ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1930 Page Six Section Two fa*gIST LEADER BULL TRADERS BIG BUSINESS STARTED BY FOSHAY NOW FACES INQUIRY OF RECEIVERS WITH LOCAL INVESTORS By JOHN W. FALCONN1ER STATEJPRODUGE MARKET-PRICES Daily Shipments and Quota-v tions as Recorded for Florida GETS $200 FINE IN LIBEL CASE MINNEAPOLIS, July 19. UP) A 32-story building, shaped like tthe Washington monument, dedicated here a year ago with ceremonies costing $160,000, is for sale, and the builder's affairs are In the hands of receivers. Affairs involving the $3,000,000 Ridicule Angle Brings Ver dict in German After Bitter Attack wIlL.
ft Ife I By WILLIAM HILLMAN building, however, are minor worries of the men attempting to iron out details of concerns begun by Wilbur B. Foshap, before his crash last November. Foshay, who quit an art school to enter business, had bought, operat "TAKETDFITSj PRICESSLUMP Belief Growing that July Will See Bottom of Industrial Depression Reached By JOHN L. COOLEY (Astnciatcd PrrftS Financial Writer) NEW YORK, July 19. bulls agreed today that discretion was valor's better part and took profits in stocks after a fortnight of almost steadily rising prices.
For the irst time in several days, however, there was no closing rally. Its absence suggested that the short interest had been well eliminated while the market was recovering about 34 per cent of the ground lost in the April-June decline. Today' decline virtually equalled yesterday's loss. Measured by the averages it amounted to l1 points, which made the drops of i and 3 points in many popular Bhares rather deceptive, just as some of the recent strength in pool favorites had been BERLIN. Fascist circles are jii- bilant, that their verbal attack on President Hindenburg is not likely to be an expensive or a dangerous campaign.
It has cost Herr Julius Goebhels, national socialist relchstag deputy and one of the Fascist leaders, only JACKSONVILLE, July 19. () Jobhing quotations, representing sale hy Jobbers to retailers on Jacksonville markets as reported to the atate marketing bureau: Supplies of vegetable generally moderate, market llrm on good quality beans and vquash; weak on okra. Avocados, Cuban crates, mostly 4.00, lieans, buphel hampers, Kentucky Wonders, few 3.0052 3.25. Lima beans, bushel hampers, white but ter type, few 1.50. Hlueberries, Florida crates, quart, mostly .15.
Cantaloupes, standard crates, 28-45 melons, mostly 1. 26101.60, Cukes, bushel hampers, few best 2.0047 3.50. Cukes, bushel hamper, culls and ordinary, few Corn, sweet, per dozen, best mostly Kggplant. hushel hampers, medium size, few best 1.2St l.fiO. KgKplant, standard pepper crate, few best 2.0(lif 2.25, drapes, Florida (-basket carriers, Concords S.50fT3.00.
Ciiapcs, Florida 4-basket lug, Concords 1.50(8-1.75. Grapefruit, standard crate, 46-72s, best. 4. 00 5.0(1. 1,1 mes, Florida standard crates, few 1200 to libel the president of and so certain is he of success of this plan, that he is reported to have entered negotiations for a new location for the proposed bank, which it is understood would adopt a new name.
Ant'tit Local Bonds There has been a persistent and determined effort of late by certain persons to beat down the prices of local securities far below what they are worth. This has been brought about through rumors reflecting on the financial standing of various institutions and in some instances of the Integrity of the'men behind those institutions. Holders of St. Petersburg securities would do well not to be unduly exercised about quotations which are made from time to time of stocks and bonds which they may hold, and not allow the present period of depression cause them to make unnecessary sacrifices. Bonds upon which the interest Is met promptly and upon which the payments are met when due, and where the security behind them or the business contributing to their payment la sound, should be worth full valuei and their owners should not be stampeded into making sales at ridiculous prices.
There has been at least one Instance of quotations having been made on certain securities where the broker' making such quoTatlon had to admit that he had none of that particular Issue, and in fact was in the market to buy them. If the broker can afford to buy them, the owners would do well to hold them. For that is exactly what Herr 'IMH IMitt Goebbels was fined by a German court for a bitter article published In the Fascist weekly, "The Attack," charging that President Hlndenburp "would do what his Jewish-Marxist advisors prompted him to do." 1 I I 3M-. till Called Victory Friends of Goebbels acclaim that i i 91 10,00. Oranges, std.
crales, small size, crates, large sizes, action as a victory for their leader and their cause, although the state attorney who asked the court for the maximum sentence of nine months' imprisonment for the libel, has declared he was appealing against the judfrment. best. 7.00fj7.50. Oranges, std. bent S.OO'&d.OO.
ed and sold public utilities on a large scale in SO states, Alaska, Canada, Nicaragua and Honduras. He also had bought, sold and operated steamship lines, and supervised stock salesmen who sold $29,000,000 in Foshap securities in three years. Fiften years before his dream faded, Foshay came to Minneapolis to take a job with a modest salary. He signed a chattel mortgage to get his furniture out of storage, and it took Foshay two years to pay if oft Foshay was studying painting at Columbia university when his father's business fatled, and he quit school. In 1317 he organized a small business of his own.
Before the receivership his companies were doing a yearly business of concerns furnished electricity, gas, water, street car transportation and telephone service to more than 230,000 persons. His holding corporation, his operating concern, and the Foshay Building corporation were credited with assets of $20,000,000 when they went into voluntary receivership. Tightening up of credit last winter made receiverships inevitable, said Foshay. None of his stock issues were listed on exchanges. Evidence has been presented to the federal trade commission that in the interval between the purchase of concerns and the issuance of securities for which the properties were security, values were "written up." The City of St.
Tetersburg today for probably the first time is offering local investors an opportunity to buy securities in small denominations, Elsewhere in this Issue the Finance department fn a paM advertisem*nt announces an Issue of approximately 1300,000 of tax anticipation bonds In denominations of $100 to $1,000. to bear 8 per cent interest, and to be sold at par and accrued interest. This Issue, to secure money for the operation of the city, until such time as taxes are paid, is dated July 1, and Is payable on or before Jan. 1. The security for the bonds is the first call on all 1930 taxes, these bonds have to be paid before any other city obligations are met.
In former years local banks have always been glad to let the city have $300,000 to $100,000 on these short time notes to carry on until taxes come in, but with only one bank left it was believed better to offer the issue direct to the public, and the offering: is made through the finance department In order that there will be no commissions, and that the proceeds may be net. Another Instance of the growing plan to have a wide distribution of securities and stocks among the smaller investors is the announcement of the Central National Bank and Trust company to issue up to $400,000 new stock and surplus, on a basis of $40 a share, and to allow Investors to buy -on installments and pay for their stock between now and Dec. 1 of this year. This plan is sponsored by Silas D. Scudder, chairman of the board, and a banker of wide experience in the north, before coming to St.
Petersburg. Mr. Scudder declares this plan is being adopted by some of the biggest financial institutions in the country, and is growing in favor all the time. Mr. Scudder, it will be recalled, while a comparative newcomer to the state, recently submitted a plan for refinancing the bonds of the state, which has been taken up and widely commented on the press of the state.
The plan was consid-ered by the members of the Florida League of Municipalities In its sessions here, and due to the limited time was referred to the Wilcox committee for a report, Mr. Scudder has recently been advised thRt this committee will meet within ft short time, and ho has been asked to bo present and place the plan before the members in every detail, Another hopeful sign in the muddled financial affairs of the community is the calling of a mass meeting of depositors of closed banks at the Baptist Tabernacle for Tuesday night. Nat r. Brophy, liquidator JO. If Goebbels article was an attack on JJPl the German president for his acceptance of the Youwr Tlan.
"Is Hinden-Itetgr Still Alive?" was the heading rather misleading when viewed Jn the broader light of the general market's performance. A few active sharea, Including United States Steel, General Electric, General Motors and Radio held up well, but in American Telephone, American Can, Aanaconda Copper, Byers, Johns-Manville, Proctor Gamble, Vanadium and Westing-house the losses ranged from one to three points Allied Chemical was off IS, J. I. Case and National Cash Kegister 4. There was Individual strength in United Carbon, U.
S. Industrial Alcohol and International Silver. While stocks were selling off, the grain markets were exhibiting considerable strength. Wheat closed a cent and a hajf higher, reflecting much-desired export demand and also reports of crop damage in North Dakota. Corn was up to more than 2 cent on bullish weather news.
Covering, based on the absence of rain forecasts for the dry sections, helped cotton materially and the close was 65 cents to $1.25 a bale higher. There is a growing belief in commission house circles that July will see the bottom of the business depression, particularly in the basic steel industry. Many of the second quarter earnings are undoubtedly better than had been expected, although it is admitted that some of the reports so far received have been from the strongest companies. The statements cf United States Steel and Bethlehem Steel, due week after next, are being of the artiele. The court did not find Receivers seek to untangio the $130,000,000 business begun by Wilbur B.
Foshay (inset), which, included a Minneapolis tower (above) that is for pale. this libellous. In the picture accompanying; the Tombstone Shows Pharaoh's Error article, the president is represented as W'otan, accompanied by two ravens, Mugin and Munln, which, Okra, Florida bushel hampers, nmfell fancy, few l.OOff 1.25. Okra, large sizes slow sales; some being refused. Peaches, Georgia bushel baskets and hsmprs, Elbertas, ungraded, 2.25 2.50.
Fineapples, Cubap standard crates, large sizes, best 3.504.00. Pineapples, Florida standard crate, small sizes, best 2.603.00. Field Peas; bushel hampers, green, best mostly .7531.00. Peppers, bushel hnmpera, medium to large, few Peppers, standard crates, large best, few 1.5001.75. New Folatoes, bit.
hampers, No, Is, best, mostly 1.60. Squash, bu. hamper, yellow crook necks, small fancy, few best 2. 753. (10, New Sweet Potatoes, sacked per cwt.
new Porto Kicsn 4.0(1. Tomatoes. Florida 6s, fancy count, mostly LSO-OO. Tomatoes, Florida 6s, choice count, mostly 1. SOW 1.75.
Watermelons. Dixie Belle and Tom Watsons, track sales 100 melons according to sizes, quality and condition, mostly 7.00'ffl0.00. according to the Scandinavian myth, brought him news of what was hap Foshay still owns and lives in the house which he rented for $45 a month when he first came here. Ha spends much of his time assisting in untangling the affairs of his companies, but for a period this summer he was employed by a firm in Denver. Short, stocky, round-faced, Fo-shav says he will "come back." This Foshay denied, explaining 4t was his practice to put into force improved operating methods and betterments, increasing the value of the purchase and then evaluating on the basis of normal earning power.
His tower here was only partly paid for, and proved to be one of his weakest investments. It is only partly occupied. pening on earth. The birds were shown wearing Jacobin caps, but In this symbolical headdress the Court found no affront to the rresi- dent. Nor did It see any offense In 'he picture showing him watching with HNEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS indifference the long procession of -eageriy awaneq.
From the Youngstown district came Note: Poorer stock of some commo fettered and famished slaves representing Germans under the burden Imposed by tho Young Plan. Sees Kklicul Only in regard to one point did the dities at lower prices than quoted here. NEW YORK, July 19. () Following is a partial closing list of today's transactions on the New Tork stock exchange; LONDON When a man steps on another man's foot and apologizes for his clumsiness it is not customary in this practical days to build a monument to commemorate his politeness. A Pharaoh of Egypt who reigned about 7,000 years ago did just that thing.
Solim Hassan, the Egyptologist, who is working tor the Egyptian government, has just uncovered a gravestone near the Cairo Pyramids measuring five by two-and-a-half feet, which marked the site where Ra Wer, a priest of the Third Dynasty (about 6000 B. was buried. When Selim Hassan deciphered the Inscriptions thereon It was revealed that once the Pharaoh of that far-off time trod on Ra Wer's foot and duly apologized. The reverend gentleman asked his prince if he would inscribe the Incident on a tombstone to mark the grave of his obedient servant. Kgg market firmer on Florida fresh reports that producers in that area would operate at present ratios next week, which was encouraging, although some of the schedules are being maintained on steel pipe business for which demand continues.
Foreign exchanges were firmer. Sterling cables rose 516 and other leading European rates shaded 18 11 66 23 14 18 18 73 58 50 6 34 8 36 89 34 1 Superior' Stl 18 1 Texas Corp 11 8 Tex Gulf 6" 30 Tex Pac Lnd 23 1 Tide Wtr Ac Oil 14 1 Tlmken Pet Axle 14 7 Transctl Oil 18 38 Vn Carbide 75 3 Fn Facinn 232 134 Fnlt Aircft 69 79 Unit fsrlion 64 7 t'nlt CI 8t 7 175 Unit orp 35 1 Vnit Frulf 8 36 t'nlt A Imp 37 19 IT 8 Indus 82 23 If 8 Pipe A 35 24 IT 8 Buhber 26 gathered white. Eggs, Florida freh whites, case lols. court feel it necessary to convict. Low 3H 13 115 High 27'4 121 im, 45 Ihs.
tin net weight, per dozen .32. 16 1t 66 23 14 14 18 74 221 56 63 34 8 37 81 34 24 16 13 34 9 37 45 Eggs, florida fresh whites, case lots. Thi was the pedestal, marked 'Tress of the Left," on which Woton-Hind-enburg supported himself. 42-45 Ihs. net weight, dozen 23 3 268 f.ces, mixed colors, shinpod-in fresh whites, case lota, per dozen .25.27.
Here, said the court, was an evi 68 57H 129H 1275 dent intention to hold the president 131 24 14 Trading Is Dull On Bond Market Hens, live per colored Hens, live per leghorns .10. 21. Friers, live per colored Frier, live per leghorn .22. 24. Froiler.
live colored, l'i-l 218 IT Steel 168 lli 6 1'nit Ptrs A 13 13 up to ridicule herore the renders or. the paper by the imputation that Pullman Corp 69 68 68 1 Purity Bak 63 63 63 154 Hadio Keith Orp. 34 33 34 4 Bemngtn Band 29 29 29 6 Reo Motors 10 9 9 31 Repuh Stl 49 47 48 7 Reynlds Spring 3 3 3 Reynlda Tob 50 60 60 Rich Oil Cal 18 17 17 1 Royal Dutch 64 64 5H 4 ft Joe Lead 40 39 39 1 gchulte Ret 6 6 6 13 Bears Roebk 69 68 68 16 Serve! Inc 8 8 8 3 Phattuck Co 38 38 38 15 Shell Vn Oil 19 19 18 18 Simmons Co 28 27 27 93 Sine Con Oil 25 24 24 32 Kkelly Oil 32 31 31 6 lo Cal Edison 69 69 59 Southn Pan 113 118 118 2 Southn Ball 100 99 99 18 Kparks With 23 23 23 12 Ptand Brands 21 21 21 10 Bland A El 98 96 96 10 Stand Oil Cal 3 63 63 228 do New Jersey 74 72 73 1 do New Tork 33 31 33 1 Ptarl Pee A 11 11 11 28 Ptone A Web 84 83 83 6 Ptiidebsk Corp 34 33 33 Close 27 12 11 5 23 V4 2S 674 12814 13 724 3 4 8 26-14 0 84 41 82 11 217 144 92 10 80 Eales (Hds.) 17 Adams 2 Adv llumely 71 Air Redurt 47 Alleg Corp 15 Al Chem Al Chalm Mfg 13 Am Can 13 Am Com Aleo 15 Am For Pr 15 Am tntrml 1 Am Locomot 2 Am Pr Lt 41 Am Pad Stan San 20 Am Roll Mill 12 Am Bra 11 Am Stl Fdra 1 Am Eug Refin 1 Am Sumat Tob 182 Am Tel 8 Am Tobacco B. 10 Am Wat tVks 2 Am Zinc Ld A 93 Anaconda Cop 1 Assoc Dry Gds per pound did not listen to the voice of the nation as a whole, but bused his 34 98 37 48 26 71 4 8 2Vj 60 84 40H 52 11 74 3 4 87 27 60 V4 41 62H 11 Broilers, live leghorns. 1-1'4 per pound 23.
decisions on the opinion of one par 10 Mil Pr A Lt 34 478 Vsnad Corp 101 13 Waha.h Ry 39 132 Warner Plct 46 2 westn Mary 26 4 Westn tin Tel 171 148 Wntnghs El A 149 7 Willys Over 6 10 Wlworth Co 69 6 ticular section of the press. of the First Security Bank is to be In charge of the meeting, and while At the defendant had acted from 169 169 145 145 6 6 59 68 27 27 no definite information has been Roosters, live per pound LIVFSTOCK CHir'AfSO. Julv 19 (WOA WOaHl conviction, the court decided that a NEW YORK. July 19. Price movement in the listed hond market was of a mixed character today.
Trading was dull although activity was somewhat better than previous half day sessions. Small fractions marked the changes which took place throughout the list except In the more volatile domestic issues. Railroad issues moved irregularly with gains and losses about evenly 218 2204 A magnificent Japanese bell In Geneva is going bacy to the Mikado as a gift from the city of Geneva, Switzerland. It. originally belonged in a Nippon temple.
57 Yel Trk A Coach. 28 245 244V4 fine proportionate to his circum given out, it is understood that Mr. Brophy has definite plans for the stances was an adequate punish 10 10 reopening of one of the. closed banks, ment. 300, compared one -week ago all clawtes sharply lower, heavy steers being 1.00 off; fed yearlings nnH liiht tcr Pales, 871.670; previous day, 2.643,500; week ago, year sbo, two years ago," Jan.
1 to data, year niro, 898,029,700. two years ago, 417,622,300. 81 49 36V 35 The mildness of the sentence, how. 8244 222,4 223 Atch A lower; all grassy and short fed natives 38 3 34 Atl Fefln iihi and south westerns lower; fat been quite stable this week were er- ever, has greatly emboldened Fascist attacks on the president. 42 Auburn Auto 13 128 cows and butcher heifers and helfcrcttca Today's Radio Programs 1.
dO-2. 00 down; cutter end cutter NEW YORK BOND QUOTATIONS tows 60 lower; bulls 1.00 under the week's high time; vealets about J. 60 under high time; undercrust fed steer crop 10. 00 extrome top heavy 30 Avfat Corp 2 Baldwin I.oro Bait Ohio 2 Barnsdl A 12 Bendix Avlat 30 Beth Pteel 13 Borden Co 10 Borg Warner steers 11.75; closing top 1.10; extreme 125 5 24 JOT 24 33 841 79 30 23 124 35 74 16 France Building Big Movie Studio ST. AUGUSTINE DU VAR, France, July 19.
Construction has top yearlings 11.50; part load up to 12.00; most fed steer late 9.75; grassers 8:00 8 24 24 107 107 24 2t 34 33 84 84 80 79 30 30 23 22 12 12 35 35 791 76 18 18 88 86 ft1 6.60: etockers and feeders 25-60 down 267 Brig-gs Mfg at GOVERNMENT BONPS (Dollars and Thirty-Peconds) NEW YORK, July 19. (JP) Following la a partial list of today's hlxh, low and closing prices of bonds on the New Tork Stock exchange and the total sales of each bond; Pales ($1,000) High Low Hose 100 Lib 1011.29 110.25 10O.29 28 do 1st. 4b32-47 102.1 102.1 102.1 ratic and dull. By far the best showing was made by utility issues which quickly responded to nominal offerings and a group of high grade industrials in the miscellaneous list. American Water Works 6s, Western Union 6s, San Antonio Public Service 6s, Laclede Gas 6H, North American Edison 5s, Public Service 6s.
were strong. American Telephone bonds of several issues were moderately active and firm, and about the only recession of any consequence was the 1 point drop of Columbia Gas and Electric 5s. Such issues as Inland Steel hVin. Sinclair Crude Oil bonds, Lorillard 5s, and Western Electric 6s gained about a point. Sheep today market nominal: by the week 110 doubles from feeding stations.
J4.000 dlrct; compared a week 1 do 1 a 447 7 97 97 i do gold 468 90 90 90 6 Vn Drug Del 553 977 97 97 12 IT 8 Rub 5s47 82 82 82 3 T't PAL 659-w 87 87 87 11 Wabash 5sB76 100 100 100 23 Warn Bros 639 10 100 100 1 Western El 844 104 104 104 West Md 452 88 88 86 4 West Vnlon 651 W3 103 10 2 2 WIlsonACo It6s4l 100 100 100 Total sales today previous day week Sao year ago 8.858.000; two years ago 1 to date 1.599.r,88,0OO; same year auo 1.818.888,01)0; same two years ago 1,839,518,000. ago fat Inmha lower; tinder 88 been started here on a giant motion picture talking studio. Though the grades 1.00-1. 50 lower; supplies big and shipping demand comparatively narrow; 187 187 187 201 193 195 20 do 4th 43.V3S 102.27 102.26 102.25 2 Treaa 4s47-52, 112.8 112.1 112.1 company is nominally French, It fat ewes 25-so higher; scarcity stimu-iBtlnv' factor; late bulk native lamb tQ.0ttftlO.2a; early sales 10. 75 lb 11.00; ex known that UFA of Berlin is doing the financing.
16 .15 18 61 60 60 274 28 27 191 191 191 64 63 63 CORPORATION" BONDS 11 Abltlbl PAP 553 85 85 treme top 11.35; throwouts 7.00?U.25; late 6.76 6.50; best rangers late 10.60; yearlings 8.60ft 9.25; fat ewes 3.00 3.75: 85 99 104 99 13 HAVANA The Cuban educational system was not affected by the re SUNDAY, JULY 20 (By The Aiseeiattd Prut) Programs In Eastern Standard time. P. M. unless otherwise Indicate! 454.3 WE AF Ntw YorK 660 (NBC Chain) Hour-Also WEE1 W.1AR WTAO WCSH WRC WGT WWJ WIOU VVSM WSAI WF.JC CKGW WGR WCAK WRVA WHA9 WJAX WSr? WFLA-WSUN WF1 6:00 To Announced WEAF and Stations wn- Major Bowe Kamily-Also WJAR WCAR WRC WGT WWJ WSAI W'FJO WHA3 WTAM WCSH WIOD WSB WF1.A-WSUN 7:30 Choral Oreh. Also W.IAR WTAG WCSH WRC WGI WG1V WCAK WFJC WWJ WSAI WIOD WHAS WSB WTAM WPTF WRVA WL1T WJAR WTAU WL1T WCSH WRC WGT WCAE WHAS WSAI WF.1C WSB WW.l WIOD WFLA-WSUN WEE1 8:15 Half Hour Concert-Alao WF.EI WRC WKf WGI WGR WCAB WTAM WWJ WSAI WSM WHAS WSB Time of Roses-Alao WEK1 WGT WGR WWJ WSAI WTAO WRC 9:15 Champions' Orche.tra-Also WTIC WTAG WF1 WCSH WRC WGI WCAE WTAM WWJ WGN WJAR WEE1 WGR mf.t Farker-Also WCAE WHAS WFJC WJAX WWJ WPTF WGI WRC WEEI WIOD WSB WCSH WSM WTAM CKGW KYW 10:15 Sam Herman, Xylophoniat Also WRC WGT WWJ WSB 10:30 Russian Cathedral Choir WEAF and Station 848.6 WABC Nv York 860 (CBS Chain) 6:30 C.lobe Trntter-Also WEAN WNAC WM37, WCAO WMAT, WHP WJA9 WLBW WKBW WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WSPD WWNC WDBJ jo-tuimirstHnBymphony-Alao WEAN WNAC Wl.BZ WCAOWCAO t.tur, i.n i -i i rTir tit i n'V ttt T1 TPH TTTV Ti 1 31 Alleg Corp SM9 99 2 Am Ag Ch 7s41 104 2 6s303 87 top 4.00; breeders feeding 87 87 lambs late 7.60W7.SS; early sales 8.00.
8 Am IG Ch 649 106 104 104 Budd Wheel 3 Burr Add Mach 83 Bvers Co 7 Cat Herla 4 Can Dry Oin Ale 1 Can Pacific 147 Case I Co Celotex Co 4 Cerro 15 Checker Cab 2 Chesa Ohio 8 Chesa Corp 8 St 9 do pfd 5 Chi A No Westn 1 I Pac 1 Chllds Co 63 Chrysler Corp 7 Col A Alkman 17 Colo A Iron 60 Colum A El 80 Colum Graph Colum Carbon 4 Commer Cred 7 Com Inv Trust 77 Commer -Solv 37 Comwlth South 8 Congol Nairn 82 Coneol Gas GRAIN Hors 6.000 Including 4.000 direct; Shares On Curb Market Decline cent budget slash as President Ger-ardo Machado Insisted rather on In trading uneven, around steady; trading limited to choice lliiht weiehts; hogs CHICAGO, July 19 ') scaling 130-175 lb, selling at 9.5i 10.00; top 10.00; 100-210 lbs. hogs held on the market compared one week ago mostly 15 26 75 107 51 31 23 63 65 19 137 26 34 26 14 15 15 26 25 75 74 17 107 54 6 31 30 23 22 83 61 66 65 20 19 139 135 26 26 34 34 26 26 14 14 13 12 lower: shippers took 600; estimat 10 Am Intnl 649 98 98 98 8 Am Metal 63t 87 97 97 18 Am Smelt 5M7 12 11 101 23 Am TAT 6s13 107 107 107 13 do rn 436 1t 164 164 65 do o66 105 106 105 1 Am WWAE1 6s34 100 100 100 3 cvt 4s48 131 131 131 3 do gen 496 96 98 98 7 BaltA cvt4s33 100 100 100 78 do cvt 4s80 101 101 101 4 Bell Pa 1 5C80 108 108 108 6 Bos A Ma 6s67 100 joo 10(1 creasing the appropriations for schools. KARA AM, Turkey The oldest woman In this village Hatldje Ha- nlrvi racantlu aitverfined In the nWM- Low .89 1 .92 .98 1.0 Hich .90 .93 ,99 1.04 ed holdovers I. ooo light lluhls aood and choice 140-160 lbs. 9 609.90; Ik-ht weights 160-300 lh.
9. 60fl-0 00: medium NEW YORK, July 1.9. Curb shares reacted moderately in weekend profit taking today. Selling was In light volume, and most losses were limited to a point or less, but a few shares dropped 2 to 4. Sales for the two-hour session were only 262,370 shares.
Here and there a stock showed ln- .82 .79 weiahts 500. jmi lbs, 9 10fl9.90; heavy welrhts 250.350 lbs. 9.20; packing sows, medium and good 276-500 h. 7.2611 1.13: pigs, good and choice 100-130 lbs. 8.60f; 9.60.
12 97 114 112 113 IS Brklyn Tr 8sfi8 97 97 34 RAP con 92 97 1 t1 Nsi Ry 8s69July iC3 103 Cloe .90 .93 .991 1.03 ,83 .81 .75 .79 .35 .31 .41 .43 .66 .69 .65 .69 18 Cnnt Can si'i 53 CilTHUftl strength Pri'rsr- llnrris snM Fibre. 7 Can Pac debtsperp 89 88 up 3 points on announcement that it MONEY 23 Certalnteed 6s48 62 60 .83 ,81 .76 .79 .35 .36 .41 .4 4 .66 ,69 .65 ,70 WHEAT July Reptemher December March CORN" July Peptemher December March 04TK July Peptember T'eccmber March RY July Peptemher December March LARD July September December BELLIES July ifteniber 33 Chesa Corp 5s47 100 0 99 20 21 26 96 20 79 7 107 208 .34 .37 .40. .4 2 .66 .87 .63 .67. 12 Cont OH Del 22 13 Cont Shares 28 11 Corn Prods 88 1 Coty Ino 20 2 Crucible Stl 78 25 Curt Wright 7 32 Du Pont Nem 10 "30 Eastman Kod 214 2 Eaton Axle A 8pr 2ft 92 103 88 60 100 89 70 71 87 65 99 95 98 90 96 91 102 107 91 91 10 93 60 100 16 I'OUFKiN EXCH AN'tiF, NKW YOKK, July Forelan exchanae Arm: tlreat Frltain. demand 4 66 1-32; cables 4.64 17-37: 60 day bills on bsnks 4.84.
France, demand 3.93 7-16; rabies 3.93 9-16. Italy, demand 6.23 Vti rabies 5.23. Demands: Belgium 13.9 'i Oormanv 3.R7: Holland 40.22; Norway 26.78; Sweden 36.87'A; Switzerland 19.434: Ppaln 11.69; dree, 1.29 7-16! Poland 11.26; Tsechoslovekia 2.9664 Juirnlavia 1.77; Austria 14.13; Unmsnis Argentine .3 6-16; Brazil 10. 90; Toklo 49 35: Rhanehal Montreal 100. 28, 9.85 9.3 9.77 9.35 9.70 9.77 9.35 13.50 12.70 70 71 87 65 99 96 98 90 95 91 102 94 91 lot 92 80 100 106 i nn rtg 4nB95 99 3 111 6s61 70 12 Chi Gt West 4sS9 71 18 PMKtPA Pac 87 3 do adj 6S200O 65 38 ChlANW ev 4s49 99 2 CftlAP 96 13 do rr 434 98 1 ChlAWest lnd 4s52 90 12 Chile Cop 647 96 23 Cfnn GAEl 48 91 84 Col CAE 102 1 Gas NY 545 107 1 DARI Con 436 4 2 Dodge deb 610 91 2 luq It 4aA67 11 14 Erie RfAlmp 67S 92 1 Fik Rub 841 80 8 Ren Peer 6s39 100 2 Gdrlch BP 6(7 106 4 Goodyr TAR 657 93 CHICAGO, fireal Hrltaln In dollars; others lifj July 19.
-() Wheat; No. Corn; No. 3 mixed. 83. 1 red, 91.
cents. za Eieo Auto 124 El Pr A Lt 4 En Pub serv 2 First Nat etra 7 Buhber 58 Fox Film A 8 Freeport Tex 9 Gen Am Tank 11 Gnn Asphalt 308 Gen Elec 14 Gen Foods 10 Gen Motors 2 Gen Pub Forv Gen-Ball-tit 17 Gen Theat Equip 63 Gillette Safe Kax 23 Gold Dust 7 Goodrich Co 1 Goodyr 8 Graham Pag Mot 1 Grt No By Pfd naa Deen licensed 'to use the Krupp-Nitrosa patents. A little bullish activity appeared in Pilot Radio, which rose a point to Duval Tevas Sulphur, Niles Bement Pond and Ulen moved up more than a point each. The holding and investigating company group generally sagged. United foundej-s declined to a new low at lfi4 in active selling, and closed at 174, fraction.
Transamerica and Goldman Sachs each lost ahout points, then rebounded a point from the bottom. The Cities, Sen-ice group, strong features yesterday, yielded part of tneir rains in realising sales. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRrrr axd vegetables numbtr cars containing Florida fruit and veretaws wire from Jacksonville. Baldwin, tfiPh Springs and Hampton via all rail 24 nour ending at noon July is: Ohio, Korth Other Miss, and of Sa- Fonth'n Beyond vannah Points Total Vegetables .01 Peppers 0 1 0 1 Potatoes 0 5 a Movement Since Beginning nf Season, Kept. 1.
Kaltenhorn ABC Station 7:45 Chick Sala-Also WEAN WNAC WCAO WCAO WMAL WJAS WLBW WMAK WFBL WADC WHK WKRC WSPD WBT 8:00 Theater of Air-Also WEAN WNAC WCAU WCAO WMAL WJAS WI.BW WFBl. WMAK WDEL CFRB CKAC WADC WHK WKRC WSPD WSAZ WTAR WDBJ WBRC WDOD WI.AC Lake's Band-Also WEAN WNAC WCAO WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WLBW WKBW WFBL WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WSPD WWNC WDBJ WBRC WDOD WLAC WBT 8:30 Around the Samovar Also WEAN WNAC WCAO WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WFBL WHEC WKBW WADO WHK WAIU WKBN WSPD WWNC WTAR WDBJ WPG WBT 10:00 Observer ABC only; Back Home Hour Also WMAL WHr WFBL WKBW WKBN WSfD WTAR WDBJ WDOD WBT 11:00 Choral Islanders; Ann Leaf, Oreanist-WEAN WNAC WMAL WHP WFBL WADC WKRC WKBN WSTD WTAR WDBJ WBRC WDOD WBT 394.5 WJZ Naw York 760 (NBC Chain) 6:00 Scores; El Tango-Also WJR WRVA WJAX WSM WFLA-WSUN WB7, Koeatner Orehestra-Also WB7, WJR WGN WHAM WLW KDKA 7:00 Melodies hv Mixed Qnnrtet AIko WB7, WHAM "VJR WHAS WSM KDKA WJAX KYW WIOD WSB WBAL WPTF WRVA WFLA-WSUN Spanish Melodies Alfo WHAM KDKA WB7; WCKT 7:30 Goldman Band Alio WBZ KDKA WHAM WJR WCKT :45 Shakespearean Hour-Also WHAM KDKA CKGW WHAS 9:45 South Ses Islanders, Native String Mimic Also WHAM KDKA WJR 10:15 Nocturne Instrumental Trio Also WHAM ar.d Station 10:30 Remlnirence by Male Quartet (30m.) Also CKGW KDKA EASTERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS No. 2 while, J737: No. 3 3'. Rye.
no lc. Barley, 43 Timothy seed, 1.284? S.SA. Clover 1" 2Sn 1T.7.V Lard, rib, hellie. 13.50. white, W54, Feed.
93 91 COTTON 23 Gt Nor Ry 7A38 110 1)0 Ufl 6 Hud foal 6sAK3 68 68 86 2 HuriAM rfg 5A57 99 99 99 3 do adj inc 887 79 79 79 3 Hum oRef 8s37 101 lii ion, 9 111 Tell 55fl 10 6 jns 25 Inland Pt 4A78 96 95 95 7 IniRT rfg 6sta68 62 62 62 3 lnt Cement 648 101 101 1 lom papers for a husband. She claims a hundred year and sava she has otit- lived four husbands already, as well as some great-grandchildren, DUBLIN The birth rate in the Irish Free State, according to late official figures, Is still high. Dublin leads with 81.1 births a thousand of population, Cork coming net with 28.8. NANKING Czecho-fMovakia has Riven the Nationalist government 18 trees for planling in the garden surrounding the tomb of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen at Purple Mountain, near this city.
LACARNO, Switzerland The Ku-ropean branch of the Tomarkin Foundation of New York bm started to build a laboratory here for research and experimental therapeutics in tuberculosis. Dr. Leander Tomarkin gave $10,000 to start the work. GLASGOW Ten Scottish Boy Scouts have been selected to spend five years on the northern islands of Hudson's Bay as apprentices in the fur trade of the Hudson Bay Co. Afterwards they will be given Jobs in Canada.
BUDAPEST, Hungary Cardinal Justinian Seredl, primate of Hungary, led a pilgrimage of 80,000 men to the shrine of Maria Bosnyo, 40 miles from this city, as pnrt of the clebratlon of the BOOth anniversary year of St. Emery. BERLIN Helen Keller's 60th birthday was noted by German newspapers with pictures and articles on her life. Dr. Paul Silex.
chief of the Berlin School for "War-Blinded Per-sons, lectured over the radio on her work. NEW ORLEANS, July 19. Cotton futures closed neady, 10 points higher. 107 Grlis Grunow 66 Hlirh Low 1 3 62 1 3.61 13, "6 13.66 1 Int GNor adj 652 86 86 20 lnt Hy El 644 100 100 34 lnt Match 547 99 99 16 IntTAT cvt 4s39 111 111 100 99 111 21 26 96 20 79 7 107 208 25 78 72 54 68 2 4S 84 85 47 72 56 44 36 79 35 77 41 29 67 6 14 16 14 98 12 35 15 23 8 18 83 26 47 62 25 19 4 49H 28 2' 10 94 74 20 38 29 14 38 46 23 16 16 36 4 17 36 NAVAL STORES July 19. (T Turpentine firm, 38; sales, 63; receipt, 728; shlpmenls.
none; stock, 17,664. Rosin firm; sales, 694; receipts, 1.93"; shipments, none; stock, 86.640, Quote: to K.4.70; 6.10; V(1, 5.3.1; WW, 6.45; 6.60. SPAIN ESTABLISHES NEW BULLFIGHT REGULATIONS MADRID. July 19. Nulls, bullfighters, and bull rliift fnn In Spain have had their rlRhls nnd their duties' nharply defined hy the enactment of new regulations covering; the national pastime.
Bulla are to have the rlirht to enjoy at leaMt four years of life before Close 1 3 52- 13.71. 13 87- 12.94. 13.29.32 13.47-49 Jsnuary March Mav July October ltecemher 6 do deb-565 9 87 12 99 13.33 13.50 12 90 13.24 3.41 100 100 92 92 loii 1oo 88 66 99 99 99 99 IB KC Pou rfg 660 100 46 KC Term 1st 460 92 4 LSAMfl gld 4s.1l 100 32 Lautarlo Nit 664 86 2 LehVPa con403 99 2 Loews Inc 6sxw41 99 7 Manh Ry con 490 47 Other Ohio. North Miss, and of Ea- YORK, July 19. South'n NEW futures 26 78 72 64 55 2 46 88 86 47 72 64 44 36 79 36 77 41 29 87 6 82 14 16 14 98 12 86 35 15 23 6 13 83 26 47 81 25 4 49 28 26 2(1 10 94 73 62 20 37 26 13 38 4fi 23 16 18 36 4 17 38 66 63 62 30 44 80 74 61 6 2 47 45 88 47 73 66 45 36 35 75 41 29 67 8 82 16 16 14 (6 12 69 36 15 23 6 86 26 49 66 26 19 49 29 28 27 10 95 75 63 21 38 28 14 38 87 24 18 16 87 18 36 86 66 63 30 46 rinsed very stendv.
II 1.1 25 Won vannah points higher 47 47 split middling, Oranges ...3626 Crapefruit .5272 Total 1915 1701 1201 13.85, 10973 3 Mid Ptl cvt 5s38 101 101 101 4 AT 1st 490 87V 97V 974. Tangerines 19 102. 10 109 lot 40J 1 tmr rvi SV4B49A 25 do is77F lot 100 Nat ttalry 648 87 IO014 101 7 97 103 102 Lettuce Vegatahles Tappers Tomatoes Cabbage Cukes 221! 320 69 14 89 Points 1181 46 0 (1 in? 3S3 0 13 I 481 412 5973 12 4472 S59 9793 2 MVIVxAM 664 12 3 NYi'AUB rAI 613 107 Hlich Low Clo January (nidi 13 72 13.86 13.76- January (new) 13 66 13.17 13.66. MRrch 13,76 13.86 11.73-75 May U.9I 1 3 85 13.81- lilly 13.43 13.26 13.43- October told) 3.U 13 46 13.68- (new) 13 33 13.18 13 31.3 December (old) 13 71 13.84 13.74- December (new), 13 50,13.39 beinsr thrown to the ring to face the 1 Hahn Dept 8 Hartman 4 Hershey Choc 8 Houdall Hersh 78 Houston Oil 11 Hudson Mot Car, 12 Hupp Mot Car Indepcnd A 2 Indian Motor 41 Indian Fefin 70 Int Harvester 85 lnt Nickel Can 72 lnt A Tel 47 Johns Manvll i Kayeer A Co. 89 Kelvinstor Corp 4 Kelly Spring 80 Kennect Cop 1 8 resHte- 8 8 Co 12 Kreutter A 19 Kroner Groc 5 Lehigh Va Coal.
15 Llg A Myers 28 Loew inn 12 Loot Wiles Blict 19 Lorillard -KMu A El 8 Ludlum Pd 3 Marmon Mo' or 1 Math Alk 8 May Dept Str 44 Mex Seabrd 4 Miami Copper 4 Minn Mnl imp 23 Montgnm Ward 1 Moto Meter 10 Murray Corp 9 Nah Motors 5 Nut Blurt .3318 Celery 293 133 3S7 201 WH S092 f3 340 1720 400 I 107 107 00 100 122 123 93 94 106 106 sword of the mntador. AU rings must have emergency 1 do 4k13 4 NVNHAir rvt 648 122 3 do lutArfg 4s67 94 3 NY Tel rfg 641 10 8 KYWARna 46 86iA 239 4irs 256.J WCAU Philadelphia 1170 6:00 Same WABC hrt.) 6:15 Lost Clue: Pioneers; Feat. as WABC 2'A hr.) Atlantio City Parade 305.9 KDKA Plttiburoh 980 6:00 WJZ (1 Orchestra :r.0-Pam a W.IZ hr.) WJZ Programs 260.7 WHAM RochMter 1150 6:00 Sax Smith Csvsller 6J0-Same as WJZ (3 hrs.) S79.S WQY Sehsneeteely 790 as WEAF (514 302.8 WBZ Springfield 990 8:00 Same as WJZ UH hrs.) 1:13 Sports; Ensemble 272.6 WPO Atlantio City 1100 WABC Oroh. (4.rm.): WABO (m.) Orchestra Quartet 30m.l; City Parade 282.8-WBAL Baltlmore-1060 (1 hr.1; Reverie 0:0 Henrietta Kern, Soprsno WJZ Baltimorean 232.8 WTIC Hartford-1060 00-WEAF flam.J; Scores; Strings :4:. Organ WEA UQm.) 9:45 Musical; Merry Madcap WOR Newark 710 String Quartet I no Varletv; Orchestra Stories! playhouse 10:30 The Moonbtsmt hospitals to Inntire Immcilinie trrnt- Ftrawberrles 3 Potatoes 423 Feans 24 W.
Melons .2391 Cantaloupes 0 68 58 21 10 Nor Am Ed 68J 103 103 103 11 do 6690 96 9 98 880 1 ment for "toreadores'' that establish close acrtimlntance with bulls' horns. WALL STREET BRIEFS Ths spectators are forbidden, under penalty of heavy fines, to 15 Nor Pa 6sE47 113 113 113 1 Nor Et Pr 6sA41 104 104 104 1 OWashRRAN 461 92 93 92 2 Pac GAEl 642 102 10314 02 10 Pac TAT rfg 652 108 10S 106 Par Lssky 047 lom 101 101 10 Pa RR gen 4Hb ino joo 100 29 PhllR r0 687 loni, 111(1 oo 3 Pbll Rearll'1 649 99 09 V. create disturbances, Jt has been customary to express tlissiitisfactlon NEW TORK. July 19. An Order from the soviet government, through Atntorg Trading Corporation for large, number of farm tractors has hern received hy the International Marvesier company, officials of the company declining to state- the exact Notice to Bondholders If ron are the towner of any loral bond Ton ar invited to mail as your lit of holdings.
We ran be of service to yon. Information fnniiffhed promptly without charaa on any issue. with bulls or butlflshtprs by throw wk chair, oranges, and CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS 11 Phillips ret l39 96 96 6 onions, 86 1 rmco Am Tobfis42 88 68 nnmher. Manufacture) of the tractors 10 Pntimi TACab 661 93 93 Towns where public. Instruction Is win negin at once.
36 Per El AG 1 1" 68 99 not up to scratch will not be permitted to hold bullfights. 99 98 NL-BedfdrdSQi Tint National Bonk Bldf. I Fhona 33 I William Vngrlhark. president of the Amcrlcen States I'lihlic 93 100 99 98 88 98 93 f.0 .4 2 63 62 90 44 company said earninirs of the com 19 Nat Canti Rci A. 18 Nat miry prd 1 Nat Dint Prd 88 Nat Pr A Lt 26 Nev Con f'hp .1 rentrat cure oil SV437 11 Rand 6s47ww 6 Kit.
Oil Cal 64 4 5 Pl.lMAP4RGdv3J PtLsG 4,78 12 ScnbAL con 64R 1 PAIIKlHRy 83 3 A Shell pip, 662 88 98 93 60 42 96 vx 88 99 92 49 42 95 too 18 panv for the six month ended June 30 will exceed by about per cent thoe Of the corresponding period last year, when the company reported' Station WSUN 484 METLRS CO KC. lfil 17 1M lltfrt 108 107 107 100 ,12 I 549ww 100 9 ino CiSO-Vtolin WABC iUm) Firt Baptist Church as WABC (2V hri.) 366.6 WHAS Leulsvllle 20 WEAF (SH rs- 10:15 Studio: Reporter 10:40 Homing Program 461.3 WSM Nsshvllle 650 WJZ Concert 7:45 Concert WltAF 8:45 Church Service Hour from WEAF 270.1 WRVA Richmond 1110 4 Mmie T-oe-WJZ fUm.l! Musi" -r un-Half Hour frcm WEAF 005: Mrk' Episcopal Church ISk-hmond Blues band CHINESE NAVAL OFFICERS STUDY BRITISH METHODS SHANGHAI. Twenty Chi-nese naval officers and cadets have gone to England to study British methods of finning a "big time" navy. They are making the trip at 'he Invitation of the British eov.m-mr-nt and will remain in England ahout two years. The officers in th party expect to enter Greenwich Naval scademy nnd tnk the snm" course in tactics 4Ui British atudents, net 01 428.3 WLW Cincinnati 700 8:00 Opera Story (Som.Ji WJZ Hour of Orchestra Orchestra 9:15 Concert Hour; Variety Programs (J hn.) 398.8 WJR Detroit 750 Mtmie WJZ (14 hr.) Mummer 45 WJZ (30m.l: Happy Prof.
11:00 New: Dance (J hrr) 405.J-WSB Atlnte-740. 7 on-WJZ WEAF Pregrsm's 6 Program Journal Orchestra Same si WEAF Bright Spot; Organ 877.6 WST Charlott-1C30 WACC hr. 104 103 104 77 .77 einc Oil 7s37 30 do 636 103 .1112 14 103 4 A 37 No Amer Co I Nortlin Pa-1 8 Pac A El 34 Purkard Mnt 8 Fan Am Pel 48 Para I'uhlu 68 18 4 -no -c Among the early report of June .77 59 15 69 62 i 6 operations from railroads Is that, of 69 63 Ira (NHD; Friendly Hour (N1U' .1:00, Sunday Forum iNHC 4 00. Twilight Reverie (NHC1! the Kansas City Southern, which re 68 15 59 61 4 67 78 17 Local and Northern Socuriiies Bought Sold Quoted Lorne Corsaut West Const RIdg. PT-nne 41H7 jar' Inv'o'niaot 6 14 Path Exchg ported net nnrratln Income of IHO.Mi! 4 Pnny Co.
for the month, a decrease of The Catholic Hour; raullst Choi 57 76 5 Bel TAT 641. lo 104 104 2 Sou Pao 4H09ww 99 99 90 rfg 91 9( 9 ou pv gen 9014 90 90 I Bell Tel 654 106 109 106 Pt Oil N.T deh 646 103 103 403 ft Oil NT 451 99 99 99 1 Tn El rf 6.A47 108 16 1'i 7.1 Corp I4 .104 14 17 TV font, oil 63J 10914 oo Vo JP 467 190. 100 68 76 17- (VMf'l: Arrefilinos (NPt from lUn.iii for the like month last 1 Twtllcht M'ltir; 7 00. Fnns year, operating1 Income for the Pnn 14 Phils BdK ft 22 Pet Proe A Gamhin 42 Corp i tl.Jl AtelnHtes rVPCl: 7:15 53 73 Mi tnon'hs ended June 3d 93 21 t' The lee 4NWl: 'fo llt.inn, compared with P.7TT.813 for 17 93 1:00. Pavld Lawrenc VNEC).
the corresponding period lat year,.