, aged 91 years 6 months and 22 son-in-law. Mr James Clark. 2818 days. Relatives and friends invited to attend st. Interment at Northwood Cemetery.
funeral, Tuesday, February 3. 10.30 A. at Jan 29, 1903, Rutb, wife of George 120 Third street. To proceed to TrumbauersGill, aged 57 years. Relatives and friends of ville services and interment.
family are invited to attend funeral, Monday MILLER. -Jan 27, 1903, Mrs Julia Miller. afternoon, 2 o'clock, from husband's residence, aged 80 years. Funeral Saturday morning, 8.30 2244 Fitzwater. Interment Mt.
Peace Cemetery. clock. from residence of her son-in-law, Wil-Jan 27, 1903. Sarab C. daugh- liam A Farrell, 293 Clarion.
High m858 of ter of William and Katie Gillespi, in her requiem at St John's Church. Interment New 14th year. Relatives and friends of family, also Cathedral Cemetery. Lit Brothers' Beneficial Society, and League of Jan 28, 1903. John Milner.
aged the Sacred Heart of St Edward's Church, are 58 years. Relatives and friends of family. also invited to attend funeral. Saturday morning. Kadosh Commandery, No 29, Frankford Lodge.
8.30 o'clock. from parents' residence, 2624 292. and A M. Siloam Chapter. No 226: North Orianna.
Requiem mass at St Edward's and Lulu Temple. A A ON S. invited to atChurch. 10 o'clock precisely. Interment Holy tend funeral.
Sunday. 2 o'clock, from his late Sepulchre Cemetery. residence. 5929 Keystone street. Wissinoming.
GOEHING. -Jan 29. 1903. Louis, adopted son Interment at East Cedar 28, Hill Cemetery. of Charles Ganss.
Relatives and friends of MOLLENHAUER. -Jan 1903, Veronica family ate invited to attend funeral, Tuesday Mollenhauer. wife of late Herman Mollenhauer, afternoon. 2 o'clock. from the residence of John in her 57th yeaf.
Relatives and friends of Connor, 229 Green. Interment Hanover Ceme- family invited to. attend funeral. Sunday, afterters. noon.
1.30 o'clock, from her late residence. Jan 29, 1903. James, son of Bridget 3022 Berks street. Interment at West Laurel and the late James Gorman, aged 3 years. Resi- Hill Cemetery.
dence. 139 Pierce street. Due notice of the Morris, 28. 1903. William son of funeral will be given.
late Mark in his 58th year. Relatives 28, 1903. MIs Emma Guth. and friends of family are invited to attend fuRelatives and friends of family respectfully in- neral, son-in-law's Saturday, residence Jan 31. o'clock.
from his vited to attend funeral services, Saturday after- 1628 Frankford. (Mr. Lewis A. Rogers). 1 o'clock, at residence of her son-in-law, Fillmore st, Interment Cedar noon, ment George private.
Strouse, 411 Wanamaker street. Inter- MUDGE. -Jan 29. 1903. Dorotby, daughter of' Hill.
-Jan friends 28. of 1903. family Henrietta are invited to at- tives and friends of family are Fall. Rela- Thomas and Minnie Mudge, aged weeks. Rela-4 and invited to attend' tires tend funeral.
1 o'clock, from ber funeral. Saturday afternoon. 2 o'clock, from resilate residence, State and Olive, Media, Pa. dence of ber parents, 52 North St Bernard street. Saturday.
Interment Springfield Cemetery. Interment at Blockley Baptist Cemetery. Jan 27, 1903, Bridget, wife of the Bella 28, 1903. Foster) Mary and the late daughter W. late Peter Hanley.
Relatives and friends of of H. Murphy late (nee of Relatives respectfully invited to attend fu- and Murphy, friends, also members Taney of the street. B. M. Sofamily are of Frank 225 dality.
Altar Society and League of the neral. Saturday, morning, 7.80 o'clock, from the residence her. requiem at St Joseph's Heart of St. Francis' Church, invited to attend son, Hanley, Sacred Spruce st. Solemn Interment mass Cross Cem- funeral.
Monday morning, 8 o'clock, from her Church, 9 o'clock. Holy mother's residence. 653 Preston street (Lanetery. caster avenue above Fortieth street). High re-Jan 28, 1903, Frederick Han- quiem mass at St.
Francis' Church. To proceed namann. Relatives and friends of family are 3 to Cathedral Cemetery. to attend funeral. Sunday afternoon.
-Jan 28, 1903, Margaret. widow of o'clock. from residence of his son. Robert Han- late Daniel Due notice of funeral fronn ramann. 2632 Braddock.
Interment at Belvue her son's residence, John Murphy. 1914 South Cemetery. Juniper street. Mass of requiem at Epiphany 28. 1903.
at his resi- Church. Interment at Holy Oross Cemetery. dence, No 4819 Warrington avenue. William 27, 1903, William, busband of Haverstick, aged 62 years. Funeral ser.
Mary Murphy. Relatives and friends of family, vices Saturday, 31st inst. Forty o'clock. also Waterman's Beneficial Society, are invited Church of the Atonement. and to attend funeral Saturday morning.
8.30 o'clock, Kingsessing ave. Interment private. from his late residence, 114 Fitzwater. Solemn Jan 29, 1903. Solomon F.
sou of high mass of requiem at St Philip's Church. Albanes Matilda Hein. and grandson of Interment Catbedral Cemetery. Solomon and Katherine Freas, aged 34 years. 28, 1903.
Sarah, wife of fate Relatives and friends of family, also 0 Patrick Nangle. Relatives and friends are of A. No 18. and Gulf I 0 F. No vited to attend funeral, Saturday morning, 8.30.
525. of West Conshobocken. invited to attend o'clock, from her late residence, 2411 Monterey funeral. Monday morning. 10.30 o'clock, from (24th and Spring Garden).
High 10a66 at St his parents' residence. Sweedland. Montgom- Francis Xavier's Church 10 A M. Interment Old ery county. Pa.
Services at residence: also at Cathedral Cemetery. Lutheran Church. White Marsh. Interment 29, 1903, Hears Newman. White Marsh Union Cemetery.
aged 72. Fears. Relatives and friends, Har 28, 1903, Caroline, widow Sinai Lodge No. 8. I.
0. B. Merchants' of the late Frank Henninger, in her 57th year. Lodge 283, I. 0.
0. F. invited to attend fuRelatives and friends of family Sunday, are respect Feb late neral, Sunday, 2.30 o'clock precisely. from his fully invited to attend funeral, 1411' Mar- 1, residence, 938 North Randolph street. In1 clock, from her late Northwood residence, terment, Adath Jeshurun.
shall st. Interment Cemetery. 27, 1903, Ricbard. beloved hus HODGES. -Jan 28.
1903, Annie, infant 9 band of Magdalene Nixon. Relatives and friends ter of Robert R. and Rossie Hodges, aged invited to attend funeral services. Saturday months. Relatives and friends invited to at- morning.
10 o'clock, at his late residence, 1922 tend funeral, Saturday afternoon, o'clock, South Twelfth street. Interment private. from her parents' residence. 1011 Winton street. -Jan 29.
1903, at Riverside, N. Interment, Mt. Moriah Cemetery. J. Anna R.
beloved wife of John Noesinger HOLLANDS. -Jan 28. 1903. Margarett. wife (nee Hebelie).
in ber 77th vear. Relatives and of the late James Hollands. aged 57 years. Rel- friends of afternoon, family are invited to attend funeral, atives and friends of family are invited to at- Sunday 3 o'clock, from late residence, tend funeral Saturday morning. 7.30 o'clock.
corner J. Pavilion ave and Rush st. Riverside, from the residence of her niece, Mrs. James o'clock. Services Interment at Lutheran Riverside Zion Cemetery, Church, 3.30• J.
H. Walsh. 3020 street, Thirty-third ward. High requiem mass at the Church of the As- 1.30 Trains leave for Market Riverside. street ferry 10 A and cension, 9 o'clock precisely.
Interment at West 30, 1903. Edwin of Troy. New York. son widow of Henrietta and the late Edwin Norman. in his Holt.
-Jan 28. Relatives 1903. and Anna friends to 42d year. Relatives and friends also R. Jesse ber late residence, the Veteran Corps of the First attend funeral services.
at Jefferson sts. Saturday P. are invited to attend funeral services. TuesN cor Marshall and Interment at Abington day, 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 1531 afternoon. 1 o'clock.
11th st. Interment private. Burial Ground. O'DEA -Jan 29. 1903.
Thomas W. son of Burlington, Jan 28, 1903, John and Mars O'Dea. Relatives and friends of Louisa G. wife of Edgar Abram and Horner, Kilphae in her Arm- family are invited to attend funeral. Monday 26th year, daughter of morning, 8.30 o'clock.
from parents' resistrong, of Mt Holly. Relatives and friends of dence. 1113 Wallace. High requiem mass at family are invited to attend funeral. from resi- Church of the Assumption.
10 o'clock sharp. Indence of her husband, 413 Lawrence. Burling- fur- terment New Cathedral Cemetery. ton. Saturday, Jan 31, 2 o'clock.
without month, 26th. 1903. ther notice. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery, widow of Thomas Palmer, aged 68 years. Lydia Burlington.
Ann, Friends of family are invited to attend fu-Jan 29. 1908. Charles, son of neral. Seventh day, 31st inst. 11 o'clock, at Henry and Agnes Jamison, aged 11 invited months.
Horsham Friends' Meeting. Take Doylestown Relatives and friends of family are to and Willow Grove trolley to Horsham. from attend funeral, Saturday residence. 2604 Naudain. Twen- At Quakertown, Fifth day, afternoon.
1.30 o'clock, bis parents' Ceme- First mo, 29, Annie of the late Evan ty -sixth and South. Interment Cathedral Penrose, in her 86th year. Relatives and tery. invited to attend funeral, Third day. Second mo, JEFFERIS -Of diphtheria, Jan 28, 1903, at 3, at 10.30 A.
at 114 Main street. Quakerhis residence, 722 Forty second st. George town, Pa. C. Jefferis, son of aged the 43 late No funeral.
Interment Jan 26. 1903, Frederick Peters, Samuel and Margaret Coatesville, years. son of John and Sophia Peters, aged 20 private, at Pa. Chester county years. Relatives and friends of family, also papers please copy.
members of Americus Circle, No 28. of 30, 1903. Charles Clark Jes- F. respectfully invited to attend funera Satin bis 66th year. Funeral from his late urday afternoon, 2 o'clock, from his late resiresidence, No 34 Cooper, o'clock.
Woodbury, Interment J. dence, 917 Dauphin street. Interment at Monday afternoon, Feb 2, 2 Glenwood Cemetery. private. 28.
1903. Charles H. Phelps -Jan 27, 1903. Major John John- aged 70 years. Relatives and friends of fanison.
aged 78 Fears. Relatives and friends of ily, also Sth Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. are infamily are invited to attend funeral, Saturday vited to attend funeral services. Sunday afterafternoon, 1 o'clock. from residence of Mrs.
noon. 1 o'clock, at his late residence, 3027 North 6628 Tulip st. Interment at Odd Fellows' Fifth st. Interment private. Cemetery.
January 25. 1903. Lewetta -Jan 29, 1903. 43 Elizabeth. wife of wife of A.
L. Plerce, in ber 36th year. The friends Benjamin Jones, aged attend funeral services, Sun- and relatives and friends of the family are respectyears. Relatives invited to o'clock, late fully invited to attend the funeral. on Saturday day afternoon.
2 at her residence, afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of ber 816 Green st. Interment private, Mount Peace father-in-law. 502 North Seventh street. PbllaCemetery. delphia.
Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery. JOSEPH-Suddenly, Jan 30, 1903, Mary Ellen Gone but not forgotten. and Emma Florence, twin daughters of Benjamin -Jan 29, 1903. Alexander Ponison. and Matilda Joseph.
Relatives and friends of aged 54 years. Relatives and friends of family family are invited to attend funeral services. are invited to attend funeral services. Monday at parents' residence, 1519 Thompson. Sunday afternoon.
2 o'clock. at 2040 Diamond. Interafternoon, 2 o'clock. Interment private. ment private Woodlands Cemetery.
27, 1903, Lily oldest beloved POWERS. Jan 28, 1903, Katie A. beloved daughter of George and Anna C. Keel. aged daughter of Eustace and Jennie Powers, aged 15 18 years and 11 months.
Relatives and friends years. Relatives and friends, also St Paul's invited to attend funeral serrices. Sunday af- Sodality and the employes of Schuttel's ternoon. 2 o'clock. from her parente' residence, paper box factory, invited to attend funeral.
937 Nortb American street. Interment, Green- Monday morning. 7.30 o'clock, from her mount Cemetery. residence, 619 League street. Mass at St Paul's -Jan 1903.
Mary Anna, daughter Church, o'clock precisely, Taterment, Holy rof Thomas and Elizabeth Kelly. aged 4 months Cross Cemetery. and 19 days. Relatives and friends invited to PRICE. -Jan 26.
1903, John Price. Relaattend funeral. Saturday afternoon. 1 o'clock, tives and friends of family respectfully 70- from her parents' residence. 8 Lombard street.
vited to attend funeral services. Tuesday evenInterment, Holy Cross Cemetery. log, 8.30 o'clock, at his late residence. 621 KENDALL. Jan 28, 1903.
Charles Kendall, North Sixteenth street. Interment at Waynes: busband of Christena Kendall, aged 59 years. bore, Franklin county, Pa, Wednesdar, 011 Relatives and friends of the family are invited rival of the 8.30 train from Broad Street to attend the funeral, Saturday afternoon. 2. Station, Philadelphia..